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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008763

No of Pages: 65

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The study of minimum inhibitory concentration, minimum bactericidal concentration and the killing time of ethanol, sodium hypochlorite and hydrogen peroxide on Staphylococcus aureus was carried out. The test organism, Staphylococcus aureus was isolated from the nasal cavity of humans. The media used was nutrient agar, streak plate method was employed. Colonial morphology, Gram staining and biochemical tests were used in the identification of the test organism, Staphylococcus aureus. Ethanol, Sodium hypochlorite and Hydrogen peroxide were utilized as disinfectants in this study. The study of the minimum inhibitory concentration, minimum bactericidal concentration  and the killing time of these three disinfectants was conducted on Staphylococcus aureus using the tube dilution method (Quantitative method) under the time intervals of 3, 7 and 10 minutes respectively. The killing time of ethanol at concentration of 70%, 80% and 95% was at 10 minutes. For sodium hypochlorite, at concentrations of 1% and 2%, the killing time was 10 minutes while at 3% concentration, the killing time ranged from 7 and 10 minutes. For Hydrogen peroxide, at 5% concentration, the killing time ranged from 7 and 10 minute while at concentration 10% and 15%, the killing time ranged from 3, 7 and 10 minutes. At the different concentrations of ethanol used, the minimal bactericidal concentration and minimal inhibitory concentrations were 1000µl/ml and 250µl/ml respectively. At 15% concentration, hydrogen peroxide showed the least values of minimum bactericidal concentration and minimum inhibitory concentration which were 500µl/ml and 62.5µl/ml respectively. At 5% concentration, hydrogen peroxide showed the highest values of minimum bactericidal concentration and minimum inhibitory concentration at 2000µl/ml and 250µl/ml respectively. The minimum bactericidal concentration and minimum inhibitory concentration of 1% Sodium hypochlorite were at 2000µl/ml while 2% and 3% had similar effect in terms of the minimum inhibitory concentration and minimum bactericidal concentration which occurred at 2000µl/ml and 1000µl/ml respectively. The results showed that 15% Hydrogen peroxide had the highest efficacy against Staphylococcus aureus, both during the determination of the killing time and in the determination of the minimum inhibitory concentration and minimum bactericidal concentration while 1% Sodium hypochlorite which showed both minimum inhibitory concentration and minimum bactericidal concentration at 2000µl/ml had the least efficacy against Staphylococcus aureus.


Title Page                                                                                                                    i

Certification                                                                                                               ii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iii

Acknowledgements                                                                                                    iv

Table of Contents                                                                                                       v

List of Tables                                                                                                              vi

List of Figures                                                                                                             vii

Abstract                                                                                                                      viii



1.0       Introduction                                                                                                    1

1.1       Justification of the study                                                                                 5

1.2       General aim of the study                                                                                5

1.3       Objectives of the study                                                                                   6



2.0       Literature Review                                                                                           7

2.1       History of Disinfectants                                                                                 8

2.2       About Disinfectants                                                                                        9

2.3       Sources of Contamination of Surfaces                                                           9

2.4       Types of Disinfectants                                                                                    10

2.4.1    Non-oxidizing disinfectants                                                                           10

2.4.2    Alchohols                                                                                                        11

2.4.3    Aldehyde                                                                                                        12

2.4.4    Phenol                                                                                                             12

2.4.5    Quaternary ammonium compounds                                                               13

2.4.6    Oxidizing agents                                                                                             13

2.4.7    Sodium hypochlorite                                                                                      14

2.4.8    Chlorine dioxide                                                                                             14

2.4.9    Hydrogen peroxide                                                                                         14

2.4.10  Iodine                                                                                                              15

2.4.11  Peracetic acid                                                                                                  15

2.4.12  Home disinfectants                                                                                         15

2.5       Properties of a Disinfectant                                                                            17

2.6       General Features of Disinfectant                                                                    17

2.7       Factors influencing the efficacy of disinfectant                                             20

2.8       General Features of the Test Organisms                                                        21

2.9       Mechanism of Actions of Disinfectants against Bacteria                              22

2.10     Resistant Action of Bacteria                                                                           23

2.10.1  Staphylococcus aureus sensitivity                                                                  24

2.11     Advantages and Disadvantages of Disinfectants                                            24

2.11.1  Advantages                                                                                                     24

2.11.2  Disadvantages                                                                                                 26

2.12     General Guidelines in the Use of Disinfectants                                             27


3.0       Material and Method                                                                                      29

3.1       Study area                                                                                                       29

3.2       Sources and concentration of disinfectants used                                            29

3.3       Preparation of different concentration of disinfectants                                  29       

3.4       Media used                                                                                                      31

3.5       Collection of test sample and isolation                                                          31

3.6       Biochemical identification of bacteria isolate                                                            31

3.6.1    Gram staining                                                                                                 32

3.6.2    Catalase test                                                                                                    32

3.6.3    Coagulase test                                                                                                 32

3.7       Materials                                                                                                         33

3.8       Killing time of different dilutions of the disinfectant used in this study

 using suspension test                                                                                     33

3.9       Minimium inhibitory concentration                                                               34

3.10     Minimium bactericidal concentration                                                            34       


4.0       Results                                                                                                             35


5.0       Discussion                                                                                                       41

5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                      42

5.2       Recommendations                                                                                          43       








TABLE                 TITLE                                                       PAGES

 4.1                  Results of the killing time of the different dilutions  of the disinfectants used                            36                               

4.2                   Shows the minimum inhibitory concentration and

minimum bactericidal concentration of different

dilutions of the disinfectants used.                          37






FIGURES                              TITLE                                PAGES

 4.1:     The minimum inhibitory concentration and minimum bactericidal

concentration of ethanol.                                                                                38       

4.2:      The minimum inhibitory concentration and minimum bactericidal

            concentration of hydrogen peroxide.                                                              39

 4.3:     The minimum inhibitory concentration and minimum bactericidal

concentration  of sodium hypochlorite.                                                          40






Bacteria are a major cause of disease and even human death. Disinfectant as an effective agent to kill or eliminate bacteria is widely used in varies ways, especially in microbial laboratory. Disinfectants can be mainly divided into five agents: alkylating, sulfhydryl combining, oxidizing, dehydrating and permeable. The most commonly used disinfectants in lab are ethanol, sodium hypochlorite and sometimes hydrogen peroxide. The main constituent of sodium hypochlorite acts by oxidizing the cell of microorganisms and attacking essential cell components including lipid, protein and DNA (Ho-Hyuk Jang et al., 2008).

Ethanol as a dehydrating agent causes the cell membrane damage, rapid denaturalization of proteins with subsequent metabolism interference and cell lyses (Larson and Morton, 1991).

Hydrogen peroxide as a daily used disinfectant, normally works by producing destructive hydroxyl free radicals that can attack membrane lipids, DNA and other essential cell components. Catalase produced by aerobic organisms and facultative anaerobes that possess cytochrome systems, can protect cells from metabolically produced hydrogen peroxide by degrading hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen. Many studies have been done on comparison of disinfectant efficiency; ethanol and sodium hypochlorite are believed to have immediate effect against most organisms (Carly N. Jordan, et al., 2006). For bacterial strains, E.coli has been used widely in disinfectant test as a pathogen indicator.

In this study, a disinfectant experiment was conducted using different concentration of laboratory ethanol, commercial bleach (sodium hypochlorite) and hydrogen peroxide against pure Staphylococcus aureus. The efficiency of disinfectant was compared under three different contact times. Microorganisms are minute living things that individually are too small to be seen with the unaided eyes (Tortora et al., 2007).  Though only a minority of microorganisms are pathogenic (disease producing), practical knowledge of microbes is necessary for medicine and related health sciences.  For example hospital workers must be able to protect patients from common microbes that are normally harmless but pose a threat to the sick and injured.  Thousands of people die in devastating epidemics in which the cause was not understood.  Entire families died because vaccination and antibiotics were not available to fight infection (Johnson and Case, 1995).

Disinfectants used in the food processing industry include oxidizing agents, e.g., hypochlorite, hydrogen peroxide (H­2O2), ozone and peracetic acid, denaturing agents, e.g., alcohol-based products, non-oxidizing and surface tension diminishing agents, and enzyme-based compounds (Wirtanen et al., 2001). These disinfectants must be effective, safe and easy to use, and easily rinsed off from surfaces, leaving no toxic residues that could affect the health properties and sensory values of the final products (Wirtanen et al., 2000). Thus the appropriate concentration of a disinfectant should be applied in the factory in order to avoid propagation of food-borne diseases. Usually an effective cleaning and sanitation step is a part of a program to inactivate microorganisms, preventing the accumulation of microbial cells and particulates on the surfaces of equipment as well as biofilm formation (Peng et al., 2002). In the processes of cleaning and disinfection of the food industry, a concentration that is too low increases the risk of acquisition of resistance to the disinfectant, and a concentration that is too high increases the cost and the environmental burden (Luppens et al., 2002). Before application, each suitable disinfectant should be tested against different microbial strains and under working conditions representative of the food industry. The design of food-processing equipment is also important to achieve better “cleanability” of the food contact surface once bacterial adhesion has occurred. Comparative cleaning studies carried out on materials like stainless steel, glass, nylon and polyvinyl compounds showed no significant differences in cleanability when the surfaces were new (Le Clercq-Perlat and Lalande, 1994).

Hydrogen peroxide contains properties, germicidal effectiveness, and potential uses for stabilized hydrogen peroxide in the health-care setting. It ascribes good germicidal activity to hydrogen peroxide and attest to its bactericidal, virucidal, sporicidal, and fungicidal properties (Rutala et al., 1993).Hydrogen peroxide works by producing destructive hydroxyl free radicals that can attack membrane lipids, DNA and other essential cell components. Catalase, produced by aerobic organisms and facultative anaerobes that possess cytochrome systems, can protect cells from metabolically produced hydrogen peroxide by degrading hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen. This defense is overwhelmed by the concentrations used for disinfection (Omidbakhsh and Sattar, 2006).

Sodium hypochlorite has traditionally been used as a disinfectant because of its effectiveness in killing a wide range of organisms, However, NaOCl use has many limitations, including the severe corrosive effect on metals and some other materials, the release of toxic chlorine gas when mixed with ammonia or acidic body fluids, and the mutagenic and carcinogenic materials that may result from the interaction between the organic matter and chlorine in many forms. These side effects represent the main limitation of the use of chlorine and limit its use to being a popular cleaner for domestic and housekeeping purposes (Yilmaz et al., 2005).

Ethanol in the healthcare setting refers to chemical compounds ethanol that have generally underrated germicidal characteristics. The ethanol is rapidly bactericidal rather than bacteriostatic against vegetative forms of bacteria; they also are tuberculocidal, fungicidal, and virucidal but do not destroy bacterial spores. Their cidal activity drops sharply when diluted below 50% concentration, and the optimum bactericidal concentration is 60%–90% solutions in water (volume/volume) (Ali et al., 2001).The most feasible explanation for the antimicrobial action of ethanol is denaturation of proteins. This mechanism is supported by the observation that absolute ethyl alcohol, a dehydrating agent, is less bactericidal than mixtures of alcohol and water because proteins are denatured more quickly in the presence of water (Ali et al., 2001).The bacteriostatic action was believed caused by inhibition of the production of metabolites essential for rapid cell division.

However, certain types of viruses and some bacteria are resistant to the killing action of Phenolics compound (ISO, 2008).  Many studies have been done on comparison of disinfectant efficiency, and ethanol and bleach are believed to have immediate effect against most organisms (Carly et al., 2006). 

Staphylococcus aureus is an invasive, toxigenic organisms is called disinin patients with abnormal host deficiencies. Staphylococcus aureus occur in 40 – 50% of humans.  Hospitalized patients as well as medical and paramedical staff show higher incidence of carriage of it (Bhatia and Icchpujani, 2008).


It is important to establish the concentration of disinfectants that can be inhibitory and bacteriostatic on bacteria and also the duration of time for their effectiveness. In microbiology, the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) is the lowest concentration of an antimicrobial that will inhibit the visible growth of a microorganism after overnight incubation. Minimum inhibitory concentrations are important in diagnostic laboratories to confirm resistance of microorganisms to an antimicrobial agent and also to determine the potency of new antimicrobial agents.  MIC is generally regarded as the most basic laboratory measurement of the activity of an antimicrobial, the minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) is the lowest concentration of an antibacterial agent required to kill a particular bacterium. It can be determined from broth dilution minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) tests by sub culturing to agar plates that do not contain the test agent. The MBC is identified by determining the lowest concentration of antibacterial agent that reduces the viability of the initial bacterial inoculum by ≥99.9%.


1.     To determine the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC), Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) and killing time of ethanol, hydrogen peroxide and sodium hypochlorite on Staphylococcus aureus.



1.         To determine the duration of time for the effectiveness of ethanol, sodium hypochlorite and hydrogen peroxide on Staphylococcus aureus.

2.         To determine the minimal inhibitory concentration and minimal bactericidal concentration of ethanol on Staphylococcus aureus.

3.         To determine the minimal inhibitory concentration and minimal bactericidal concentration of Hydrogen peroxide on Staphylococcus aureus.

4.         To determine the minimal inhibitory concentration and minimal bactericidal concentration of Sodium hypochlorite on Staphylococcus aureus.

5.         To find out the concentration of disinfectants that will be effective in Gram positive Staphylococcus aureus.


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