1.1 Background
to the Study
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Research Question
1.4 Objective of the Study
1.5 Hypothesis of Study
1.6 Operation Definition of Terms
2.1 Theories Review under Self Efficacy
2.1:1 Social Cognitive Theory – Bandura (1993)
2.1:2 Theory of Reasonned Action Martin &
Ajzen (1980)
2.1:3 Theory of Planned Behaviour Ajzen (1985)
2.2:1 Ability Model Mayer & Salovey (1997)
2.2.2 Emotional–Social Intelligence Model Bar-On
2.2:3 Goleman’s Model of Emotional Intelligence (1995)
2.2:4 Trait Emotional Intelligence Model Petrides
2.3 Theories Review Under Gender
2.3:1 Psychoanalytic Theory Sigmund Freud (1933).
2.3.2 Gender Schema Theory Martain &
Halverson (1981)
2.4 Theories Review under Test Anxiety
2.4:1 Processing
Efficiency Model Eysenck and Calvo (1992)
2.4:2 Interference
Model Zeidner (1998)
2.4:3 Transactional Process Model Spielberger & Vagg
3.1 Participants
3.2 Instruments
3.3 Procedure
3.4 Design/Statistics
6:1 Summary
of Findings
6:2 Conclusion
6:3 Limitation
of the Study
6:4 Recommendation
1.1 Background to the Study
generally is a physiological and psychological state characterized by cognitive
somatic, emotional and behavioural component (Seligam, Walker & Resenhen
2001). Although anxiety is often detrimental, it may be beneficial, if is not
extreme. An optimal amount of anxiety can mobilize human being to respond
rapidly and efficiently, while excessive amount of anxiety may foster poor
response and some time inhibit response (Simpson, Parker & Harrison, 1995).
anxiety is a complex and multi dimensional construct comprising cognitive,
physiological and behavioural component that has been define as “an emotional
state experienced during examination or test” (Chapel et al, 2005, Spielberger &
Vagg, 2005).
anxiety is another important variable often related to academic performance.
According to Keogh and French (2001), test anxiety predisposed individual to
react negatively to the test itself. Test anxiety make it hard for student to
concentrate on test and perform adequately.
comprehensive reviews by Hambree (1988) studies showed that test anxiety caused
poor performance. It implies that test anxiety had a negative relation with
student’s performance. Therefore, the high-test anxious students tended to
score lower than low test anxious student.
This result was supported by the finding of various
studies (Eman and Farooqi, 2005, MC Donald, 2001).
on the other hand is one of main method of assessment in school at all level
(Papantonious, Moraitous and Filippidous, 2011); As a result of that, many
student become anxious when presented with test and almost all student
experience test anxiety at least once in their academic life (Keogh et al,
to Spielberger and Vagg (1995) test anxious individual is more prone to react
with excessive anxiety (such as worry, negative thought, nervousness and
physiological arousal) across evaluative situation. The high level of state
anxiety among the test anxious individual in an evaluative situation activates
worry conditions stored in one’s memory. Consequently, these worry conditions
interferes with the test anxious individual’s performance on a test (Zeidner,
test anxiety is a significant educational problem affecting many student in
school (Salend, 2011). Researchers has reported test anxiety as one of major
cause for student under achievement and low performance at different level of
their educational life (Oludipe, 2009) and has been shown to affect student’s
ability to profit from instruction (Schon Wetler, 1995).
(1984) proposed that concept of test anxiety comprises (1) Tension: emotional
feelings that one experience prior or during the test. (2) Worry: thoughts
relative to test performance. (3) Test irrelevant thinking: thought that divert
the student attention away from the test itself (4) Bodily symptoms:
psychological reaction prior or during test.
Worry and irrelevant thinking are cognitive
component whereby tension and bodily symptom are considered into emotional
component (David, Brendan and Gary, 2000).
the origin of test anxiety is explained with learning deficit model. This model
prostulates that anxiety lies not in taking the test but in preparing for the
test (Kleijn, VanderPloeg & Topman, 1994). This model further states that
students with high test anxiety tend to have or use inadequate learning skill
while in the preparation stage of test taking.
Chapel et al (2005) showed that test anxiety
has negative correlation with self
efficacy. Similarly Cassady and Johnson (2002) and Jing (2007) found that test
anxiety is negatively correlated to self efficacy.
to Bandura (1997) self-efficacy is the belief in one’s own capacity to organize
and execute the courses of action required to manage prospective situation.
Studies shows that one’s own belief of efficacy function as an important
determinant of motivation, affect, thought and action (Bandura, 1993, 1994,
to Payares and Schunk (2001) assumption and belief student develop and hold to
be true about themselves are vital in their success or failure in school. As
noted by Bandura (1997) individual creates and develop self perception of
capability that become instrumental to the goals they pursue and to the control
they exercise over their environment. Individuals are understood to posses
self-belief that enable them to exercise a measure of control over their
thoughts, feelings and action.
people with high self efficacy approach difficult task as challenge to be
mastered rather than threat to be avoided. Student with high level of self
efficacy imagine how they can succeed and they trust in their own abilities
while student with low level of self efficacy sees difficult task as threat to
avoid (Bandura, 1994).
and Knight (2010) study showed that students can avoid negative outcome of test
anxiety by thinking of past achievement which will build courage and endurance
and in turn will increase their efficacy. However, those with high level of
self efficacy show lower level of test anxiety, possibly because they believe
in themselves and are able to imagine a successful outcome (Barrow et al,
intelligence is another important variable often related to test anxiety. Since
1990, Peter Salovey and John, G. Mayer have been the lending researcher on
emotional intelligence. In their influential article “Emotional intelligence”
they defined emotional intelligence as “the subset of social intelligence that
involves the ability to monitor one’s own and other’s feelings and emotions to
discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and
action” (Mayer & Salovey, 1990).
to Bar-On (1997), Emotional intelligence is related to understanding one-self
and others, concerning with people adapting to and coping with the immediate
environment to be successful in dealing with requirements of understanding.
When emotional intelligence skill are focus of learning, student are building
human development behaviour that are intricately related to the positive
outcome achievement, goal achievement and personal well being (Adeyemo, 2007).
intelligence has been said to matter twice as much as IQ (Goleman, 1998). Yet
it has been labeled as “allusive concept” (Davies, Stankor and Robert, 1998).
It has also, according to some, “proven resistant to adequate measurement”
(Beckers, 2003), Others have claimed that a considerable body of research
“suggests that Emotional intelligence provides the basis for competence
important in almost all task (Cherniss, 2004). But “Emotional intelligence
appears to be more myth than science” (Mathew, Zeidner and Robert 2002).
study and measurement of emotional intelligence has its root in the work of
such psychometrics pioneers as Binet, Thorndike and wechster among others
(Francher, 1995). Emotional Intelligence comprises two major factors which is
intelligence and emotion. Intelligence can be viewed as representing primarily,
the capacity to carryout abstract thought as well as the general ability to
learn and adapt to environment (Sternberg & Delterman, 1986, Terman 1921,
Wechler, 1997). This ability often said to be represented by a common general
factor (Carrol, 1993, Delterman, 1983, Spear man, 1927).
has been considerable research into the influence of emotional maturity of the
same performance of people. The impact of the same on test anxiety has not been
extensively delved into. There have indeed been some studies that demonstrate
the predictive effect of emotional intelligence on academic achievement and
performance (Bar-On 2003 Marquez, Martin & Bracket 2006, Adeyemo, 2007) but
just a few of them have sought to provide evidence of empirical relationship
between student’s emotional intelligence and their scores in the studies.
(2001) states that “student who have emotional competency can better deal with
pressure of peer politics, high demand required for academic performance and
temptation of alcohol, drugs and sex”. However, the way of emotional
intelligence are being used both by the student and those who support them has
a powerful effect on their life (Bayani, 2015). Emotional intelligence appear
to be a core ingredient that when developed and well employed has wide ranging
benefit for learning relationship and well being (Bayani, 2015).
gender could possibly predict difference in level of test anxiety in students.
Zeidner (1990) and Kessler et al (1995) found that girls significantly have
high test anxiety than boys. However, Mwanwenda (1993) found no significant
gender difference in test anxiety among South Africa sample.
from the theoretical perspective states that girls have greater verbal
abilities than boys. Girls acquire language and develop verbal skills at an
earlier age than boys (Bornstein & Haynes, 1998) and display a small but
consistent verbal advantage on tests of reading comprehension and speech fluency
throughout child and adolescence.
and Sud (1990) found that female student experience higher level of test
anxiety than male irrespective of their culture background. The study involved
student from four Asian culture. They further argue that the major fundamental
factors involved in the gender related difference in test anxiety among student
may be a greater role expectation conflict among female then among male student
(Farooqi et al, 2012).
1.2 Statement Of The Problem
to the increasing maladjusted behaviour manifested by many student during test
and against the proven empirical fact that test anxiety necessarily inherently
stressful. It is necessary to have a look at the factors that contributes to
test anxiety. Specifically the study examine self-efficacy, emotional
intelligence and gender on test anxiety among secondary school student.
1.3 Research Question
on articulated objective of the study, the following research questions are
addressed in the work:
1. Are
there significant relationship among self efficacy, emotional intelligence,
gender and test anxiety?
2. What
is the co-relational effect of self efficacy, emotional intelligence and gender
on test anxiety?
3. What
is the separate effect of self efficacy, emotional intelligence and gender on
test anxiety?
1.4 Objective Of The Study
The finding of this study will be useful in
improving the quality of learning techniques in schools.
To help in reducing test anxiety syndrome in
To help in reducing examination malpractice
due to poor preparation during test or examination.
To educate teachers on the importance of good
teaching technique and good test conduct
To help in improving the standard of education
in our society and make examination or test less stressful as it was assumed to
1.5 Hypothesis Of Study
following hypothesis could therefore be tested in the course of the study:
There would be no significant effect of self-efficacy
on test anxiety.
There would be no significant effect of
emotional intelligence on test anxiety.
There would be no significant effect of gender
on test anxiety.
There would be no significant effect of self
efficacy, emotional intelligence and gender on test anxiety.
1.6 Operation Definition Of Terms
Self-efficacy- is
the individual assessment of their capabilities to organize and execute action
required to achieve successful level of performance (Bandura, 1994).
Emotional intelligence- is
the process of one’s assessment of his own and other’s emotion accurately to
express feelings appropriately and process of using emotional information to
make life better (Salovery & Mayer, 1990).
Gender- is a
social construction that outline the role behaviour activities and attribution
that a particular society believes are appropriate for men and women (Martin
& Halverson, 1981)
Test anxiety- is
an emotional states experienced during examination or test consisting of
feeling of tension, apprehension, nervousness, worry and associated
psychological arousal resulting from activation of the automatic nervous system
(Chapel et al, 1996, Spielberger & Vagg, 2005).
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