This research project it titled “the Role of
Communication in Enhancing labour-Management Relations (A case study of
Academic Pres Plc, Lagos). The study has assessed the role of communication
within the context of labour-management relationship, practice, but with
special focus on the employees of Academic Press Plc. Lagos, as a case.
Communication is household word which tends to facilitate understanding and
co-operation in the conduct of human activities. Furthermore, communication is
a vital tool in achieving organizational goods and enhancing industrial
harmony. Management needs to communicate effectively with workers in order to
get the desired results from their efforts. Also, workers have to understand
the policies and objectives of management, if they must be efficient and
effective in the fulfillment of their job responsibilities. Hence, workers expect
to be informed at all-time about issues that generally affect them.
This study was
primarily embarked upon to discover how communication can be sued to create a
better atmosphere for labour and management to co-exist and operate peacefully
and profitably in the purist of the set goals and objectives of the
organization. In addition, the study
also sought to find out the extent to which any existence of communication gap
would do good or harm to the operations of various organizations, using Academic
Press Plc, as a case example. The copious literature was reviewed to analyze
the views of different scholars and researchers on the definition, role and
application of communication in labour management. This historical background
of the study organization was also particularly studies to familiarizes both
the researcher and readers with the mode of operation, origin and the human
resources policy of that organization. The details of these are provided in
chapter two of this Research Report.
The substantive
issues of methodology and data processes are fully elaborated in Chapter Three.
In Chapter Four, the research data are presented, analyzed and interpreted. In
the analysis of data, particular use was made of the chi-square(x2)
statistic, in the testing of research hypotheses and the determination of
statistical relationship among the research variables. Essentially, the
questionnaires instrument, and the associated social interviews had served well
the needs of data gathering and research objectively. The usage of a
combination of research methods, that is, pure survey strategies (e.g standard
questionnaires and interviewing) along with documentary analysis and extended
observation of employee behavior, as well as other industrial phenomena, had
increased the robustness of data collected and the overall quality of these
data. Thus, the adopted research techniques for this research had represented
the best possible in the field circumstances.
Finally, various recommendations are made in chapter
five for further research and for policy implementation for mutual benefits
that are derivable by the corporate organization, the workforces and both the
employee – based associations, and the employers groups in Nigeria.
Cover page i
Abstract ii
Table of
content iii
1.1 General backdrop of the research problem 6
1.2 Statement of the research problem 11
1.3 The purpose of the research study 14
1.4 Relevance of the research study 14
1.5. Scope and limitation of the research study 15
1.6 Research hypotheses 15
1.7 Definition of terms 16
2.1 Relationship between organization
and communication tell an listen approach
approach 18
2.2 Communication process and its nature in the
process 30
2.3 Communication and organization theories 35
2.4 Communication channels downward
channel 42
2.5 Communication and industrial relations 44
2.6 Communication problem / barriers 45
3.1 Chapter review 50
3.2 Research and Field Process 50
3.3 Research instruments 51
3.4 Methods of data analysis 52
3.5 Historical background 52
3.6 Grading / groups 58
4.1 Introduction 60
4.2 Background / descriptive information 60
5.1 Summary of research findings 73
5.2 Conclusion 75
5.3 Recommendations 81
Bibliography 85
1.1 General Backdrop of the
Research Problem
Maurice Cumming (1980) describes communication as the process of
conveying messages, facts, ideals, attitudes, opinions from one person to another so that they are
understood. Communication is a household word which brings about understanding
and co-operation in all aspects of human activity. This fact is supported by
McCauley (1981) who states that men are never so likely to settle a question
rightly as when they discuss it freely. The word "communication" is
derived from the Latin word "communicare" meaning 'to share', and
from the French word “communs” meaning ‘common’. Communication is a vital tool
in achieving organizational goals and enhancing industrial peace. Management
must communicate effectively with workers, in order to get eth desired results
from their efforts. Also workers have to understand the policies and objective
of management if they must be efficient and effective in carryout their duties.
Workers expects to be informed at all times on the issues that is affecting
them, to secure their loyalty and co—operation, their views must be
communicated on the issues that affecting their interest either as a group or
must also communicate among themselves, if there must be cohesion in the
overall implementation of managerial polices within the organization. There is
no doubt that without communication, human interaction will be impossible. It
will result in the paralysis of social, economic and political activities in
the societies. Through communication, we have been able to share knowledge and
combine efforts. This ability has enabled us to develop and expand our store of
knowledge as well as our technology and culture. Without the capacity to
communicate at an advanced 'level, mankind would never have progressed
beyond the primal state.
Communication is important in all facets of
human endeavour. To this end, Stoner and Wankel (1988) have asserted that
communication is the process by which people express themselves, and through
which an individual gets others to understand what he feels, thinks, wants,
and needs, as well as accept them and take action, if necessary.
As a matter of
fact, there can be no business transaction's or daily activities without the necessary need to pass on or exchange information
between the sender and the receiver of that information. Communication can, therefore,
be regarded as the 'locomotive
of management.
In most indusial organization, two
principal actors are identified. These are the management or employers and the union or
workers. The government thus acts as the third pity in the industrial relations
system, and their roles, influence the economic growth of nay organization and
the nation in general.
the achievement of organizational objectives can only be realized through team
work efforts of the three actors, not by sole
efforts of any of three actors which necessitates human interactions and
sharing or ideals. Thus, in these situation that warrant human
interaction, there is the possibility
of group differences based on varying emotions,' misconceptions,
negative perception of ideas, opinions, views, etc. There is need to harmonize the apparent conflict of
interests of both the employers and employees. Thus, it is paramount that
healthy labour-management relations should be based on the spirit of
reciprocity and on the existence of adequate and effective communication. It is against this
background that an in achieving understanding and co-operation in the work
Meanwhile, there is the recent
belief that the key to industrial peace
and harmony is "understanding" among the employers
of labour and their employers. However, people still wonder how this important objective can be fully realized in a
society characterized by frequent industrial crisis or disputes. Consequently,
every responsible organization should set up a network of effective
communication as a tool of informing, persuading, understanding, instructing,
entertaining and stimulating actions to enhance industrial harmony. More so,
communication is social activity, which can be formed or informed, without the
organization and outside, essentially because of the increasing complexity of
production and distribution network is our commercial and industrial
establishments (Nnamdi Okeke, 1985).
Communication is the action of people
taking, listening, seeing, feeling and reacting to each other, their experience
and environment. Recent and past events indicate that most industrial
disharmony as manifested in the form of
strikes, lockout, picketing, inter-trade union squabbles, inability of managers
to het along with people, frustrations
low productivity, lack of co-operation, grievances, low morale distrust,
disloyalty and so on, could be attributed to faulty or poor Communication or
Communication gap (Appleby, 1977).
Communication is the coordinating force
though which managerial functions of planning, forecasting, of organizing etc
and other operational function, such as recruitment of staff, motivation and maintenance,
are being organized. Communication, whether written or oral, when neglected,
can cause more harm than good.
Psychologists also experiment with the use
of communication as a therapy for curing and finding out causes of mental
normal condition. Communication reduces tension in the working environment and
causes once hidden conflicts to surface for possible restoring psychotics to
normal condition.
Communication reduces tension in the
working environment and causes one hidden conflict to surface for possible
resolution. Hence, the importance of Communication fosters motivation by
clarifying to employees what is to be done, how well they are doing, and what
can be done to improve performance (Aremo, 2002).
For many employees, their work group is a primary
source for social interaction. The communication that takes place within the group is a fundamental mechanism by which
members shows their frustrations and feelings of satisfaction. Communication,
therefore, provide a releases for the emotional expression of feelings and for
fulfillment of social need. (Aremon, 2002)
Thus, it is hoped that this study will discover
and suggest new areas in which communication can help in reducing man’s
inhumanity to man in an organization and how communication can be used as
vehicle for industrial growth.
The study problem stems from, the existing unhealthy relationship
between labour and management in most small and large organizations.
Relationships between many employers of labour and their employees sometimes
remain strained. The labour situation in this country is more of the practice
of 'take it or leave it'; it is also antagonism from the union or labour. The
two parties often see each other as gaining or winning when and where the other
loses, rather than as partners working towards the success of not only the
organization but of themselves.
Occasionally, what organization expect from their employees is not
easily achieved. One manor reason for this shortcoming is the market and the
employees. This situation arises because workers who are sellers of labour
power enter the labour market in order to obtain the wherewithal to subsist,
hence the price of labour power is of vital importance to them. The communication
gap between the industrial actors (lavour and management) is so wide that a
minor problem which could be resolved through joint consultation or
collective bargaining often results in
industrial disputes.
Even though the buyers of labour power enter the market because
they own the means of production, the price of labour is, to them an important
cost factor which should be minimized as much as possible, in order to make
production profitable. Given this type of relationship, conflict appears
Consequently, it is the intention of the researcher to look into
communication as a major concern, which should be given the attention it
deserves. Poor communication is a
problem, which has given rise to many sad and unfortunate situations. This had
led to situations whereby management and workers purses diametrically opposed
objectives. While management may be working towards realizing the objective of
increased productivity, maximum efficiency and expansion, workers are often
committed to a different objective of finding and solidifying social alignment
in the work group in the event of any possible threat from management.
At a particular time, it may be struggle for job security, while
turning a deaf ear to organizational production targets. Although some organization have good communication
policies to enhance better understanding among the labour force, communication
problems sill persist in many others because of one or more of the following
reason. Often deliberately or accidentally. Inadequate or misleading
information about the company’s labour policies are given to immediate or line
supervisors for transmission to subordinates. Important information improperly
communicated, while neglecting the sue of workers representative, often causes
rancor between union members and management.
In addition, Fajana (1995) discusses the importance of
communication, thus, that is, Nigeria’s management and labour individually take
decisions which should have been decided jointly. Also management other often
feels reluctant to release information, for example, accounting information may
be misused. The unions on the other hand, do claim they should know their
employer’s policy as regards human
resources and general management.
Also, perhaps due to poor communication network, management’s
deliberations and resolutions on future matter affecting employees carelessly,
leak through the grape vine or rumour.
This often results to rumour mongering, distortion of information and
possible causes of industrial disharmony. Improper communication methods can be
seen in some organization where “tale
severs” (i.e those who act as spies in an office) are used to get or give out
information resulting to rumour mongering and discontentment in working
environment. They are many other problems related to communication are to be
consider in this study.
The purpose of the study is to discuss how communication can be
used to create a better atmosphere for labour and management to operate peace
fully and profitably while pursuing the same organization set goals and
objectives, furthermore, it intends to find to the operations of an
organisation like academy press Plc. Also in order to reduce factors which can
bring disharmony in labour relations, this study intends to identify how
communication can help management and labour to approach each other as partners
in the production business rather than a
mere master-servant. It is also designed to examine that extent to which
communication can minimize worker’s confrontational attitude to management.
Most importantly is how communication can reduce labour turn over and stabilize
the labour force and evaluate its roles one reducing accidents and thereby
stimulating increased efficiency of productivity.
Man6 organization do not seen to recognize communicator as a tool
for achieving organizational goals and enhancing industrial peace. Often times,
are discovers that communication is taken for granted by some organization in
their corporate planning strategies. With this development and because of the
import role constant and effective communication plays in an organization, it
is envisaged that data collection from there will provide a basis for sold
argument in providing or disproving any assumption or hypothesis formulated for
the purpose of a debate. This study will assist managers, supervisors and all
the staff in apprising the role of communication in an organization.
The scope of this research is restricted to Academy press Plc,
Ilupeju. It will also cover various channels of communication, types of
relationship between the labour and management in this organization and an
examination of the environment that distorts or influence free flow of
Three hypotheses are earmarked for testing in this research.
These are:
That, effective
communication will tend to promote/increase
That, constant communication
may not prevent poor working relations and increase mutual trust. (i.e. that,
there is no significant relationship
between constant communications and good working condition and mutual trust).
3. That, establishing a good rapport between
-labour and management may not avert
possible strikes and lockouts.
HI: That increased
productivity and efficiency may be fully achieved with the aid of
HO: That increased productivity and efficiency may
not be fully achieved with the aid communication
HI: That constant communication may prevent poor
working relationship and increase mutual trust
Ho: That constant communication may not prevent
poor working relationship and increase mutual trust
HO: That establishing a good rapport between the
labour and
management may avert possible strikes and lockouts.
HI: That establishing a good rapport between the
labour and
management may not avert possible strikes and lockouts.
The following terms are defined for the purpose of celerity.
Communication:- Appleby
(1981) defined communication as the means where by people in an organization
exchange information
regarding the-operation of an enterprise i.e. the inter changing of id3eas,
facts and emotions by two or more person by the use of words, letters, symbols
or speech.
This means to be productive or been
capable of producing.
Producing effectively and with the least waste of effort, to be
Means the effect on organizational success.
Is an entity comprising a number of people working collectively
towards achieving a common goal.
The individual or person that conceives an idea at first
The person that the idea conceived is sent to or person who
decodes the idea.
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