This study examined the relative
effect of drama method, practical work and conventional on student’s academic
achievement and attitude in Physics. The problem of poor performance of
Secondary School Students in physics has been a great concern for physics
educators and researchers. A number of
related materials both of empirical and theoretical importance were reviewed.
The study was carried out in Isolo District of
Lagos State in which six schools were randomly selected. Simple random sampling
technique was used to select two schools for each experimental group and
control group. Six Secondary Schools were sampled with a population of 122
students in which 66 were male and 56 were female. Four research questions were
raised and seven hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significant. Data were gathered by the student questionnaire
whose reliability coefficient was (r =
0.83) and physics achievement test(PAT) with reliability coefficient (0.7)
The data collected
were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Estimated mean was
also computed. The results revealed that
drama method proved most superior to students’ achievement in physics. Gender
and socioeconomic background has no significant main effect on achievement of
students in Physics. Also there is an interaction effect of treatment, gender,
socioeconomic background on the achievement of students in Physics.
In view of the
findings, it is recommended that drama should be adopted in teaching physics at
the Senior Secondary School level since it proved most superior to other
instructional strategies. In addition, drama method was recommended for
teaching physics in single sex girls Schools and practical work should be used
to teach physics in a single sex boys Schools.
Title page i
Certification ii
Approval page iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgement v
Abstract vi
Table of contents vii
Chapter One: Introduction
Background to the study
Statement of the problem
Purpose of the study
Significance of the study
Scope of the study
Research questions
Research hypotheses
Definition of Terms
Chapter Two: Literature
2.0 Introduction
Theoretical framework of the study
Concept of Drama
Empirical findings on Drama as
teaching approach
Concept of Practical work
2.5 Empirical findings on Practical work
Empirical Studies related to Gender
difference in achievement and attitude in Physics
Empirical Studies related to Socioeconomic
background and students academic performance
Appraisal of Literature Review
Chapter Three: methodology
3.0 Introduction
Research design
Variables in the study
Selection of participants
Research instrument
Physics Achievement Test (PAT)
Physics Aptitude Questionnaire
Validation of research instruments
Physics Achievement Test (PAT)
Physics Aptitude Questionnaire
3.6 Analysis
of Itemized Achievement T est according
to Bloom Taxonomy
Procedure for the study
3.8 Drama
Lesson plan script on electric circuit/electricity
Aims and outcomes
Variables in the study Location Characters Misconceptions
1 Process
Misconception 2
3.9 Practical
Conventional Method
Data Collection
Method of Data Analysis
Chapter Four: RESULT
Answers to Research Question
Hypothesis testing
Chapter Five: Summary,
discussion, Conclusion, Recommendations and suggestions
Recommendations for further studies
Physics is one of the science subjects
that are needed for technological development (Adegoke,2009; Babajide
2010;2012;2013;2014). Nigeria being a developing country needs a lot of
technological know-how to carter for her industries. According to Onwuagba
(1986) ‘No nation can take off technologically without Physics as its bedrock’.
Also the statement adopted by IUPAP(
1999) asserted that physics is an important science subject which is
exciting intellectual adventure that inspires young people and expands the
frontier of knowledge about nature.
Physics provides fundamental
knowledge needed for the future technological advances that will continue to
drive the economic engines of the world. It contributes to the technological
infrastructure and provides trained personnel needed to take advantage of scientific
advances and discoveries Physics is an important subject in the education of
chemists, engineers, and computer scientists, as well as practitioners of other
physical and biomedical sciences (Oludipe,2003; Babajide,2010). Physics extends
and enhances our understanding of other disciplines, such as earth,
agricultural, chemical, biological, and environmental sciences, plus Astrophysics
and cosmology- subjects of substantial importance to all peoples of the world. Physics
improves man’s quality of life by providing the basic understanding necessary
for developing new instrumentation and techniques for medical applications,
such as computer tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission
tomography, ultrasonic imaging, and laser surgery.
Indeed, the knowledge of Physics
has led to so many inventions such as discovery and production of hydroelectric
power, gas turbine and thermonuclear power plant, telephones, refrigerators,
heaters and cookers (Babajide, 2010). Other benefits that are derivable from
the knowledge of Physics include the construction of modern vehicles, rockets,
nuclear bombs, missiles, diodes, computers and other electronic systems
(Okoronka, 2004).
The national policy on education in
Nigeria [1981] laid emphasis on science education of which Physics education is
a subject of. One of the broad aims of National Policy on Education (FME, 2004)
is to equip students to live effectively in the modern age of science and
technology. The attitude formed by a child towards any subject will go along
way to and also determine the child’s choice and achievement in that subject as
well as his or her career choice (Wong & Young 1997).
Physics as one of the core science
subjects has been identified by experts as difficult or abstract in nature
(NERDC, 1994; Okoronka, 2004). According to Dieck, (1997), students do not like science
subjects and that most have no preference for science, particularly Physics.
This can be said to be as a result of poor achievement in Physics. The poor
achievement of students in science especially Physics has continued to be a
major concern to all and particularly those in the main stream of science
education (Okebukola, 1984; Ariyo,
2006). A lot of emphasis in science education has been centered on developing
teaching strategies that have potentials for enhancing students understanding
of science concepts and acquisition of science skill (Usman, 2000).
many researchers have been carried out to find out how to improve the poor
performance of student in Physics by the investigation of various teaching
method. Okoronka, (2004) in his study, investigated the comparative effects of
analogue, problem solving and concept mapping model-based instructional
strategies on students’ achievement in Physics. The result of the study
confirms that Model Based Instructional strategies are best for teaching
abstract and difficult concepts in Physics. Wambugu and Chageiywo,(2008) in their study on
effects of Mastery Learning Approach (MLA) on secondary school student’s und
out that the students who were taught through the MLA teaching method achieved
statistically significantly higher scores in the Physics achievement test
compared to those taught through conventional method. In spite of all the
result findings given by the researchers, and having been put into practice,
the problem of poor performance of students in physics has not been solved. It
is against this background that this study investigated the relative effect the
drama and practical work on the achievement and attitude of students in Physics
The broad term 'drama'
covers a wide area of techniques incorporating physical movement, vocal action,
and mental concentration which traditional classrooms have lacked in quantity
and combination. Research by Webb, (1980) has found that undertaking role play
allows students to gain a deeper understanding of scientific ideas. By
increasing their understanding of Physics, their personal interest is increased
(Alexander, 1997; Deci, 1992). Ian Abrahams, (2012) in his book, mentioned how
he observed a role play delivered by an Advanced Skills Teacher (AST) in which
the students took on the roles of various components in an electrical circuit.
It is said that the recollections were so vivid and detailed and had evidently
made such a lasting impression on them. Among childhood educators there is a
growing consensus that young children learn best through two experiences:
dramatic play and interaction with their environment (Brown and Pleydell,
1999). Also to Bolton, (1998) observed that classroom drama strives to build upon teaching
methodologies that already exist, weaving them together in new ways that
inspire and hold the interest of students at any grade level, keeping the focus
on the curriculum.
drama already plays a prominent role in the teaching of some of the humanities
subjective such as English and History and has been recommended as effective
teaching strategy for science teaching (Kentish, 1995; Duveen and Solomon,
1994; Gradener,1991). Furthermore Kentish (1995) has suggested that an approach
requiring students to become personally engaged in their study is more likely
to be seen as meaningful to them than one in which they remain ‘passive’
observers or recipients of someone else’s scientific knowledge. If students are
allowed to experience the actual personal involvement that the use of drama
provides they are far more likely to become personally interested in the
material being taught. Furthermore, both Bailey (1993) and Gardener (1991) have
both argued that drama can help some students develop their conceptual
understanding of highly abstract scientific ideas by linking them directly to
ideas with which they are already familiar within their everyday personal
experiences. In this respect Stencel and Barkoff (1993) have suggested that
drama can be particularly powerful tool for bridging the conceptual gap between
the world of familiar, everyday experience and the unfamiliar ones for example,
when students are taught about scientific processes and structures that occur
at the atomic and/or molecular level of which they have no prior personal
Likewise, Butler (1989) has claimed that the
use of drama provides a window of opportunity for highly collaborative
learning. Indeed, not only does it provide an opportunity for collaborative
learning, possibly offering the advantage of peer teaching (Duveen and Solomon,
1994), but it is sufficiently flexible to enable those students who feel
intimidated by the idea of taking on active performing roles to become engaged
in preparatory work. Such preparatory work can, for example, include sourcing
evidence, preparing props or writing scripts, all of which provide valuable
learning experiences. Drama can be used to enable the learner to “take on the
role of another” to cast off an egocentric perspective and the “other” can
equally be an animate or an inanimate object. (Met Calfe,
R.J.A.,Abbot,S.B.,1984). According to Smilansky (1968) drama is used to make
ideas, theories and processes, at varying degrees of complexity and
abstraction, more comprehensible to learners through a more active involvement
in their learning in which students are presented with opportunities to try out
their ideas, solve problems and develop further understanding and knowledge.
concept of practical work used in this study was suggested by Millar, Le
Maréchal and Tiberghien (1999). This concept embraces laboratory activities
done by students and the teacher’s demonstrations. Practical work is any
teaching and learning activity that involves the students in observing or
manipulating real objects and materials. Such understanding also coincides with
the tradition of interpreting the meaning of practical work in the Lao
educational system that includes students’ handling of equipment and materials
by themselves or watching the teacher handle equipment and materials. The Science Community
Representing Education (SCORE) produced A Framework for Practical
Science in Schools (SCORE, 2009a), defining practical work in science as ‘a “hands-on” learning experience which prompts
thinking about the world in which people live’.
Practical work may be considered as engaging the learner
in observing or manipulating real or virtual objects and materials (Millar,
2004). Appropriate practical work enhances pupils experience, understanding,
skills and enjoyment of science. It enables the students to think and act in a
scientific manner. The scientific method is thus emphasized. Practical work
induces scientific attitudes, develops problem solving skills and improves
conceptual understanding (Tamir, 1991; Babajide, 2012). Practical work in Physics
helps develop familiarity with apparatus, instruments and equipment.
Manipulative skills are acquired by the learners. Expertise is developed for
reading all manner of scales. The observations made and results obtained are
used to gain understanding of Physics concepts. Science process skills,
necessary for the world of work are systematically developed (Manjit,S.S.,
Ramesh,S., and Selvantha,N. 2003). Firsthand knowledge is generated. Millar
(1998) has suggested that practical work should be viewed as the mechanism by
which materials and equipment are carefully and critically brought together to
persuade the Physics learner about the veracity and validity of the scientific
world view. Tacit knowledge of scientific phenomena can be gained (Collins,
2001). Practical work if properly implemented can stimulate and
engage students’ learning at different levels, challenging them mentally and
physically in ways that other science experiences cannot (SCORE, 2009b). Really
effective practical activities enable students to build a bridge between what
they can see and handle (hands-on) and scientific ideas that account for their
observations (brains-on). Making these connections is challenging, so practical
activities that make these links explicit are more likely to be successful
(Millar, 2004).
Abrahams and Miller (2008)
argue that teachers need to devote a greater proportion of the lesson time to
helping students use ideas associated with the phenomena they have produced,
rather than seeing the successful production of the phenomenon as an end in it.
According to Justin Dillon (2008) practical work is a learning experience in
which students interact with materials or with secondary sources of data to
observe and understand the natural world. Muhammad Arshad Dahar (2011) in his research on effect of the
availability and the use of science laboratories on academic achievement of
students in Punjab (Pakistan) said that science laboratory can have an enormous
effect on the academic achievement of students if the standard quantity and
quality of science laboratory items are properly allocated, equalized per
student and efficiently used. White and Gunstone (1992) reported that students
must manipulate ideas as well as materials in the laboratory and that there is
evidence that practical work can increase student’s sense of ownership of their
learning and can increase their motivation.
A review of literature
reveals that many science educators have recognized that students view about
science course is different from scientific ones. Craker (2006) suggested that
prior knowledge has a great effect on students knowledge of scientific concept.
Research has also shown that students bring with them into the classroom their
experiences of the world ( Lawson, 1998; McDermott and Redish, 1999). Studied
of students expectations in science in pre-college classrooms ( Careey et al,
1989; Songer and Linn, 1991) reveal that student attitudes towards their
classroom activities and their belief about the nature of science and knowledge
affect their learning. Attitude whether positive or negative affects learning
process in a direct manner and influences future lives of individuals ( Seferoglu,
2004; sunbul, Afyon, Yagniz, & Aslan, 2004). According to Hendrickson,
attitudes are the best predictor for estimate of students’ success
(Hendrickson, 1997). Attitudes changes are affected by experiences in and
outside of the classroom setting (Hazari, 2007). Although attitude changed
gradually, people constantly form new attitudes and modify old ones when they
are experience to new information and new experiences (Adesina &
Akinbobola, 2005)
study also investigated the moderating effects of gender and social background
of the students to measure their interaction with the independent variables and
there resultant effects on learning outcome in Physics. Gender has also
continued to be an issue of concern to educators and researchers. There are
inconclusive results on gender and learning outcome in Physics. According to Scantlebury (2006) recent data
shows that there are equal numbers of girls and boys enrolled in high school
science classes with exception of Physics. Girls prefer studying subjects that
they perceive as having relevance in their lives. Hyde & Mckinley (1997);
Kolawole (2007) in their studies found that male students performed better than
female students in the cognitive, affective and psychomotor skill achievements
in Physics.
There is a strong association between gender
and achievement in science education. The research reports of Baumert and
Lehnmann (1997) indicated that boys have a more positive attitude and better
achievement in Physics than girls. Hence, Longe and Adedeji (2003) are of the
opinion that science and technology is a male- dominated subject and that
females tend to shy away from scientific and technological fields. Boys,
therefore, appear to have a natural positive attitude to technical and science
subjects while girls show negative attitude. This negative attitude appears to
be due to the acceptance of the myth that boys are better in science subjects
than girls. Babajide (2010) further admitted that science subjects such as Physics
and Physics are given masculine outlook by education practitioners. Many
researchers have provided reports that there are no longer distinguishing
differences in the cognitive, affective and psychomotor skill achievements of students
in respect of gender. (Arigbabu & Mji 2004; Bilesanmi - Awoderu 2006; David
& Stanley 2000). In line with this, Agommuoh and Nzewi (2003) and Babajide
(2010) found that gender has no significant influence on achievement in physics.
However, some researchers still found that there are still significant differences
in the cognitive, affective and psychomotor skill achievement of students in
respect of gender in Physics [Aguele & Uhumniah (2008); Croxford (2002)]. Ogunleye (2002), Ogunneye (2003), Ezirim
(2006) and Okwo and Otubar (2007) observed that gender has significant
influence on science achievement.
Socio economic factors is another variable whose influence an
achievement needs to be investigated. Literature reports show that preference from
different social background varies. The social background of the students
comprises of occupation, income, educational attainment of parents, exposure, and
parental relationship with each other. Adeyemo (2010) in his study reported that
the family background is an environment in which children have the opportunity
to succeed and be happy. He then ascertained that one of the problems affecting
the academic performance of students is the effect of broken homes. Generally,
children from broken home are unhappy and this unhappiness may affect their
academic achievement. Hence academic achievement is related to socioeconomic
status of the parents. Philips (1998) found that parental education and
socio-economic status have an impact on student achievement. Students from
educated homes performed better than others from uneducated homes, but family
size was modestly related to achievement (Ferguson, 1991). Perhaps children
from low-income parents usually face the problem of competing with those from
wealthy homes especially in schools. Also, in some homes there is enough money
to spend and the children are properly taken care of. Moreover, Hammer (2003), asserted
the home environment is as important as what goes on in the school. Important
factors include parental involvement in their children’s education, how much TV
they watch and the number of children in the home (family size). Parental
influence has been identified as an important factor affecting student
achievement. Results indicated that parent education and encouragement are
strongly related to improved student achievement (Wang, Wildman, & Calhoun,
1996). There is therefore the need to provide future empirical findings on
gender and socio-economic background of students.
Secondary school students are not performing
well in physics in both internal and external examinations. Several attempts
have been made by physics educators on factors responsible, some of which are
instructional strategies, teachers factor, student factors, environmental
factors were identified. However several submission were proposed;
Babajide (2012) recommended the use of
practical activities, Babajide (2010) recommended, predict – observe - explain
and generative instructional strategies. Okoronkwo (2014) recommended the use of model based instructional
With all these submissions, the problem still
persists. Therefore, there is the need for alternative instructional strategy,
such as the use of Drama and Practical activities on achievement and attitude
towards physics. This study therefore investigate the relative effect of drama
and practical work on the academic achievement and attitude of students in
secondary school Physics.
The purpose of the
study is to examine the relative effect of drama method and practical work in student’s
academic achievement and attitude towards Physics. Also, an attempt has to be
made to examine the interaction effects of gender and socioeconomic background
of students and how these influence student’s academic achievement and attitude
towards Physics. Information on such factors as educational level of parents,
types of employment, number of children living in the family and how these
affect student’s achievement and attitude, behaviors, values and interest in Physics
The study has revealed the efficacy
of the effect of drama over other instructional strategies. It has equally
revealed the interaction effect of socioeconomic background of students and
gender in achievement of students in physics.
This study is
limited to six schools in Isolo District of Lagos State. Sections of schools
were based on the following criteria;
The school must be
a mixed school
The school must be
up to five years in existence
Availability of
qualified Physics teachers
The school
laboratory must be moderately equipped.
study provided answers to the following research questions;
Is there any
difference in the achievement and attitude of student taught using drama method
and those taught using practical work in physics?
Is there any
difference in the achievement and attitude of students taught using
conventional method and those taught using drama method in physics?
Is there any
difference in the achievement and attitude of students taught using
conventional method and those taught using practical work in physics?
Is there any
interaction effect of the drama method, gender and social economic background
on students’ achievement and attitude in physics?
H01: There is no significant main effect of
treatment on:
a. achievement of students in Physics
b. attitude of students towards Physics
H02: There is
no significant main effect of gender on:
a. achievement of students inPhysics
b. attitude of students towards Physics
H03: There is
no significant main effect of socio-economic background on:
a. achievement of students in Physics
b. attitude of students towards Physics
H04: There is
no significant interaction effect of treatment and gender on:
a. achievement of students in Physics
b. attitude of students towards Physics
H05: There is
no significant interaction effect of treatment and socio-economic background of
students on:
a. achievement of students in Physics
b. attitude towards Physics
H06: There is
no significant interaction effect of socio-economic background and gender on:
a. achievement of students in Physics
b. attitude towards Physics
H07: There is
no significant interaction effect of treatment, gender and socio-economic
background on:
c. achievement of students in Physics
d. attitude towards Physics
Achievement-This is the
manifestation of learning that has taken place. It is measured by the scores
obtained at the end of a session, topic , end of a term or at the end of a
course. In the case of this study, the scores of the students on the physics
achievement test were used to reflect this parameter.
Play: A behaviour used during the development of children to
learn about their environment which produces enjoyment (Piaget, 1951).
it refers to output or product in Physics that can be measured or how well or
bad a student does in physics. It is measured by Physics Achievement Test and
Attitude towards physics.
As in whether male or female.
Treatment: This
refers to the three teaching methods used such as drama, practical work and
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