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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009588

No of Pages: 47

No of Chapters: 5

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This study examined the impact of the orphanage homes on children personality and development in The Dutse Orphanage Home, The data utilized in this study were obtained from both primary and secondary sources. While the primary data were derived from questionnaires shared in the study area, the secondary data were obtained from relevant textbooks, journals and other documents. The findings of the study showed that institution has been increasing arithmetically from 23 inmates to 30 inmates in the past five years to date. Moreso, it was found out that not all of them are orphans, some are motherless and the motherless children are brought up by either their father or close relative due to financial issues. Furthermore, I was able to know that major causes of children living with orphanage is because they are motherless. The study made some useful recommendations which include they won’t feel much of the loss from their parents. Government and Non-Governmental Organization should increase funding for this institutions because from face to face interactions with the staffs, it was observed that the institution lack funding. Also, there should be proper documentation and recording of orphanage as they are being admitted into the institution










Title page                                                                                                    i

Certification                                                                                                ii

Dedication                                                                                                   iii

Acknowledgement                                                                                                iv

Abstract                                                                                                       v

Table of Content                                                                                         vi


1.0     INTRODUCTION                                                                                      1

1.1     BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY                                                  1

1.2     STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM                                                 4

1.3     OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY                                                      4

1.4     REASEARCH QUESTIONS                                                            5

1.5     SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY                                                  5

1.6     SCOPE AND LIMITATION OF THE STUDY                                5

1.7 HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF AREA OF STUDY                              6

1.8     DEFINITION OF TERMS                                                                7


2.0     LITERATURE REVIEW                                                                  8

2.1     INTRODUCTION                                                                                      8


2.3     HISTORY OF INSTITUTIONALISATION OF CHILDREN IN ORPHANAGE HOMES                                                                                      10

2.3.1 INSTITUTIONALISED ORPHANED CHILDREN                         11

2.3.2           EFFECTS OF INSTITUTIONALISING ORPHANED CHILDREN ON THEIR WELLBEING                                                                                   13

2.4     IMPORTANCE OF ORPHANAGE HOME                                               16

2.5     OPHANAGE AND MATERNAL DEPRIVATION                         17

2.5.1  THE MEANING OF MATERNAL DEPRIVATION                       18.


3.0     RESEARCH METHODOLOGY                                                      20

3.1     RESEARCH DESIGN                                                                      20

3.3     POPULATION OF THE STUDY                                                     20

3.4     SAMPLE SIZE AND SAMPLING TECHNIQUE                                      20

3.5     INSTRUMENT OF DATA COLLECTION                                               20

3.6     ADMINISTRATION OF INSTRUMENT                                        20

3.7     VALIDITY OF THE INSTRUMENT                                                        21

3.8     METHOD OF DATA ANALYSIS                                                   21


4.0     DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS                                   22



5.1     SUMMARY                                                                                      31

5.2     CONCLUSION                                                                                 31

5.3     RECOMMENDATIONS                                                                            32





1.1     Background of the Study

Children are fundamental assets and the future of a nation. The society should offer them sufficient opportunities for their proper physical, mental, social and moral growth as well as personality development and education (Abro, 2012). The families are the best place for the socialization of children; and it is the duty of the state to provide social services and social protection, as well as ensuring the integrity of the family. Parents are responsible for caring and supporting of their children and sometimes in the absence of parents, grandparents or other close relatives willingly take responsibilities for the care of their grandchildren.

An orphan child is one whose parent are no more (dead), desertion, or unable to provide care (UNICEF, 2008). Orphans are the susceptible children, below the age of eighteen years that faced core problems; have a great risk to discontinue within the threats to food, accommodation, health care or to make short their education. A huge number of orphans universally are alive with no natural relations due to diversity of causes together with: death of parents, separation between parents, domestic injurious treatment and disregard. The most frequent causes of separation of children from parental care include poverty, lack of access to basic services, abuse, neglect, disease, disabilities, and emergencies (Bilson & Cox; 2007). It is an indignity of all social members who are not giving attention and economic assistance towards orphans (Meintjes and Bray, 2006).  If any child does not have such relatives who can support him, then the orphanages are one of the ways to provide him/her shelter, health care, food, education and accommodation. An orphanage is a resident organization which is dedicated for the care of children whose parents are dead or else they are not able to support their children (The Faith to Action Initiative, 2014). In other words, an institution and placement of offspring’s whose biological guardians are dead otherwise not capable or else reluctant to look after their children is called orphanage (wisegeek, 2003-2015). It is a housing care service of children that is planned to care for children from the time of their entrance awaiting their adulthood or liberation, and which holds itself out as a satisfactory or better alternative for the families of the children. The functions of the orphanages have been providing a home where infants are brought up to serve as alternative actors in welfare, development and to save the failed role of the state in child protection.

According to the UNESCO (2009) orphaned children lose their childhood as they become breadwinners. Accessing adequate nutrition, basic health care, housing, clothing and education becomes horrendous. On the other hand, some households are dissolved as parents are dead and children are sent to relatives for care and upbringing. The world bank (2011) reported that the impact of poverty and HIV and AIDS epidemic has exacted a ghastly toll on children and their families. The UNICEF (2014) report has it that, during the thirty years of the global HIV and AIDS epidemic, an estimated one hundred and fifty-three million children have lost one or both parents for one reason or the other. It added again that about 30 million children under the age of fifteen are living with HIV. Thus, despite some decline in the prevalence worldwide and increasing access to treatment, the number of children affected or vulnerable has increased as they are more likely to be victims of abuse in the institutions of care, in the street or in child headed households. The economic meltdown in African countries in has had a negative impact on the lives of orphaned children. Freidman (2000) posits that economic stressors may lead to parental depression or harsh inconsistent parenting which are associated with socio-emotional problems in children. Buckner (2004) purports that children may be placed with family relatives or strangers in a group or home where up to a dozen foster children live under a continuous supervision of a parental figure or an institution. Maslow (1987) in Biehler and Snowman (2000) argues that if the physiological needs are not satisfied, the child is socially, cognitively and emotionally affected. Orphan is considered a major risk factor for poverty in adulthood, though, among other channels, shortfalls in human capital investments in children. Ainsworth and Filmer (2006) find considerable diversity in the orphan/non-orphan differential across countries and conclude that it is difficult to draw generalizations about the extent to which orphans are disadvantaged. The orphanage home is one of the numerous social institution that have emerged over the year to carter for some of the social needs of orphans across the world. Motherless  babies  have nowadays  become common because of the moral decadence of the society young people who cannot cater  for themselves find themselves  put in the   family  way they end  up find abandoning those innocent helpless babies.  The increasing hardship because of the present economic recession  has increased the incidence of burden  family relationship and  the consequent loss  of firm control of  family members.

This has tended as evidence  by the  increasing number of abandoned babies such babies have become the central focus of the orphanage home the impact of orphanage home on child personality development that is the behaviour pattern of social behariour on child personality development cannot be overemphasized.

Dutse Orphanage and Children’s Home is a Care and Protection Home founded and funded by Felix Adejumo and Funke Felix- Adejumo to care for abandoned, abused and orphaned children. They established the home to give less-privileged children a chance to live; fill them with God’s love and then send them to be a blessing to their generation. The Home was established in 2003 with three babies, presently the home care for twenty-four children and has eleven full-time staff members.


1.2     Statement of the Problem

Children are at increased risk of losing opportunities for school, healthcare, growth, development, nutrition, and shelter. Moreover, with the death of a parent, children experience profound loss, grief, anxiety, fear, and hopelessness with long-term consequences such as psychosomatic disorders, chronic depression, low self-esteem, learning disabilities and disturbed social behaviour. This is frequently compounded by “self-stigma” children blaming themselves for their parents’ illness and death and for the family’s misfortune.  The disturbing trend is fuelled by international social, cultural, political and economic forces which have in recent times over-stretched the coping capacities of familiar communities and government. The care of orphans is not solely the responsibility of the government or private institutions, but also of their relatives, the communities in which they live as well as the society at large.

1.3     Objectives of the Study

The study is aimed at examining the impact of orphanage home on children personality and development with focus on Dutse Orphanage and Children Home, with the following objectives;

1.     To determine the causes of increasing number of orphans

2.     To find out the effect orphanage home in children personality development

3.     To investigate the morale and attitude of children raised in orphanage home.

4.     To proffer solutions to lapses resulting from child development in orphanage home.



1.4     Research Questions

The research questions for this study are:

1.     What are the causes of increasing number of orphans being admitted into the orphanage home? 

2.     What are the morale and attitude of children raised in orphanage home?

3.     What are the effects of orphanage home has on the children raised there?

4.     How can lapses resulting from child development in orphanage home be addressed?

1.5     Significance of the Study

The study in a number of ways will help to tackle the various issues arising from the institution as regards integration and upbringing of orphans. It will help create awareness about the need for the establishment of orphanage home across the country being a medium for a responsible livelihood for the orphans. It will also help the society in reducing indiscipline, truancy, juvenile delinquencies and other vices among the orphans. Government will benefit from this research work in order to know the right channel to step in to integrate orphans in the institution for proper development as regards their personalities. Lastly, it will serve as literature for student in the field of study that want to carry out research as regard the topic.

1.6     Scope and Limitation of the Study

The topic covers the wide aspect of orphanage home, its institutionalization and integration but owing to constraints as regards financial resources and time, this research work is limited to Dutse Orphanage and Children Home, 2014-2021. The research work is also limited in time and finance.



1.7 Historical Background of Area of Study

Jigawa state was created on Tuesday 29th day of August in the year 1991 by the then head of state general Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida administration. Meanwhile Jigawa was formally a historical pail of the old Kano state with its headquarters at Dutse. The state could say it predominately rural and dependent on subsistence agriculture as well as small scale business out fits in the neighboring state that is I3auchi, Kano, Katsina and Yobe States.

Dutse meaning “Rock” or mountain got its name from the hilly rocks which surround the town and cover an approximate of about five square miles. Dutse also stands on sand dunes (singular-Jigawa plural Jigayi). The rocks and sand dunes stands some tens of feet’s above the sea level. Because of security offered by the rocks one finds a high concentration of people around them.

The present Dutse town “Garu” was purposely chosen as the settlement, because of the security aspects given to the populace. it is naturally sorrowed by stone walls giving a narrow passage to the interior thus giving the occupants the best opportunity of checking and dealing with invaders. Like many parts of Nigeria, tradition claim that inhibitions of the area now known as “Dutse” Gadawur came as a result of incident during a hunting expeditions. Dutse is one of the important town in Hausa land with a long history, dating back to centuries before the Fulani Jihad of Shehu Othman Danfodio. Dutse is situated between latitudes 11400 and I I°N and longitudes 900 45E the emirate comprises of live local government, Birnin Kudu, Kiyawa. Jahun and Dutse with a 1991 population census of 994, 609. It Shares a common boarder with Kano, Ningi, Jama’re, Katagun, Hadejia and Ringim emirate.




1.8 Definition of Terms

1.8.1 Orphans: Child without parents: a child whose parents are both dead or who has been abandoned by his or her parents, especially a child not adopted by another family.

1.8.2 Personality: Is defined as a set of habitual behaviour, cognitions and emotional patterns that evolve from biological and environmental factors

1.8.3 Personality Development: It is the process of developing and enhancing ones personality. Is a set of characteristics and traits which contribute to the overall personality of a person.


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