This study is designed to investigate
the impact of local government in rural development. The primary and secondary
sources of data collection were used in the research and the researcher found
out during the research that local government was established to provide the
services which the federal and state governments cannot easily undertake due to
their remoteness from the rural areas and in providing these services, the
local governments have to be adequately funded. In carrying out the research,
six research questions were formulated. Questionnaires were used to collect
data from a total of 30 respondents from Uhunmwode local government council;
interview was also conducted where necessary. In case of carrying out this
research simple percentage method was used in analyzing the data collected from
the respondents based on the responses from the question areas. Finally, a
summary of the findings, conclusion and recommendation were presented at the
end of the study.
Title Page
Table of Content
Chapter One: Introduction
Background to the Study
Statement of the Problem
Research Questions
Research Hypothesis
Objective of Study
Significance of the Study
Scope of Study
Limitations of the Study
Operational Definition of Terms
Chapter Two: Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Functions of
Local Government
2.3 Local
Government and Democracy
2.4 Local
Government and Communication Facilities
2.5 Local
Government and Infrastructural Development
2.6 Local
Government and Health Delivery
2.7 Local
Government and Education
2.8 Local
Government and Traditional Rulers
2.9 Sources
of Local Government Revenues for Carrying out
her Duties
2.10 Some Control
Measures of Local Government Fund in
2.11 Budgetary and
Budgeting control of Local Government
2.12 Types of
Budgeting System in Nigeria Local Government
2.13 The Defects of
Local Government Budgeting System
2.14 Local Government
and Economic Development
Chapter Three: Research Methodology
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Research
3.3 Method of
Data Collection
3.4 Population of
the Study
3.5 Sampling
3.6 Administration
of Research Instrument
3.7 Method of
Data Analysis
Chapter Four: Presentation and Analysis of Data
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Data
Presentation and Analysis
Chapter Five: Summary of Findings, Conclusion and
5.1 Summary of
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendations
Appendix I
Appendix II
The word Rural Development was first used internationally
at the 1948 Cambridge Conference on Africa Administration which was propounded
by Bryant G in his book “Managing Development in the Third World” (1982).
However, rural development actually began as a union of
economic development within the rural areas in the society. By economic
development we mean a multi-dimensional process symbolized by advancement in
output, enhancement in technology, and change in institutional arrangement of a
country towards ensuring overall well-being of their citizenry. Also the
various input level and contribution to the general standard of living.
Today, rural development is recognized as an important and
visible instrument for national cum rural transformation of the society.
However, the role or impact of local government in rural development could be
performed through various ways. For instance, the provision of public
transport, buildings cottage industries, tour halls, construction of feeder
roads, maintenance of market, numbering of houses, death and birth registration
and also non-social services like making people have education or acquire
skills and knowledge towards self help.
Rural development is also seen as one of the most
important aspect of social development. In this regards the potentialities or
economic and social development of various areas were harnessed.
Most often, the question remains in people’s minds whether
local government and their policies are directed towards helping to improve
rural living standard socially, economically, politically and culturally. It is
because of this fact we have taken time to critically examine the role of local
government in rural development in Nigeria using Uhunmwode local government
area of Edo State as a case study.
This topic is specially designed to enable us examine
critically the role of local government in rural development and also to
actually pinpoint those problems that hinders the local government from
functioning efficiently in carrying out its task of development.
There has been much emphasis on the roles of local
government in rural development in recent times. This is due to the sudden
awareness of the critical role local government plays in stimulating rural
development, its believed that since the government is now brought closer to
the people, their role in the development process can be made and that
development will be facilitated at this level by the local government. In the
entire attempt at rural transformation in Nigeria, there has been emphasis on
working in Nigeria through existing local authorities.
The 1979, 1989 as well as the 1999 (FRN,) empowered local
government to provide roads, health care facilities and certain basic primary
services. Given the statutory role of local government, this chapter asks what
are the factors militating against effective rural development). An implicit
assumption here is that existing development strategies has not levied up to
expectations. It’s in view of this that emphasis was laid on local government
as an agent of development.
Moreover, attempt was also made at meaningfully suggesting
ways that can help to improve rural development for a productive rural living
The principal justification of local government was the
superior capacity of the local people to understand and conduct their own
affairs, the local government that is described as the government at the grass
root is expected to move into remote, interior villages to help develop and
foster economic growth and develop them.
Government policies are expected to be directed towards
militating and supervising the local people in their efforts of self-help,
project. All these were supposed to be the functions of the local government so
as to bring about timely development and transformation of the rural areas, but
what is often predominant in the rural areas in Nigeria today are lack of
infrastructures like good feeder roads, primary health facilities, primary
schools, pipe borne water, electricity and where these are provided they are
left in poor conditions, it’s in view of these that this study is deem to
critically examine the role of local government in development of rural areas
using Uhunmwode local government area of Edo State as a case study.
In the process of the research, the questions were raised
towards the development of the rural areas.
are the things hindering local government in rural development programs?
the existence of the local government council what are their contribution
towards the development of the rural areas?
far have they been able to improve on rural development?
many rural areas have they been able to develop through the previous government
many projects have been executed within the rural areas by the local
In other to
attain the goals of this study, the following hypothesis was formulated for
accurate empirical validation of this study:
Ho: Fund does not hinder the carrying
out of Rural Development Programs in the local government Area.
HI: Funds hinders the Local Government from carrying out Rural
Development Programs.
Ho: The Local Government has not
contributed towards development of the remote area of the local government
HI: The local government has contributed towards development
of the remote areas of the local government
Ho: The local government has not been
able to improve on facilities of the rural area of Uhunmwode Local Government
HI: The local government has been able to improve on
facilities of the rural areas of Uhunmwode Local Government Area.
Ho: the local government has not helped
in developing any remote area in the rural area of Uhunmwode local Government
HI: the local government has helped in developing remote area
in the rural area of Uhunmwode Local Government Area
It’s said that an undertaking without purpose is an
attempt to pave way for unproductive venture. It is in this regard that the
researcher has tried to design four (4) objectives that is strictly to be
adhered to and they are as follows.
evaluate the role of contribution of Uhunmwode Local Government Area in rural
identify area where the local government has neglected rural development
determine the constraints of the local government
offer suggestion on how to eliminate the problems identified in the course of
the study
The significance of the study is that it will enable
individuals, government and other bodies know the functions and roles of the
local government area in development of rural areas.
This study will also make the government to create
awareness on the grassroots people. It will assist their self help projects
that could be available to their utilization in the local Government area
Finally, the role of local government in rural development
in the course of this study has been based on the need to bring development to
the rural people and establish a base where the people feel the impact of the
local government and participate in the process of rural development.
research is designed to cover the activities of Uhunmwode Local Government Area
in the area of rural development: the research work will be base on evaluating
the problems (if any) encountered by this local government area in their
attempt to meet their needs in the self-help projects and to suggest possible
ways through which such problems could be solved.
research will also try to cover the extent to which Uhunmwode local government
area has contributed to the development of the rural areas.
One of the
steps in research is to determine the obstacle of the research. A research is
the process of discovering the unknown through the known and in achieving this
inputs such as Time, Energy and cost were used.
the limiting factor in the course of this project work is time and financial
constraint based on the present economic situation of the country.
Then again,
not all files were given to the research due to the official secrecy or
confidentiality of such files in the Local Government Area.
following terms are uses in this research for clear understanding and the
following definition have been given to explain them.
Impact: It’s a bundle of effect contributed
or played by individual; group and organization in order to attain or achieve
its objectives. This is seen as the part which local government are supposed to
play and the function to be carried out towards the achievement of the rural
Local Government: To Egonwan (1984) in his book “
Principles and practices of Local Government in Nigeria “ Local Government is
“The government at the local level which exercise power through representatives
council established by law to exercise such power within defined areas”
United Nations Office for Public Administration gave the definition of local
government as “A political sub-division of a state or nation (in a federal
system which is constituted by law and has substantial control of local
affairs, including the power to impose taxes, or exert labor for prescribed purpose).
The governing body of such entity is selected locally, otherwise elected cited
in Awofeso (2005)
Rural Area: Rural Area, are less densely
populated with simple political Economic and social Institution and lacking in
basic infrastructure. Rural Area can also be seen as a group of people who have
lived together, sharing common values and general interest, long enough to be
considered by others and by themselves as a unit.
Development: According to Oxford Advanced Learners
Dictionary (5th Ed) Development is “The action or process of
developing or being develop”
Great (1976) sees development as “Relative to the expectations of the people”
cited in Ezeali and Edeh (2007).
to Todaro and Smith (2003), development refers to the capacity of a national
economy whose initial economic situation has been more or less static for a
long time to generate and sustain an annual increase in its Gross National
Product (GNP) at rates of perhaps 5 – 7 percent or more cited in Ezeh and Edeh (2007).
To Ainabor
and Otti (2011), development is an incident that causes a situation to change
or progress, it’s the process of changing and becoming larger stronger or more
impressive, successful or advanced, or causing somebody or something to change
in this way.
To Ainabor
and Otti (2011), development can also be seen as a deliberate and continuous
process of transformation and accelerated socio-political change in a desired
direction, it’s a process that involves the improvement of the social,
cultural, economic and political condition of the people.
Rural Development
To Ainabor and Otti (2011), rural development
is a process of enhancing the social well-being of all residents in a
particular commodity.
(2008) sees rural development as the process whereby efforts are made in order
to facilitate significant increase in rural resources, productivity with the
central objective of enhancing rural income and increasing employment
opportunity in rural communities for rural dwellers to remain in the area.
development is the process of improving the quality of life and economic
well-being of the people living in a relatively isolated and sparsely populated
areas, this traditionally centers on the exploitation of lands, intensive rural
resource such as land, agriculture and forestry. However, change in global
production networks and increase urbanization have changed the character of
rural areas, increasingly, tourism, Niche manufacturers and in creation have
replaced resource extraction and agriculture and dominant economic drivers
(Ademolekun, 1979).
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