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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008968

No of Pages: 78

No of Chapters: 5

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This study examined the impact of electoral malpractice on quality leadership in Ika North East Local Government Area of Delta State. The study was aimed at identifying the identify the causes of electoral malpractice in Ika North East Local Government Area of Delta State; the different forms of electoral malpractice in the study area; identifying the various leadership styles in the study area; impact of electoral malpractice on quality leadership performance of political leaders and other government parastatals in Ika North East Local Government Area of Delta State; role of government and private individuals in minimizing/curbing the attendant problems of electoral malpractice in the study area, and proffering suggestion(s) to address the attendant problems associated with electoral malpractice. The result of the findings showed that the prevalence of electoral malpractice has significant effect on quality leadership in Ika North East Local Government Area of Delta State. The findings revealed that quality leadership has played any significant role in the development and administration of Ika North East Local Government Area of Delta State. The study revealed that electoral malpractice is mainly caused by bad leadership. The study revealed that government/private individuals has played significant role in minimizing/curbing the attendant problems of electoral malpractice in the study area. The study concluded that electoral malpractice has significant impact on quality leadership performance of political leaders and other government parastatals in Ika North East Local Government Area of Delta State. The study recommended that there should be mass education, awareness and campaign of the general public especially INEC staff through professional training programmes so as to curb electoral malpractice.









1.1 Background to the Study - - 1

1.2 Statement of  Problem - - 8

1.3 Objective of the Study - 10

1.4 Research Questions- - - - 11

1.5 Statement of the Hypothesis 12

1.6 Significance of  Study - 13

1.7 Scope of the Study - - 14

1.8 Definition of Key Terms - 15


2.1 Introduction - - - - 18

2.2 Conceptual Framework - - 33

2.3 Theoretical Framework - - 45

2.4 Empirical Review - - - 50


3.1 Research Design -- 56

3.2 Population of the Study - 57

3.3 Sample Size - -- 57

3.4Sampling Technique - 58

3.5 Method of Data Collection - 58

3.6 Technique for Data Analysis - 59

3.7 Model Specification and Variable Definition -59

3.8 Measurement of Variables - - 59


4.1 Presentation of Data - -- 60

4.2 Discussion of Findings - - 79


5.1 Summary - - 80

5.2 Conclusion - -- 80

5.3 Recommendations - 93

References - - 95

Appendix - - 98





Background to the Study

Electoral malpractice Nigeria is becoming rampant it is perpetuated by politician and law enforcement agency. Electoral malpractice did not only occur on the day of voting, is started from the registration of votes. Since 1954, election in Nigeria had never been free and fair, this was as a result of various offences that manifest in them (Benoit and Lewis, 2014). Indeed, one major element of electoral process is that election must be conducted in a free and fair atmosphere, while electoral results must reflect the wishes of the people. Nigeria’s experience in this regard had since independence been contrary to this expectation. This is because previous and present electoral bodies had conducted elections in a way that favoured the ruling political parties through poor planning, the device of excluding electorates from voting in places considered to be the strongholds of opposition, inadequate supply of voting materials, and late arrival of electoral officers to polling stations (Arrow, 2020).

According to Richard (2018), an election is a formal group decision-making process by which a population chooses an individual to hold public office. Elections have been the usual mechanism by which modern representative democracy has operated since the 17th century. Elections may fill offices in the legislature, sometimes in the executive and judiciary, and for regional and local government. This process is also used in many other private and business organizations, from clubs to voluntary associations and corporations (Benoit and Lewis, 2014).

As observed by Corrado (2014), the universal use of elections as a tool for selecting representatives in modern representative democracies is in contrast with the practice in the democratic archetype, ancient Athens, where the elections were considered an oligarchic institution and most political offices were filled using sortition, also known as allotment, by which officeholders were chosen by lot. Electoral reform describes the process of introducing fair electoral systems where they are not in place, or improving the fairness or effectiveness of existing systems.

According to Benoit and Lewis (2014), election is the formal process of selecting a person for public office or of accepting or rejecting a political proposition by voting. It is important to distinguish between the form and the substance of elections. In some cases, electoral forms are present but the substance of an election is missing, as when voters do not have a free and genuine choice between at least two alternatives. Most countries hold elections in at least the formal sense, but in many of them the elections are not competitive or the electoral situation is in other respects highly compromised (Richard, 2018).

According to Richard (2018), the nature of democracy is that elected officials are accountable to the people, and they must return to the voters at prescribed intervals to seek their mandate to continue in office. For that reason most democratic constitutions provide that elections are held at fixed regular intervals. In Nigeria, elections for public offices are typically held between every four years in most states and at the federal level, with exceptions for tribunal judicial cases where elections are nullified.

As observed by Benoit and Lewis (2014), electoral systems consist of sets of rules that govern all aspects of the voting process: when elections occur, who is allowed to vote, who can stand as a candidate, how ballots are marked and cast, how the ballots are counted (electoral method), limits on campaign spending, and other factors that can affect the outcome. Political electoral systems are defined by constitutions and electoral laws, are typically conducted by election commissions, and can use multiple types of elections for different offices.

Farquharson (2016) noted that elections ought in theory to go a long way towards making democracy ‘work’, but in many contexts, they fail to embody democratic ideals because they are affected by electoral manipulation and misconduct. This study undertakes an analytic and explanatory investigation of electoral malpractice, which is understood as taking three principal forms: manipulation of the rules governing elections, manipulation of vote preference formation and expression, and manipulation of the voting process. The study which is comparative in nature starts out by providing a conceptual definition and typology of electoral malpractice, before considering evidence for the causes of this phenomenon. The principal argument of Richard (2018) is that factors affecting the costs of electoral malpractice are crucial in determining whether leaders will, in any given context, seek to rig elections. Among the most important factors of this sort are the linkages between elites and citizens. These linkages play an important role in determining how much legitimacy leaders will lose by engaging in electoral manipulation, as well as the likely consequences of legitimacy loss.

The impact of electoral malpractice on quality leadership in developed, developing and less-developed countries of the world have been studied by various scholars who undertook a pilot study on electoral processes and the different forms of electoral malpractices (Arrow, 2020). The study also shows how electoral malpractice might be reduced by means of a variety of strategies designed to raise the cost of electoral manipulation by increasing the ability of civil society and international actors to monitor and denounce it. It is against this background that his present study is conducted to examine the impact of electoral malpractice on quality leadership in Ika North East L.G.A of Delta State.

Statement of the Problem

Since the return to civil rule on 29 May 1999, Nigeria has held four general elections, apart from sundry re-run elections and local government polls. Out of the four general elections conducted, only the 2011 general election met both the local and international standard. But the disturbing trend is that each general election was worse than the preceding one (2003 was worse than 1999; and 2007 was worse than 2003). This trend shows that our country is faring very badly at each passing election as nobody can talk of consolidating democracy in such an environment. This is because the leaders seem to have forgotten that conducting a free and fair election is vital to the growth and development of any democratic process. Also, an average Nigerian voter is interested in immediate pecuniary or material rewards, and will easily trade off his votes when appropriately induced. This can be explained by the crippling poverty facing the people in the absence of government’s provision of the basic amenities required for decent living, as well as their justified distrust of the political leaders (Ebegbulem 2011).

To be able to achieve a free and fair election in Nigeria, various governments in the past and even in present times have appointed INEC officers to oversee the general election, but none have succeeded. It has been observed that the Nigerian government has not measured up properly over the years with its responsibilities to the citizenry. From preliminary investigation carried out by the researcher, the situation could be trace to the problem of lack of fund occasioned by the decline in the revenue collection capabilities of the Federal, State and local governments to conduct a free and fair election, lack of adequate electoral working materials; delay in the payment of electoral staff salaries, and mismanagement of available fund by government authorities. It is no longer news that electoral malpractice has nearly crippled the Nigerian government administration and other sectors and arms of government in the Nigeria political system. Nigerian leaders now siphon money meant for contract to rig elections and the little that is directed to the contract are usually not adequate to execute such contract. These among others are some of the attendant problems posed by the electoral malpractice and its impact on quality leadership in Ika North East Local Government Area of Delta State.

Though efforts has been made by the government and private individuals to avert this numerous problem(s) which hinder quality leadership especially in its administrative sector, but all efforts made so far have proved abortive as electoral malpractice has continued to eat deep into the society and the nation at large. It is also important to note here that quality leadership is a major determinant for any administration to attain development and may be hampered by electoral malpractice especially if there are elements of corrupt practices among the leaders. It is therefore hoped that this study will go a long way in addressing the aforementioned problems and proffering lasting solutions to the problems associated with electoral malpractice as it affects quality leadership in Ika North East Local Government Area of Delta State.


Research Questions

The study will answer the following research questions asked by the researcher;

i. What are the causes of electoral malpractice in Ika North East Local Government Area of Delta State?

ii. What are the different forms of electoral malpractice in the study area?

iii. What are the various leadership styles in the study area?

iv. Does electoral malpractice have significant impact on quality leadership performance of political leaders and other government parastatals in Ika North East Local Government Area of Delta State?

v. Does government and private individuals play a key role in minimizing/curbing the attendant problems of electoral malpractice in the study area?

vi. What do you think are the possible way to address the attendant problems associated with electoral malpractice?


The following hypotheses were tested;

H01:  The prevalence of electoral malpractice has no significant impact on quality leadership in Ika North East Local Government Area of Delta State.

H02:  Quality leadership has not played any significant role in the development and administration of Ika North East Local Government Area of Delta State.

H03:  Electoral malpractice is not majorly caused by bad leadership

H04: Government/private individuals has played no significant role in minimizing/curbing the attendant problems of electoral malpractice in the study area.

H05: Electoral malpractice has no significant impact on quality leadership performance of political leaders and other government parastatals in Ika North East Local Government Area of Delta State.

Purpose of the Study

The main objective of this research work is to critically examine the impact of electoral malpractice on quality leadership in Ika North East Local Government Area of Delta State.

However, the general objectives include to;

i. Identify the causes of electoral malpractice in Ika North East Local Government Area of Delta State;

ii. The different forms of electoral malpractice in the study area;

iii. identify the various leadership styles in the study area;

iv. examine the impact of electoral malpractice on quality leadership performance of political leaders and other government parastatals in Ika North East Local Government Area of Delta State;

v. Ascertain the role of government and private individuals in minimizing/curbing the attendant problems of electoral malpractice in the study area.

vi. Offer suggestion(s) on the possible way to address the attendant problems associated with electoral malpractice.


Significance of the Study

The study is important because it will help in highlighting the problem associated with electoral malpractice and those caused by lack of quality leadership among leaders. The study will also serve as a pioneering work on the impact of electoral malpractice on quality leadership in Ika North East Local Government Area of Delta State. And give some basic information which will be of immense advantage to future researchers on this topic.

This study will also bring awareness of the public and government to embark on public enlightenment programmes that will rehabilitate and bring to this orientation about quality leadership and the prevalence of electoral malpractice in the study area and menace of election rigging as it affects quality leadership, the development and administration of Ika North East Local Government Area of Delta State.

This study will also suggest possible ways to overcome electoral malpractice problems in the state and country at large. The administrators, cooperate bodies, government, non-governmental organization (NGOs) and private individuals will to a large extent benefit from this study by using it as a reference for planning purpose, gaining quality leadership skill and addressing electoral malpractice issues in the state and country at large. This will enable them also to know what they have to contribute to stop electoral malpractice and how to solve the problems associated with election rigging and other corrupt practices. Though this problem(s) cannot be totally eradicated, but will help to reduce and control them. It is therefore hoped that the result of this research work will go an extra mile to control and minimize electoral malpractice and enhance efficient leadership in the study area.

Scope of the Study

The scope of this study is restricted to the impact of electoral malpractice on quality leadership in Ika North East Local Government Area of Delta State. The research work is also restricted to address the attendant problems of electoral malpractice, causes of electoral malpractice and the various qualities of leadership style in the study area.

The scope of this study is also restricted to selected areas in Ika North East Local Government Area of Delta State. These selected areas are Owa-Oyibu, Ekwuoma, Boji-Boji Owa, Mbiri, Otolokpo, Owa-Alero, Umuhu, Umenede, and Ugbeka.

Limitations of the Study

The scope of the study was initially designed to cover all the communities and quarters in Ika North East Local Government Area of Delta State. However, because of it was not possible to cover the entire region, the scope was scaled down. In this regard only selected major communities/quarters were covered in this study. Language and communication barrier as well as inability of the researcher to access remote villages and areas due to poor road network and transportation problems where other limitations encountered by the researcher during administration of research questionnaire and conducting of oral interview.

These limitations notwithstanding, the data/information generated from this study and research finding will be of invaluable assistance to the control of corrupt practices as well as future researchers on this topic.

Definition of Terms

Administration: The act of administering; government of public affairs; the service rendered, or duties assumed, in conducting affairs; the conducting of any office or employment; direction.

Democracy: This is referred to as the rule by the people, especially as a form of government; either directly or through elected representatives.

Development: As used in this study, development refers to the process of developing electoral system to ensure quality leadership and good governance.

Effect: The result or outcomes of a cause.

Election: This is a process of choosing a leader, members of parliament, councilors, or other representatives by popular votes.

Government: The body with the power to make and/or enforce laws to control a country, land area, people or organization. This is also a group who hold a monopoly on the legitimate use of force in a given territory.

Leadership: This is referred to as the capacity of someone to lead.

Malpractice: This refers to the improper or unethical conduct by a professional or official person.

Prevalence: The quality or condition of being prevalent; superior strength, force, or influence; general existence, reception, or practice; wide extension; as the prevalence of virtue, of a fashion, etc.

Quality: This is referred to as the level of excellence. It is also a property or an attribute that differentiates a thing or person.

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