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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00003820

No of Pages: 98

No of Chapters: 5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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Education today has embraced e-learning to make the learner more personalized/individualized in his studies. It has brought changes that are very convenient and flexible to the learner as well as helped to develop skills and competencies needed in the 21st century to ensure that learners have the digital literacy skills required in their discipline. To this effect, the researcher decided to apply the method of e-learning in four selected secondary schools. A sample of 148 SSI students in Lagos State was selected and grouped into two experimental and control classes. The students in each group were categorized into three categories above average, average and below average according to their performances.

A software package on two selected topics according to their syllabus was developed and applied along with a conventional test as research instruments. A 4 week lesson plan was drawn   the experimental class was taught using the software package while the control class was taught using the conventional method for both topics.

The t-test and chi-square (x2) statistical packages were used to test the null hypothesis. The result showed that the experimented class performed better than the conventional class, the students that were in the below average category in the pre-test moved to the average and above average categories.    

This has the implication of transforming the educational standards by providing unlimited access to knowledge and information to teachers and learners.






Title page                                                                                i

Certification                                                                            ii

Dedication                                                                    iii

Acknowledgment                                                                    iv

Abstract                                                                                  v

Table of content                                                                     

List of tables

Chapter One

Background of Study                                            

1.1    Introduction                                                             1-3

1.2    Statement of the problem                                            3-4

1.3    Purpose of the study                                                  4

1.4    Significance of the study                                             4                                                       

1.5    Research Questions                                                    5

1.6    Hypothesis                                                                 5

1.7    Scope of the study                                                      5-6

1.8    Limitation of the study                                                6


Chapter Two

          Literature Review

2.1    Introduction                                                              7

2.2    Meaning/Concept of E-learning                                   7-11

2.3    Benefits of Application of E-learning in Education              11-18

2.4    E-learning versus Conventional teaching (Traditional

Classroom Instruction)                                                         19-22

2.5    E-learning in the school                                                        22-27


Chapter Three

Research Methodology

3.1    Introduction                                                                           28

3.2    Research Design                                                                    28-29

3.3    Area of the Study                                                                   29

3.4    Population of the Study                                                         29-30

3.5    Sample and Sampling Technique                                         30

3.6    Research Instrument                                                             30-31

3.7    Introduction of the Instructional package                           31-32

3.8    Designing of the Instructional Package                                32-33

3.9    Steps in producing a programmed Instruction                   33-36

3.10  Operational Analysis                                                             37

3.11  Method of Data Collection                                                     37-47

3.12  Application of the programmed  Instruction                        47

3. 13 Method of the Data Analysis                                                 47

Chapter Four

4.1    Presentation and Analysis                                                     48-52

4.2    Presentation of Performances of Students for the

second group of schools                                                 52-54     

4.3    Analysis of Data                                                                     55-57

4.4    Testing the research Hypothesis 1                              59-63

4.5    Testing Research Hypothesis two                                         63-66

4.6    Presentation and Analysis of Data for the Second

group of Schools                                                                    66-73

4.7    Research Hypothesis three (Ho3)                                         73-74

4.8    Analysis of the Performance of girls and

the boys in the test                                                                 74-75   

4.9    Testing the Research Hypothesis three                                 76-77

Chapter Five

Summary, Discussion and Implication recommendations and conclusion

5.1 Summary                                                                                   79-81

5.2    Discussion of Result and Implications                                 81-83

5.3    Recommendations                                                                 83

5.4    Conclusion                                                                             84

Appendix I                                                                                      

Appendix II                                                                                     


Test items 

List of Table

Table 4:1    Raw Scores of the sample population taught the first topic

4.2    Raw Scores of the sample population taught the second topic.

4.3    Performance classification for the first topic.

4.4    Performance classification for the second topic

4.5    Raw Scores of the sample population in the first topic population in the first topic.

4.6    Raw scores of the sample population in the second topic.

4.7    Performance classification for the first topic (second group of schools)

4.8    Performance classification for the second topic (second group of schools)

4.10  Contingency table for the first topic

4.11  The chi-square (x2) statistical analysis for the second topic.

4.12  Contingency table for the second topic.

4.13  Researches Performance classification table for the first topic.

4.14  Researchers Performance classification table for the second topic.

4.15  Researchers Performance classification table for the second topic (second group of schools)

4.16 The chi-square (x2) statistical of the first topic.

4.17  Contingency table for the schools first topic.

4.18  The chi-square (x2) statistical analysis of the students performance in the second topic.

4.19  Performance classification table for the first topic (first group of schools)

4.20  Performance classification table for the Boys and Girls taught with e-learning faculties.   









Today, the society is witnessing a major change in all aspects of life which has affected our houses, businesses and our educational system. Technology has emerged with our curriculum to create a learning atmosphere that allows learners to become more responsible and individualized/personalized in their studies. 

The continuous societal changes denoted a need for the educational system to embrace these changes. According to Igwe (2005) “development in everyday language refers to qualitative improvement which is a continuous activity among human beings” The societal changes have affected the schools, the teachers, the learners and the disciplines or subjects taught in schools and this have resulted in the overall curriculum change. All these changes have made it necessary for educators and learners to adopt in other to meet up with the demands of the modern society. Therefore the educational system should move along with the rest of the world as it is a change agent. 

Today, it is necessary for someone to have a basic knowledge of the computer in other to function properly. This has brought modernization into our educational system and part of this is the electronic learning. 

The launch of the World Wide Web (www) in 1999 brought a surge of interest in the possibilities of electronic learning (e-learning). According to Okeke (2007) “The use of the web as an educational medium was hailed as a major change in the educational sector. It has given rise to a major form of delivery of education or as a combined approach with the old conventional method of classroom based teaching. 

E- Learning is computer enhanced and applies to online lectures, tutorial, performance  support system stimulations. It is an approach to facilitate and enhance learning through both computers and communication technology. Devices such as personal computers (pc), CD Roms, televisions, Mp3 players and mobile phones are used. Communication technology enables the use of the internet and e-mail discussions. 

Lee (2004) noted that the increasing use of internet improved technologies as well as web based applications, the uses of e-learning in the educational sector are of immense benefits. As written by Ajelabi (2005), it motives students to operate modern teaching equipments like microcomputers and other teaching aids like projectors (overhead and opaque) slides, films etc). 

By now, over a decade of it launch, it is expected that the concept of e-learning should be clearly defined. Due to attitudinal problems in the use of e-learning for teaching and learning of disciplines in the school curriculum, there is yet to be a consensus about what it actually represents. It is important that the method of teaching and learning should also change to meet with the changing societal needs. 

Based on the above background, the task before the researcher is to find out the impact of the application of e-learning on the teaching and learning of Agricultural science among the senior secondary school students  in Okota Isolo / Oshodi Local Government  Area  and Ejigbo Development Area of Lagos State.



The school curriculum has to be responsive to changing societal needs. The students also have to adapt to these needs and often the effects are noticed on the performance of students who are  usually the receivers.

In today’s world, technology has made it necessary to use the various forms of computer delivered instruction in teaching and learning.  It becomes necessary to study the impact of e-learning on the teaching e-learning learning of Agricultural science. 



The purpose of this study is for the researcher to achieve experimentally the following objectives:-

a.   Assess the effect of the use of e-learning method on the academic performance of students.

b.   Demonstrate the workability of the use of e-learning method in teaching agricultural science topic.

c.    Assess the effect of e-learning method on students performance as against the use of the conventional method. 


            1.4       SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY.

The study is significant in that it gives an insight into the knowledge of using software packages and its workability on the educational system.


The result will encourage the teachers to know the benefit of using the alternative method of teaching to achieve an improved performance. It will create an awareness to the teacher and the student on the possibility of using e-learning approach.    


The research is aimed at answering the following questions:-

1.   Does the academic performance of the students depend on the method of teaching?

2.   Does the performance of students taught with e-learning differ from those taught with the conventional method?

3.   Is there any difference between the performance of boys and girls taught with the e-learning method?




The following hypothesis have been postulated for testing:-

1.   .H0I There is no statistically significant difference in the academic performance of students taught with e-learning facilities and those taught with the conventional method.

2.    Ho2 The students academic performance is independent on the method of teaching

3.   H03 : These is no statistically significant difference in the performance of boys and girls taught with the e-learning method.



For the purpose of this research and the successful application of the e-learning facilities, the scope is one hundred and forty eight (148) SS1 students made up of forty (40) each from Ostra Heights school and Hopebay College, both in Okota, Isolo/ OShodi Local Government Area of Lagos State while thirty five (35) students came from Kings Palace school and thirty three (33) students came from Hill Crest college both in Ejigbo Development Council.



The researcher was limited by finance both for transportation to the schools and production of the instructional package. Also time for the study was limited.

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