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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007770

No of Pages: 67

No of Chapters: 1-5

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This study explores the impact of sales promotion on profitability within the brewing industry, focusing on Nigerian Brewery Plc. The research aims to understand how various sales promotion techniques, such as gifts, coupons, price-offs, and refunds, influence profitability and the overall financial performance of the company.

Enugu State, with its 17 local government areas and a population size of 3,267,837, serves as the geographical scope for this study. Through a probability sampling technique, a sample size of 92 respondents was determined using Taro Yamane's method. Both primary data collected through surveys and secondary data were analyzed using simple percentages, Pearson’s product moment correlation (PPMC), and multiple regression analysis.

Key findings from the study include: Gifts, bonuses, and coupons significantly and positively affect profitability in the brewing industry. Increased efforts in bonus schemes were found to enhance profitability, consistent with previous research; Sales volume, market share, and discounts also significantly and positively impact profitability. This suggests that strategies aimed at increasing sales volume and market share contribute to overall profitability within the brewing industry.

Based on these findings, several conclusions and recommendations are drawn: Sales promotion practices positively influence profitability in the brewing industry. Therefore, companies should continue to implement these strategies to enhance financial performance; Specific sales promotion tools like bonuses, coupons, and gifts should be carefully utilized to maximize their impact on profitability; Regular evaluation of sales volume and profitability is recommended to ensure effective performance monitoring and strategy adjustment; Market segmentation, targeting, and sales promotion research should be closely integrated into sales promotion activities to enhance effectiveness and efficiency.

In conclusion, the adoption of sales promotion techniques significantly contributes to the profitability and financial performance of companies in the brewing industry. By leveraging these strategies effectively and integrating them with broader marketing initiatives, firms can enhance their market position, sales volume, and ultimately, profitability.











1.1   Background to the Study

1.2   Statement of the Problem

1.3   Objectives of the Study

1.4   Research Questions

1.5.     Research Hypothesis

1.6   Significance of the Study

1.7   Scope of the study

1.8   Limitation of the study

1.8   Definition of Terms




2.1   Conceptual framework

2.2   History of modern sales promotion

2.3   Theoretical issues on profitability

2.4   Empirical review of sales promotion

2.5   Objectives of sales promotion

2.6   Categories of sales promotion

2.6.1. Types of Sales Promotion

2.6.2  Advantages  of Sales Promotion

2.6.3  Limitations of sales promotion:

2.7     The Purpose  of Sales Promotion

2.8   Classification of Sales Promotion

2.10   Sales Promotion Budgets and Appropriation

2.10.1 The Fixed Percentage of Sales Method

2.10.2 Affordable Method

2.10.3 The Objectives and Task Method

2.10.4 Competitors Expenditure/ Parity Method

2.11   Management of Sales Promotion Program

2.11.1 Research

2.11.2 Sales Promotion Tools Selection

2.12 Implementation and Evaluation of Sales Promotion Strategy

2.13   Tactical Consideration in Sales Promotion Strategy in a Competitive Marketing Environment.

2.14   Brief History of Nigerian Brewery plc




3.1     Research design

3.2     Area of Study

3.3     Population of the Study

3.4     Sampling techniques

3.5     Sample Size

3.6     Method of Data Collection

3.7     Method of Data Analysis

3.7.1   Questionnaire

3.7.2 Primary Data

3.7.3 Secondary Data

3.8     Validity and Reliability

3.9     Data Analysis Techniques




4.1   Questionnaire Distribution

4.2   Socio-Economic Data

4.3   General Data

4.4   Hypotheses Testing




5.1   Summary

5.2 Conclusion

5.3      Recommendations








1.1     Background to the Study

Sales promotion has become an effective marketing tool that assists organizations to wax stronger in a global competitive environment. Oyedapo(2012) identified sales promotion as a key ingredient in marketing campaigns which assist organizations to achieve its objectives. The main aim of any organization is to maximize profit, have largest market shares and to become leaders in a market competitive environment. Okoli (2011) confirmed that the essence of setting up a business organization is to make profit. Sales promotion simply exists to have a direct impact on the behavior of the firm’s customers (Blatberg and Neslin,1990). Aworemi (2008) in his research finding said that sales promotion plays a significant effect on sales volume which helps in achieving the organizational objectives. The role of sales promotion in achieving organizational stated objectives cannot be underestimated.

Marketing is a practical discipline that focuses on the customer and his profitable satisfaction. Marketing is the arm of business that embraces the identification of the consumer needs and profitable configuration and allocation of human and material resources not only to satisfy the identified needs, but also to achieve the profitable goals of the enterprise. To do this, goods are produced and brought to the knowledge of the target market. It therefore becomes imperative to advice some promotional strategies and harness some communicational tools not only to motivate the responsive chord of the target market but also to sustain their buying pattern, especially to attract preference both to the company and its producers (Boniface et al, 2007, Ayanwu 2003, Inyanga, 2004).

The essence of sales promotion is to achieve a positive shift of the “market demand curve of the enterprise from left to right (Njoku, 2002). And one of the promotional tools to use, especially with reference to Nigeria Brewery Plc is sales promotion, more importantly when personal selling and advertising have performed their roles are “promotional forerunners” in the marketing environment (Boniface et al, 2007).     

The essence of the use of sales promotion in an organization is to facilitate its complementary role in the functioning of the other promotional elements namely personal selling, advertising, publicity, public relation, direct and data base marketing among others. This is because it is extremely difficult to measure the categorical (individual) impact of a single promotional tool like sales promotion in the company’s promotional strategy in actualizing both communication effects, and sales effects due to the reason of ‘’Communication carry over and promotional spillovers in the competitive market (Inyanga, 2004).Be it as it may, the interest of this research is to investigate into the roles of sales promotion on the profitability of an organization.

This can be achieved through the strategic adoption of some or all of the sales promotion techniques namely sampling, premiums, coupon, and point of purchase, which gulp a substantial marketing and promotional cost of an enterprise (Anyanwu, 2003).

Sales promotion in a nutshell is one of the most powerful weapon available to transform and liberate an industrial dealer from customer dissatisfaction, and also to attain rapid growth and progress in the marketing environment where acute competition is the language of business ( Anyanwu, 2003).

1.2     Statement of the Problem

In spite of the tight definition of sales promotion as an essential means of creating awareness of the product existence and characteristics and also the positive, psychological association that can enhance the buyer satisfaction which add to the real value of the company’s offering, little attention is being given to it by many business organizations in the country and they rarely promote their sales to the fullest.

Many firms pay little attention to sales promotion since they feel they can sell their product with little or no promotional activities. Likewise, many firms which could not afford the huge cost of the promotional program would entail and despite the effect of sales promotion, there had been insufficient research and decision modeling devoted to it. In addition, there is an established negative perception of many firms as regards the cost of business promotion especially those whose benefits are not early and immediately reached.

Also, adequate records of sales and promotional cost are always neglected and some sales promotion programs are introduced at the wrong time, which will therefore hinder the level of sales and profitability of the firm and thereby render sales promotion less important in the community and the country as a whole.


1.3     Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this work is to examine the effect of sales promotion on profitability in the brewing industry with special reference to Nigerian Brewery plc. The specific objectives are to:

i.        ascertain the effect of gifts in enhancing profitability in the enterprise;

ii.       ascertain the effect of coupon on the sales growth of the firm;

iii.      ascertain the effect of price- off on customer patronage;

iv.      ascertain the effect of refund on customer retention in the enterprise;

v.       ascertain the relationship between sales promotion techniques and corporate profits.


1.4     Research Questions

This study tends to investigate and provide answers to the following questions.

i.        What is the effect of gifts in enhancing profitability in the enterprise?

ii.       What is the effect of coupon on the sales growth of the firm?

iii.      What is the effect of price- off on customer patronage?

iv.      What is the effect of refund on customer retention in the enterprise?

v.       What is the relationship between sales promotion techniques and corporate profits?


          1.6.         Research Hypothesis

To provide answers to the questions arising from this study, the following hypothesis are postulated:

Ho1:    Gifts has no significant effect on profitability of the enterprise    

Ho2:    Coupons has no significant effect on the sales growth of the firm

Ho3:    Price- off has no significant effect on customer patronage

Ho4:    Refunds has no significant effect on customer retention in the enterprise

Ho5:  There is no significant relationship between sales promotion techniques and corporate profits

1.6     Significance of the Study

It is a fact that sales promotion has a great impact on business organization. This study therefore intends to determine to a great extent the effect of sales promotion on profitability in the brewing industry in business organization. Because of the important role of sales promotion, this study will therefore make a useful improvement upon the performance of business and how their level of sales and profitability can be improved.

This project will be of immense value to future researcher who might intend to carry out a research on this particular topic. It will also help to highlight how individual who may setup their own business in future to carry out their business in an effective way. This study concentrated in the effect of sales promotion and the profitability in the brewing industry but emphases was heard on Nigeria Brewery Plc.

1.7     Scope of the study

This study concentrated on the effect of sales promotion in the brewing industry but emphasis was held on Nigerian Brewery plc.


1.8     Limitation of the study

There are many limitation been encountered by the researcher during the period of getting information and that has affected this work adversely.  The first difficult task was how to combine the writing of this work and preparation of my exams.

Secondly, lack of finance and resources also restricted this research work to an extent.  The writer inspite of the account on the difficulty encountered, returns all glory to God.

1.8     Definition of Terms

The terms to be given operational definitions are:

Sales Promotion

Sales promotion is defined as a broad label that applies special kinds of sales accelerating activity not necessarily classed as advertising and direct selling.


Organization is defined by Robine (1987) as a consciously coordinated social entity with a relatively identifiable boundary that function in a relatively continuous basis to achieve a common goal or a set of goals.


Advertisement is any paid form of non- personnel presentation and production of ideas, goods or services by identified sponsor.


Price means the amount of money paid by the buyer to the seller of the product or service.


This is a non- personal communication or presentation of idea about a product, services, or a cry that is not paid by an identified sponsor.


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