There has been a high and growing
incidence of poverty in Lagos State in the last two decades. Overtime, what can
be discerned in the various approaches to poverty alleviation in Lagos State is
that the State is determined largely by making
a choice between growth promoting policies and poverty focused strategies. The reality
however is that, the two approaches are not after all mutually exclusive. They
are complementary to the extent that the former serve only as a long term the
latter constitute an immediate and direct shot at the poverty itself.
This research work is designed to
examine clearly the challenges and prospects of poverty alleviation programmes
in Lagos State. Ikeja local Government was the case study. The various
definitions and categories of poverty, causes of poverty, profile of poverty in
Nigeria and programmes in Nigeria among others were discussed.
Moreover, through the aid of
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software, all data collected
through the questionnaire were analyzed; and, Chi-Square was used to test for
the entire three hypotheses. At the end of the analysis of findings, policy
recommendations were made towards effectiveness in State Government effort in
alleviating poverty in Lagos State.
Chapter One
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Aim and Objectives
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Research Hypothesis
1.6 The Research Methodology
1.7 The Significance of the Study
1.8 The Scope and limitation of the Study
1.9 Definition of Terms
Organization of the Study
Chapter Two
2.1 Introduction - Literature Review
2.2 Definition and Concept of Poverty
2.3 The Profile of Poverty in Nigeria
2.4 Poverty Alleviation
2.5 Poverty Alleviation Issues in Nigeria
2.6 Poverty Alleviation Programmes in Nigeria
2.7 The Perspectives on Poverty Alleviation
Chapter Three
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The Study Area
3.3 Sample Size
3.4 Target Population
3.5 Method of Data Analysis
3.6 Research Hypothesis
Chapter Four
4.0 Data Presentation and Analysis
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Data Analysis and Presentation
4.3 Analysis of the Returned Questionnaires
4.4 Test of Hypothesis and Interpretation
Chapter Five
5.1 Summary of the Major Findings
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendation
4.1 Sex of the Respondents
4.2 Age of the Respondents
4.3 Marital Status of the Respondents
4.4 Occupation of the Respondents
4.5 Educational background of the Respondents
4.6 Have you heard about Poverty Alleviation Programmes
4.7 If yes, what do you think Poverty Alleviation Programme is all
4.8 Respondents knowledge about Poverty Alleviation put in place
the Lagos State Government
4.9 Poverty Alleviation Programmes put in place by the State
GovernmentAs mentioned by the Respondents.
4.10 What do you think the Programme is meant for?
4.11 Respondents view whether beneficiaries are benefiting from
programme or not
4.12 Rating by the Respondents of Poverty Alleviation in Lagos State
4.13 Respondents opinion on the sponsor(s) of Poverty Alleviation
Programmes in Lagos State
4.14 Opinion of the Respondents whether Poverty Alleviation Programme
put in place by the State Government really helped or not
4.15 Impact of Poverty Alleviation Programme in Lagos State
4.16 Causes of Failure of poverty Alleviation Programmes
4.17 Opinion of the Respondents on what Lagos State should do for
Poverty Alleviation to be more effective
4.18 Challenges confronting State Government in Alleviating Poverty
in the State
1.1 Introduction
The rising profile of poverty in
Nigeria is assuming a worrisome dimension as empirical studies had shown. Nigeria, a sub-saharan African country, has at
least half of its population living in abject poverty according to Ojo, 2008
Similarly, the publication of the Federal Office of Statistics (1996) reveals
that poverty has been massive, pervasive and engulfs a large proportion of the
Nigerian society. Abiola and Olaope 2008)
also state that, the scourge of poverty in Nigeria is an incontrovertible fact,
which results in hunger, ignorance, malnutrition, disease, unemployment, poor
access to credit facilities and low
life expectancy.
Nwaobi (2003) in his opinion
asserts that Nigeria presents a paradox in which the country is rich, but the
people are poor, As noted by Omotola
(2008), Nigeria is richly endowed and the country's wealth potentials manifests
in the form of natural, geographical
and socio-economic factors, With this condition, Nigeria should rank among the
richest countries of the world that should have no business with extreme
poverty. However, Ope and Abu (2009) specifically remark that Nigeria has witnessed
a monumental increase in the level of poverty. According to them, the poverty
stood at 74.2% in
the year 2000.
Looking at the records from the
Federal Office of Statistics as documented by Garba (2006), it reveals that
about 15% of the Nigerian population was poor in 1960 but the figure rose to
28% in 1980 and by 1996, the incident of poverty in Nigeria was 76.6million
people. In the present decade, the issue of poverty alleviation is once again
back in the international limelight. To
the Intertional Labour Organization (ILO), poverty is not a new agenda. Since 1944, the ILO has held fast to its declaration
that "poverty anywhere is a threat to prosperity everywhere"
stressing the importance of poverty alleviation to the world attention. A
number of other international bodies are now paying much more attention
poverty, for instance the World Bank.
The Inter-American Development
Bank has intact actually adopted a policy that half of its loans have to
contribute directly to poverty reduction. The recent of Non- Governmental
Organizations (NGOs) constitutes a yet more the poverty alleviation campaign in
most developing countries lately. Against the background of Economic Adjustment
Policy which is largely growth a need to have a thorough examination of various
challenges experienced so far in alleviating poverty for a better futuristic
approach to be put in place.
1.2 Statement of
the Problem
Poverty alleviation is a task for
economy policy and to reach the poor effectively; anti poverty programmes are
really vital in Lagos state, Besides, statistics shows that 70% of the
population of 9 million people lives below 1 dollar
per day in which there is inadequate housing, epileptic enemy supply, lack of
portable water, low agricultural output, decayed educational system, partial
health care under capacity utilization of the industrial sector, weak financial
among others.
Lagos state is a contradiction of
sorts, unarguably it is a State well endowed with abundant human and natural
resources, the condition of the society is a viz a viz development and the
welfare of the people leaves much to be desired.
Therefore, Lagos State government
has, risen up to the challenged of this disease known as poverty. The State
Government knew that solutions could not be achieved through personal efforts
therefore; embark on organizing various social programme.
In essence, the fundamental focus
of this study is to examine the various programmes that the Lagos State
Government has organized in order to alleviate poverty in the state and the
challenges and the prospects of those programmes.
1.3 Aim and Objectives
The aim of this study is to
examine the challenges and prospects of poverty alleviation programmes in Lagos
The objectives of this study are
i. Examine which programmes put
in place by Lagos State Government in alleviating poverty in State.
ii. Identify the various
beneficiaries of such programmes and the extent to which the programme has
helped in alleviating poverty in the State.
iii. Assess people's opinion on
the government's effort in alleviating poverty in the state so far.
1.4 Research Questions
This research question were set
in order to have better understanding about the issue of poverty in order to be
able to trace the various techniques put in place in alleviating poverty both
in international, national and state levels. The latter which have really been
the major focus of this project work.
i. What is poverty?
ii. Who are the vulnerable of poverty?
iii. What are the categories of poverty?
iv. What are the various
prograrnmes put in place and their effectiveness in a alleviating poverty in
the State?
v. What are the problems facing in achieving poverty alleviation
in the State?
1.5 Research
Hypothesis 1
H1: There is a significant relationship between Lagos State
Poverty Alleviation Programmes and the rate of poverty among people in the
Ho: There is no significant relationship between
Lagos State Poverty Alleviation Programmes and the rate of poverty among pie in
the State.
Hypothesis 2
H1: There are challenges and prospects being encountered in alleviating poverty by the Lagos
State Government.
Ho: There are no challenges and prospects being encountered
across in alleviating poverty by the Lagos State Government.
Hypothesis 3
H1: There are challenges and prospects being encountered in
alleviating poverty by the Lagos State Government.
Ho: There are no challenges and prospects being
encountered cross in alleviating poverty by the Lagos State Government.
1.6 The Research Methodology
The study will employ the
chi-square analysis method measure the degree of effectiveness of the embarked
on by the Lagos State Government in Ikeja Local Government Area of the State.
Chi-square is defined as (O-E/E)2
1.6.1 Methods/Sample
For this study, Ikeja Local
Government Area was used as a case study.
From this Local Government Area, four major areas were administered with
questionnaire. These areas include
Opebi, Allen Avenue, Balogun and Toyin Street. A total number of 100 questionnaires were
randomly administered to the people living in the four selected study areas.
1.6.2 Source of Data
For this research study, both
primary and secondary data were consulted for
Primary Data:- In
collecting data through this method,
both structured questionnaire and interview guide were used. The structured
questionnaire was used to collect information from the people living in the selected
areas within the study area. Also, the interview guide was used to gather information
from Lagos State Women Affair and Poverty Alleviation
This is to obtain Information on their opinion about Lagos State Poverty Alleviation programmes put in place.
Secondary Data:- These
were obtained from journals, conference and seminar papers as well as review of
various studies and literatures on poverty.
1.6.3 Statistical
Tools of Data Analysis
The data collected from this
survey were analyzed using descriptive and inferential tools enhance further
illustration. Also, Statistical Package
for Social Sciences(SPSS) software were used for analyzing data collected and
Chi-Square was used to test for the three hypothesis set.
1.7 The Significance of the Study
This study makes possible the
understanding of how government has intervened in the alleviation of poverty in
the State using Ikeja Local Government Area as a case study. Moreover, this
study also looked at the various challenges facing the government in achieving
its objectives and its prospect so far in the state.
The res Its
of the findings were used in providing recommendations towards effective policy
making as regards poverty alleviation programmes in the Lagos State.
1.8 The Scope and
Limitation of the Study
This study
focuses on Ikeja Local Government Area in Lagos state. It examines some f the activities of the gove1lment in alleviating
poverty as regards development in the Local Government Area. However, the
findings gave a vivid account of both problems and success encountered far in
establishing poverty alleviation programmes in the State.
1.9 Definitions of Terms
FOS - Federal
Office of Statistics
ILO - International
Labour Organization
NGOs - Non
Governmental Organizations
DAC - Development
Assistance Committee
LAWMA - Lagos
State Waste Management Agency
1.10 Organisation of the Study
The project work is divided into
(5) chapters. Chapter one consist of Introduction, Statement of the problems,
Aim and objectives of the Study, Research Questions, Research Hypothesis,
Research Methodology, Significance of the Study, Scope and Limitation of the
Study, Plan of the Study.
Chapter Two consist of Literature
Review while Chapter Three includes, Research methodology, the Study Area, the
Sample Size, Target Population, Method of Data Analysis and Research
Hypothesis. Chapter Four consist of the
Research Methodology, Data Analysis and Interpretation of the results with
Chapter Five focusing on the Summary,
Conclusion and Recommendations.
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