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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008009

No of Pages: 89

No of Chapters: 5

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This research work emphasized on the concept in the agricultural sector of the economy with particular reference to Imo State. This research work was sectioned into five chapters, chapter one reveals the introduction, some problems associated with, objectives of the research in chapter two, the researcher encounter with a lot of literature review as it concerns with the study. Chapter three, the researcher carried out an investigation in a particular place, that is Imo State after due collection of data both primary and secondary, the researcher decided to apply Chi-square statistical method as well as tables for both the analysis of data and the testing of hypothesis. Chapter four, the researcher confront series of analysis in order to proffer good results and decision that provide positives effects to both present and future research. Finally, chapter five, deals with conclusion and basic recommendation reports of the study.    


Title Page i

Certification ii

Dedication iii

Acknowledgement iv

Table of Contents v

List of Tables vii

Abstract viii



1.1 Background of the Study 1

1.2 Statement of the Problems 6

1.3 Objective of Study 9

1.4 Research Questions 10

1.5 Research Hypothesis 10

1.6 The Significance of the Study 11

1.7 Scope of the Study 12


2.1 Historical Background of Selected Firms 13

2.2 Historical Background of Bonny Farms Limited 15

2.3 Over View and Meaning of Making Concept Tracing 16

2.4 Agricultural Marketing 24

2.4.0 Marketing of Agricultural Commodities 29

in Local Market in Nigeria

2.4.1 The Local Markets or Village Traders 30

2.4.2  Wholesalers 31

2.4.3 Retailers or Terminal Markets 32

2.4.4 Cooperatives 32

2.5 Organizing the Marketing Department 36

Functional Structuring 37

2.5.2 Production or Brand Management 38



3.1 Research Design 40

3.2 Population of the Study 40

3.3 Sampling Unit 41

3.4 Determination of Sample Size 42

3.5  Method of Data Collection 42

3.6  Sampling Techniques 44

3.7  Data Analysis 45

3.8 Validity and Reliability 47



4.1 Presentation 48

4.2 Analysis and Interpretation of Data 49

4.3 Hypothesis Testing 62



5.1 Summary of Findings 69

5.3 Conclusion 71

5.3 Recommendations 72






1.1 Background of the Study

The intention of this study is to investigate and analyze the application of marketing concept in agricultural sector of the economy in his state.

Marketing concept is a management orientation that holds the key task of the organization is to determine the needs, wants and values of the target market

(consumers/customers/industrial users) and to adapt the organization to delivering the desired satisfaction least affectively and efficiently than it’s competition. It is defined by Taylor (1975) as “an awareness which enables one to assess their relationship of the interdependence forces as they influence directly or indirectly each step in the path of a product through the various places of idea. Conception, production and distribution with the consumers satisfaction with his purchase of the product at a price which is profitable to him and to the company. One who has achieved an understanding of the marketing concept visualizes the administrative activities which are influential in every phase of the product flow and to relate these activities to his own performance. Marketing concept is also known as consumer orientation.

Agriculture is the cultivation of land, rearing of animals, processing and marketing of agricultural products for the purpose of production of food for man, feed for animals and raw materials for industries. (Augustus 2002). While agricultural marketing is the business activity concerned with the identification of the marketing needs through marketing research in addition to integrating the marketing variables thereby producing pricing, promotion and physically distributing the product from the farm to the final consumer for the market satisfaction and firm’s need (Azugama 2003). Agriculture involves cropping. Livestock, forestry, fishing, processing and marketing of agricultural products. Essentially it is composed of crop production, livestock, forestry and fishing (Obioma 2003).

The application of marketing concept refers to the examination and interpretation of the manner in which consumer orientation as  this case by farmers in agriculture in Imo State (being the scope of this project study).

It is quite evident that agriculture is one of the most important sectors of the Nigeria economy and every other economy all over the world. Agriculture employs the highest number of the Nigerian labour force, contributes to the gross domestic product (GDP) of the economy, serves as a source of foreign exchange earner for the country and provides income to farmers. It provides food for man and animals and as well provides raw materials for our industries. Agriculture/farming is a common practice among the people of Nigeria and Imo State in particular.

The application of marketing concept in agriculture business is the topic of this research study. It intends to look huts how farmers and agricultural orientation as a marketing philosophy in their daily business activities. The concept according to Stanton (1981: 23) is a philosophy of business which states that the consumers wants satisfaction is the economic and social justification of a company’s existence”.

It should be understood that agricultural products are relatively homogenous and seasonal in nature, highly perishable, usually bulky and mainly obtained in raw material forms.

This makes agricultural products to be highly competitive thus requiring the proper and adequate application of marketing concept by farmers/producers/agricultural firms in order to operate effectively and efficiently.

It is common for the owners of business to trace the failure of their business to low sales volume. When the marketing skills are neglected and non-coordinated marketing approaches adopted, the collapse of the business is almost imminent.

It is worth mentioning that the cause of business failure is not only the selection of wrong marketing skills and approaches, but most firms/companies/farming and requiring new production techniques, thereby relegating the marketing function often their marketing objectives display a lot of inexactitudes both in idea and realization.

Company’s marketing environment is dynamic in nature and it is affected by diverse forces both external and internal. This environment determined the success of the entire operation. No business can succeed when the environment is alternately isolated from its compatriot and the continuous monitoring and adoption of the dynamic environmental innovations not immediately.

Philip Kotler (1980) grouped the marketing environment into four (4):

A. The task environment which consists of institutions that help the firms carry out it’s major tasks.

B. The competitive environment, made up of the organization’s co-competitors for customers and resources.

C. The public environment which consists of institutions that match and regulate the activities of the organization

D. Macro environment whose components include technology, politics, demography, economics, natural resources, and culture.

1.2 Statement of the Problems

It has earlier been said that agriculture is the largest employer of labour in the economy, it also services as a source of foreign exchange earning for the economy, contributes to the gross domestic product (GDP) of the economy, provides food for man and animals.

One would observe, going around any geographical set up many agricultural farms, agricultural products and allied firms owned by different individuals and organizations/institutions. Some have it as their full-time business, while others take it as a hobby. Some are skilled and experienced in the business, while others are either semi-skilled, or completely unskilled and or inexperience in the business.

Farmers agricultural forms/institutions and entrepreneurs generally carry out survey in order to determine the structure and purchasing power of the population in its target market, the degree of competition, the nature it’s own products and most importantly the tables and wants of the consumers it wants to serve before it goes into actual production of the products.

Most business organization do not carry out these survey studies especially in the area of identifying consumers wants and needs and the manner in which consumer satisfaction can be achieved effectively and efficiently. The end result of this negligence ranges from low demand for the forms products which leads to reduced sales volume and diminished profit margin to out right rejection of the products which undoubtedly will lead to eventual liquidation of the firm.

Experience among various farmers has shown that most times, due to the exposure to certain agricultural products to such unsuitable conditions and temperature of that of market they are being infected or contaminated by one disease or the other. When this infected or contaminated ones are mixed up with the other good ones, the disease spreads heading to high mortality rate among livestock animals and less of profits.

It will also be observed that the philosophy of marketing concept are applied by different farmers/firms in differing ways. It could also be noticed that different firms in the quest of applying the philosophy of marketing concept, organize their marketing department in different ways and adopt differing marketing mix strategies, traffics and policies. Most times these forms and their marketing environment, thus leading to low sales volume, reduced profit and same time it leads to weak competitive power among those firms and the liquidation of the business.

It is also known fact that agricultural products are relatively homogeneous in nature and are usually identified by their generic name, thus making product differentiation as a marketing strategy relatively unnecessary. This means that the difference between the products of two forms in which the other marketing mix elements of pricing packaging, promotion, distribution etc are applied. But unfortunately, majority of these farmers/firms institution are ignorant of these facts. This makes it difficult for them to apply the appropriate marketing mix strategy at the appropriate place and time.

1.3 Objective of Study

Every researcher has a purpose for embarking in any research study. This study therefore aims at achieving the main objective of analyzing the application of marketing concept in agriculture by farmers and firms. The specific objectives include:

1. To determine the relationship between changes in sales volume, revenue and the changes in the application of marketing concept.

2. To identify the problems encountered by firms in the process of adopting marketing concept philosophy  

3. To determine the level of application of marketing concept and the strategies and tactics adopted by the two firms under study.

4. To determine the type of marketing concept applied by different firms at different levels of operation irrespective of the industry.

5. To determine the effect of marketing concept on the performance of the agricultural sector.

1.4 Research Questions

1. Is it any relationship between changes in sales volume and the changes in the application marketing concept?

2. To what extent would agricultural sector affects marketing concept?

3. What are the appropriate techniques to be adopted in marketing agricultural products, using marketing concept?

4. To what extent can marketing concept be applied by different firms to increase their productivities.

5. To determine the effect of marking concept on the performance of the agricultural sector.

1.5 Research Hypothesis

H01: There is no significant relationship between the application of marketing concept and increasing sales volume revenue and profit.

H02: Application of marketing concept is negatively related to the size and growth of the firm.


1.6 The Significance of the Study

The application of the marketing concept which this study intends to unravel will be of great importance to the firms under the various Lapsas (problems) that hinder the effective and efficient application of marketing concept of these firms and provide them with adequate solutions.

The researcher himself stands to gain the knowledge and skill of the application and practice of consumer oriented marketing. It will also identify the different ways through which marketing concept could be applied especially in the firms under study.

Firms in the same industry with the studied ones will also have the opportunity of knowing the most appropriate manner they could apply marketing concept under different environmental conditions.

Also any finding through this project would contribute immensely to the already existing knowledge in those field.

Finally it will increase effectiveness and efficiency in the production and marketing of agricultural products in Nigeria and Imo State inn particular.

1.7 Scope of the Study

This research project is narrowed down to the study and analysis of the application of marketing concept in agriculture in Imo State.

This study was carried out using the survey method whereby data were collected from the two firms under study. Some staffs of the two firms were interviewed while others were issued with questionnaires. Some other relevant publics customers of the firms, their suppliers and other firms and their publics were also issue with questionnaires.

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