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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009620

No of Pages: 71

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

Price :


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The study evaluate the role of entertainment on the performance of tourism centres in Port Harcourt. The specific objectives of the study include to; find out the extent tourism entertainment has influenced tourism centres, identify the contribution of entertainment on performance of tourism centres, ascertain the forms of entertainment that facilitate performance, identify the major challenges of entertainment as a facilitator to performance in tourism centres in the study area. The researcher adopted primary data in getting the required information through the use of close ended questionnaire. The population of the study comprises 482 management, staff and tourists of selected tourism centres in Port Harcourt, Rivers State. The sample size of the study has 196 of management and staff, and infinite population of tourists, after adopting Taro Yamane’s formula for management and staff and proportion method for tourists. In analysis the data, simple descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentage and mean were used. The findings revealed that (i)boost in sales, increase customers or tourists experience,  increase customers or tourists visit, improve tourism centres profile, development of event/administrative skill are the extent tourism entertainment has influence tourism centres in Port Harcourt, Rivers State. (ii) promote growth of tourism centres, extends tourists length of stay, generate more income to tourism centres, increase the influx of tourists to tourism centres, job creation are the contributions of entertainment on the performance of tourism centres in Port Harcourt, Rivers State. (iii) Movies/TV Shows, video games, sporting and recreational activities, comedy clubs, concerts/magic shows are forms of entertainment that facilitate performance in Port Harcourt, Rivers State. (iv) Infrastructure issues, taxation, unavailability of facilities required for entertainment, poor management of entertaining facilities, lack of government commitment are the major challenges of entertainment as a facilitator to performance in tourism centres in Port Harcourt, Rivers State. The study concluded that entertainment is regarded as an important motivator while making holiday decision, organizations not only offer entertainment opportunities to tourists but also constitute business platforms for many related industries as well as local communities. Thus entertainment has a major role to play in the performance of tourism centres in Port Harcourt, Rivers State. The study recommends that tourism centres should diffuse into different entertainment programs in other to include shows which are synonymous to the taste of tourists from other regions, Government should encourage entertainment in tourism centres through empowerment programs, the right facilities necessary for entertainment should be provided in tourism centres, reduction of taxes by the government to enable tourism centres provide the right forms of entertainment as to facilitate performance. The study also recommends that future research carried out in this field should not be limited to Port Harcourt, Rivers State alone but should include other areas of study. Financial constraint, inadequate timing and attitude of respondents were listed as limitations of this study.


Title page                                                                                                                               i

Approval                                                                                                                                ii

Certification                                                                                                                          iii

Dedication                                                                                                                             iv

Acknowledgement                                                                                                               v

Table of contents                                                                                                                 vi

List of table                                                                                                                           xi

Abstract                                                                                                                                xii




1.1 Background of the Study                                                                    1

1.2 Statement of Problem                                                                         4

1.3 Objective of the Study                                                                        5

1.4 Research Questions                                                                             5

1.5 Significance of the Study                                                                    6

1.6 Scope of the Study                                                                              7



2.1 Conceptual Framework                                                                       11

2.1.1 Entertainment in the tourism context                                              11

2.1.2 Concept of tourism                                                                         13

2.1.3 The linkage between entertainment and tourism                             15

2.1.4 The relevance of entertainment in tourism                                      16

2.1.5 Entertainment in the push-pull factor                                              18

Framework of Tourism                                                                             18

2.1.6 Entertainment as a motivator for repeat visitation/loyalty                        19

2.1.7 Typology of tourism entertainment                                                 23

2.1.8 Problem and prospects of tourism in Nigeria                                  23

     2.2 Theoretical Literature                                                                                 25

2.2.1 Goeldner et al, visitor attractions theory                                         25

2.2.2 Modernization Theory                                                                     26

     2.3 Review of Related Empirical Studies                                                          27



3.1 Research Design                                                                                 36

3.2 Area of the Study                                                                                36

3.3 Population for the Study                                                                     36

3.4 Sampling and Sample Technique                                                       36

3.4.1 Sampling technique                                                                         36

3.4.2 Determination of sample size                                                          37

3.5 Instruments for Data Collection                                                          37

3.6 Validation of the Instrument                                                               38

3.7 Reliability of the Instrument                                                               38

3.8 Method of Data Collection                                                                 38

3.9 Data Analysis Technique                                                                                                                    39




4.1 Presentation of Analysis                                                                     40

4.2 Major Findings                                                                                   50

4.3 Discussion of Findings                                                                                             51




5.1 Summary                                                                                             53

5.2 Limitation of the study                                                                        54

5.3 Conclusion                                                                                          56

5.4 Recommendations                                                                              56

5.5 Contribution to knowledge                                                                 56

5.5 Suggestion for Further Studies                                                           58

    References                                                                                            59





4.1: Distribution of respondents according to Sex, and qualification               39

Table 4.2: Extent tourism entertainment has influenced tourism centres                39

Table 4.3: Contribution of entertainment on performance of tourism centres 44

Table 4.4: Forms of entertainment that facilitate tourism                                          46

Table 4.5: Major Challenges of entertainment as a facilitator to performance in tourism centres.                                         48








1.1 Background of the study

The dynamic nature of the world today has made many business environment to become sophisticated day by day and as such gives both employers and employees no room of relaxation. The quest to become successful in everyone’s ventures has been short changed to working like a dog which in return has been attributed as one of the co-factors that causes hypertension, early death, mental instability, broken homes, low productivity among others (Okafor, 2018). The need to balance off the sophisticated day by day engagements of individuals brought into existence the importance of tourism and site seeing.

Onyekwere (2016) opined that tourism is defined in terms of particular activities, selected by choice, and undertaken outside the home environment. Tourism involves overnight stay away from home”.  In 1991, the United Nations World Tourism Organisation declared that “Tourism comprises the activities of persons travelling to and staying in places outside of their usual environment for not less than 24 hours and not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business or other purposes”. At this stage, one could differentiate between domestic and international tourism (Yuksel, 2004).  Individuals has now become tourists and thus voluntarily leave their normal surroundings, where they reside, to visit another environment. These individuals will usually engage in different activities, regardless of how close or how far this environment (destination) is (Hall, 2008).

However, today’s, tourism has become a multinational business of global importance. This of course is due to today’s Worldwide Web, a new era in social interaction and culture solely built around organizational performance, triggered the high rate of patronage recorded in recent time (Moradkhani, 2014). Tourism is one of the most profitable and lucrative industries, which contributes to the economic growth of Nigeria. Thus in 2020, the contribution of travel and tourism to GDP (% of GDP) for Nigeria was 5.2% (Okafor, 2016). It is generally acknowledged, that Nigerian economic growth and industrial performance occurred after establishment of the petroleum and automobile industries followed by a comprehensive program for tourism centers. Nigeria as a blessed nation has a lot of tourism centers too numerous to mention of which the focus point of this research include some selected tourism centers in Rivers State. 

Continuous performance is the objective of any organization because only through performance, organizations are able to grow and progress. Knowing the determinants of organizational performance is important especially in the context of the current economic crises because it enable the identification of those factors that should be treated with an increased interest in other to improve the organizational performance of tourism centers (Lebas 2012). This research offers the base to identify measures that can lead to an improvement in organizational performance of tourism centers through entertainment.

According to Swanson (2011) organizational performance is the valued productive output of system in the form of goods and services. Performance is the way employee perform their work (Rowold 2013).

Organizational performance basically can be defined as the outcome that indicate or reflect the organization efficiencies or inefficiencies in term of corporate image, competencies and financial performance (Khandekar and Sharma, 2016).

Organizational performance is the outcome and combination of strategies, ongoing activities and processes applied in organization which is reflected through employee's motivation, social responsibilities, customer satisfaction, financial returns, leadership and uniqueness in the market (Al Rubaiee, Alzubi Hanandeh, and Al Ali, 2015).

Hence, Organizational performance is a vital element of a tourism destination and is also one of the main factors determining the valued productive output of tourism centers in the form of goods and services to tourist or visitors. Literature suggests that organizations are more willing to improve performance on tourism centers this days ( Bosshart & Macconi, 1998). Loi (2016) indicates that organizations not only offer entertainment opportunities to tourists but also constitute business platforms for many related industries as well as local communities; for instance, the Bollywood Film Fair Award 2010 held in Mauritius. In the tourism field, from the consumer’s perspective, it is estimated that organizational performance in tourism centers constitute a significant element of the tourism experience providing a series of potential benefits, i.e. improvement of destination attractiveness, business opportunities for local business, enhancing destination competitiveness, and tourists’ loyalty. At this regard, a study conducted by Nallathiga (2006) highlights the importance of improved organizational performance for tourists visiting Mumbai, India. Hence, entertainment is regarded as an important motivator while making holiday decision Yuksel & Yuksel (2001). The importance of entertainment in tourism has also been highlighted by the destination competitiveness model suggested by Dwyer (2004). Along the same line, Ritchie and Crouch (2000) propose entertainment as one of the destination’s core resources and attractions. Despite the growing importance of entertainment and organizational performance in tourism centers, very few studies have explored this topic such as Luo and Lam (2017) who researched on entertainment tourism, Adeboye (2012) who also researched on the impact of entertainment on tourism, Gowreesunkar and sotiriadis (2015) researched on entertainment of leisure tourists in island destinations: evidence from the island of Mauritus, Lebas M.J. (2015) researched on organizational performance management, Cameron K. (2011) researched on measuring organizational performance, Andriotis (2015) researched on nature of organizational performance. None has so far studied the role of entertainment on the performance of tourism centers in rivers state. It is against this backdrop that this research intends to examine the role of entertainment on the performance of tourism centers in Port Harcourt, rivers state.


1.2 Statement of problem

Nowadays one of the biggest challenges for managers in the tourism centers is to provide and sustain performance in tourism centers. Customer requirements for quality products and service in the tourism industry has become increasingly evident to professionals (Lam and Zhang, 1999; Yen and Su, 2004).

Most tourism centers do not provide entertainment due to lack of entertainment facilities, low knowledge of customers preference, lack of amenities and infracstructures, little or no encouragement from the government interms of government empowerment on productivity of infracstructures that will affect tourism centers, such as production of good roads to make transportation and accessibility of tourism centers easy to the tourist and staff of the tourism centers.

Most tourism centers do not have the type of entertainment that might be required by most tourist, this thereby will reduce the patronage of tourist to such tourism centers.

Collection of increamental taxes from tourism centers by the government have greatly affected organisational performance in most tourism centers, yet government have perennially turned a blind eye to their responsibility of investing such tax collectibles on requisite socio-economic infrastructure.

Corona virus was of serious effect to organisational performance through entertainment in tourism centers as this restricted people travel, gathering, communication and even surface tourism in the destination.

It is perceived that if the identified problems challenging entertainment and organisational performance in tourism centers are not taking care of, the tourism centers in the state will experience less economic and tourism development and will not experience enough tourist visits as it will if organisational performance through entertainment in tourism centers is effective.

Despite the identified problems challenging entertainment and organizational performance in tourism centers, it is deduced that there are very few studies which have explored this topic. It is against this premises that this research aimed at ascertaining the role of entertainment on the performance of tourism centers in Port Harcourt, rivers state.

1.3 Objective of the study

The main objective of the study is to evaluate the role of entertainment on the performance of tourism centers in Port Harcourt. Specifically, the study intends to:

1.     Find out the extent tourism entertainment has influence tourism centers in port harcourt, rivers state.

2.     Identify the contribution of entertainment on performance of tourism centers in Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

3.     Ascertain the forms of entertainment that facilitate performance in Port Harcourt, Rivers state.

4.     Identify the major challenges of entertainment as a facilitator to performance in tourism centers in Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

1.4 Research questions

1.     what extent has tourism entertainment influence tourism centers in port harcourt, rivers state?

2.     What is the contribution of entertainment on performance of tourism centers in Port Harcourt, Rivers State? 

3.     What are the forms of entertainment that facilitate performance in Port Harcourt, Rivers State?

4.     What are the major challenges of entertainment as a facilitator to  performance in tourism centers in Port Harcourt, Rivers State?


1.5 Significance of the study

The study will contribute immensely in aiding the government, tourist, Management of tourism centers, students, researchers and the academia generally to acertain the role of entertainment on the performance of tourism centers in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, to enhance productivity and promote tourism development.

To the government the study will bring more revenue through entertainment, it will equally help the government to develop ways to enhance performance of tourism in the state through entertainment. The researcher intends to send this work to Rivers State ministry of culture and tourism, and Rivers State tourism board, so as to make this research work assessible to the government of Rivers State.

To the tourist this will provide an insight and understanding on the importance of visiting tourism centers specially during off work hours, holidays or vacations. Through this study tourist will be enlightened on the types of entertainment that can be seen in tourism centers in Port Harcourt. The study will be made available to tourists through the internet.

To the management of tourism centers this study will provide an insight and knowledge on the need to adopt the use of entertainment technique on promoting the performance of tourism centers, and the forms of entertainment that can be adopted in other to develop tourism centers and satisfy customers or tourists. The study will be made available to the management of tourism centers through the internet and through conducting seminars and workshops.

To the students this study will serve as consulting materials for further researches on this topic and this can be achieved through online publication of this study and by shelving it at MOUAU main library and CAFST library.

To the researchers and the academia generally, this study will add to already existing literatures on entertainment with respect to performance of tourism centers, the study will provide more information on how entertainment influences performance of tourism centers to researchers who will want to delve into such a study or similar studies. Researchers can have access to this study through the internet, as it will be uploaded to research sites such as Google scholars.

1.6  Scope of the study

The scope of this research work is to determine the role of entertainment on the performance of tourism centres in port harcourt. Literature will be based on the objective of the study, theories related to the study as well as review of related literatures. This work will be carried out in Rivers State, Nigeria, Port Harcourt to be precise. Selected tourism centres in Port Harcourt will be used for the study, the management and employees of tourism centers and tourists view will be sought on how entertainment will increase the performance of tourism centres in Port Harcourt.

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