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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007951

No of Pages: 54

No of Chapters: 5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This work examines the electronic marketing and business performance in selected retail outlets in Port Harcourt.

The purpose of the study is to examine the relationship between electronic marketing and business performance in selected retail outlets. To achieve this purpose, survey method was used for the collection of data for the research design and to questionnaire were administered in which   60 were retrieved which form the basis for the analysis.

Findings show that there is a significant relationship between electronic marketing and which increase marketing share.

Base on the findings, it is concluded that electronic marketing system has a considerable effect on marketing performance. I therefore recommend that retail outlets should regularly and carefully analyze their marketing performance based on appropriate indices of measurement.



Declaration   i

Certification   ii

Dedication   iii

Acknowledgement   iv

Abstract   v



Statement of the problem…………………………………………..3-4

Research question………………………………………………….4-5

Research hypotheses ……………………………………………....5

Scope of the study………………………………………………….5-6

Limitation of the study……………………………………………..6

Significant of the study…………………………………………….6-7

Definition of terms ………………………………………………...7-8


Chapter two

2.0     Introduction………………………………………………………..10

2.1     History and development of electronic marketing…………….…..10-13

2.2     How internet Aids small business………………………………....13-14

2.3     Leveraging of potential of online marketing………………………14-17

2.4     Marketing performance technique………………………………....17-18





Chapter three  

3.0    Introduction…………………………………………………………20

3.1    Research design……………………………………………………..20

3.2   Sample Determination……………………………………………….20

3.3   Method of data collection……………………………………………20-22

3.4   Operational measures of the variables……………………………….22

3.5   Data analysis technique……………………………………………...23


Chapter Four

4.0   Introduction:………………………………………………………….24

4.1 Data Analysis:…………………………………………………….........24-35


Chapter Five

Summary Conclusion and Recommendation

5.0   Summary of findings…………………………………………………..35-37

5.1   Conclusion…………………………………………………………….37

5.2   Recommendation…………………………………………………........37-38

5.3  Bibliography……………………………………………………………39

















1.1 Introduction.

Electronic marketing can be defined as total company effort to communicate about, promote and sell product and services electronically through the internet. With globalization becoming a reality and internet fast driving the “Global village concept, on – online marketing potential have produced an avenue for the development and enhancement NHJMof business in Nigeria and other parts of the world.

According to Opara (2009) internet has consolidated itself as a very powerful platform that has changed the way we do business and the way we communicate. The internet, as no other medium, has given an international or global dimension to the world; it is the universal source of information.

The internet is actually the most democratic of all the mass media and with a very low investment, an individual, group or business can have a web-page on the internet. That way, almost any business can rapidly reach a very large market directly, electronically no matter the size or location of the business (Ghosh 1998).

According to Hanson (2000) it is the 21st century solution for modern business, for instance, if anybody has a business idea and cannot afford an office space, all that is needed is a laptop or desktop, an internet access which is becoming cheaper with more convenient access and payment plans. Online payment, a form of emergency, reduces the risk of losing cash in transit, preserves lives and property often exposed to physical harm associated with volume cash movement, and promote trans-national business which may ultimately lead to world peace (Strauss and Frost 2006).

According to Strauss (2001) Electronic marketing makes more money available for business growth, as reasonable resources is saved on fuel and transportation, with an increase in life expectancy in that it discourages nepotism as business on the internet, especially on the platform of online marketing, helps to maximize returns on marketing companies and individual marketing companies are exposed to site/blogs of particular demographic and psychographic groups often having verifiable hits/visits.

Some of the major building blocks that have sustained this drive remain the banking reform in 2005, a rich media that is largely user generated, devices that are highly portable and wireless broad band connecting between users and internet service provider as well as inter face that are agnostic, where voice, Video or data base are connected.

Opara (2008) opined that e-marketing is an avenue for organization seeking for green business pasture to realize their dreams and this remains a sure link of local business in the country as well as in the international scene.

Electronic marketing was been proven to be a source of empowerment and enablement as it saves cost that could have been incurred in an instance where the internet is not available or accessible.

The study examines the effects of relationship between electronic marketing and business performance of selected retail outlets in Port Harcourt.

1.2 Statement Of The Problem

There are some challenges for an organization that adopts electronic marketing. This can be traced to absence of marketing plan, which could affect sales volume realized in such an organization.

Secondly, some organization adopts electronic facilities system such as Universal Products Code (UPC), Automatic Replenishment System (ARS), and Point of Sales System (POS), Interconnect Power House and Internet Desk.

This could weaken electronic marketing implementation programs thus affecting realization of market share objectives. Some organizations incur large sums of money on marketing activities like promotion and distribution but have not been able to realize profit to target levels. The adoption of electronic pricing strategy could possibly affects profit margins. The research problem is stated as dwindling business performance and the dimension. It could be measured as sales volume, market share and profit margins.


1.3 Objectives Of The Study

The general objective of this study was to analyse the relationship between electronic marketing and business performance of selected retail outlets in Port Harcourt, while the specific objectives of the study were to:

1. Examine the effect of electronic marketing on business performance of selected retail outlets in Port Harcourt.

2. Determine the extent to which electronic products strategy affects sales volume of selected retails outlets in Port Harcourt.

3. Determine the extent to which electronic promotion strategy affects market share of selected retail outlets.

4. Determine the extent to which electronic pricing strategy affect profit margins of selected retail outlets in Port Harcourt.

1.4 Research Question

                The following research questions guided this study:

1. Is there any significant relationship between electronic marketing and business performance of selected retail outlets in Port Harcourt?

2. How does electronic product strategy affect sales volume of selected retail outlets in Port Harcourt?

3. Does electronic promotion strategy affect market share of selected retail outlets in Port Harcourt?

4. Does electronic pricing strategy affect profit margins of selected retail outlets in Port Harcourt?

1.5 Research Hypotheses

The Hypotheses were formulated to achieve the Objectives of the Study.

Ho1: There is no significant and positive relationship between electronic         marketing and business performance

Ho2: There is no significant relationship between electronic product strategy and sales volume of selected retail outlets in Port Harcourt.

Ho3: There is no significant relationship between electronic promotion strategy and market share of selected retail outlets in Port Harcourt.

Ho4: There is no significant relationship between electronic pricing strategy and profit margins of selected retail outlets in Port Harcourt.

1.6 Scope Of Study

The study scope could be examined from geographic, conceptual and level of analysis perspectives. Geographically, the study covers all retail outlets that operate in Port Harcourt. It includes small and large retail outlets. Conceptually, the study discusses theoretical concept and view points on electronic marketing and business performance.

It includes electronic marketing plan and implementation, e-marketing management, mix and e-marketing challenges in Nigeria. Others are performance measurement and information for performance evaluation. The study analysed performance trends in individual or each organization level using indices such as sales volume, market share and profit margins respectively.

1.7 Limitations Of The Study

The following challenges were encountered in the course of carrying out this research work. They are as follows:

Knowledge Gap: The researcher encountered a very wide gap of understanding with the respondents. Many respondents did not have the requisite knowledge to understand the content of the questionnaire and essence of the research thereby making them reservation.

Retrieving Questionnaire: Retrieving questionnaire from the respondents during pilot study was a major challenge as many individuals find it difficult in giving their bio data and opinions.

Significance of The Study

The study could be used to all the stakeholders in retail outlets such as top directors, marketers, investors and channel members because it examines the effect of electronic marketing and business performance. It is useful to direct and manage because it discusses the problems, challenges and prospect in electronic marketing.

It is beneficial to shareholders and employee because it analyzed the trends in performance and company using indices such as sales volume, market share and profit margins.

It is valuable to marketing students of Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike and other higher institution particularly those involved in seminar workshops and symposia because it is a rich resource material for further research.

The study enriches management science research as it provides a bridge across the wide gap created by existing literature on the research problem.


Definition of Terms

Electronic Marketing: It is all the effort made by an organization to communicate about, promote and sell its products and services electronically through the internet.

Internet: The global network of internet connected network adopted by some individuals and corporate organizations to produce and sell.

Intranet: A network that runs internally in an organization, but uses internet standard such as browsers.

Universal Product Code: The assignment of specific numbers and mark to products in order to facilitate selling activities in an organization.

Website: The virtual location for an organization present on the World Wide Web usually made up of several Web pages.

Electronic Product Marketing: The use of internet to communicate information about sales to promote an organization products and services.

Electronic Promotion Marketing: The use of internet to promote products and service of an organization.

E-pricing: The use of the internet to communicate information about price of an organization and service offerings.

Marketing Share: The percentage of the total market that an organization controls at any period of time.

Sales volume: The total margin realized by an organization from purchase of its product services by buyers.

Profit Margin: The difference between gross and net profit or between total renew less total cost.

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