The purpose of
this study was to examine the role of Celebrity Advertising in Consumer brand
loyalty. It was pertinent due to the prevalent use of celebrities (movie stars,
comedians, musicians, footballers, fashion icons,etc) in recent times by GSM
Telecommunications companies in Nigeria, considering the massive amount
invested in celebrity endorsement practices in the telecommunication
industry.The studyfocused on MTN subscribers. A total of 200 participants
comprising of 121 male and 79 females between the age ranges of 16 years and
above, were drawn from different parts of Ikeja Local Government Area of Lagos
State Nigeria. The participants were selected using purposive sampling
techniques. Two hypotheses were postulated, while the Ordinary Least Square (OLS)
method was used to analyse the data obtained using SPSS.Results of the analysis
showed that the use of celebrities has significant influence on consumer’s
perception during advertisement. Thus the researcher recommended that that
firms use celebrities in advertisements, but they must not do so to the
detriment of quality of their products and services. Firms are also recommended
to use celebrities that represent the essence of their brand.
Title Page i
Certification Page ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Abstract Page v
Table of Content vi-viii
One: Introduction
1.1 Background
of the Study 1-3
1.2 Statement
of Problem 4-5
1.3 Purpose
of the Study 5-6
1.4 Objectives
of the Study 6
1.5 Research
Questions 6-7
1.6 Research
Hypotheses 7
1.7 Significance
of the Study 7-8
1.8 Scope of
the Study 8-9
1.9 Operational
Definition of Terms 9-10
1.10 Structure
of the Study 10
1.11 Company
Profile of MTN Nigeria 10-11
Two: Literature Review
2.1 Literature
Review 13
2.2 Concept
of Celebrity 13-20
2.3 Celebrity
Endorsement 20-25
2.4 Theoretical
Constructs of Celebrity Endorsement 25-36
2.5 Empirical
Review 36-38
3.1 Research
Design 41
3.2 Restatement
of Hypothesis 42
3.3 Research
Population 42
3.4 Sampling
Procedure/ Sample Size 43
3.5 Sources/Method
of Data Collection 43
3.6 Validity
and Reliability of Instrument 43-44
3.7 Limitations
of the Study 44
Four: Data Presentation and Analysis
4.1 Method of
Data Analysis 45
4.2 Presentation
of Data 46-53
4.3 Test of
Hypothesis 53-54
4.4 Model
Estimation 54-55
4.5 Decision
Rule 55
Five: Summary, Conclusion, Recommendation and Suggestion for further Study
5.1 Summary
of Findings 56
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendation
5.4 Suggestion
for further Study 58
1.1 Background
to the study
In recent years, the preponderance of celebrities in
advertisements has become more prevalentthan ever in Nigeria in particular and
the world in general. Marketers have the perception that this technique of
persuasion is a winning formulato build up brand image, increase sales revenue
and gain strong brand loyalty. Consumers arebombarded by a variety of advertisements
every day. Celebrity endorsement is very popular and widely used in advertising
from magazines toTV advertisements, from toothpaste to luxury goods, etc.
Famous endorsers appear in approximately 25 percentof all kinds of television
commercials to promote different products and brands, and roughly tenpercent of
advertisers’ budgets are spent on the use of celebrities (White, Goddard, &
This phenomenon displays the popularity and importance of
the practice oncommunicating brand images, where the aim is to communicate the
message to consumers in asuitable manner in order to achieve best results
possible.A celebrity endorser can be described as follows:“Any individual
who enjoys public recognition and who uses this recognition on behalf of
aconsumer good by appearing with it in an advertisement (McCracken, 1989,
p. 310).”Strictly defining a celebrity, it refers to a movie star, TV star,
singer, athlete, leader, etc. But in broader meanings,any individual who is
successful in the world of sports, business, art, politics, and the militarycan
be attributed into the group of celebrities (McCracken, 1989, p. 310). The
celebritiesthemselves transfer their own personality and image to the brand and
product they arerepresenting, generating a related image between themselves and
the brand or product. In orderfor the endorsement to be successful, there are
three different attributes the celebrity needs tocommunicate to the consumers.
These are; credibility, attractiveness and power, wherecredibility is
represented by knowledge, skills and expertise concerning the product(s),attractiveness
includes likeability, familiarity and similarity and power enables the endorser
toaffect the consumer (Byrne, Whitehead & Breen, 2003 p.291).
The most important aspect when practicing celebrity
endorsement is the choice of celebrity, tosee that the image and personality
projected on the brand and its existing image is suitable andenhancing. The
impact on and the outcome of the endorsement have to be well evaluated
before,during and after it takes place, with the intention of generating
customers and creating brandloyalty. In addition to likeability and
recognition, celebrity endorsement can create new segmentsof customers with a
connection of some sort to the celebrity but with no previous attitude
orpreference towards the brand (Byrne et al., 2003).
use of celebrity endorsement is not a new innovation in the advertising
industry, an industryinvolving massive money investments. Marketers do
certainly expect returns from theirinvestments, not only by increasing sales
revenues but by something even more important in thelong run- brand loyalty.
Till (1998) mentioned that celebrity endorsement can provide a greatvalue in
building strong brand equity, but also improving a brand’s market position if
theendorsers are used wisely. This marketing strategy is a swift and valuable
way to build up instantbrand recognition. It saves marketers a lot of time when
trying to attain consumers’ awarenessand draw attention to the brand.
is brand loyalty so important to marketers? A variety of instruments are used in
order tocapture consumers’ attention, interests and loyalty. As Trout (2001)
stated, “Marketingbattles takes place in the mind of a consumer or prospect.
That is where you win. That is whereyou lose.”
brand loyalty makes consumers deeply committed to a specific brand. This
issomething marketers are constantly searching for by running a vast amount of
differentmarketing campaigns.This leads us to the question of what brand
loyalty really is and how it is constituted. Many researchers havesuggested
that brand loyalty is a conscious reflection of a repetitive purchasing
behavior of thesame brand.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
there is aninherent fit or consistency between a celebrity and a product, the
endorsement is in fact perfectlymatched with the purpose of celebrity
endorsement (Till &Busler, 1998). However, there is noevidence proving that
the usage of celebrity endorsement will achieve stronger brand loyalty
incomparison to endorsement by an ordinary person. In fact, consumers might pay
more attentionto celebrities in advertisements than the actual product
endorsed, which is not the marketersintention. For instance,in most cosmetics
advertisements, physically attractive celebrities are especiallyrecognized.
They might exert a magnetic power to consumers resulting in a behavioral
purchaseinstead of true brand commitment. But whether or not the purchase
behavior will becomerepetitive is less clear (Byrne,
Whitehead & Breen, 2003).
use of celebrities in advertisementsmight create a paradox, because consumers
cannot identify whether they like the celebrity in theadvertisement or if it is
the actual product they like. The ultimate goal of marketers is makingconsumers
focus most of their attention to the products. But whether this goal can
beaccomplished by using celebrities is unsure. “Attractiveness remains
important but the attractionof the celebrity is not the best way to build a
positive benefit for the brand (Till &Busler, 1998, p.585)”.
as a person or asa character, do convey a profound meaning in our life, but to
many ordinary people, thecelebrity’s unreal attractiveness has fewer
connections with the situation in reality. Many prior researches have been done
regarding celebrity endorsement and brand loyaltyseparately. However, there is
no connection between a celebrity endorser and its effectiveness increating
brand loyalty as yet. We do not know whether the prevalent usage of celebrities
asendorsers especially in cosmetics advertising has an effect on creating brand
loyalty or not. Even ifit is effective, what kind of loyalty can it create? As
we have discussed earlier, brand loyaltyshould not only be defined by
behavioral loyalty, it should also include attitudinal loyalty.
this research aims to explore the connection between using celebrities and
itseffectiveness in order to create brand loyalty in the Telecommunication
industry advertisements in Nigeria.
1.3 Purpose of the study
The main purpose of this study is to examine the role
of celebrity advertising in consumer brand loyalty.Considering the massive
amount invested yearly on celebrityadvertising in the GSM Telecommunications
industry in Nigeria, the study explores the effectiveness of
theuse of celebrity advertisements and its influence on consumers’ behavioral
andattitudinal loyalty. Although there is not a direct way to test the
relationship between theeffectiveness of advertisements and consumer behavior,
nor the effectiveness of advertisementand consumers’ attitudes, this research
applies to advertisement influence, behavioral loyaltyattributes and
attitudinal loyalty attributes separately. By utilizing all previously
gainedknowledge, the results shall be able to serve the research purpose.
1.4 Objectives of the study
The specificobjectives of this study include:
examine the relationship between the use of celebrity endorsement in GSM
network service advertisements and the creation of brand loyalty.
examine the influence celebrity endorsement inGSM network serviceadvertisements
have on brand loyalty.
examine other factors consumers take into consideration when making their choices
in GSM network service purchase other thancelebrity endorsement.
1.5 Research Questions
What is the relationship between the use of
celebrity in GSM network service advertisements and the creation of brand
what extent does celebrity endorsement in GSM Advertising induce brand loyalty?
factors do consumers take into consideration when making theirGSM network
service purchase decisions other thancelebrity endorsement?
1.6 Research Hypothesis
There is no significant relationship between the use of celebrity in GSM
network advertisements and the creation of consumer brand loyalty
There is significant relationship between the use of celebrity in GSM network
advertisements and the creation of consumer brand loyalty
The use of celebrity endorsement in advertisements has no significant influence
on brand perception.
H1b:The use of
celebrity endorsement in advertisements has significant influence on brand
1.7 Significanceof the study
spite of a vast amount of previously published research papers dedicated to the
field ofcelebrity endorsement and brand loyalty separately, there are few
studies which specifically focuson identifying or establishing a relationship
between the two thus far. Celebrity endorsement is aconventional marketing
instrument used by marketers to communicate brand images andinformation to
consumers. Brand loyalty is the main effect marketers expect from consumers asthe
final goal of all marketing campaigns, including TV advertisement, magazines,
radio, etc(Emma, 2010).
the massive amount of celebrity endorsement practices in the telecommunication
industry advertising, thisstudy is an effort to examine the link between
celebrity endorsement and its effectiveness inattaining consumers’ brand
loyalty. Brand loyalty, as stated earlier, should take both behaviorand
attitude into consideration.Many previous studies have provided solid
theoretical foundations in the fields that are coveredin the study, which are
all essential to the undertaking of this research study. From a researcher’spoint
of view, this research studywill contribute to the field of branding
andmarketing management. It will also help companies in the Telecoms industry
to better grasp consumers’ opinions concerning celebrity endorsement. Most
importantly, this research can aidmarketers to identify a more efficient way to
gain brand loyalty and thereby also to keep it.
1.8 Scope of the Study
focus of this study on role of
celebrity advertising on consumer brand loyaltyis restricted to the
survey of MTN GSM network subscribers in Ikeja Local Government Area of Lagos
State, Nigeria. Data for this study was sourced primarily and generated through
the administration of questionnaire to the target audience while the ordinary
least square statistical method was used foranalysing the data.
1.9 Operational Definition of Terms
A name, term, sign, symbol or design or a combination ofthem, intended to
identify goods or services of one seller or a group of sellers and to
them from those of
Brand Loyalty:
A consumer's commitment to repurchase or otherwise continue using the brand and
can be demonstrated by repeated buying of a product or service or other
positive behaviors such as word of mouth advocacy
Any individual who enjoys public recognition and who uses this recognition on
behalf of aconsumer good by appearing with it in an advertisement.
Endorsement: Marketing communication technique of
using a person who is publicly known to appear in advertisement with a product
with the purpose of promoting the product. It is also the use of celebrities in
order to increase the sales and/ or the recall value of a brand
Any paid form of non-personal presentation of idea, goods or services by an
identified sponsor
This is the person or persons to which the advertisement and products/services
are directed
1.10 Structure of the study
The study is structured into five
chapters as follows:
Chapter one covers the background to the study,
statement of the problem, objective of the study, research questions, purpose
of the study, research hypothesis, scope and methodology and plan of the study. Chapter two comprises
literature review and theoretical framework. Chapter three addresses the research
methodology and sources of data, model specification, re-statement of
hypothesis, method of analysis and decision criteria. Chapter four contains the
presentation and analysis of data while chapter five covers summary of
findings, conclusion and recommendations.
1.11 Company Profile of MTN Nigeria
MTN Nigeria Communications Limited, a
mobile operator, provides digital global system for mobile telecommunications
services for customers in Nigeria and West Africa. Its products and services
include various packages, value added services, Internet services,
international roaming, and phones and devices. The company was founded in 2001
and is headquartered in Lagos, Nigeria. MTN Nigeria Communications Limited
operates as a subsidiary of MTN International (Mauritius) Ltd.
over 45 million subscribers and counting, MTN Nigeria Communications Limited is
the biggest mobile operator in Nigeria and West Africa. It is also the largest
subsidiary in the MTN Group – a multinational telecommunications group offering
world-class cellular network access and business solutions to over 182 million
subscribers in 21 countries across Africa and the Middle East.In Nigeria, MTN
provides network coverage to 88.8% of Nigeria’s land mass, while 86.2% of the
population have access to their services.
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