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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007232

No of Pages: 149

No of Chapters: 1-5

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            This study evaluated the nutritional and phytochemical properties, its retention/loss in       five cultivars of sweet potato flour (Umuspo3, Umuspo1, Tis87/0087, Ex-igbariam and Tis8165) as affected by unit operations (peeling, oven drying and milling). The result       showed that physicochemical properties of the five cultivars were significantly (P<0.05) affected by cultivar variation and unit operations. Umuspo1 and Umuspo3 flours had the highest protein (7.63% and 6.83%), minerals (33.0% and 30.13% for phosphorus, 1.72mg/100g and 1.69mg/100g for calcium,0.39mg/100g and 0.35mg/100g, for   magnesium,136.91mg/100 and 137mg/100g for sodium, 0.12 mg/100g and 0.21mg/100g     for iron, 214.19mg/100g and 178.46mg/100g for potassium), flavonoids (52.27mg/100g,          and 50.09mg/100g), total carotenoid (7.03mg/100g and 7.01mg/100g), beta-carotene (5.02mg/100g and 5.00mg/100g), vitamins B(0.49mg/100g and 0.57mg/100g)B3 (0.92mg/100g and 0.97mg/100g) and C (49.06mg/100g and 47.69mg/100 but were low in  oxalate (0.02mg/100g and 0.03mg/100g), hydrogen cyanide (0.08mh/100g and 0.03mg/100g), saponin (0.01mg/100g and 0.01mg/100g), alkaloids (0.00mg/100g),             phytate (0.82mg/100g and 0.83mg/100g), trypsin (5.78mg/100g and 2.08mg/100g) and    phenol (0.31 and 0.51mg/100g). Tis87/0087 had the highest  carbohydrate (2.68%),          energy (355.80%), phytate (1.03mg/100g) and least protein (4.79%), fat (0.60%),calcium (0.64mg/100g), vitamin C (30.36mg/100g)beta-carotene (0.30mg/100g) and tannin (1.16mg/100g), Ex-igbarian was highest in vitamin B(5.30mg/100g), E (0.49mg/100g), trypsin (13.18mg/100g) but lowest in phosphorus (22.02mg/100g), iron (0.05mg/100g)      and potassium (165.72mg/100g), Tis8164 had highest hydrogen cyanid (0.26mg/100g), oxalate (0.12mg/100g and saponin (0.05mg/100g),  and lowest in total carotene      (1.59mg/100g), vitamin B3 (0.35mg/100g),  and vitamin C (30.36mg/100g) and magnesium (0.27mg/100g). Peeling had a significant decrease (P<0.05) on the proximate, minerals, beta-carotene and vitamin E. Oven drying significantly decreased all the parameters except potassium, flavonoids and phenol that increased. Milling showed significant decrease on, energy and fat and was not significantly affected on others. Despite the losses experienced by these cultivars during flour production in some of the physicochemical parameters analyzed, Umvspo3 and Umvspo1 had the highest values in  majority of the nutrients and least values of anti- nutrients analysed,   Therefore, it is recommended to use orange fleshed sweet potatoes for flour production since they retain    better amount of their nutrients after processing and peeling sweet potato roots in flour    production should be avoided.


            Title page                                                                                                                    i

            Declaration                                                                                                                  ii

            Certification                                                                                                                iii        

            Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

            Acknowledgements                                                                                                    v

            Table of contents                                                                                                        vi

            List of tables                                                                                                               xii

            List of figures                                                                                                             xiii

            List of plates                                                                                                               xiv

            Abstract                                                                                                                      xv


            1.1       Background of the Study                                                                               1

            1.2       Statement of the Problem                                                                               3

            1.3       Objective of the Study                                                                                   4

            1.4       Justification of the study                                                                                4    

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW                                     

2.1       Origin/history of Sweet Potatoes                                                                    6

2.2       Uses of Sweet Potato Especially in Africa                                                     7

2.3       Sweet Potato Varieties                                                                                   8

2.4       Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato                                                                        9

2.5     Vitamin-A Deficiency and Orange Fleshed Sweet Potatoes                           11                                                         

2.6      Chemical and Nutritional Properties of Sweet Potatoes                                 13

2.7       Phytochemicals and Anti-nutritional Components of  Sweet Potatoes          16

2.8       Comparison of Sweet Potato with other Staple Foods                                  17

2.9       Carotenoids                                                                                                     20

2.10     Sweet Potato Flour                                                                                         21

2.11     Operational Units Involved in the Production of Sweet Potato Flour           22

2.11.1  Choosing raw material                                                                                   22

2.11.2 Cleaning and trimming                                                                                   22

2.11.3 Washing and brushing                                                                                    23

2.11.3  Peeling                                                                                                           23

2.11.4 Sulphiting and blanching                                                                                23

2.11.5 Slicing                                                                                                             24

2.11.6 Drying                                                                                                             25

2.11.7 Milling and packaging                                                                        25

2.12.    Nutritional Changes of Sweet Potato Roots during Processing                     26

CHAPTER 3: MATERIALS AND METHODS                                                  

3.1       Materials                                                                                                         28

3.2       Production of Sweet Potato Flours                                                                28            3.3       Proximate Analysis                                                                                         30

3.3.1    Crude protein determination                                                                           30

3.3.2    Ash determination                                                                                          31

3.3.3    Moisture content                                                                                             31

3.3.4    Determination of carbohydrate                                                                       32

3.3.5    Determination of crude fibre                                                                          32

3.3.6     Fat content determination                                                                              33

3.3.7     Total energy                                                                                                   34

3.4        Determination of Minerals                                                                             34

3.4.1      Determination of phosphorus                                                                       34

3.4.2      Determination of sodium (Na) and potassium (k) by flame photometry      35

3.4.3      Determination of iron                                                                                   36

3.4.5      Determination of calcium and magnesium by                                             

                            complexiometric titrimetric method                                                            37

3.5           Determination of Vitamins                                                                         38

            3.5.1      Determination of vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)                                    38

            3.5.2      Determination of thiamine (VIT. B1)                                                            39

            3.5.3      Determination of riboflavin (VIT B2)                                                           39

            3.5.4        Determination of niacin content (VIT. B3)                                                 40

            3.5.6       Determination of vitamin E                                                                         41

             3.5.7      Determination of total carotenoid (92074)                                                  43

             3.5.8      Determination of β-carotene                                                                        43

            3.6         Tests for phytochemicals/anti-nutrients                                                        44

            3.6.1       Determination of hydrogen cyanide                                                                        44

            3.6.2       Determination of trypsin inhibitor                                                               45

            3.6.3      Determination of tannin                                                                                46

            3.6.4      Determination of alkaloid                                                                             47

            3.6.5      Determination of phytic acid                                                                        47

            3.6.6      Determination of saponin                                                                             48       

            3.6.7      Determination of oxalate                                                                              49

            3.6.8      Determination of phenol                                                                               51

            3.6.9       Determination of flavonoid                                                                         52       

            3.7          Statistical Analysis                                                                                       52

            3.8         Percentage Loss and Percentage Retention                                                  52


            CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                                   

            4.1       Proximate Composition of Five Cultivars of Fresh Sweet Potato Roots       54

            4.1.1    Moisture content                                                                                             54

            4.1.2    Crude protein                                                                                                  59

            4.1.3    Crude fiber contents                                                                                       60

4.1.4    Energy value                                                                                                   61

4.1.5    Fat content                                                                                                      63

4.1.6    Ash content                                                                                                     64

4.1.7    Carbohydrate content                                                                                     65

4.2       Mineral Composition of Five Cultivars of Sweet Potato Roots                        67

4.2.1    Phosphorus (P) content:                                                                                  68

4.2.2    Calcium (Ca) content                                                                                      68

4.2.3    Magnesium (Mg) content                                                                                69

4.2.4.   Sodium content (Na)                                                                                      70

4.2.5    Iron (Fe)                                                                                                          71

4.2.6    Potassuim (k) content                                                                                    72

4.3       Percentage Loss of Mineral Contents in Five Cultivars of Sweet

            Potato Flour                                                                                                    73

4.3.1    Percentage retention of mineral contents in five cultivars of

            sweet potato flour                                                                                           76


4.4       Vitamins, Total Carotene and B-Carotene of Five Cultivars of

            Sweet Potato Roots                                                                                        78


4.4.1    Total carotenoid                                                                                              78       

4.4.2    Beta carotene                                                                                                  79       

4.4.3    VitaminB1                                                                                                                                         81

4.4.4    Vitamin-B2                                                                                                                                        82

4.4.5    Vitamin B3                                                                                                                                        83

4.4.6    Vitamin C                                                                                                       83

4.4.7    Vitamin E                                                                                                        84

4.5       Percentage Loss of Total Carotenoid, Beta-Carotene and Vitamin

            Content of Five Cultivars of Sweet Potato Roots                                          85

4.5.1    Percentage retention of five cultivars of sweet potato root                            91

4.6       Phytochemical/Anti-Nutritional Content of Five Cultivars of

            Sweet Potato Roots                                                                                        93

4.6.1    Oxalate                                                                                                            93

4.6.2    Hydrogen cyanide:                                                                                         95

4.6.3    Saponin                                                                                                           95

4.6.4    Tannin                                                                                                             96

4.6.5    Alkaloids                                                                                                         97

4.6.6    Flavonoid                                                                                                        98

4.6.7    Phenol                                                                                                             99

4.6.7    Phytate                                                                                                            100     

4.6.8    Trypsin inhibitor (T I)                                                                                     102

4.7       Percentage Loss of Phytochemicals and Anti-nutritional Components

            of Five Sweet Potato cultivars.                                                                      104

4.8       Percentage Retention of Phytochemicals/Anti-nutritional Components

            Five Cultivars of Sweet Potato Roots                                                                        106

            CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS                        

            5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                      110

            5.2       Recommendations                                                                                          111

            References                                                                                                                  112






2.1    Sweet potato chemical composition                                                                  15       

         (per serving of one medium 5 inch Long Sweet Potato, 130g).                       

2.2     Nutritional value of raw sweet potato 100g                                                     15

2.3:    Proximate composition of sweet potato roots and                                           19

          other roots and tuber staples (per 100g edible)                                                

4.1:      Proximate composition of five cultivars of fresh sweet potato root               55

4.2:      Mineral composition (mg/100g) of five cultivars of sweet potato roots         67

4.3:      Percentage loss of minerals from five cultivars of fresh sweet potato          

            flour                                                                                                                75

4.4       Percentage retention of minerals of five cultivars of fresh sweet potato                   roots                                                                                                                77

4.5:      Vitamins, total carotenoids and beta-carotene composition (mg/100g)

            of five cultivars of sweet potato roots.                                                           80

4.6:      Percentage loss and percentage retention of vitamins of five cultivars                     

            of fresh sweet potato roots after peeling, oven drying and milling.               87

4.7:      Percentage retention of vitamins of five cultivars of fresh sweet                              potato roots after peeling, oven drying and milling.                                               90

4.8:      Phytochemicals/anti- nutritional composition (mg/100g) of five cultivars

            of fresh sweet potato roots                                                                             92

4.9:      Percentage (%) loss of phytochemicals/anti- nutritional compounds                         of   five sweet potato flour.                                                                              104

4.10:    Percentage (%) retention of phytochemicals/anti- nutritional                                                 compounds                                                                                                      108









2.1:      Unit operations involved in the                                                                      26       

                        production of sweet potato chips and flour                                                   


 3.1       Flow chart for production of sweet potato flour                                            29














3. 1:        Umuspo 3                                                                                            56

3.2          Umuspo 1                                                                                            56

3.3:         Tis87/0087,                                                                                         56

3:4          Ex-igbairiam                                                                                     56

3.5:         Tis8164                                                                                               57

3.6          Umuspo 3 flour                                                                                   57

3.7:         Umuspo 1 flour                                                                                   57

3.8:         Tis87/0087 flour                                                                                  57

3.9:         Ex-igbairiam flour                                                                               58

3.10:       Tis8164 flour                                                                                       58                                              












1.1       BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY          

            Sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas (L) Lam) belong to the botanical family   Convolvulaceae (Morning Glory Family). They are perennial crops that usually grown annually. They grow from underground tuberous roots with trailing, twisting     stems that can be as long as six meters. Sweet potatoes provide food to most of the       world’s population, occupying the position of the seventh most important food crop          in the world by the beginning of the 21st century (Woolfe, 1992).

            They are fast in maturing, rich in nutrients and are often the first crops to be planted          after a natural disaster to provide abundant food supply to the population (Food and        Culture Encyclopedia, 2003). Sweet potatoes’ nutritional components necessary in             fulfilling human nutritional needs include carbohydrates, fibres, carotenes, thiamine,     riboflavin, niacin, potassium , calcium, iron, vitamin A and C and high quality     protein. Sweet potato primarily provides energy in the human diets in the form of carbohydrate (Oke and Workneh, 2013). In addition, they are also good sources of          minerals such as magnesium, sodium and phosphorus (USDA, 2009).

            They have cultivars with diiferent skin colours such as orange, purple, white, cream           and yellow etc. The orange flesh cultivars are good sources of antioxidants, vitamins,   minerals and dietary fibres. They are also rich in carotene especially the B-carotene,          vitamin A, C, B-vitamins (B2, B3 and B6), potassium and copper (WHO, 2002, Kosambo,2004; Welch,2005; FAO,2007).

            Orange fleshed sweet potatoes have considerable potential to contribute to a food-            based approach, to combat the problem of vitamin A deficiency which is a serious           public health concern of the poorer sections. Thus, there is a high possibility of this          subsistence crop being accepted as a regular diet of the consumer food chain in the           era of extensive population growth and nutritional crisis to supplement as an        alternative staple food source for the resource poor farmers  (Mitra, 2012). Sweet   potatoes are “staple food” because they provide the main component of the diet for       many people (Onwueme, 1987).

            Like many other foods, roots and tubers are hardly consumed in their fresh state.   They usually undergo some form of processing and cooking before eating. These             methods make them safe for human consumption, extend shelf life and improve   variety of products which are more convenient to prepare, cook and consume than the             raw sweet potato (Woolfe, 1999; Stephen et al., 2005). The tuber can be boiled,             baked, or fried. As a raw material, it is extensively used in the textile and paper     industries as starch; in the confectionary and baking industries as flour; and in the          production of syrups etc. Sweet potato flour holds moisture well, brings a richness of           flavor and adds a slight sweetness to any baked goods. The flour can be used for a            wide range of products examples include breads, cookies, muffins, pancakes, cakes, doughnuts and as thickeners. It can be combined with other cereals or proteinous   crops to produce weaning foods for babies (Woolfe, 1992; www.culinary       collective.com, 2016).

            Sweet potato flour processing involves peeling, washing, slicing, drying and milling           and there are nutrient losses during some of these unit operations (Lyimo et al., 2010).

            So far, little information has been reported on nutrient content of sweet potato flour          varieties as affected by processing in Nigeria. Hence, this work proposes to study the   nutrient retention/loss of flour from five cultivars of fresh sweet potatoes as affected      by various unit operations.



            Sweet potatoes cannot be stored for very long temperatures below 130C and they develop injury at temperature below 100C. Sweet potatoes like most roots and tubers             lose large percentage of their nutritional composition when undergoing processing            (Ihekoronye and Ngoddy, 1985).

            In many developing countries like Nigeria, food processing operations have been a            major problem which results to decline in nutritional composition of food stuff.   Processing of sweet potato roots into flour involves various unit operations (peeling,   washing, slicing, drying and milling).

            According to Lyimo et al. (2010) it is shown that nutrients are affected by processing        methods used and that loss of nutrients during processing depends on varieties, since           some varieties are tolerant to certain processing methods than others. Lin et al. (2000)      also reported that physicochemical properties of sweet potatoes significantly differ     among varieties. Therefore, suitable varieties for each processed product are needed.



1.3.1    General objective of the study

            The general objective of this research was to determine the nutrient retention/loss (proximate, vitamins, minerals, total carotenoid and beta-carotene) from flour of five        cultivars of fresh sweet potatoes as affected by various unit operations (peeling, oven       drying and milling).

1.3.2    Specific objective of the study

 The specific objectives of this research were to:

                                      i.             determine the initial components of the parameters before unit operations

                                    ii.             produce flour from five cultivars of sweet potato roots (two orange fleshed, two white fleshed and one cream fleshed cultivars).

                                  iii.             evaluate the changes in their compositions during the production of flour (emphasis will be on the critical control points as Peeling drying and milling).

                                  iv.             compare the total carotenoid and beta- carotene content of the five cultivars of sweet potato.

                                    v.             determine the variety of sweet potato flour with maximum and minimum level of nutrients and phytochemicals retention during production.


Orange-fleshed sweet potato is now emerging as an important member of the tropical        tuber crops having great possibility for adoption as regular diet of the consumer food   chain to tackle the problem of vitamin A deficiency (Mitra et al., 2012).

            Sweet potato flour is a powder made from ground sweet potato that is commonly used     in baking. It can be used as a thickener and it can also add flavor and texture to foods   like cakes, bread and cookies (Wise, 2006).

            Hagenimana et al. (1992) reported that addition of orange-fleshed sweet potato flour        in chapattis greatly increased the total carotenoid content and various proportions of     the sweet potato flour can be used with wheat flour to improve nutritive values in          terms of fibre and carotenoids. However, lack of adequate post-harvest processing or       unit operations (FAO, 2005; CIP, 2009) can lead to loss of nutrients in sweet potato.

             Sweet potato has come under scientific focus and experts have tried to cultivate the         plant through selective breeding to produce different types of sweet potatoes called       cultivars. The cultivars of a sweet potato have different names and colours. Therefore    the evaluation of the effect of the unit operations on the physicochemical contents        (especially at the critical control points like peeling, drying and milling) in the       production of sweet potato flour will help the processor to know the best variety of           sweet potato which has minimal nutrient losses during processing and will also guide      the processor on areas to watch out in terms of nutrient loss.

            The result of this research may be useful to consumers who want to eat foods derived       from sweet potato flesh, underdeveloped and developing countries facing         malnutrition (especially vitamin A) especially in pregnant women and children and in     processing industries who are concerned with quality with regards to the composition      as it goes through the processing chain as well as solving food security issues.


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