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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007271

No of Pages: 185

No of Chapters: 1-5

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In recent times, the cultivation of Orange Flesh Sweet Potato (OFSP) has advanced its industrial applications due to its high β-carotene and dry matter content. This study was aimed at evaluating the hepatoprotective and antihyperlipidaemic effects of OFSP juice. A total of 85 male Sprague Dawley rats (80-120g)      were used for this study. Sixty rats were used for the hepatoprotective (preventive and curative) study. The animals were grouped into five groups; Group 1- Normal control, Group 2- Untreated, Group 3- Silymarin, Groups 4 – 5 (300 and 600 mg/kg body weight of OFSP, respectively). Twenty-five (25) rats were used for the antihyperlipideamic study consisting of five groups; Group 1- High fat diet control (HFDC), Group 2- Low fat diet control (LFDC), Group 3- 200 mg/kg b. w of OFSP, Group 4- 400 mg/kg b. w. of OFSP, Group 5- 600 mg/kg b. w. of OFSP. The biochemical analyses were determined using standard biochemical methods. The results indicated significant (p<0.05) decrease in the total bilirubin (TB) concentrations of the OFSP-treated preventive (12.02 ± 0.39) and curative (4.35 ± 0.21) groups compared to the untreated preventive (20.97 ± 1.27) and curative (17.22 ± 0.20) groups of the rats. There were also significant (p<0.05) decrease in the CB, AST, ALT and ALP activities in the OFSP treated groups relative to the untreated in the preventive and curative models. The haemoglobin concentration (HB) 9.51 ± 0.26, packed cell volume (PCV) 28.43 ± 0.32, red blood cell (RBC) 5.44 ± 0.25, total lymphocyte count (TLC) 11.95 ± 0.13 and platelet count (PLAT) 115.70 ± 0.85 were significantly (p<0.05) increased in the OFSP treated group when compared to the untreated and silymarin-treated group. There were no visible histological changes (alterations) in the OFSP-treated groups compared to the untreated group. For the antihyperlipidaemic study, the cholesterol concentration was 65.06 ± 10.25 in the high fat diet control, 52.24 ± 6.72 in the low fat diet control and 61.22 ± 1.52 for the OFSP treated group this showed that there was no significant (p<0.05) difference in the OFSP treated group and HFDC/LFDC. Triglyceride also showed no significant (p<0.05) difference in the OFSP (89.64±9.06) and the HFDC (105.74±16.52)/LFDC (78.50±1.67) group while High density lipoprotein (HDL) showed a significant (p<0.05) increase in the OFSP treated group (29.92±1.85) compared to the HFDC (15.56±2.10), LDL and VLDL showed a significant (0.05) decrease in the OFSP treated group compared to the HFDC. It is concluded from this study that OFSP juice can ameliorate liver damage and may have a mild antihyperlipidaemic potential.


Title page                                                                                                                                           i

Dedication                                                                                                                                          ii

Acknowledgement                                                                                                                             iii

Table of Contents                                                                                                                              iv

List of Tables                                                                                                                                     v

List of Figures                                                                                                                                   vi

Abstract                                                                                                                                             vii



1.1    Background of the Study                                                                                                          1

1.2    Statement of the Problem                                                                                                          3

1.3    Aim                                                                                                                                            4

1.4    Objectives                                                                                                                                  4

1.5    Justification of Study                                                                                                                4



2.1       Overview of Ipomoea batatas                                                                                                 6

2.1.1   Scientific classification                                                                                                           6

2.2       Nutritional Constituents of Orange Flesh Sweet Potato (OFSP)                                           7

2.2.1    Proximate composition                                                                                                           7

2.2.2    Mineral constituents of OFSP                                                                                                 8

2.2.3    Carotenoids                                                                                                                             11

2.2.3    Tocopherol                                                                                                                              11

2.3       Pharmacological Properties of Ipomea batatas                                                                       12

2.3.1    Antiulcer activity                                                                                                                    12

2.3.2    Anti-inflammatory activity                                                                                                     13

2.3.3    Hepatoprotective effect                                                                                                          13

2.3.4    Immunomodulatory effect                                                                                                      13

2.3.5   Cardiovascular effect                                                                                                               13

2.3.6   Anti-proliferative activity                                                                                                        14

2.3.7   Antioxidant activity                                                                                                                 14

2.3.8   Wound healing effect                                                                                                              14

2.3.9   Anti-diabetic effect                                                                                                                 14

2.3.10 Anti-cancer potential                                                                                                               15

2.3.12 Haematological effects                                                                                                                        15

2.4      Liver Toxicity                                                                                                                          15

2.4.1   Stages of liver toxicity/damage                                                                                               16

2.4.2   Hepatotoxicity                                                                                                                         17

2.4.3   Liver function tests                                                                                                                  20

2.5      Mechanism of Action of Silymarin (Hepatoprotective Agent)                                               23

2.6     Hepatoprotective Properties of Some Medicinal Plants                                                           23

2.6.1  Dodonaea viscosa (Sapindaceae)                                                                                             23

2.6.2 Phyllanthus muellarianus (Euphorbiaceae)                                                                                24

2.6.3 Aquilaria agallocha (Thymelaeaceae)                                                                                        24

2.6.4 Phoenix dactylifera (Arecaceae)                                                                                     25

2.6.5 Convolvulus arvensis (Convolvulaceae)                                                                         25

2.6.6 Salix caprea (Salicaceae)                                                                                                           26

2.6.7 Caesalpinia crista (Fabaceae)                                                                                                    26

2.6.8 Alocasia indica (Araceae)                                                                                                          26

2.6.9 Opuntia ficus-indica (Cactaceae)                                                                                               27

2.6.10 Allium cepa                                                                                                                              27

2.7     Hyperlipidemia                                                                                                                         27

2.7.1  Risk Factors of Hyperlipidaemia                                                                                              29

2.7.2  Complications of Hyperlipidaemia                                                                                          30 

2.8     Hypolipidaemic Properties of Some Medicinal Plants                                                             31

2.8.1  Lagenaria siceraria                                                                                                                   31

2.8.2  Cassia angustifolia                                                                                                                    32

2.8.3   Cinnamomum tamala                                                                                                              32

2.8.4   Gymnema sylvestre                                                                                                                  32

2.8.5   Hibiscus cannabinus                                                                                                                33

2.8.6   Glycyrriza glabra (GG)                                                                                                           33

2.8.7    Moringa oleifera                                                                                                                     33

2.8.8    Sida cordifolia                                                                                                                         34

2.8.9   Spirulina platensis                                                                                                                    34


MATERIALS AND METHODS                                                                                                   

3.1     Materials                                                                                                                                   35

3.1.1   Sample procurement                                                                                                                35

3.1.2   Sample preparation                                                                                                                  35

3.1.3   Chemicals/reagents                                                                                                                  35

3.1.3   Experimental animals                                                                                                               35

3.2      Experimental Design                                                                                                                36

3.2.1   Hepatoprotective activity                                                                                                        36

3.2.2   Hepato-curative activity                                                                                                          36

3.2.3   Antihyperlipidaemic activity                                                                                                   37

3.3      Methods                                                                                                                                   38

3.3.1   Phytochemical screening                                                                                                        38

3.3.2   GC-MS analysis                                                                                                                       40

3.3.3   Assessment of liver function                                                                                                   41

3.3.4    Haematology parameters                                                                                                       44

3.3.5   Lipid profile assays                                                                                                                  47

3.4      Statistical Analysis                                                                                                                   53



 4.1     Results                                                                                                                                     54

 4.1.1   Qualitative phytochemical composition of OFSP juice                                                          55

4.1.2    Chemical composition/bioactive compounds in OFSP juice                                                 56

4.1.3   Curative effect of OFSP on serum total bilirubin concentration in thioacetamide-induced Liver damage in sprague dawley rat.                                                                                     59

4.1.4   Curative Effect of OFSP on serum conjugate bilirubin concentration in thioacetamide-induced liver damage in sprague dawley rat.                                                                                                61

4.1.5   Curative effect of OFSP on serum aspartate transaminaase concentration in thioacetamide-induced liver damage in sprague dawley rat.                                                                              63                                                         

4.1.6   Curative effect of OFSP on serum alanine transaminase concentration in thioacetamide-induced liver damage in sprague dawley rat.                                                                                                      65

4.1.7   Curative effect of OFSP on serum alkaline phosphatase concentration in thioacetamide-induced liver damage in sprague dawley rat.                                                                                                      67

4.1.8   Preventive effect of OFSP on serum total bilirubin concentration in thioacetamide-induced liver damage in sprague dawley rat.                                                                                                     69

4.1.9    Preventive effect of OFSP on serum conjugate bilirubin concentration in thioacetamide-induced liver damage in sprague dawley rat.                                                                                                     71

4.1.11   Preventive effect of OFSP on serum aspartate transaminaase concentration in thioacetamide-induced liver damage in sprague dawley rat.                                                                  73                                                           

4.1.12   Preventive effect of OFSP on serum alanine transaminase concentration in thioacetamide- induced liver damage in sprague dawley rat.                                                                                75


4.1.13   Preventive effect of OFSP on serum alkaline phosphatase concentration in thioacetamide-induced liver damage in sprague dawley rat.                                                                                77

4.1.14   Curative effect of OFSP on some haematological parameters                                                  79

4.1.15   Preventive effect of OFSP on some haematological parameters in thioacetamide-induced      liver damage in sprague dawley rat                                                                                         81

4.1.16   Histopathology of the liver (hepato-curative)                                                                            83

4.1.17   Histopathology of the Liver (Hepatoprotective)                                                                       89

4.1.18   Effect of OFSP in lipid profile parameters in high fat diet induced hyperlipidaemia              95

4.1.19  Effect of OFSP on body weight of high fat diet induced hyperlipidaemia sprague dawley                                                        rats                                                                                                                                             97                                                                                                                                              

4.2   DISCUSSION                                                                                                                               99



5.1 Conclusion                                                                                                                                       108

5.2 Recommendation                                                                                                                             108

REFERENCES                                                                                                                                    109


                                LIST OF TABLES

3.1       Feed Formulation for Antihyperlipidaemic Activity                                                               38

4.1       Qualitative Phytochemical Composition of OFSP Juice                                                          55

4.2       Chemical Composition of Orange Flesh Sweet Potato (OFSP)                                              57

4.3                 Bioactive Chemical Compounds found in Orange Flesh Potato Juice                               58

4.4       Curative Effect of OFSP on Haematological Parameters in Thioacetamide-induced       Hepatotoxicity                                                                                                                                    80

4.5    Effect of OFSP juice pretreatment on Haematological Parameters in Thioacetamide- induced             Hepatotoxicity in Sprague Dawley Rats.                                                                                 82                                                         

4.6      Effect of OFSP on Lipid Profile Parameters of High Fat Diet-induced Hyperlipidaemia       96

4.7      Effect of OFSP on Body Weight of High Fat Diet-induced Hyperlipidaemia Sprague Dawley Rats                                                                                                                                                                 98







4.1     Curative Effect of OFSP on Serum Total Bilirubin Concentration in Thioacetamide-induced Liver Damage in Sprague Dawley Rat                                                                                          60

4.2      Curative Effect of OFSP on Serum Conjugate Bilirubin Concentration in Thioacetamide-induced Liver Damage in Sprague Dawley Rat.                                                                                       62

4.3      Curative Effect of OFSP on Serum Aspartate Transaminase Activity in Thioacetamide-induced Liver Damage in Sprague Dawley Rat.                                                                                       64                                                          

4.4      Curative Effect of OFSP on Serum Alanine Transaminase Activity in Thioacetamide-induced Liver Damage in Sprague Dawley Rat.                                                                                       66


4.5              Curative Effect of OFSP on Serum Alkaline Phosphatase Activity in Thioacetamide-induced Liver Damage in Wistar Albino Rat.                                                                                           68


4.6        Effect of OFSP juice pretreatment on Serum Total Bilirubin concentration in Thioacetamide-      induced hepatotoxicity in Sprague Dawley rats.                                                                            70


4.7        Effect of OFSP juice pretreatment on Serum Conjugate Bilirubin concentration in Thioacetamide-induced hepatotoxicity in Sprague Dawley rats.                                              72


4.8        Effect of OFSP juice pretreatment on Serum Aspartate Transaminase Activity in   Thioacetamide-induced Hepatotoxicity in Sprague Dawley rats.                                             74


4.9    Effect of OFSP juice pretreatment on Serum Alanine Transaminase Activity Thioacetamide-            induced Hepatotoxicity in Sprague Dawley rats.                                                                          76


 4.10  Effect of OFSP juice pretreatment on Serum Alkaline Phosphatase Activity Thioacetamide-            induced Hepatotoxicity in Sprague Dawley rats.                                                                          78


4.11     Histological sections of the liver of rats given distilled water (normal rats).                               84

4.12     Histological sections of the liver of rats given thioacetamide (400 mg/kg).                                85

4.13  Histological sections of the liver of rats given thioacetamide (400 mg/kg) and 50 mg/kg        silymarin.                                                                                                                                       86


4.14    Histological sections of the liver of rats given thioacetamide (400 mg/kg) and 300 mg/kg b. w        of OFSP juice.                                                                                                                               87


4.15    Histological sections of the liver of rats given thioacetamide (400 mg/kg) and 600 mg/kg b. w        of OFSP juice.                                                                                                                               88


4.16  Histological sections of the liver of rats given distilled water in the pretreated group             (normal control).                                                                                                                           90


4.17     Histological sections of the liver of rats pretreated with thioacetamide (400 mg/kg).                 91                                                                                                                                    


4.18    Histological sections of the liver of rats pretreated with 50 mg/kg silymarin and thioacetamidein    the pretreated group (400 mg/kg).                                                                                                92


4.19    Histological sections of the liver of rats pretreated with 300 mg/kg b.w. and thioacetamide (400             mg/kg).                                                                                                                                          93


4.20  Histological sections of the liver of rats pretreated with 600 mg/kg b.w. of OFSP and             thioacetamide (400 mg/kg).                                                                                                           94








In recent times, the cultivation of Orange Flesh Sweet Potato (OFSP) has advanced its industrial applications due to its high β-carotene and dry matter content adding to its traditional usage as feed and food (Nedunchezhiyan et al., 2012). Foods produced from OFSP provide sufficient amounts of energy and β-carotene to children, pregnant and lactating women reducing vitamin A deficiency and under-nutrition (Jaarsveld et al., 2006)

Benjamin (2007) reported that OFSP contains carbohydrates, β-carotene, vitamins C and E, dietary fibre, minerals (K, Ca and Fe), protein, fat and cholesterol, large amounts of thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), panthothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6) and folic acid (B9), and can lessen the effects of vitamin A deficiency as a result of its high β-carotene content. The significant carotenoid present in OFSP is the β-carotene. Khoo et al. (2011) and Burri (2011) reported that β-carotene has the highest vitamin A activity amid the several types of carotenoids.  The amount of β-carotene contained in OFSP depends on the variety of the sweet potato (Burri, 2011). Jaswir et al. (2011) reported that the total β-carotene contained in OFSP is 20,000 μg.

OFSP is a beneficial root crop, though it is underutilised in many parts of the world due to the restricted information on the preparation of OFSP into other consumable products (Assefa et al., 2007; Bezabih and Mengistu, 2011). Inadequate storage facilities and technology account for great loss of OFSP after harvest (Ray and Ravi, 2005).

The liver is mainly responsible for drug metabolism, elimination and detoxification of toxic substances (Mohammed et al., 2011).

Liver damage-related diseases have become the ninth major cause of death worldwide (Mohamed Saleem et al., 2010). Some of the commonly suffered liver damage-related diseases include liver cirrhosis, hepatitis and liver carcinoma. The major causes of some of these liver damage related diseases are called hepatotoxins (chronic usage of some antibiotics, paracetamol, some chemotherapeutic agents, thioacetamide and carbon tetrachloride) which accounts for 50% of chronic liver diseases worldwide (Mcnally et al., 2006). Because of these commonly used drugs which induce liver damage, stem cell derived hepatocytes should be used to detect toxicity during drug development (Greenhough et al., 2012).

Various hepatoprotective and antihepatotoxic agents have been effectively studied using some of these hepatoxins; but over the years thioacetamide-induced liver damage has been a more simple and effective model to study potential hepatoprotective medicinal plants (Mohammed et al., 2011). Thioacetamide causes liver damage through its metabolite Thioacetamide-S-Oxide (TAASO) which increases the concentration of the intracellular Ca+ thereby changing the cell permeability and causing inhibition of the mitochondrial activity (Tasleem and Nadeem, 2013).

Hyperlipidaemia is mainly characterized by elevation of serum concentration of several lipoproteins (TC, TAG, LDL, and VLDL) and lipids. This is a major risk factor for CVDs (cardiovascular diseases) and atherosclerosis which predispose to ischemic heart disease (Hossain et al, 2011). The pathology of atherosclerosis and other CVDs begins when the LDL becomes oxidized in the vascular wall; the oxidation of LDL is as a result of the production of the Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and Nitrogen species (NOS) by the endothelial cells (Karimi et al., 2013).

 Hyperlipidaemia can be classified into primary and secondary hyperlipidaemia. The primary hyperlipidemia is caused by genetic mutation in the receptor protein, and it can be treated using hypolipidaemic drugs while the secondary hyperlipidaemia is caused by metabolic disorders such as diabetes, hypothyroidism, nephrotic syndrome, alcohol consumption, and it can be reduced by treating the disease condition (Asija et al, 2014). The main factors which are responsible for hyperlipidaemia/dyslipidaemia include genetic disorders, lifestyle and eating foods rich in cholesterol. Over the years, a large number of synthetic drugs have been used for the treatment of hyperlipidaemia but these drugs are linked with a lot of adverse effects. Medicinal plants have been used to treat a lot of ailments due to the various phytoconstituents contained in these plants, and they are also safer and more economical than the synthetic drugs.


Over the years, there has been a consistent increase in the epidemiology of liver damage related diseases despite the recent development of liver protective drugs; some of these drugs are characterized with numerous side effects. Most of these liver damage related diseases arises from toxicity of xenobiotic which primarily affects the liver as a chief organ that carries out metabolism. The most prevalent liver damage related diseases are liver cirrhosis, hepatitis and jaundice which are responsible for a lot of death (Palanivel et al, 2008).

Despite the availability of hyperlipidaemic drugs, the prevalence of hyperlipidemia (a risk factor for coronary heart diseases) is still the leading cause of death in most developing countries. Antihyperlipidaemic drugs accounts for numerous adverse effects; severe muscle damage, liver damage, renal failure (Guyton and Bays, 2007, Kobayashi et al, 2008, Kiskac et al, 2013). Several components of plants have been used to treat a lot of ailments around the world with little or no adverse effects and some of these plant materials which contain a lot of beneficial phytoconstituents are under-utilized and may possess numerous pharmacological activities.


1.3    AIM

The study is aimed at evaluating the hepatoprotective and antihyperlipidaemic effect of orange flesh sweet potato (ipomea batatas) juice in Sprague Dawley rat.


The objectives of the study were to:  

1)      Determine the phytochemical components present in orange flesh potato juice.

2)      Evaluate the chemical composition of OFSP using GC-MS (Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry).

3)      Determine the effects of OFSP juice on biochemical (AST, ALT, ALP, DB, TB) and haematological parameters (Hb, PCV, Platelets, RBC, TLC) in the serum of thioacetamide-induced rats.

4)      Evaluate the effect OFSP juice on the  histopathology of the liver.

5)      Assess the effect of OFSP juice on high fat diet-induced hyperlipidaemia in rats using the lipid profile (CHOL, TAG ,HDL, LDL, VLDL) and body weight parameters.


OFSP has been reported by a lot of researchers to contain carbohydrates, β-carotene, minerals, dietary fiber, vitamins, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine and folic acid. Some of these components and nutrients contained in OFSP can help in the prevention and treatment of various diseases. Other varieties of sweet potato have been reported to possess a lot of pharmacological activities; anti-ulcer, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, hepatoprotective, anti-microbial, anti-proliferative, anti-oxidant and anti-diabetic effects, but there are no reported pharmacological potentials of OFSP. The present study is designed to investigate some of the pharmacological potentials of OFSP so as to recommend its continued use as foods, as well as processing it into more consumable products.


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