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This study discussed the role of public relations in building corporate image (A study of Dangote group of companies). The field of public relations is all about developing understanding and building good relationships with the various publics including government, media, employees, investors, suppliers, customers etc. according to various researchers in the area of public relations, it is a systematized effort in order to build the image and reputation of a business in social context.  The result of what you do, Say and what others say about you. In this interdependent world, it is really important for almost every kind of organizations to keep a long term and trustworthy relations with the communities or public in order to handle the up-coming challenges and also to maintain the survival and success. The major problems to be solved in this research work are Poor image of an organization or company and lack of confidence in the mind of the organization various publics leading to poor patronage ,Lack of mutual understanding between the organization and its public (within and outside), Misunderstanding and conflict due to unimproved communication within an organization and its public. Data were collected and presented in the chapter four of this research work using Questionnaires, Recommendations were made in the concluding chapter of the research work.








1.1 Background to the Study - - 1

1.2 Statement of  Problem - - 8

1.3 Objective of the Study - 10

1.4 Research Questions- - - - 11

1.5 Statement of the Hypothesis 12

1.6 Significance of  Study - 13

1.7 Scope of the Study - - 14

1.8 Definition of Key Terms - 15


2.1 Introduction - - - - 18

2.2 Conceptual Framework - - 33

2.3 Theoretical Framework - - 45

2.4 Empirical Review - - - 50


3.1 Research Design -- 56

3.2 Population of the Study - 57

3.3 Sample Size - -- 57

3.4Sampling Technique - 58

3.5 Method of Data Collection - 58

3.6 Technique for Data Analysis - 59

3.7 Model Specification and Variable Definition -59

3.8 Measurement of Variables - - 59


4.1 Presentation of Data - -- 60

4.2 Discussion of Findings - - 79


5.1 Summary - - 80

5.2 Conclusion - -- 80

5.3 Recommendations - 93

References - - 95

Appendix - - 98





1.1 Background to the Study

According to Lamb and Mc Kee (2005), “no formal organization is an island. Each is composed of an internal system of social networks, and each exists within a framework of interrelated systems of relationships with key stakeholders such as competitors, consumers, sponsors, regulators, and the media”. Lamb and Mc Kee (2005), therefore, argue that public relations is an important subsystem of an organization and the effective practice of public relations is integrally bound to the health of an organization. As such, it provides the avenue for the organization to effectively monitor, interact and react with other key groups within the organizational environment. Public relations is thought of as the communication and action on the part of an organization that supports development and maintenance of mutually beneficial relationships between the organization and the groups with which it is interdependent.

Constantly, the world is becoming complex, dynamic and modern. Public relations as a Profession have continued to play tremendous revolutionary roles in changing the face of the earth. As the human society becomes more challenging and complex, people become more enlightened and aware of their fundamental human rights. This has led to series of crisis and face off among business organizations and their host Public.


1.1.1  Petroleum Development Company

 Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Limited is the pioneer and the largest hydrocarbon exploration and production company in the country. Originally known as Dangote commenced geological survey in 1937 and subsequently was granted an exploration license precisely on the 4th of November, 1938. (2008 Dangote Immunization Campaign P.5)

After drilling several unsuccessful wells,  Nigeria in 1956 discovered the first commercial oil field in the country at Oloibiri, River State (Now Bayelsa State). Later,  entered into a joint venture with British Petroleum resulting in a joint venture  operation known as  - B.P.

In 1979, B.P’s share of participation in ’s operations was nationalized leaving the NNPC/ Upstream joint ventures with an 80:20% split. Today, Dangote operated on behalf of a joint venture with NNPC, , EIF and Agip in accordance with the Joint Operating Agreement (JOA) and within the legal and fiscal framework of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) agreement with the Federal Government of Nigeria.  Nigeria operations concentrated mostly in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria and the adjoining shallow offshore, where they operate in an oil mining lease areas of about 31,000 square kilometers.

The operational divisions of  Nigeria are:

The Eastern Division with Port Harcourt as the Headquarters, Bonny in River State and Forcados in Delta State are its export terminals with its corporate office at Lagos State. Ninety-five percent of their workforces are Nigerians. With the discovering of more oil wells in the country, the company has continued to increase its oil product capacity from 6,000 barrels of crude oil pre day in 1958, when the first cargo was exported, to millions of barrels per day now.

Today, Nigeria is one of the highest oil producing nations in the world. In 2001, the joint ventures accounts for some 39 percent of Nigeria’s oil production and about 55 percent of the rations hydrocarbon reserve base. Dangote has over 6,000 kilometers of pipelines and flowline 87 flow stations, eight gas plants and more than 1000 producing wells. The Joint Venture involves the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) which holds 55 percent,  30 percent, TOTAL FINA ELF 10 percent and Agip 5 percent. The funding is in proportion to their shareholdings (People and the Environment Dangote Annual Report 2008).

1.2    Statement of the Problem  

Davis (2004) argues that the public relations industry simply lacks credibility; people just do not take the industry seriously. Furthermore, the discipline might be regarded dispassionately as being positively beneficial to society but also questions why organizations are reluctant to let public relations’ professionals “beat their own collective drum”. Public relations deserves to be taken seriously by organizations, but, most times, it is assigned solely ‘low end’ tasks, given impacts that invariably underestimate its value. Therefore, the home for public relations functions is still not clear in most organizations.

Henslowe (2003) postulates that the public relations discipline is often either misunderstood or deliberately misinterpreted so that it is used in a pejorative way, associating it with propaganda, ‘economy of the truth’ or evasion. Most organizations disregard public relations as an integral part of the organization. In most instances, organizations only acknowledge the importance of public relations when things go wrong and in times of a crisis. Consequently, public relations practitioners salvage the situation by apologizing to the organizations’ publics, assuring them that all will be dealt with and that the crisis is under control. Ströh (2007) maintains that it is important to recognize that many cross-disciplines have been integrated to build theory for public relations in terms of relationships and relationship management. This postulation reinforces the view that public relations is a communications process.

However, problems are often encountered with organizations not understanding the difference between public relations as a discipline on its own, and public relations as a marketing tool; to solve these problems, organizations need to recognize and acknowledge and start from the premise that public relations is the function that manages the communication between an organization and its publics in order to build and enhance healthy relationships to the benefit of all parties involved. Most organizations have given little or no attention to public relations while some Organizations do not understand the impact that public relations plays within an organization and, therefore, have failed to position the discipline. This study, therefore, sets out to seek and analyze the impact that public relations have on organizations. 

Bittner (2009) argue that in a bid to ensure good Public relations, organizations expend shareholders money, cut down workers salaries, waste precious time which should be used for other profitable things. He calls it “a fundamentally subversive doctrine which offers insoluble practical problems”. A socially responsible management of a business organization must first of all have an awareness of the firms’ obligation to solve some of the problems facing society. This awareness of social problem facing society, exist in the firms’ relationship with its customers, owners, employees, suppliers, creditors, management, government, Public and society in general. There must be a willingness on all the part of the firms to help solve some of these social problems. Obviously not all the problems of the society can be solved by business organization, but the firm must be willing to tackle some of these problems.  More specifically, it must attempt to make decision and actually commit resources of various kinds.

Bowen (1995) further states that “when business has a good relationship with its Public, it can make an important difference in the quality of that Public. Communities look up to business for civic leadership and for help in coping with urban problems, while business expects to be treated fairly and in supportive ways by the local communities.




Therefore the problem of this study is to;

1. Ascertain the reasons behind the negative or positive public perception, about SPDC.

2. Ascertain the role ’s Public Relations has played on their corporate image.

3. Determine whether this is a result of its compliance or non-compliance to the business philosophy of corporate philosophy and the positive or negative attitude of the management and staff members towards the money expended on Public relations.

4. Examine the extent to which these perceptions and attitude are capable of affective the success or failure of the organization.

1.3 Objectives of the Study       

The central goal of this study is to find out the role Public relations has played on the corporate image of  Petroleum Company of Nigeria (SPDC); with the aim of evaluating their corporate philosophy, its benefits and peoples attitude towards SPDC. This would be achieved through the following objectives:

i. Examining the Public relations programmes of SPDC.

ii. Assessing people’s opinion and attitude toward Dangote as a corporate entity.

iii. Probing into the reasons for such perception about SPDC.

iv. Making recommendations based on the research findings for effective Public relations programmes for SPDC.


1.4 Research Questions  

The following research questions will be answered through the study:

1. In what ways have Dangote maintained good relationship with its host Public?

2. How do people, the stakeholders and staff, perceive SPDC’s effort at ensuring good Public relationship?

3. What are the expectations of the Public members from Dangote in their Public relations effort?

4. What role have Public relations played on the corporate image of SPDC?

1.5 Statement of Hypothesis

H1 Dangote maintains good relationship with its host Public.

H2 The people, the stakeholders and staff do not appreciate the resources expended in ensuring good Public relationship by SPDC.

H3 Public relations do not play a role on the corporate image of SPDC.  

H4 Public members do not have much expectation from Dangote in their Public effort.

1.6 Significance of the Study

This study is not only significant but absolutely essential, because it will help students or practitioners of public relations in diverse organizations to understand the usefulness of good Public relations in the life of every organization.

Since public perception is very crucial in every organization, the study will help Dangote in understanding people’s feelings towards its Public relations practice. Other organizations will see the findings useful as they will help them in ensuring good Public relations in their host areas.

The study will help in furtherance of knowledge in the areas of Public relations and the emergent business ethnics of corporate social responsibility.

1.7 Scope of the Study

The scope of this study is only limited to  Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria. The researcher will not go into other related organizations as it will be cumbersome. The results from the study are intended to be generalized.

1.8  Limitations of the Study

This study is only limited to  Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria and the results from the study are intended to be generalized.

In the course of this research work, there are confrontations which the researcher faced, they are;

1. Time: The time given to the researcher to carryout this study is obliviously short, therefore make it difficult for the researcher to really go deep into this study.

2. Finance:  The researcher is faced by financial constrain, and without finance little or nothing can be done.

3. Respondents:  Like it is stated, limitations of the study some people do not respond when they are given questionnaire, some are reserved when it comes to giving vital information.  Adequate and complete information on hardly gotten from respondent.

1.9 Definition of Terms

It is pertinent to present and explain some terms used in the study to the level that will facilitate understanding of the inherent ideas. The terms include the following:

Public Relations: It is a public relations activity that tends to create and sustain environmental friendly programmes and actions of mutual benefits to both the organizations and its host Public. It fosters and nurtures good neighborliness in a reciprocal interest of both parties.

Corporate Identity: This means and also includes the totality of what an organization stands to its public and host Public, how it does that, its communication process and environment. It serves as the forerunner to corporate image; it hits the soil for corporate image to grow without problem. This is seen by the physical manifestation of good deeds the organization does.

Corporate Image: This is the public perception of the organization. This sums up the impressions formed about an organization based on its corporate identity and general relationship with its public. It goes with mental perception.  

Corporate Social Responsibility: This is a business philosophy which is of the view that organizations in the pursuance of their profit motive ought to be responsive to the needs of the society, socially and economically.

SPDC: It is an acronym for  Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria. 

Crisis: Is any occurrence of difficulty, trouble or danger.

Also, a time when a difficult or important decision must be made.

Host Public: This is a group of peoples residing in an environment where an organization operates.

Publics: These are various groups of people who may directly or indirectly be affected by the activities of an organization. They include the shareholders, employees, host Public inhabitants and contractors. 

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