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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007155

No of Pages: 110

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This study aimed at isolating and identifying LAB from traditionally fermented foods in Nigeria (ogikunu zaki and akpu) and to evaluate their probiotic potentials invitro. Nine lactic acid bacteria were isolated from the selected sources. These isolates were then screened for their phenotypic and biochemical properties. The selected isolates were then identified molecularly using the 16SrRNA sequencing as Bacillus spp (3), Lactobacillus fermentum (3 strains) and Lactococcus lactis (2 strains) and their partial sequence were deposited in the Gene Bank. Among the LAB isolates that were identified, 3 isolates Lactobacillus fermentum CS19, Lactococcus lactis, and Lactobacillus fermentum exhibited invitro safety attributes and were able to survive inhibitory conditions like acid environment and 0.3%bile salt. Furthermore, they demonstrated bactericidal activity against some selected drug-sensitive and multi-drug resistant pathogens (Salmonella typi, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus) capable of causing infection in both gastro intestinal tract and skin. Lactobacillus fermentum CS19 demonstrated the highest antibacterial activity against the selected food pathogens with the highest activity being recorded Salmonella typhi (15.33±1.52mm) and Staphylococcus aureus (15.33±1.15mm). Among the selected isolates Lactobacillus fermentum CS19 demonstrated highest hydrophobicity and adhesion to mucin. However, this study suggests that the LAB isolates Lactobacillus fermentum CS19, Lactococcus lactis, and Lactobacillus fermentum are good probiotic strain and could be introduced in starter cultures in traditionally feremented foods.



Title Page                                                                                                        i

Declaration                                                                                                      ii

Dedication                                                                                                      iii

Certification                                                                                                    iv        

Acknowledgments                                                                                          v         

Table of Contents                                                                                           vi        

List of Tables                                                                                                  ix        

List of Figures                                                                                                 x

Abstract                                                                                                          xi                    

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION                                                                  1

1.1       Background of the Study                                                                   1

1.2       Statement of Problem                                                                                     3

1.3       Justification of the Study                                                                   3

1.4       Aim and Objectives of the Study                                                       4


CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW                                                       5

2.1       Lactic Acid Bacteria                                                                           5

2.1.1    Classification of lactic acid bacteria                                                   6

2.1.2    Importance of lactic acid bacteria                                                       6

2.2       Probiotics                                                                                            10

2.2.1    History of probiotics                                                                           11

2.2.2    Essential characteristics of probiotics                                                 12

2.2.3    Mechanism of action                                                                           13

2.3       Criteria for Choosing Probiotic Strains                                               16

2.4       Mucin Biosynthesis                                                                             21

2.5       Interactions of Lactic Acid Bacteria with Intestinal

Glycoconjugates                                                                                 24

2.6       Mucin Adhesion Factors and Adhesion Mechanisms in

Lactic Acid Bacteria                                                                           26

2.7       Cell Wall Anchored Proteins                                                              28

2.8       Probiotics and Gut Health                                                                  31

2.8.1    The gut microbiome                                                                            31

2.9       Probiotic Attributes of Lactic Acid Bacteria                                      35

2.9.1    Acid tolerance                                                                                    35

2.9.2    Bile tolerance                                                                                      36

2.9.3    Adherence property                                                                            38

2.9.4    Adhesion mechanisms of probiotics to intestinal mucosa                  40

2.9.5    Antagonism against pathogens                                                           44


CHAPTER 3: MATERIALS AND METHODS                                           48

3.1       Materials                                                                                             48

3.1.1    Sample collection                                                                                48

3.1.2        Isolation and screening media                                                            49

3.1.3    Chemicals and reagents                                                                      49

3.1.4    Equipment resources                                                                           49

3.2       Methods                                                                                              49

3.2.1    Isolation of LAB                                                                                50

3.2.2    Purification and storage of cultures                                                    50

3.2.3    Identification and characterization of isolated LAB strains              53

3.2.4    Evaluation of invitro probiotic characteristics of isolated

LAB strains                                                                                         57

3.2.5        Auto-aggregation assay                                                                      58      

3.2.7    Statistical analysis                                                                               60


CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                            61

4.1       Results                                                                                                61

4.1.1    Morphological identification of isolates                                             61

4.1.2    Antibacterial activity of LAB isolates                                                63

4.1.3    Exopolysaccharide production of LAB isolates                                 65

4.1.4    Probiotic characteristics of LAB isolates                                            67

4.1.5    Cell hydrophobicity of LAB isolates                                                  69

4.1.6    Autoagreggation of isolates                                                                71

4.1.7    Adherence properties of LAB isolates                                               73

4.1.8    Genotypic characterization results                                                      75

4. 2      Discussion                                                                                           78



5.1       Conclusion                                                                                          81

5.2       Recommendations                                                                              81

References                                                                                                      83

Appendices                                                                                                     91







LIST OF TABLES                         


2.1       The probiotic effect of LAB on the human host                               9         

2.2       Established health benefits with their mode of action                      15       

2.3       Desirable criteria for the selection of probiotics in

commercial applications                                                                      18

2.4       Some receptors along with their functions                                        39       

4.1       Phenotypic Characterization of Isolates                                             62       

4.2       Antimicrobial activity of LAB isolates                                              64       

4.3       Exopolysaccharide production of LAB isolates                                66       

4.4       Probiotic chracteristics of LAB isolates                                            68       

4.5:      Hydrophobicity of organisms                                                             70       

4.6       Autoaggregation of isolates                                                               72       

4.7       Adherence of LAB isolates to mucin                                                74                   











2.1       Guidelines for the evaluation of probiotics for food use                    20       

2.3       Polymeric structure of mucin molecules                                            22       

2.4       Cell surface architechture of gram positive bacteria                           27       

2.5a     Composition across the length of the gastrointestinal tract               32       

2.5b     Longitudinal variations in microbial compositions in the intestine    33       

2.6       Schematic representation of anti-adhesive properties of probiotics

and prebiotics.                                                                                     47       

4.1       Phylogenetic tree showing the evolutionary distance between

the bacterial isolates                                                                            76       

4.2       Agarose gel electrophoresis of the 16SrRNA gene                          

of some selected bacterial isolates.                                                      77










The ability of a probiotic to adhere to the luminal epithelium and colonize the human gastrointestinal system is considered a requirement for probiotic selection in order to give health benefits and protection against gastrointestinal disorders after ingestion (Gupta and Sharma, 2015). Adhesion is the effective attachment of microorganisms to the intestinal epithelial cells to minimize or prevent colonization of infections (Kesarcordi et al., 2008). Probiotic strains must be able to travel through the upper gastrointestinal tract (GIT) unharmed by colonizing and sticking to mucin or epithelial cells originating from the gut and tolerating stomach acidity and bile salt concentrations in order to generate therapeutic effects (Jamaly et al., 2011). Antibiotic capabilities against enteropathogens through the synthesis of antimicrobial compounds, toxin breakdown, nutritional competition, and immune system regulation are some of the proposed mechanisms for ingested probiotic microorganisms to deliver potential advantages to their host (Hirayama and Rafter, 2000; Rinkien et al., 2000).

However, among other selection yardsticks for probiotic microorganisms, attachment of lactic acid bacteria to epithelia of the intestine is regarded as crucial. Beneficial microorganisms' ability to assemble and stick together to surfaces such as epithelial chamber and mucosal layer aids in successful gut colonization and the establishment of a barrier that prevents enteropathogenic organisms from establishing an infection (Tareb et al., 2013).

According to Rozen et al. (2004) carbohydrate constituents on the mucosal layer are responsible for lactic acid bacteria adhesion properties. Lactic acid bacteria create exopolysaccharides, which are known to aid in adherence to surfaces. Exopolysaccharides are exocellular polymers found on the surface of several lactic-producing strains and are currently utilized as a preservative in the production of fermented dairy products, source of natural thickener and stabilizing ingredients, and a number of strains of Lactobacillus and Bfidobacteriun are responsible for production of these polymers (Landerbjo et al., 2002).

Microorganisms have developed a wide spectrum of hydrophobic substances known as adhesins on their cell surface, including proteins and less typically polysaccharide, teichoic, and fatty acids, that enable them to adhere covalently to the surface of gastrointestinal epithelial cells and mucosa (Gupta and Sharma, 2015). These hydrophobic residues are the most important determinant in the adhesive reaction between the organism and a suitable substrate, such as carbohydrate residues on the epithelial surface, such as mannose, galactose, fructose, or glycolipids, and the formation of biofilms by bacteria on both animate and inanimate surfaces (Abdulla et al., 2014). The hydrophobicity response is triggered by a complicated interaction between negatively charged, positively charged, hydrophobic, and hydrophilic components of bacterial surfaces.

As a result, the purpose of this study is to see if autoaggregation ability, cell surface adhesion, hydrophobicity, and exopolysaccharide productivity tests can be used to screen lactic acid bacteria isolated from fermented traditional foods for adhesive properties suitable for commercial and industrial applications.



Several food-borne diseases are caused by the growth of pathogenic microorganisms in the food. There is an elevated proclivity to infections of the gastrointestinal tract among children and adult due to the infancy of the gut defense obstacle, between the internal and external environments and the constant challenge from potentially pathogennic factors in the external environment.

More specifically, the mucus coating epithelia cells is one of the first surfaces encountered by infected germs in the human gut, and it's thought to be a key site for bacterial adherence and colonization. Mucus is constantly degraded, yet new mucin glycoproteins are constantly produced. Bacteria that can attach to mucus but not reach epithelial cells may thus be removed from the mucosal surface by destroyed mucin and washed away with luminal contents. This could help to explain why most probiotic bacteria have a transitory colonization pattern.

Again, in the context of the food industry, there is a need for the choosing of beneficial microorganisms that can be applied as probiotics and starter cultures in various fermentation processes, as well as essential criteria that form the foundation for the formulation of nutraceutical products that provide human health benefits.


Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) can be established in a variety of areas, including human and animal mucosal surfaces, in addition fermented foods. Many types have been employed in food bioprocessing and are also known as probiotic organisms, which offer a variety of health benefits. However, further information is needed on the ability of isolated probiotic strains to overcome the stomach environment, the existence of bile salts, and to resist the flux of gastrointestinal content by "adhesion".

Attachment to host tissue is required for various gastrointestinal passages, however a competitive exclusion paradigm based on binding site competition has evolved. As a result, determining the adhesion potentials of probitic Lactic acid bacteria isolates is critical in the development of functional foods and nutraceuticals based on the use of probiotics to improve the well-being of the gut. Therefore, the focus of this study will be on how probiotic lactic acid bacteria strains attach to gastric mucus and epithelial cell lines, in addition to how well they colonize the human gut.


The purpose of this research is to assess the probiotic properties of prospective Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) strains from traditional fermented foods.

Specific objectives are;

1.      Isolation, screening and characterization of LAB isolates from traditionally fermented foods.

2.      Screening of LAB isolates for probiotic characteristics.

3.      Examination of surface adhesion properties of isolated LAB.



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