This research work presents performance improvement of Wi-Fi connectivity using smart antenna in mobile communication network. Wireless-Fidelity (Wi-Fi) is a major wireless technology that is used by most people today. As the usage of corporate 802.11 wireless local area networks (WLANs) grows, network performance is becoming a significant concern as maintaining a steady connectivity on the Wi-Fi network is the desire of the network users. Poor connectivity, loss of network signal, and delay in data transmission has characterized the Wi-Fi network. Hence, this research work characterized the Wi-Fi Network under study and developed model to integrate smart antenna into Wi-Fi Network for improving connectivity in a Wi-Fi network. The developed model was simulated using matlab.The simulated result shows that smart antenna performs better than the conventional single element antenna for Wi-Fi connectivity. Several iterations were performed to find out BER performance and Eb/No ratio was varied from 1 to 10 and it was noticed that at every value of Eb/No, the BER was significantly reduced with a minimum BER of 0.01677dB as against 0.7215dB obtained in the existing system.
Title page i
Declaration ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgments v
Table of Contents vi
List of Figures viii
List of Tables ix
List of Plates x
List of Abbreviation xi
Abstract xiv
1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Problem Statement 2
1.3 Aim and Objectives of the Study 3
1.4 Significance of the Study 3
1.5 Scope of the Study 3
1.6 Organization of the Research 4
2.1 Wireless Local Area Networks 5
2.1.1 WLAN architecture 6
2.1.2 The physical layer 7
2.2 Overview of Smart Antenna Technology 9
2.2.1 Classification of smart antenna 11
2.2.2 System elements of a smart antenna 13
2.2.3 Smart antenna receiver 14
2.2.4 Smart antenna transmitter 16
2.3 802.11 (or Wi-Fi) 18
2.4 Network Auditing 21
2.5 Performance Evaluation on Wireless Mobile Network and Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) 22
2.6 Review of Related Works 24
2.7 Identified Knowledge Gaps 28
3.1 Materials 30
3.2 Research Methodology 30
3.3 Characterizing the Wi-Fi Network 31
3.4 Design Smart Antenna 35
3.5 Development of a Model for IntegratingSmart Antenna into Wi-Fi Network for Improving Connectivity in a Wi-Fi Network 46
3.6 Simulation of the Smart Antenna Model using Matlab 47
3.6.1 Transmitter module 49
3.6.2 Channel module 50
3.6.3 Receiver module 51
4.1 Parameters for Simulation 53
4.2 Simulated Data and Result 54
4.3 MATLAB Simulation Code 61
5.1 Conclusion 62
5.2 Recommendations 63
5.3 Contributions to Knowledge 63
References 64
Appendices 66
2.1 Independent Basic Service Set (IBSS) (Xiao, 2006) 7
2.2 Extended Service Set (ESS) (Matthew, 2015) 8
2.3 Smart Antenna System (Kawitkar, 2008) 10
2.4 Different smart antenna concepts (Winters, 2006) 12
2.5 Smart antenna configuration (Hafeth, 2005) 14
2.6 Reception part of smart antenna at BS for uplink (International Engineering Consortium, 2010) 16
2.7 Transmission part of smart antenna at BS for downlink (International Engineering Consortium, 2010). 18
3.1 Campus General Network 32
3.2 Block diagram of a CDMA- smart antenna System 35
3.3 MMSE-based AA System with Partitioning 38
3.4 Chip Rate Reference System (CRRS) Architecture 41
3.5 Complete Smart Antenna System 43
3.6 Connectivity Diagram for the Complete Smart Antenna System 45
3.7 Simulink Model of CDMA-Smart Antenna System 48
3.8 DS-CDMA transmitter in Simulink 49
3.9 Enable block 50
3.10 Simulink AWGN channel 50
3.11 Smart Antenna Adaptive Algorithm Block 51
3.12 Amplitude generation Algorithm 52
4.1 Comparison of Amplitude Performance of Smart and OMD Antennas 57
4.2 BER Performance with Omni Directional Antenna 59
4.3 BER Performance with Smart Antenna 60
4.4 Comparison of BER Performance 61
3.1 Wi-Fi Network Performance Measurement (Student Hostel) 34
3.2 Wi-Fi Network Performance Measurement (Class Room Block) 34
4.1 CDMA- Smart Antenna Model Parameters 53
4.2 Result for Simulation of amplitude response of Smart Antenna Angle 55
4.3 Result for Simulation of amplitude response of Omni Directional Antenna 56
4.4 Comparison of Performance of BER 58
2.1 Typical structure of wireless network 23
3.1 Smart Antenna Application Diagram on Wi-Fi Network 46
3G Third Generation
AAA Adaptive Antenna Array
AFC Carrier-to-Noise Ratio
AP Access Point
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
BER Bit-Error-Rate
BSS Basis Service Set
CAC Channel Access Control
CRRS Chip Rate Reference System
DTBS Distributed Time Bound Services
DCF Distributed Coordination Function
DSSS Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
DSP Digital Signal Processing
DHCP Dedicated Physical Channel
DLL Delay Lock Loop
DPDCH Dedicated Physical Data Channel
DPCCH Dedicated Physical Control Channel
DSI Digital Speech Interpretation
Eb/No Energy per Bit Ratio
EY-NPMA Elimination Yield Non-Preemptive Multiple Access
ESTI Kurtz above Band
ESS Extended Service Set
FPGA Field Programmable Gate Arrays
FHSS Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
IP Internet Protocol
I/O Input/Output
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
LMS Least Mean Square
MAC Media Access Control
MAI Multiple Access Interference
MDG Measurement Driven Guidelines
MCPS Mega Chips Per Seconds
MMSE Minimum Mean Squared Error
MIPS Multipath Intensity Profiles
MTBF Mean Time Before Failure
MTTR Mean Time To Recovery
OFDM Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
OSI Open System Interconnection
PHY Physical Layer
PCF Point Coordination Function
QoS Quality of Service
RLS Recursive Least Squares
RSS Received Signal Strength
RP Reference Points
RFCs Request For Comments
SIR Signal to Interference Ratio
SNR Signal to Noise Ratio
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
UDP User Datagram Protocol
Wi-Fi Wireless Fidelity
WLAN Wireless Local Area Network
W-CDMA Wideband Code Division Multiple Access
WAC6500 Wireless Access Control 6500
WG Working Group
Wireless-Fidelity (Wi-Fi) is widely implemented in campus. Wireless communications are associated with interconnecting devices which includes cellular networks, infrared, bluetooth and Wi-Fi enabled devices. It involves mobility and freedom of assessing information anytime and anywhere. A study on Wi-Fi networks in a campus environment is presented in this project. The aim of the research was to investigate the connectivity problems to Wi-Fi networks. The study includes Wi-Fi performance analysis as well as network auditing.
The internet traffic requirement has grown remarkably in the last couple of decades, and it is predicted to scale even further in the upcoming years. On the other hand, internet users are increasingly relying on Wi-Fi for the last mile connectivity. Wi-Fi has been used in a broad range of applications not only in enterprises but also in the daily activities. Thus, technologies that can fundamentally enhance Wi-Fi connectivity are desirable. Research on next generation Wi-Fi networks is focusing on a variety of goals including performance (i.e., system throughput and channel efficiency), controllability, security, power consumption, adaptability, etc. The goals of this research are improving performance to support the level of connectivity, and promoting controllability to support service differentiation and even performance prediction. Performance goals pertain to achieving better throughput and channel efficiency for a wide range of network conditions with the highest degree of adaptability.
Controllability goals are akin to the goals of software-defined networks and focus on future proofing systems, manageability, and service differentiation capabilities.
First algorithms that improve the performance in the physical layer with only changes in Access Points (APs) were proposed. Smart antenna technology plays an important role for performance enhancement in the physical layer of Wi-Fi. While most smart antenna techniques require changes in both APs and stations, beamforming is a mechanism that can be applied with only changes in APs. A set of algorithms that can provide benefits of beamforming to legacy nodes by only adopting new APs was also proposed. It focused on heavy multipath fading indoor environment (such as enterprise offices or school classrooms), which is a typical environment for legacy Wi-Fi infrastructure.
Secondly, future-proofing networks with a central controller and enable micro-level controllability to support service differentiation and performance prediction were considered. The study focused on how to enable the controllability of Wi-Fi networks without compromising their scalability when a central controller is available. A media access control (MAC) protocol called Rhythm, which transfers the control of Wi-Fi networks into centralized scheduling, with the properties of (i) low protocol overhead, (ii) work conservation in the presence of non-backlogged nodes, (iii) robustness to partial connectivity scenarios was introduced.
Wireless network coverage is one of the fundamental problems in wireless network. Wireless Access Points (AP) are nowadays deployed widely in the campus area and poor connectivity to Wi-Fi network at certain areas is one of the major problems. Users have either a Personal Computer or Laptop, and fast connection to the campus real time system as well as to the Internet are their expectations. In relations to the Wi-Fi coverage, sometimes users are not able to detect a WiFi node. Although some of the users were able to detect the node, the signal strength was very low. At the same time some users managed to detect very good signal but they can neither access the Internet nor the local server. The slow Internet Access could be due to users playing online games within the wireless network thereby slowing the network performance. Another cause for slowdowns is lack of bandwidth. If everyone is using their computers and phones for data-hungry applications, the typically speedy Internet is being spread thin and shared across multiple devices. Therefore, this research work addresses the problem of non-availability of signal by integrating smart antenna in improving Wi-Fi connectivity.
The aim of the research work is to improve Wi-Fi connectivity using smart antenna. The specific objectives include:
1. To review related literatures in Wi-Fi connectivity
2. To characterize the Wi-Fi Network under study
3. To develop a model to integrate smart antenna into Wi-Fi Network for improving connectivity in a Wi-Fi network
4. To simulate the developed model using matlab.
5. To compare the performance of the smart antenna and omnidirectional antenna.
The problem of channel impairment using smart antenna can be solved by improving channel capacity of the mobile system and also, achieve higher data rate and range extension which can help in increasing the economy of the world by making business transaction easy.
Smart antenna environment is very wide and cannot be consummated in this study. Therefore, the research work has been limited to smart antenna in relation to propagation impairment detection that limits the performance and capacity of wireless system and demonstrating the effect of smart antenna in information transmission process in mobile communication systems.
This project is divided into five chapters. Chapter 1 contains the background of the study, problems and objectives of the research with the significance. Chapter 2 reviewed existing literature on wireless network connectivity. Chapter 3 presents the methodology and design of project in which smart antenna technique was used. Chapter 4 presents the system parameters with simulation results and discussions. Chapter 5 presents the summary of the project, conclusions, recommendations and research contributions to knowledge.
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