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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009418

No of Pages: 144

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This study compared the nutritional status of beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries of school feeding programme in public primary schools in Akwa Ibom State. A cross-sectional descriptive survey design was used for the study and a population of 818,588 public primary school pupils. A multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 400 school children between 3-11 years who were enrolled in ECE (Early child Education) to primary three (3). Eighteen (18) public primary schools were selected from the 3 senatorial districts in the state of which 12 schools adopted school feeding programme (SFP) and 6 did not. Anthropometric measurement of weight and height were taken and nutritional status was assessed using height-for-age, weight-for-age, height-for-weight and BMI-for-age parameters. SPSS version 20.0 was used for data entry and analysis. WHO anthro plus software was used to assess the nutritional status of pupils and the result was interpreted using Z-score (WHO Standard). The result revealed that more than half (58.3%) of the pupils were females while 41.7% were males. Not all the public primary schools in Akwa Ibom state adopted the feeding programme. Majority (60.6%) of the schools adopting the programme reported meal serving time to be between 10-11 am. Foods from the cereal group were served 4 times weekly and foods from root/tuber group, legumes were served once a week respectively, while meat/ fish/poultry groups were served thrice in a week. It was also observed that fruits and vegetable group as well as snacks/beverages were not included in the children’s meal. The result showed that while all the benefiting children from the school feeding program had a normal weight-for-age status, underweight (3.5%) and severe underweight (1.5%) were observed among children not benefiting from the feeding program. The prevalence of stunting (10%) and severe stunting (3.5%) observed among the non-beneficiaries of the feeding program were higher than stunting (5.5%) and severe stunting (0.5%) observed among children benefiting from the school feeding program. The prevalence of wasting and severe wasting (4%) respectively observed among the non-beneficiaries of the feeding program were higher than 2% obtained for wasting among beneficiaries as none of the beneficiaries were severely wasted. The prevalence of overweight (9%) observed among benefiting children was higher than 6.5% observed among non-beneficiaries while obesity (0.5%) for both categories was observed. The weight-for-age (X2 =13.437a, P=0.00), height-for-age (X7.736a, P= 0.02) and BMI-for-age (X10.281a, P= 0.04) status of the children benefiting from school feeding program and those that do not benefit were significantly different. In conclusion, school feeding programme has the potential to directly address malnutrition if it is effectively managed. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that Government should ensure regular monitoring and evaluation of the program to ensure that adequate and nutritious meals are served.


Tittle page                                                                                                                   i

Declaration                                                                                                                 ii

Certification                                                                                                               iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                    v

Table of Contents                                                                                                      vi

List of Tables                                                                                                             viii

Abstract                        ix



1.1       Background of the Study                                                                                  1

1.2       Statement of the Problem                                                                                 7

1.3       Objectives of the study                                                                                     8

1.4       Research questions                                                                                           9

1.5       Hypotheses                                                                                                       9

1.6       Significance of the study                                                                                10

1.7       Scope of the study                                                                                          11


2.1       Conceptual Framework                                                                                  16

2.11     Concept of school feeding programme                                                          17

2.1.2    Benefits of school feeding program on school-aged children                        19

2.1.3    Nutritional benefits of school feeding programmes                                       24

2.1.4    Drawbacks and challenges to school feeding programs                                 25


2.1.5    Nutritional status of children                                                                          27

2.1.6    Nutritional related disease at school-age.                                                       29

2.1.7    Methods to be used in assessing the nutritional status of pre-school children  33

2.1.8    Causes of malnutrition among children                                                          36

2.1.9    Prevention of malnutrition in children                                                           40

2.2       Theoretical Framework                                                                                  43

2.2.1    Theoretical model for the study of nutritional status                                     43

2.2.2    Theory of human motivation                                                                          44

2.3       Review of Related Empirical Studies                                                             45

2.4       Summary of Related Literature Reviewed                                                     54


3.1       Research Design                                                                                               56

3.2       Area of Study                                                                                                  57

3.3       Population of the Study                                                                                  57

3.4       Sample and Sampling Technique                                                                   58

3.5       Instrument for data Collection                                                                       59 

3.6       Validation of the Instrument                                                                          60

3.7       Reliability of the Instrument                                                                          60

3.8       Method of Data Collection                                                                             61

3.9       Method of Data Analysis                                                                                63


4.1       Results and Discussion of Findings                                                                64


5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                      92

5.2       Recommendations                                                                                          93









 4.1      Background information of the pupils                                                            65

4.2       Adoption of school feeding program in Akwa Ibom State                            67

4.3       Food group and frequency of consumption by school children                            68

4.4       Quality of good given to the children                                                             70

4.5       School meal feeding time                                                                               72

4.6       Mean anthropometric parameters of the benefiting children                                73

4.7       Nutritional status of benefiting children by gender                                       75

4.8       Nutritional status of benefiting children by age                                             77

 4.9      Mean anthropometric parameters of the non-benefiting children                  79

4.10     Nutritional status of non-benefiting children by gender                                80

4.11     Nutritional status of non-benefiting children by age                                      82

4.12      Differences between the nutritional status of beneficiaries and                          84

             non-beneficiaries of the school feeding programme.                                                           








Healthy eating behaviours among school-aged children play a key role in their mental and physical development and also promote growth and reduce many risks associated with both immediate and long-term health problems (Bordi et al., 2002). The improvement of children’s lifestyle relies on actions carried out in the school settings as children spend most of their hours in school. Today’s children are tomorrow’s leaders, that is why nutritional assessment at this level is crucial for accurate planning and implementation of intervention program to reduce morbidity and mortality associated with undernutrition.

Anthropometry index can be sensitive indicators of health, growth and development in children (Medhi et al., 2006). Anthropometric is universally applicable and inexpensive method of assessing the size, proportion and composition of human body. Adequate diets are vital for proper growth and physical development to ensure optimal reactions and resistance to infections. Reversely, inadequate diets lead to severe forms of malnutrition in children including vitamin A deficiency and iodine deficiency disorders. (Amuta and Houmsou 2009). The school setting has been considered as a condusive environment to tackle the issue of malnutrition among preschool children as research has shown that some of the children attending public primary school attend school in an empty stomach and most of the children consume food with low nutrient composition. Many intervention programmes have been lunched to tackle the issue of malnutrition among children, in 2004 the federal Government lunched the school feeding programme.

School feeding programme are meals served to pupils in schools, as well as take-home rations subjected to pupil’s school attendance, to serve as a common way of enhancing school participation and also promoting learning and complementing the insufficient diets of school-aged children (Adelman et al., 2008). Children from different socio-economic groups get their meals at the respective schools every day. According to Aliyar et al., (2015), School meals provide high-energy food with high nutritional values to tackle the issue of malnutrition. This programme is not only an initiative to help poor children’s food insecurity, but also to provide healthy and nutritious food to all children in public primary school and to educate children on nutritional benefits and understanding of food. School feeding have the potential to directly address nutrition by improving the quality of diets.

School feeding programme has been implemented in many parts of the world with variation in design and evaluation where they are often implemented by National Government Organization or non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The Nigerian Home-Grown School feeding (NHGSF) program aims to deliver a government-led, cost-effective school feeding programme using food that is locally grown by small holder’s farmers. School children benefit from a nutritious adequate school meal which reduces hunger and improves education outcomes. The first implementation of Nigerian Home-grown school feeding programme was in 2004 beginning with 12 States selected from the six geopolitical zones. The programme stopped shortly after commencement in 10 states due to insufficient funds. In 2016, the Federal Government of Nigeria reaffirmed its commitment to the Home-grown school feeding programme by setting a target of 12.8 million primary school- aged children to benefit from the programme (UNICEF 2006).

Globally, an estimated 60 million children go to school hungry everyday with about 40% in Africa (Buhl, 2012), whereas 65 million children suffer from severe undernutrition globally due to inadequate food intake, frequent infection or both. In addition, 75 million school-aged children (55% of them girls) do not attend school with 47% of them living in sub-Saharan Africa (World bank, 2013). Thus, the need to reduce hunger while increasing school enrolment in these children is relevant, and school feeding programme have been adopted to tackle this multifaceted problem. Schools have become a natural and conducive setting for the implementation of health and education interventions. School feedings is just one facet of school health initiatives as other programmes may include de-worming, HIV/AIDS prevention and education, and health skills education.

 Generally, school feeding programmes have been shown to directly increase the educational and nutritional status of recipient children and indirectly impact the economic and social lives of themselves and their families. Subsequently, school feeding directly addresses the Sustainable development goals (SDGs) of reducing hunger by one-half, achieving universal primary education and achieving gender parity in education. School meal must provide one third of the dietary reference intakes for the age/grade of children being served for energy, protein, calcium, iron, Vitamin A and C. (Aliyar et al., 2015). Special emphasis is placed on serving a variety of foods and having menus that contain a variety of fruits and vegetables, low fat dairy products and lean meats. In addition, food vendors employed by school feeding committee must make food safety a priority as unhygienic handling of food leads to contamination which exposes children to diseases. According to Bundy et al., (2009), nutritional adequate school meals along with complementary nutrition education and health measures, support child development and hunger reduction through improved nutrition and enhanced learning ability, with short and long-term effects. Many school feeding programs supplement the food provided by care-givers to children as well as enhance school children food consumption and dietary diversification by exposing children to healthy foods and providing macro and micronutrients often missing from the diets of children in middle and low-income countries (Alderman, 2016). Furthermore, school feeding programs have a vital role to play in eliminating hunger and malnutrition. When properly designed, they have the ability to improve the diets, nutritional status, nutrition knowledge and practices of millions of school- aged children.

School-aged children are those between the ages of 5-12years, it typically comes after pre-school age of 2-5 years which most public primary school have accommodated pre-schoolers into what is named ‘Early Child Education’ (ECE). Preschool children are one of the most vulnerable groups that are at greater risk of malnutrition in the society. It is also during this period, the pre-school age that most undernutrition in form of Kwashiorkor, Marasmus and anaemia are common (Ene-Obong, 2001). Thus, Nutrition has a direct impact on their growth and development as well as their nutritional status. Good nutrition during this period is very important since it is the cornerstone for survival, good health and development for current and succeeding generations (UNICEF, 2006). Primary school age is a period of dynamic physical growth and mental development. Research has shown that poor nutritional status results in low school enrolment, high absenteeism, early dropout and unsatisfactory classroom performance. Well-nourished children are poised to perform better in school and are able to achieve their full physical and mental potential (WHO, 2003). They are at risk of being malnourished because they have very high energy and nutrients needs for their body size in comparism to adults. It is at this stage that they are more vulnerable to infections, so it is therefore important that these children eat the right foods to enable them to build up immunity while at the same time allowing their body to grow and develop normally (Anozie, 2014).

School age is a dynamic period of physical growth as well as of mental development of the child. Health problems due to low nutritional status in school-age children are among the most common causes of low school enrolment, high absenteeism, early dropout and unsatisfactory classroom performance. Chronic undernutrition in childhood is linked to slower cognitive development and serious health impairments later in life that reduce the quality of life of individuals. Adequate nutrition continues to play a vital role during the school-age years in assuring that children reach their full potentials for growth, development, and health. Nutrition problems such as iron deficiency anaemia, and dental caries can still occur during this stage, therefore, adequate nutrition and the establishment of healthy eating habits can help prevent immediate health problems as well as promote a healthy lifestyle, which in turn may reduce the risk of the child developing a chronic condition, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and/or cardiovascular diseases later in life (Meyer et al., 2004). Well-nourished children perform better in school, grow into healthy adults, and in turn give their children a better start in life. Childhood undernutrition has a negative influence on growth and cognitive development. Poorly nourished children have more problems fighting infection. Moderate undernutrition can have lasting effects and compromise cognitive development and school performance. Every year it is estimated that undernutrition contributes to the death of about 5.6million children under the age of five. One out of every four under five children in the developing world is under weight for his or her age and at increased risk of an early death (UNICEF, 2001). The basic dietary recommendation for school-age children is to eat a diet rich in varieties which is why it remains so important throughout their school years for children to have a variety of food available to them. In this respect, understanding the nutritional status of children is very crucial for the better development of future generations.

Nutritional status is the health condition of an individual influenced by the intake and utilization of food nutrients. According to Goon, et al., (2011), nutritional status is an integral component of the overall health of an individual and provides an indicator of the well-being of children living in a particular area. The nutritional status of school-aged children impacts their health, cognition, and subsequently their educational achievement (Buttenheim, et al., 2011). The 2013 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey(NDHs) report showed that although the rate of stunting among children had declined slightly from 41% in 2008 to 37% in 2013, the prevalence of underweight had worsened from 23% in 2008 to 29% in 2013 and that of wasting also worsened from 14% in 2008 to 18% in 2013 (National population commission, 2014). Studies among school children from various parts of Nigeria gave varying figures with stunting ranging from 11.1 to 52.7% and underweight between 10.3 and 43.4% (Akor et al., 2010; Fetuga et al., 2011).

The World Health Organization (WHO) in 2007 developed a WHO growth reference for school-aged children and adolescents, which was in tandem with the 2006 WHO child Growth Standards for under-five children and the body mass index (BMI) cut-offs for adults. This provides an appropriate tool for screening and monitoring of the nutritional status of school- aged children and adolescents internationally (De Onis et al., 2007). The WHO 2007 growth reference provides BMI-for-age to complement height-for-age in the assessment of thinness (low BMI-for-age), overweight and obesity (high BMI-for-age), and stunting (low height-for-age) in school children (De Onis et al., 2007).

Several studies in Nigeria and outside Nigeria have been conducted on nutritional status of children of all ages and majority of states in Nigeria have embarked on school feeding program as an intervention to fight against malnutrition. The aim of this study was to determine the nutritional status of beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries of school feeding programme in public primary schools in Akwa Ibom State. This was done in order to gain information for proper planning and operation of the programme as poor implementation can hinder the programme from achieving its aims.



 School feeding programme have been established in Nigeria to reduce malnutrition and improve child nutrition to lessen the negative effect of malnutrition on the nutritional status and learning capacity of school aged children (World Food Program, 2015). According to world bank (2013), Malnutrition disorders affect more than 42% of school children in Nigeria and are responsible for about 49% absenteeism of primary school-age children. The common causes of malnutrition are frequent and lack of access to adequate meals. Among the poor, there is often not enough food at home and a child that is hungry does not see going to school has been important. School feeding programme encourages school-aged children to be in school daily and as such helps in reducing malnutrition as the meal in schools provides macro and micro-nutrients that are often missing in diets of children from low-income background. Children are the building blocks of the future generation and their health, physical growth and intellectual development fundamentally depends on adequate provision of nutrients and healthy nutrition during childhood lays a foundation for early adulthood.

 Due to poverty, many children have poor nutritional and health status, which affects learning outcomes, and the school feeding programme aims to address this. Following the implementation of the programme in Akwa Ibom State, some challenges emerged including delay in the release of funds, insufficient fund, and insufficient food products and inadequate training of food vendors on health and nutrition related issues, these could hinder the successful implementation of the programme. Children who go to school hungry may have diminished attentiveness, a greater likelihood of becoming distracted and a lack of interest in learning resulting in failure, low achievement and repetition. With school feeding programme, a child is assured of one nutritious meal per day at school at such helps in mental and intellectual development which improves the learning outcome of the children. Whilst some studies found the school feeding programme to impact positively on the nutritional status of public primary school children, others have not witnessed any significant difference on the nutritional status of children in schools operating feeding programme compared with those in schools that do not implement the school feeding program (Danquah et al., 2012). Inspite of the various research study on school feeding programme and upon reviews in literature, no empirical study seems to be identified in Akwa Ibom State School Feeding programme. This study therefore seeks to examine the nutritional status of beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries of school feeding programme in public primary schools in Akwa Ibom State.


The main objective of the study was to compare the nutritional status of beneficiaries and non-beneficiary of school feeding program in public primary schools in Akwa Ibom State. Specifically, the study aimed to:

1.     Identify the public primary schools adopting school feeding programme in Akwa Ibom State.

2.     Identify the type of food and frequency of serving the meals to the children in public primary schools

3.     Assess the quality of food given and time when meals are served to the children in public primary schools in Akwa Ibom State.

4.     Determine the nutritional status of the children benefiting from school feeding programme in public primary schools in Akwa Ibom State using anthropometric measurements of weight-for-age, height- for-age and BMI- for-age. (Underweight, Stunting and Wasting)

5.     Determine the nutritional status of the children not benefiting from school feeding program in public primary schools in Akwa Ibom State using anthropometric measurements of weight-for-age, height- for-age and BMI- for-age. (Underweight, Stunting and Wasting)

6.     Compare the nutritional status of the children benefiting from school feeding programme and those not benefiting in Akwa Ibom State.



The following are the research questions guiding the study.

1      How many public primary schools have adopted school feeding programme in Akwa Ibom State?

2      What type of food and how frequent do children receive school meals in public primary schools in Akwa Ibom State?

3      How is the quality of food given and what time are meals served to children in public primary schools in Akwa Ibom State?

4      What are the nutritional status of Children benefiting from School feeding programme in Akwa Ibom State using anthropometric measurement of weight-for-age, height- for-age and BMI- for-age? (Underweight, Stunting and Wasting)

5      What are the nutritional status of children not benefiting from school feeding program in Akwa Ibom State using anthropometric of weight-for-age, height- for-age and BMI- for-age? (Underweight, Stunting and Wasting)

6      What are the differences between the nutritional status of children benefiting from school feeding programme and those not benefiting in Akwa Ibom State?


1.5      HYPOTHESIS: (P = ≤ 0.05)

This research hypothesis guided the study

Ø  There is no significant difference between the mean scores of nutritional status of children benefiting from school feeding programme and those that do not benefit.


This study is unique and significant in that the study brings forward the nutritional status of pupils benefiting from school feeding programme in Akwa Ibom State in other to ascertain that the programme has achieved its aim. Findings of the study will be significant to the Government, School feeding program committee members, Community at large, Parents of primary school children, Home Economics teachers, Nutritionists and other Researchers.

The study will provide data on the nutritional status of children benefiting from school feeding programme and the type of food they consume. The data could be used by Government to improve program implementation thereby meeting the intended goal of good nutrition and health status of children. Findings will be made accessible through publication.

The information acquired from the research will propel the school feeding program committee to enact good food and nutrition policy that will contribute to improving the health status of school-aged children. Findings will be made accessible through journal.

The study will be beneficial to the community at large as findings from the study will identify problems that could hinder proper operation of the feeding programme which policies towards remedying the identified problems will go a long way in making the feeding programme better in various senatorial districts. This will be made accessible through town hall meetings.

The findings from the study will educate parents of primary school pupils on the benefits of school feeding programme on the nutritional status and educational achievements of their children as such encouraging their children to attend school daily to partake in the meal. This will be made accessible through women’s meeting and PTA meeting.

Findings from the study will add to existing knowledge to Home Economics teachers. It will aid Home Economics Extension workers to sensitized the rural communities on the role of school feeding programme on the nutritional and learning outcome of the children as well as its relevant to the community at large. This will be made accessible through seminars.

The study will expand the knowledge of nutritionist toward what constitute an adequate meal to meet the nutritional requirements of school-aged children to promote a healthy lifestyle. This will be made accessible through seminars and health advocacy.

Researchers will benefit from the study as it is expected to add to existing literature on school feeding programme, this will serve as a reference material for them. Research findings from the study will be made available in the library.

1.6           SCOPE OF THE STUDY

The research is limited to assessing the nutritional status of pupils benefiting from school feeding programme and pupils that do not benefit from the programme in primary schools in Akwa Ibom State. Pupils from ECE (Early Child Education) to primary three (3) were used for the study as there are the primary target of the programme. Anthropometric measurements of weight and height were taken from both categories of pupils to assess their nutritional status. Selected public primary schools from the three (3) senatorial districts in the state participated in the study. The study was conducted in Akwa Ibom state and it cut across the 3 senatorial district in the state which are Uyo senatorial district, Ikot Ekpene senatorial district and Eket senatorial district.


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