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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008156

No of Pages: 84

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The nutrient and sensory evaluation of scones made from composite flour of roasted fluted pumpkin seed hungry rice was evaluated. Experimental design was used for this study. Scones were processed from different flour blends (90:10, 80:20 and 70:30) of hungry rice and roasted fluted pumpkin seeds, while scones produced from 100% hungry rice flour and 100% roasted fluted pumpkin seeds flour served as the control. The proximate, minerals and sensory attributes of the scones were assessed using standard laboratory methodologies. The data obtained were statistically analyzed by One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) using Statistical Product of Service Solution (Version 21.0).The results of proximate composition showed that SFP (Scone made from 100% fluted pumpkin seeds flour) had the lowest moisture content whereas SHRFP1 (Scone made from 90% hungry rice flour and 10% fluted pumpkin seeds flour) had the lowest energy value. Furthermore, the highest value of carbohydrate was obtained in SHRFP1(Scone made from 90% hungry rice flour and 10% fluted pumpkin seeds flour) while the highest crude protein, fat, crude fibre and ash content were obtained in SHRFP3  (Scone made from 70% hungry rice flour and 30% fluted pumpkin seeds flour). The results of mineral content showed that increase in the proportion of hungry rice flour resulted to increase in phosphorus, calcium, potassium and magnesium content of the scones with SHR (Scone made from 100% hungry rice flour) having the highest phosphorus, calcium and potassium contents whereas SFP had the highest magnesium content. The result of sensory properties indicated that the SHR had the highest mean score followed by SHRFP1, SHRFP2, SHRFP3 and SFP respectively. In conclusion nutrient dense and acceptable scones can be processed from composite flour of hungry rice and roasted fluted pumpkin seeds. I recommend that the blend most preferred should be used commercially for the production of scones.



TITLE PAGE                                                                                                              i

CERTIFICATION                                                                                                      ii

DEDICATION                                                                                                           iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS                                                                                       iv

TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                                 v

LIST OF TABLES                                                                                                     vii

LIST OF FIGURES                                                                                                    viii

ABSTRACT                                                                                                               ix




1.1       Statement of problem                                                                                     3

1.2       Objective of study                                                                                           5

1.2.1    General objective                                                                                           5

1.2.2    Specific objectives                                                                                         5

1.2.3    Significance of study                                                                                      5



LITERATURE REVIEW                                                                                       

2.1       Fluted pumpkin                                                                                               7

2.1.1    Nutritional composition and health benefits of fluted pumpkin seeds           8

2.1.2    Anti-nutrients value of fluted pumpkin seeds                                                10

2.1.3    Processing and food uses of fluted pumpkin seeds                                        11

2.2       Hungry Rice                                                                                                                          13

2.2.1     Nutritional and health benefits of hungry rice                                                        14

2.2.2     Processing and food uses of hungry rice                                                                   16

2.3        Composite flour                                                                                                18

2.4        Overview of scones                                                                                                          20

2.5       Processing method                                                                                          21

2.5.1    Roasting                                                                                                          21



MATERIALS AND METHODS                                                                            

3.1       Study design                                                                                                   24

3.2       Sources of raw materials                                                                                24

3.3       Sample preparation                                                                                         24     

3.3.1    Processing of roasted fluted pumpkin seeds flour                                          24

3.3.2    Production of hungry rice flour                                                                      25

3.3.3    Formulation of composite flour                                                                      28

3.3.4    Production of scones                                                                                       29       

3.4       Analytical procedures                                                                                                             32       

3.5       Proximate analysis                                                                                          32

3.5.1    Determination of moisture content                                                                 32

3.5.2    Determination of ash content                                                                         32

3.5.3    Determination of fat content                                                                           33

3.5.4    Determination of crude fibre                                                                          33

3.5.5    Determination of crude protein                                                                      34       

3.5.6    Determination of carbohydrate content                                                          35

3.6       Mineral Analysis                                                                                            35

3.6.1    Determination of phosphorus                                                                         35

3.6.2    Determination of calcium and magnesium                                                    36       

3.6.3    Determination of potassium                                                                           37

3.7      Sensory evaluation                                                                                          38

3.8      Statistical analysis                                                                                           38



RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS                                                                             39       

4.1       Proximate composition of scones made from composite flour

of fluted pumpkin seeds and hungry rice                                                       


4.2       Mineral content of scones made from composite flour of fluted pumpkin          47

            seeds and hungry  rice                                                                                    


4.3       Sensory properties of scones made from composite flour of fluted                         51

pumpkin and hungry rice grain                                                                     



CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS                                                              

5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                      56       

5.2       Recommendations                                                                                          57

References                                                                                                      58

Appendix                                                                                                        73                                                                   






Table 3.1   Flour blends formulation                                                                          28

Table 3.2   Recipe for production of scones                                                                                       30


Table 4.1   Proximate composition of scones made from composite flour                         41

                  of fluted pumpkin seeds and hungry rice                                                     


Table 4.2   Mineral content of scones made from composite flour of fluted                         49

      pumpkin seeds and hungry rice                                                   


Table 4.3   Sensory properties of scones made from composite flour                     52

      of fluted pumpkin and hungry rice                                              









Figure 3.1 Flow chart for processing of roasted fluted pumpkin seeds flour                26       

Figure 3.2 Flow chart for processing hungry rice flour                                             27

Figure 3.3 Flow chart for processing of scones                                                          31









The increasing awareness in health and wellbeing has led to corresponding increase in the demand for healthy food products worldwide (Chukwu et al., 2017).In recent times, most school children and adults rely on snacks as they can hardly wait for breakfast before leaving early in the morning for schools and office work respectively (Nwanekezi, 2013). This necessitated the need to produce nutritious snacks like scone.

A scone is a baked good, usually made with wheat and as well as baking powder as a leavening agent, and baked on sheet pans. A scone is often slightly sweetened and occasionally glazed with egg. Scone often contain fruit such as blueberries or sultanas, or such flavorings as pumpkin, cinnamon or chocolate chips. They may also be topped with icing (Food Standard Agency/Environmental Health Northern Ireland, 2018).Scone is a source of macronutrients like calorie and dietary fibre (Food Standard Agency/Environmental Health Northern Ireland, 2018). Many situation such as the fact wheat which is basically used in producing scones cannot be grown in Nigeria (Nwanekezi, 2013) and the adverse effect of consuming wheat gluten (Chandralekha et al., 2015) prompted its production with blends of hungry rice and fluted pumpkin seeds.

Hungry rice is a lesser known cereal grain that has the potential to play an important role in the improvement of food security (Kwon-Ndung, 2013).Hungry rice possesses 172 µg/g calcium, 48.2 µg/g iron, 2490 µg/g potassium, 1060 µg/g magnesium, 14.8 µg/g manganese, 2370 µg/g phosphorus, 23 µg/g zinc (Glew et al., 2013), 7.7 % protein, 1.8 % fat, 71 % carbohydrate and 6.8 % fibre (Oburuoga and Anyika, 2012).Chinwe et al. (2015) reported that Hungry rice contains leucine (9.8 %) methionine (5.6 %), and valine (5.5 %). Hungry rice possess numerous therapeutic benefits. It does not contain any glutenin or gliadine proteins which are the constituents of gluten, making this cereal suitable for people with gluten intolerance (Glew et al., 2013).Hassan and Bashir (2017) disclosed that undehulled Hungry rice has the ability to control blood sugar level and can be recommended to individuals suffering with diabetes. Supplementing diets with Hungry rice products possess the tendency to lead to lowering of cholesterol levels, strengthening of the immune system as well as acting as food roughages which aid the digestive system (Jideani and Jideani, 2011).

Fluted pumpkin belongs to the family Oliffieace and the sub-family cucurbitaceae. It is known as ubong, ugu, ewekoro and ekumarku Ejashains in Nigeria (Njoku et al., 2014).The seeds produced by the gourd are high in protein and fat (Giwa et al., 2010) and can therefore contribute to a well-balanced diet (Chibor et al., 2017).Potassium is the most abundant element in fluted pumpkin seeds (273 mg/100g) whereas manganese is least (0.06 mg/100g) (Elinge et al.,2012). According to Imosemi(2018), the antioxidant, antidiabetic, hepatoprotective, haematological, antiplasmodial, antimicrobial, testiculoprotective, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, anxiolytic, sedative and anticonvulsant properties of fluted pumpkin seed increases its popularity.

Processing of food is generally a prerequisite for improving the digestibility and palatability of food materials. The methods involved in food processing vary widely, and the nutritive value of food may be improved or diminished depending on the methods employed (Otemuyiwa et al., 2018). Roasting a typical dry heating food processing operation (Bhattacharya, 2014) denatures trypsin inhibitors, hemagglutinins (lecithins) and possibly allergenic proteins without damaging the quality and digestibility of protein in food products (Msheliza et al., 2018). This study therefore evaluates the nutrient and sensory evaluation of scones made from composite flour of roasted fluted pumpkin seed and hungry rice.


The immense dependence on the use of wheat flour in production of confectionaries like scone is one major constraint in Nigeria among some developing countries. The inability of the country to meet this demand calls for the research into alternative local sources of flour for processing of confectionaries. Nigeria is finding itself more and more caught up in the “wheat trap” where most of its foods are made from wheat, a foreign cereal. Most of the common local cereal grains including Hungry rice grain and fluted pumpkin seeds, though having similar structure and composition are left in a state of underutilization due to lack of attention. Besides, convectional biscuits in Nigeria are carbohydrate based due to the fact that they are produced from wheat flour, frequent consumption of such biscuit possess the tendency to contribute in causing protein deficiency. Furthermore, there is dearth of information in literature on production of scone from blends of indigenous crops like fluted pumpkin seeds and Hungry rice.

The prevalence of celiac disease is rising in many nations. Celiac disease is caused by ingestion of gluten in genetically predisposed individuals (Singh et al., 2018).It possess adverse effects which includes but not limited to gastrointestinal upset, chronic fatigue, nutrient deficiencies, poor growth, and failure to thrive (Jericho and Guandalini, 2018). Extra-intestinal manifestations are common, and while they were once considered more frequent in adults than children with celiac disease, recent data suggests the frequency is similar in celiac disease children, although the types and rates of recovery differ (Jericho and Guandalini, 2018). In children, extra-intestinal manifestations include short stature, anemia, delayed puberty, dental enamel hypoplasia, reduced bone density, oral ulcers, liver and biliary disease, and dermatitis herpetiformis. Poor growth and anemia tend to be the most common and there is a correlation with more severe histological damage at diagnosis compared to children with a gastrointestinal presentation or screen-detected cases (Nurminem et al., 2018).



1.2.1 General objective of the study

The general objective of this study was to evaluate the nutrient and sensory evaluation of scones made from composite flour of roasted fluted pumpkin seed and hungry rice.

1.2.2 Specific objectives of the study were to:

i.               Produce flour from hungry rice grains

ii.              Produce roasted fluted pumpkin seeds flour

iii.            Process scone from blends of hungry rice and roasted fluted pumpkin seeds flour

iv.            Determine the proximate composition (Moisture, protein, dietary fibre, ash, carbohydrate and energy value) of the scone

v.              Determine the mineral content (magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and potassium) of the scone

vi.            Evaluate the sensory properties (Appearance, taste, texture, mouth-feel and general acceptability) of the scone.



Confectionaries are high in demand in towns and cities where people consume them as refreshments or quick foods, to quench hunger, or at times as a substitute for the real meal. In recent times, confectionaries are increasingly gaining global acceptance, due to job demands, convenience driven lifestyles and dietary habits. Production of scones from flour blends of fluted pumpkin seeds flour and hungry rice grain will reduce dependence on wheat imports and also increase livelihoods as well as generate more income for the local farmers. More so, it will save the Nation’s foreign exchange, create variety, make scones more nutritious as well as affordable. Furthermore, this study is expected to provide confectionary producing industries with adequate information on the technique to process nutritious scone from blends of fluted pumpkin seeds flour and hungry rice grain and in turn enhance utilization of these indigenous crops. Intake of the developed scone will be of health importance to celiac patients. More so, dietitians will find this product highly valuable in management of celiac patients, especially in developing countries such as Nigeria.


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