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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007268

No of Pages: 118

No of Chapters: 1-5

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Buccholzias coriacea is a medicinal plant commonly known as wonderful kola. This study investigated neuroprotective potential of methanol extract of B. coriacea seeds in mercury- challenged Wistar albino rats. A total of 25 Wistar albino rats were used for the study and they were divided into 5 groups of five rats each. The rats in the first group received distilled water and served as the control. Group 2 rats received extract (400 mg/kg body weight). The rats in third group received mercury (4 mg/kg body weight). The rats in fourth group received the extract (200 mg/kg body weight) and mercury (4 mg/kg body weight) and the rats in the fifth group received the extract (400 mg/kg body weight) and mercury (4mg/kg body weight). The study lasted for a month and mercury was administered in the last two weeks. The extract and mercury were administered morning and evening. The rats were sacrificed and the cerebrum and cerebellum tissues harvested for biochemical and histological examinations. The results showed that there were significant (P < 0.05) increase in glutathione (GSH) concentration of the rats in the extract-treated groups and significant (P < 0.05) decrease of malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration of the rats in the extract-treated groups compared to the values obtained for the rats in group 3. Glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activities were found to be significantly (P < 0.05) higher in the cerebellum and cerebrum of rats in the treated groups compared to the rats in group 3. There was increase in catalase (CAT) activities in the cerebrum and cerebellum of the treated rats groups compared to the untreated rats (group 1). There was significant (P < 0.05) decrease in nitric oxide (NO) concentration in the cerebellum and cerebrum of rats in the treated group compared to those of untreated groups. The cholesterol concentration in the cerebellum of the treated rats (group 4 and 5) were significantly (P<0.05) higher compared to the values obtained in the rats of other groups. The adenosine deaminase (ADE) activities in the cerebellum and cerebrum of group 4 rats significantly (P < 0.05) reduced compared to the rats of other groups. Acetylcholinesterase (ACE) activities were higher in the cerebellum and the cerebrum of the rats in the treated group compared to the value obtained in the untreated rats (group 1). Histopathology showed that the extract reduced degeneration and necrosis in the cerebellum of rats in groups 4 and 5. The increase in the antioxidants and decreased lipid peroxidation, necrosis and degeneration observed in the rats of the extract-treated groups show that the extract has neuroprotective potential in mercury-challenged Wistar albino rats.


Title page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                  ii

Certification                                                                                                                iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgments                                                                                                      v

Table of Contents                                                                                                       vi

List of Tables                                                                                                               x

List of Figures                                                                                                             xi

List of Plates                                                                                                               xiii

List of Abbreviations                                                                                                  xiv

Abstract                                                                                                                      xv


CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION                                                                          1

1.1        Background of the Study                                                                              1                                                                                                     

1.2        Statement of the Research Problem                                                                4                                                                                                 1.3        Justification of the Study                                                                                4     

1.4       Significance of the Study                                                                              4

1.5       Aim and Specific Objectives of the Study                                                       4                                                                                                                                                     

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW                                                              6

2.1       Buccholzia. coriacea                                                                                       6

2.1.1    Bioactive components of Buccholzia. Coriacea                                             6 Alkaloid                                                                                                          6 Phenol                                                                                                             7 Flavonoid                                                                                                        7 Tannin                                                                                                             9 Saponin                                                                                                           9 Glycosides                                                                                                      10

2.2       Human Brain                                                                                                   11

2.2.1    Cellular mechanisms of protection to the brain due to antioxidant

activity                                                                                                                        13

2.3       Mercury                                                                                                           14

2.3.1     Chemical forms and properties of mercury                                                    14

2.3.2     Sources of mercury                                                                                        15   Natural source of mercury                                                                             15   Anthropogenic source of mercury                                                                 16

2.3.3    Metabolism of mercury                                                                                   16

2.3.4    Mercury poisoning                                                                                          18

2.3.5    Mechanism of mercury toxicity                                                                       19 Neurotoxicity of mercury through generation of free radicals                         19 Glutamate and calcium dyshomeostasis mechanism of neurotoxicity  21

2.3.6    Susceptibility to mercury toxicity                                                                    22

2.3.7    Treatment of mercury poisoning                                                                      23

2.3.8    Prevention of mercury poisoning                                                                    24

2.4       Biochemical Parameters                                                                                  24

2.4.1    Glutathione                                                                                                      24

2.4.2    Catalase                                                                                                           26

2.4.3    Malondialdehyde                                                                                             26

2.4.4    Nitric oxide                                                                                                     30

2.4.5    Glutathione peroxidase                                                                                    31

2.4.6    Cholesterol                                                                                                      32

2.4.7    Acetylcholinesterase                                                                                        35

2.4.8    Adenosine deaminase                                                                                      37


CHAPTER 3: MATERIALS AND METHODS                                                   38

3.1       Materials                                                                                                          38

3.1.1    Plant Material                                                                                                  38

3.1.2    Experimental animals                                                                                      38

3.1.3    Equipment                                                                                                       38

3.1.4    Chemicals and reagents                                                                                   38

3.2       Methods                                                                                                          39

3.2.1    Collection of the plant seeds                                                                            39

3.2.2    Preparation of plant materials                                                                          39

3.2.3    Extraction of the plant seeds                                                                           39

3.2.4    Collection of the experimental animal                                                 39

3.2.5    Acclimatization of the experimental animals                                                   40

3.2.6    Experimental design                                                                                        40

3.2.7    Laboratory analysis                                                                                         40 Mercury preparation                                                                                        40 Determination of the acute toxicity and lethality                                             41 of glutathione concentration                                                                  41 Assay of catalase                                                                                             42 Determination of malondialdehyde                                                                 43 Determination of nitric oxide concentration                                                    44 Assay of glutathione peroxidase activity                                                         44 Determination of cholesterol   concentration                                                   45 Assay of acetylcholinesterase activity                                                  46 Assay of adenosinse deaminase activity                                                        46 Histological examination                                                                               47 Tissue preparation                                                                                       47 Slide examination and photomicrography                                                  48                  

3.3       Statistical Analysis                                                                                           48       

CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                                    49

4.1       Results                                                                                                            49

4.1.1    Effect of methanol extract of B.coriacea seed on glutathione (GSH)

concentrations of the cerebellum and cerebrum of Wistar albino rats  49                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

4.1.2    Effect of methanol extract of B.c oriacea seed on catalase activity in the

cerebellum and cerebrum of Wistar albino rats                                                51


4.1.3    Effect of methanol extract of B.coriacea seed on malondialdehyde

concentration in the cerebellum and cerebrum of Wistar albino rats                52


4.1.4    Effect of methanol extract of B.coriacea seed on nitric oxide

concentration in the cerebellum and cerebrum of Wistar albino rats                54


4.1.5   Effect of methanol extract of B.coriacea seed on glutathione peroxidase

GPx concentration in the cerebellum and cerebrum of Wistar

albino rats.                                                                                                       56                                                                                                                               

4.1.6    Effect of methanol extract of B.coriacea seed on cholesterol concentration

in the cerebellum and cerebrum of rats Wistar albino

rats                                                                                                                   57                                                                                                                                                                       

4.1.7.   Effect of methanol extract of B.coriacea seed on acetylcholinesterase

(ACE) activity in the cerebellum and cerebrum of Wistar albino rats 59                                                                              

4.1.8    Effect of methanol extract of B.coriacea seed on adenosine deaminase

(ADE) activity in the cerebellum and cerebrum of Wistar albino rats 60                                                         

4.1.9    Effect of methanol extract of Buccholzia coriacea seed on the

histology of the cerebellum and cerebrum of Wistar albino rats.                     62

4.2       Discussion                                                                                                       69                   

CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION                           77

5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                      77

5.2       Recommendation                                                                                            77

References                                                                                                      78

            Appendix                                                                                                        92








2.1:      Biological activity of phyto-components identified in the aqueous

extracts of Bulchholzia coriacea seed using GC-MS method.                       10








1.0       Structure of neuron                                                                                         3

2.1:      Basic phenolics and flavoniods                                                                      8

2.2:      The basic structure of tannin.                                                                          9

2.3:      Basic structure of saponin                                                                               10

2.4:      Buccholzia coriacea fruit, seed and leaf                                                         11

2.5:      Human Brain                                                                                                   12

2.6:      Fate of mercury vapor                                                                                     17

2.7:      Free radical scavenging pathway of the antioxidant system.                         25  

2.8:      Structure of glutathione.                                                                                 25

2.9:      Structure of Malondialdehyde                                                                        28

2.10:    Malondialdehyde modification of nucleic acid                                              29

2.11:    The MDA reaction with amino acid                                                               29

2.12:    Biosynthetic pathway of nitric acid                                                                30

2.13:    Reaction Pathway of gluthatione peroxidise                                                  32

2.14:    Structure of cholesterol                                                                                   33

2.15:    Major pathway of cholesterol oxidation                                                         35

2.16.    Reaction of the cleavage of acetylcholine by acetylcholinesterase                36

2.17:    Reaction pathway of adenosine deaminase                                                    37

4.1       Effect of methanol extract of B.coriacea seed on Glutathione (GSH)

Concentrations of the cerebellum and cerebrum of Wistar albino rats.            50  


4.2:      Effect of methanol extract of B. coriacea seed on catalase activity in the       cerebellum and cerebrum of Wistar albino rats                                             51


4.3       Effect of methanol extract of B. coriacea seed on malondialdehyde

Concentration in the cerebellum and cerebrum of

Wistar albino rats.                                                                                            53


4.4       Effect of methanol extract of B. coriacea seed on Malonaldehyde (MDA) concentration in the cerebellum and cerebrum of Wistar albino rats                        55


4.5       Effect of methanol extract of B. coriacea seed on glutathione peroxidase

GPx concentration in the cerebellum and cerebrum of Wistar albino rats.       56


4.6       Effect of methanol extract of B.c oriacea seed on cholesterol concentration

            in the Cerebellum and Cerebrum of Wistar albino rats.                                   58


4.7.      Effect of methanol extract of B.c oriacea seed on acetylcholinesterase

(ACE) activity in the cerebellum and cerebrum of Wistar albino rats. 59                                                                                                                

4.8       Effect of methanol extract of B.coriacea seed on Adenosine Deaminase

(ADE) activity in the cerebellum and cerebrum of Wistar albino rats 61                                                                                                                              






1A       Histology of Cerebrum of Wistar albino rats administered water and feed.              Mag.x400. H&E stain.                                                                              62

1B       Histology of Cerebellum of Wistar albino rats administered water and

feed. Mag.X400.H&E Stain                                                                           63

2A       Histology of the Cerebrum of Wistar albino rats treated with methanol

Extract of B.coriacea seed. Mag.x400, H&E stain                                        64

2B       Histology of Section of the Cerebellum Wistar albino rats treated with         

             methanol extract of B.coriacea seed. Mag.x400, H&E stain                                    64


3A       Histopathology of Section of the Cerebrum of mercury induced Wistar

albino rats Mag. X400, H&E Stain                                                                 65


3B       Histology of Section of the Cerebellum of mercury induced Wistar

albino rats. Magx400, H&E stain                                                                    65


4A       Histology of Section of the Cerebrum of mercury induced Wistar

albino rats treated with methanol extract of B.coriacea seed. Mag.x400,

H&E Stain                                                                                                      67  


4B       Histology of Section of the Cerebellum of mercury induced Wistar

albino rats treated with methanol extract of B.coriacea seed. Mag.x400,

H&E Stain                                                                                                      67     

5A       Histology of Cerebrum of mercury induced Wistar albino rats treated with             methanol extract of B.coriacea seed.  Mag.x400, H&E Stain                    68

5B       Histology of the Cerebellum of mercury induced Wistar albino rats treated

With methanol extract of B.coriacea seed. Mag.x400, H&E Stain               69








CAT    Catalase

MDA   Malondialdehyde

NO      Nitric oxide

GPx     Glutathione peroxidase

GSH    Reduced glutathione

ACE    Acetylcholinesterase

ADA   Adenosine deaminases

H and E Hemoxylene and eosin








Buccholzia coriacea is a medicinal plant. The use of medicinal plants is accepted all over the world and can be used in detection, prevention and treatment of diseases (Rickert et al., 1999). Useful information on the importance of herbal medicine had been traced back to previous studies since the beginning of man (Sofowora, 1984). Plants with useful ethno-medicinal potentials which have been scientifically validated are important for alternative drug production (Nazeruddin et al., 2011).

Buccholzia coriacea grows to about 5 cm in height. It has bipinnate leaves, white flowers and yellowish fruit containing few seeds (Ajaiyeoba et al., 2001; Ezekiel and Onyeoziri, 2009) and these seeds are usually eaten raw or cooked (Lemmens, 2015). Buccholzia coriacea seed extract is composed of phytochemicals such as alkaloids, glycoside, saponin, steroids, tannin, flavonoids, terpenes and phenols, macronutrients such as carbohydrate and micromolecule such as, iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, sodium (Ibrahim and Fagbohun, 2012). It is considered as brain food due to its capability to enhance the memory, treat and prevent premature aging, hence neuroprotective (Ibrahim and Fagbohun, 2012).

The previous studies on methanol seed extract of B. coriacea had shown that it has hypoglycaemic effect due to the synergistic potentials exhibited by the extract with metformin an agent of hypoglycaemia (Erhirhie et al., 2015). Ezekiel and Onyeoziri, (2009) reported that this plant extract has antifungal and antibacterial effect, due to the inhibitory zones showed by extract of Buchholzia coriacea with test bacteria and the retarded growth showed by test fungi on administration of B. coriacia extract. Extract of Buchholzia coriacea has also been found to have antihypercholesterolemic activity due to its ability to reduce total cholesterol concentration and peroxidation of lipid in the liver and serum of hypercholesterolemic rats (Erhirhie et al., 2015).

Erhirhie et al (2015) further reported that this plant extract has anti-ulcer and anti-secretion of gastric mucosa activities due to its ability to reduce gastric acid secretion mediated by histamine and blockage of contractile responses induced by histamine.

Mercury (hydrargyrium, Hg) is classified as a toxic heavy metal (Clarkson et al., 2003; World Health Organisation, 2007). There are different types of mercury but for this research study inorganic mercury will be emphasized. Inorganic mercury is used in the preparation of medicine such as anti-bacterial and anti-fungi drugs (Jain et al., 2013), body cream, soaps (Guzzi and La Porta, 2008) and also infant teething powder, hence human are   easily exposed to mercury.

Exposure to mercury leads to loss in the integrity of the membrane and consequently to cellular necrosis which results from its effect on the anti-oxidant system which are either enzymatic, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, glutathione peroxidase GPx, or non-enzymatic, such as the tripeptide glutathione. High level of reactive oxygen species produced from the condition of antioxidant system depletion can lead to peroxidation of lipid (Farina et al., 2011b). Delayed detoxification of mercury prevents methylation of DNA, RNA, histones and prevents synthesis of methylcobalamin, phosphatidylcholine and neurotransmitters (Deth, 2004) and examples of neurotransmitters includes acetylcholine, serotonin, glutamate, dopamine, gama amino butyric acid (GABA) (NIMH, 2017). Mercury poisoning has been reported to have the capability of crossing the blood brain barrier and this can lead to shrinking of the neurons that contains pyknotic nuclei of the cerebral cortex (Ghusson et al., 2012) and degeneration and necrosis in purkinje cells of cerebellum.

High exposure to mercury and its compounds causes disorders associated with neurodegeneration such as Alzheimer’s disease (Coppede and Migliore, 2010) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Johnson and Atchison 2009). Alzheimer disease is a condition associated with memory loss due to brain death, dementia and decline in cognitive and it occurs from deficiency in acetylcholine and choline acetyltransferase (Bhushan et al., 2018).

Neurodegenerative disorders are disorders that results from neurodegeneration which involves the loss of the structure and function of the neurons. A feature of neurodegeneration is the progressive cell degeneration in specific neuronal cells of the central nervous system (CNS), this is often accompanied with changes in cytoskeletal protein that lead to intranuclear and intracytoplasmic inclusions in glia and neurons. The neurological effects of neurodegeneration are devastating and can lead to severe mental disorders (Alessia et al., 2014).

Fig 1: structure of neurone.

1-Dendrite, 2-Axon, 3-Node of ranvier, 4-Axon terminal, 5-Schwann cells, 6-cell body. 7- Nucleus. (Gorazd and Lawrence, 2016)


Humans are easily exposed to mercury and its compound and B.coriacea seed extract component has been reported to have nutritive and medicinal importance and it is therefore considered probably a detoxifying agent of the effect of mercuric chloride in the cerebellum and cerebrum. The histological examination is to provide more reliable pictures of the effect of mercury and methanol extract of B. coriacea seed in the cerebellum and cerebrum.   



Several research studies have been carried out on the health potentials of Buccholzia coriacea seed extract and they have proven effective due to its health beneficial components.

This study was carried out to evaluate the potentials of this seed extract in the prevention of neurodegenerative conditions caused by mercury poisoning.


This study will provide useful informations on the potentials of methanol Buccholzia coriacea seed extract on the biochemical indices and histological implications of mercury-challenged Albino Wistars.


This study was aimed at investigating the neuroprotective potentials of the methanol extract of Buccholzia coriacea seed extract in mercury challenged albino Wistar rats.

Specific objectives of the study

The specific objectives of study were.

ü  To determine the acute toxicity profile of methanol extract of B. coriacea seeds.

ü  To determine the effect of methanol extract of B. coriacea seeds on antioxidant enzymes such as catalase and glutathione peroxidase in the cerebellum and cerebrum of mercury-challenged rats.

ü  To determine glutathione concentration in the cerebellum and cerebrum of mercury-challenged rats treated with methanol extract of B. coriacea seed.

ü  To determine concentration of malondialdehyde in the cerebellum and cerebrum of mercury-challenged rat treated with methanol extract of B. coriacea seed.

ü  To determine adenosine deaminase activity in the cerebellum and cerebrum of mercury-challenged rats treated with methanol extract of B. coriacea seed.

ü  To determine the level of total cholesterol in the cerebellum and cerebrum of mercury -challenged rat treated with methanol extract of B. coriacea seed.

ü  To determine the nitric oxide concentration in the cerebellum and cerebrum of mercury-challenged rat treated with methanol extract of B. coriacea seed.

ü  To determine acetylcholinesterase activity in the cerebellum and cerebrum of mercury- challenged rat treated with methanol extract of B. coriacea seed.

ü  To carry out histological examination in the cerebellum and cerebrum of mercury- challenged rat treated with methanol extract of B. coriacea seed.


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