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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007798

No of Pages: 96

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The present research work entitled Motivational Techniques Used in Teaching English at Basic Level aimed to find out the different motivational techniques used in basic level and to explore the teachers' perception on the role of motivation to basic level language learners. For this study, three English language teachers were selected from Kathmandu district and five classes of each teacher (i.e. 15 classes) were observed. The sample of this study was selected through purposive non-random sampling procedure. Interview and classroom observation were used as the main tools for data collection. The collected data from field were analyzed qualitatively. The major finding of this study included that basic level teachers used different motivational strategies like group work/ pair work, praising, use of teaching materials, rewarding to motivate their students in learning, involving them collaborative, communicative skills as well in creative and productive task. In the same way, basic level teachersfaced some challenges like over crowed classroom with different ability students, lack of sufficient time, ignorance of guardians to their children learning activities, lack of teaching resources while teaching English subject in community school.All the teachers are in the favor of effective, appropriate, applicable and practical motivational techniques were use in the classroom to improve the students' academic performance and achievement.

This thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter deals with the background of the study, statement of the problem, objective of the study, research questions, delimitation of the study and operational definition of the key terms. The second chapter includes review of related theoretical literature; review of empirical literature; implication of the review of the study and conceptual framework. Likewise, the third chapter includes with design and method of the study, population, sample and sampling strategies, research tools, source of data, data collection procedures, data analysis and interpretation procedures and ethical consideration.

Similarly, fourth chapter presents the analysis of data and interpretation of the results and ultimately, the fifth chapter includes findings, conclusion and recommendation at three different areas (policy related, practice related, and further research related) followed by references and appendices.




Declaration                                                                                                   i

Recommendation for Acceptance                                                                  ii

Recommendation for Evaluation                                                                    iii

Evaluation and Approval                                                                                iv

Dedication                                                                                                                               v

Acknowledgment                                                                                       vi

Abstract                                                                                                   viii

Table of Contents                                                                                       ix

List of Symbols, Abbreviations and Acronyms                                         xi

CHAPTER-ONE: INTRODUCTION                                                 1-6

1.1     Background of the Study                                                                  1

1.2     Statement of the Problem                                                                  3

1.3     Objective of the Study                                                                      4

1.4     Research Questions                                                                           5

1.5     Significance of the Study                                                                  5

1.6     Delimitations of the Study                                                                6

1.7     Operational Definitions of the Key Terms                                        6


CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK                                                      7-28

2.1     Review of the Theoretical Literature                                                7

2.1.1 Motivation                                                                                         7

2.1.2 Motivation and Learning                                                                   8

2.1.3 Types of Motivation                                                                          9

2.1.4 Components of Motivation                                                              13

2.1.5 Importance of Motivation                                                                16

2.1.6 Motivational Techniques/Strategies                                                18

2.2     Review of Related Empirical Literature                                         24

2.3     Implications of the Review for the Study                                       26

2.4     Conceptual Framework                                                                28



3.1     Design and Method of the Study                                                    29

3.2     Population, Sample and Sampling Strategy                                    32

3.3     Research Tools                                                                                32

3.4     Source of Data                                                                                 32

3.5     Data Collection Procedures                                                             33

3.6     Data Analysis and Interpretation Procedures                                  33

3.7     Ethical Considerations                                                                    33



4.1     Analysis of Data and Interpretation of the Result                           34

4.1.1  Generating Basic Motivational Condition in Classroom                34

4.1.2 Motivational Techniques Used in Classroom                                 37

4.1.3   Role of Motivation in the Eyes of Teacher                                     56

4.1.4 My Reflection from the Observation and Interview                                66



5.1          Findings                                                                                                   68

5.2          Conclusion                                                                                               71

5.3          Recommendations                                                                                   72

5.3.1    Policy Level                                                                                                    72

5.3.2  Practice Level                                                                                  73

5.3.3  Further Research                                                                             73







EFL                 :              English as Foreign Language

ELT                 :              English Language Teaching

ESL                 :              English as Second Language

M.ED               :             Master of Education

No                    :            Number

P                      :           Page

Prof                  :           Professor

T                                :           Teacher

T.U                  :            Tribhuvan University

TA                   :             Teacher 'A'

TB                   :           Teacher 'B'

TC                   :           Teacher 'C'















This is a study on Motivational Techniques Used in Teaching English at Basic Level. This chapter consists of background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study, delimitations of the study and operational definitions of the key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study

In academic field, motivation plays a key role to create interest in learning. It is one of the important elements for learner. It motivates students to participate actively in learning. It also helps teacher as well as students to improve their academic condition and professional skills. The teacher can increase their students' interest and provide extra energy to do better in their studies and to make their teaching learning effective by using several motivational strategies e.g. creating context, giving opportunity to share. The motivation is also an internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy in people to be continually interested and committed to a job, role or to make an effort to achieve their goal. According to William and Burden (1997,p.120) address motivation as a state of cognitive arousal which provokes a decision to act as a result of which there is sustained intellectual and physical effort so that the person can achieve some previously set goal." On the basic of this statement, it can be said that motivation creates conducive environment for cognitive arousal that inspires the learners intellectually and physically, so that they could achieve their predetermined goal.  To be more specific, mental and physical preparedness is prerequisite condition for learning English. For this, motivation plays crucial role. “Motivation is the process of arousing an action, sustaining the activity in process and regulating the pattern of activity (Young, 1988, p.65).

The main purpose and target of every academic activity is to enhance students learning. Motivation is describe as a state that energizes, directs and sustains behavior. The sources of motivationcan be influenced by external factors as well as internal on the bases of motivation; it may be intrinsic or extrinsic. However, the intrinsic motivation is more responsible for motivating students for learning. Educators may prefer need to the arousing intrinsic motivation on the language learning and they may consider it in designing their instruction by incorporating motivation techniques in their instruction.

Regarding the value of motivation in learning, Mayer (2011) says, "Motivation is generally considered to be an internal state that initiates and maintains goal directed behaviour." It means motivation is the internal readiness that guided our goal towards behaviour. It is an internal preparation for learning. Motivation is a kind of feeling that positive motivation we can revive the positivism energy and apply it in performing tasks. Apart from that individual with self-motivation always can find a motive and intensity without expecting encouragements to complete a task even though the task is challenging.

Similarly, Gardner(1985,as cited in Brown,2000) defines motivation as "A combination of effort plus desire to achieve the goal of language learning plus favourable attitudes towards learning the language." When the students are motivated to perform competently in academic task, they will learn in accordance with their academic abilities. For this reason, working to enhance students' motivation is worthwhile. Thus, the motivation is one of the key factors that determine success in second language learning.

Motivation is defines as the process that initiates, guides, and maintains goal oriented behaviours. Motivation is what causes us act, whether it is getting a glass of water to reduce thirst or reading a book to gain knowledge. Richards (2006) argues that Motivation is a driving force by which humans achieve their goals. It guides the people to attain their goal. Moreover, motivation is an inevitable aspect for learning. Due to motivation, students will be interested in learning and do any task to achieve their goal. It increases the speed of work and a person is doing everything to achieve their goal. It increases the performance of learning. It provides energy to the learner to fulfil their task. In academic field, the level of motivation effects on students success. In this regards Iliya and Ifeoma (2015, p.10) say, "Motivation is an internal process that makes a person move towards a goal." Therefore, it is generally assumed that motivation influences people's attitudes and performances at work

Similarly, Harmer (1991, p.51) says, "At its most basic level, motivation is some kind of internal drive which pushes to do thing in order to achieve some things." He means to say that. Motivation is a very first and basic thing that helps to arouse the interest of the learner and pushes them to complete their task properly and perfectly. It also increases the speed of work and person is doing everything to achieve their goal. For an example, when working on a large project we had a short deadline but they offered such as large bonus, to finish early we found the motivation to get it done.

From the above definitions, I came to know that motivation is a factor that affects learners learning process as well as their performance of learned behaviour. There is a strong motivation to learn L1 because of the importance of communication for satisfying basic needs but learners' motivation seems poor in learning a second language. Therefore, it is necessary to arouse the motivation in learners while learning second language. In conclusion, we can say that motivation is a kind of internal drive, which inspire or motivates a person to do things in order to achieve something.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Motivation is an inherent component for a classroom teaching. The absence of academic motivation is also likely to be reflecting in students' negligence in learning. Therefore, the teacher needs to motivate their students to makes the teaching learning effective. If students are well motivated their learning may be effective, and for a long-term achievement. This research tries to find out some motivational strategies, which were used by basic level teachers in their English language classroom.

The main purpose of carrying out this study was to find out how do basic level English teacher motivate their students, what different strategies do basic level English teacher used in their teaching profession. The reason behind to conduct this research is my observation on motivation as important aspect and a few research literature in this respect. Most of the studies are somehow related and only focus on the perception and role of motivation but t not closely and directly related to the real classroom practices at basic level. Therefore, to find out the actual information and to fulfil the gap in literature, I am interested to work on this issue. Here, I will take interview with related subject teacher, real classroom observation and find out some motivational strategies. Therefore, my study will be different from them. In my experience from the review of related literature, I came to note that in our previous study there was not enough priority given to the study of students' motivation even teachers in classroom in the form of ethnographic design. They did not use different motivational strategies to motivate us. They just use chalk and talk method. They focused a little on student interest, motivation and feedback. However, nowadays the teachers change their traditional teaching trend. To cope with the problems to motivate students towards the English language teaching and learning in the basic level, teacher need to employ various motivational techniques in accordance with the context and interest of the students.

1.3 Objective of the Study

The following were the objectives of this study:

       To find out the motivational techniques used in teaching English at basic level.

       To explore teachers' views on the role of motivation to basic level

language learners.

       To suggest some pedagogical implications.

1.4 Research Questions

The following research questions were used to carrying out this study:

       How do basic level language teachers motivate their students?

       What is their view on the role of motivation strategies to basic level


1.5 Significance of the Study

This study aims to explore the techniques used in basic level English language teachers to motivate the students inside the classroom. So, this study provides an insight to the teachers, parents, students, subsequent thesis students and all the interested and related personalities on the issue and practice of motivation. The teachers will be benefited in the sense that they are the core of the study and they will be conscious of their own weaknesses and will bring some necessary changes in their teaching profession. Similarly, the students will experience the best easiest strategies through the instructed techniques.

This research will help the teachers to have better understanding regarding the existence of appropriate motivational techniques for basic level students. Finding of the study will be helpful to the teachers because it will increase their familiarity to observe students behaviour and implementation of various motivational techniques at basic level education. Teachers are the backbone to motivate, develop and improve student's learning process especially at the basic level. A basic level student mainly depends on their teachers in learning process. It arouses interest to the teacher for the planning of creative learning environment. This study will be significantly important for further researchers to conduct a research in English language learning and find out the solution of the problems faced by English teachers.

1.6 Delimitation of the Study

This study had following limitations:

       This study was confined to explore the motivational techniques used by

basic level English language teachers in their classes.

       It was an ethnographic in design.

       The population of this study was taken from Kathmandu valley.

       The study was limited to basic level students.

       The study was limited to three-government school.

       The data was collected through interview and classroom observation.

1.7 Operational Definition of the Key Terms

The key terms used in the study have been defined in terms of their operational meaning here in this section:

Motivation: The way of basic level English teachers help students in learning. For example, developing students' self-confidence, providing feedback, encouragement.

Intrinsic motivation: The motivation, which is concerned with the factor such as students own thinking on the importance of learning, curiosity, pride and enjoyment.

Extrinsic motivation: It is a form of motivation to act that comes from the external environment outside of the person. When we are motivated

extrinsically, we act with the anticipation of rewards grades, praise, money or some other incentives.

Basic level: From grade one to eight, here in this study it represents 4, 6,8grades.

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