Teacher motivation naturally has to do teacher’s
desire in participation in the education process. Motivation is commonly
assumed to be a good thing that goes in influencing individual’s behaviours and
performance at work. The study addressed the motivational needs of teacher’s
the factors responsible for lack of motivational of the teacher’s and
strategies for improving the motivational needs, these needs include from
society, good school building and entitlement. Furthermore, poor payment of
salary and entitlement, poor school building conditions, lack of respect from
the society are some of the factors responsible for lack of teacher’s
motivation. However restoration of teachers past glory will go a long way in
motivating teachers, salaries must be paid as at when due and teaching
facilities and to enhance teachers productivity.
Title page - - - - - - - - - i
Declaration - - - - - - - - - ii
Certification - - - - - - - - - iii
Dedication - - - - - - - - - iv
- - - - - - - - v
Abstract - - - - - - - - - - vi
Table of Contents - - - - - - - - vii
Background of the study - - - - - - - 1
Statement of the general problem - - - - - 5
Objectives of the study - - - - - - - 7
Significance of the study - - - - - - - 7
Scope of the study - - - - - - - - 9
Limitations - - - - - - - - - 9
Literature Review
Introduction - - - - - - - - - 10
Motivational Needs of Teachers - - - - - 10
Factors responsible for lack of motivation - - - 38
Strategies for Importing Teachers motivation - - - 44
THREE: Research Methodology
Introduction - - - - - - - - - 59
Research design - - - - - - - - 59
Area of the study - - - - - - - - 60
Population of the study - - - - - - 60
Sample and sampling procedure - - - - - 60
Instrument for data collection - - - - - - 60
Validity of the instrument - - - - - - 61
Reliability of the instrument - - - - - - 62
Data collection - - - - - - - - 62
Method of Data Analysis - - - - - - - 62
FOUR: Data Presentation & Analysis
Introduction - - - - - - - - - 63
Presentation and Analysis of Data - - - - - 64
Conclusion, Recommendation and Suggestion
Introduction - - - - - - - - 79
Restatement of
the problem - - - - - - 79
Description of
procedure Used - - - - - 80
Summary - - - - - - - - 81
Conclusion - - - - - - - - 82
Recommendation - - - - - - - - 82
Suggestion - - - - - - - - 84
Reference - - - - - - - - 85
Appendix - - - - - - - - 89
of the Study
Motivation is the term used to describe the
processes, both instructive and rational which people seek to satisfy their
basic derives, perceived needs and personal goal which trigger human behaviour
(Cole 1885) it is indeed the force that energize behaviour. The task before the
researcher is to know what actually motivates teachers to work hard and use
those factors to proffer solutions in order to get the best from the teachers
or allow the teachers to contribute effectively towards the accomplishment of
the set goal and to satisfy their own needs in the process.
An employer should be aware that the employees
have different needs, different desires for responsibility, different level of
knowledge and skills and different passive and are manipulated, motivated and
controlled by the government as the knows what the citizens need and provide
some of these needs. Needs may also be as a result of behaviour for instance a
person’s needs for accomplishment may be made stringer by the satisfaction he
derives from achieving a desired goal or it may be dulled by failure (William
Teachers education is one of the mainstays of
democracy and national stability in the country because teachers in any country
are said to be the most reliable industry that can put the country on lead the
load to self – reliance because teacher’s are the producers of the manpower
needs of the nation which will in turn provide the needed skills and labour of
every sectors, example industrial, technological, health, scientific and social
which form the core of the nations self – reliance.
The teacher is a vital factor to be reckon with in
any educational system. Education is a must in the life of a nation that
aspires for greatness. Good education must be qualitative and functional. A
qualitative and functional education relies largely on a core of devoted,
knowledgeable, competent and well – trained teachers who are exposed to real
life situation State Primary Education Board (SPEB, 1994).
The continuance and survival of our educational
system at all levels depends largely on the quality and quantity of
professional teachers. This can only be achieved by meeting the motivational
needs of teachers, need identification refers to what you require to enable you
to do your work more effectively. But to say this is easier than doing it for
various reasons.
Firstly, your own needs as an individual are
forever changing as you grow older and more and more matured. Secondly the
nature of your job, whether as a teacher or head continues to evolve, partly
because of the results of the development of your own country, but also because
of new inventions and the changing relationship of the human race to planet
earth (Sisimayi, 1993)
According to Best (1984) “Education was seen as
the necessary instrument immediately and essentially for the consolidation of
the independence for securing the new nation against neocolonialism and for
making workable the newly established self – government in a multi – ethic society”
In view of this, mass education at least to the level of literacy was also
viewed by the Nigeria leaders to be the basis to create a proper foundation for
a democratic government. Up to date the desire to use education for national
building has been very compelling, and so much as the faith in education that
the school of the socialization but also for other social functions and for
economic growth and development In attempt to achieve these goods, Universal
Primary Education (UPE) and the Universal Basic Education (UBE) were introduced
nationwide 1970 and 2000 respectively, although before these times, these were
seen and practiced in some parts of the
country like the former western Nigeria under the late Chief Obafemi Awolowo.
Today, Nigeria has witnessed a phenomenal expansion at all levels of her
Even though, the laudable motives seemed to
justify the very high cost of the expanded education programme, especially of
the late 1970s the schools in Nigeria are not really effective engines for the
resulted into very disappointing performance at the school level, and as the
basis of further academic achievements, the situation actually tends towards
threatening the future of the nation. This situation is so because the able
leaders that will be produced for the future cannot be illiterate and
ignorantly trained.
The ugly situation has been causing a lot of
concern and fears to various government quarters educationist, philanthropist,
parents and the generality of the Public. Kolo, (2000) concluded that “This
declining trend has been causing a lot of concern and fears in of various
governmental quarters since the report concluded that the nation is heading for
the breeding of generations illiterate Nigerians. The failure of Nigerian
schools is thus indicating that the health and well – being of the nation’s
society may be in jeopardy”.
Statement of
the Problem
The problem for the study is that primary school
teachers are not properly motivated because the authorities and the society as
well as the system do not in any way seem to meet their needs, morally,
economically, psychologically, socially to mention just a few, hence, that is
why you see teachers are not given the due respect in the society but even
pupils that they teach, because of their low level of economic power in the
society that worship material rather than dignity. They are most at times
treated and considered as nothing in the eyes of the society. It is in the
light of the above that this research intends to investigate their motivational
needs so that at the end of the study, solutions will be provided or
recommended that can give the teacher his rightful place in the society.
Ironically, it can be seen or observed that
teachers at all levels are relegated to the background and teaching itself
which hitherto was humble, respected and highly motivated profession has become
a job and thus becoming a dumping ground that is not respected by even those in
the teaching profession talk less of others. While those in charge of ensuring
adequate monitoring supervision and evaluation as well as reward of the system
goes to the hard working staff and punishment go to the truants are nonetheless
not doing their work because they too are not motivated. Worst hit by this act
of share neglect are the primary school teachers who most of the time are
teaching under a very pathetic and unfavorable atmosphere that portrays nothing
but the ghost shadow of this noble profession.
of the Study
The general objectives of the study are to investigate
into the motivational needs of primary school teachers in Kaduna North L.G.A,
the Specific objectives of the study are:
To find out the
motivational needs of primary school teachers in Kaduna North L.G.A.
To identify the
factors responsible for the lack of motivation to teachers.
To identify the
strategies for improving motivation amongst primary school teachers.
of the Study
It is hoped that when this research is completed,
the findings will be significant not only to the teachers, the local government
authority, the pupils themselves but even the society. To the teachers, it is
hoped that the findings will be helpful to them by identifying their
motivational needs which when accomplished will bring back their lost glory and
make them more productive and that means a step in the right direction in
producing a virile society.
v To the authority, the recommendations can assist
them in improving in their manpower planning and development as well as be
responsive to the yearnings of their citizens and that is what democracy is all
v To the pupils they stand to gain most because they
will get qualitative education and be responsible leaders of tomorrow.
v To the society they stand to benefit from a highly
productive and efficient teaching staff as well as disciplined, dedicated and
productive youths which is an asset to any society.
Scope of the
The scope of the study will be delimited only to
primary school teachers in the public primary schools in Kaduna North Local
Government Area. This is because the public teachers are the ones that are
directly close to the general public and the ones most neglected.
It is virtually true that research work in any
academic atmosphere is usually associated with certain problems and
difficulties; hence this research work like any other research has experience a
number of problems. The limitation imposed on this study is the inability of
the researcher to reach out to all the population because of the number and
location of the respondents who are scattered all over the Local Government
Area. Other Limitations include the methods of answering the questionnaire by
wrong and unqualified people, delay for a very long period of time before the
completion of the questionnaires.
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