research project tends to examine Motivation,
a Technique for Productivity and Efficiency.
Survey design was employed with the use of a well
structured questionnaire. Respondents were selected based on simple random
sampling technique. Sample size of Thirty Five (35) respondents were selected
from the staff of the institution.
Three hypotheses were formulated and tested with
the use of Chi-Squre analysis. The analysis resulted to rejecting all null
hypotheses and hence accepting the three alternate hypotheses.
Based on decisions of the tested hypotheses
conclusions were reached that; Employee's need satisfaction leads
to high morale; A low job turnover and high absenteeism is an indication of low
moral; Workers achieve their set goals by being motivated. Recommendations were
proffered to the university management
1.1 Background
to the Study
1.2 Research
1.3 Research
1.4 Scope
of Study
1.5 Statement
of Study
Limitation of Study
Definition of Teams
1.8 Summary
of this Chapter
2.0 Review
of Related Literature
2.1 Maslow
Hierarchy of Needs
2.2 The
Preaching of Maslow
2.3 Hertzberg’s
Motivational Theory
2.4 Alderfter’s
Theory of Motivation
2.5 McGregor
Theory X & Y
2.9 Extrinsic
Theory of Motivation
2.10 Intrinsic
Theory of Motivation
2.11 Ways
to motivate Employers
2.12 What
Motivates people
2.13 Motivation through the Principles
of Job Loading
2.14 Leadership
2.15 Participative
/ Supportive /Democracy
3.0 Research
3.1 Research
3.2 Population
and Sampling Design
3.3 Data
Collection Method
3.4 Research
Procedures and Method Analysis
4.0 Data
Analysis, Findings and Interpretations
4.1 Return
of Questionnaire
4.2 Data
5.0 Summary,
Recommendation and Conclusion
5.1 Recommendation
5.2 Areas
of Further Research
The topic is chosen in recognition of
the fact that in many organizations today, administrators and managers alike
are faced with innumerable management challenges especially problems connected
with motivating people. In discussing this aspect of management problem,
renowned authors have agreed that motivation rightly comes under activation.
Practitioners are also fully aware that
besides activating, one of the four major functions of management is the
maintenance of congenial work environment of performance of individuals working
together in the groups toward the accomplishment of a common objective.
To be able to create and maintain this
conducive organizational atmosphere necessary for inducing productivity geared
towards achieving predetermined objective in the organizational, administrators
must have a thorough knowledge and understanding of human motivation.
Motivation in organizations has
received increased attention in recent years among practicing managers and
organizational researchers. Managers in all type of organizations are
continually faced with the fact that vast differences exist in the performance
of a group of employees, Some of them perform at high levels and need little or
no supervision an appear to enjoy what they are doing while on the other hand,
others perform only at a marginal level and require constant supervision and
are often absent from office.
Motivation is an important concept to
behavioural scientist. Many scientist like Elton Mayor, Urwick, Gullie, Abraham
Maslow, Aldefer and Frederick Taylor embarked on researches on the concept and
have found out that through motivational factors or inputs, things like
money-wages, bonuses and other incentives, the lot of organizations and
employees can be improved and that without proper integration and direction
from management, the organizational goal might not be achieved.
There are at least three major reasons
that account for emergence of motivation as a principal of interest First, the
ever increasing external forces of national and international competition, economic,
social, and technological and- governmental conditions have forced management to
develop and acquire new techniques and mechanisms to increase or maintain
levels of organizational efficiency and effectiveness. This requires the
effective utilization of all the resources of the organization.
Second and closely related to the first
is the growing perspective of considering human resources in terms of an
infinite labour pool in which frequent changes can occur because of the endless
supply of qualified individuals. More emphasis is being placed by managers on
developing, stimulating and maintaining an effective workforce at all skill
levels through the use of such strategies as job design, management by
objectives and skill training.
Finally, the views of people in the
work place have undergone a significant change. Motivation theorists have
developed slightly different viewpoints of motivation that place emphasis on
different concepts in general. The differing views about motivation leads to a
number of different conclusions:
(i) The analysis of motivation should
concentrate on factors that arouse or incite a person's activities.
(ii) Motivation is
process oriented and concerns choice direction and goal
(iii) Motivation IS also concerned with how behaviour
is started, sustained or stopped and what kind of subjective reaction is
present in the person while this is going on.
The major theme of motivational theory
began moving from philosophical to move psychological. The theories that
evolved motivation attempted to explain the behaviour of individuals through an
investigation of variables that focused both on the individual and the situation
in which the individual interacted.
The early managerial motivational theories
have been identified as prescription models because they purported to tell the
managers how to motivate employees. To understand motivation, one first must
comprehend the process of human behaviour. This is done through the study of
attitudes, needs and cognitive process. From the managerial perspective, we can
say that motivation relates to any conscious attempts on that part of a person
or group to influence the direction and the rate of behaviour towards the accomplishment
of organizational goals.
Motivation should be considered as a
principal topic of interest to managers, it must be treated differently from
any other named management function.
Increasing number of internal and external
forces of national and international compilation, economic, social, technological
and governmental conditions have forced management to develop and acquire new
techniques and mechanisms to maintain levels of organizational efficiency and effectiveness.
This requires the effective utilization of all the resources of the
organization including human and non-human resources.
The aim of this area of study (MOTIVATION)
is to bring out the fact that it is necessary that managers recognize that
organizational objectives are not just achieved without the participation of
That there are motivational techniques
for management to use in realization of the organization's goal. Individuals
need training for efficiency and skill, they need rest, they need functioning
machines and other effrontery inputs, and they also need money to be able to
fend for other social and physical needs. It is also an objective of this study
to highlight some of the bottlenecks in motivational techniques as regards
establishments. This study will also proffer solutions to identified problems
and research questions raised at the later part of this write-up. This subject
is also chosen to further educate employers of labour that in any human
endeavor, there is need for motivation. In actual fact, psychologists have
identified man as a social being that needs to be adequately motivated to
enhance his or her performance and make him/her produce at the optimal level.
In view of this, the more workers are motivated, the
better they will perform on their jobs. Most employers of labour have more
often than not ignored this technique even in this critical period of the
nation's economic development when workers should be adequately motivated in
order to tum round the economy.
In this country today, some experts
contend that companies will continue to operate below capacity unless workers
are motivated to break into higher levels of productivity. There is the need to
advise the employers to break the barrier levels of productivity and ensure
that employees put in their best.
Furthermore, attention of the employers
of labour should be drawn to the fact that almost every employee behaves like a
child that is to say that if you attend to the need of a child, his/her would
want to do anything to impress you. The same any employer who reconciles his
workers aspiration with organizational needs to operate profitably will be
running a successful team.
This is because there exists
correlation between motivation and performance of a given task. The best way to
make any serious organization grow is, by way of creating humane working conditions
for workers.
Corporate organizations need to know
their workers individually. Keep-up- to date record of what is happening to
them and what interest in and out of the workplace, provide them with
increasingly many challenging opportunities and remember to wait for signals
indicating that they have reached the limits of their productivity levels.
There is always the need to immediately
recognize good performance with prompt and appropriate rewards.
In ministries, decision makers should
always remember to co-opt their workers in decision making especially when it
relates to how the job can be done better. Furthermore, they should always be
encouraged to bring up ideas on how to carry out the job. Above all, there
should be free flow of information between management and workers. It is an
established truth that organizations have a lot of benefits if they improve the
lots and welfare of their workers and it will reduce the constant conflict in
work places which invariably results to loss of many man-hours when workers are
agitating for better pay-packages or general condition of service.
The main objective of this research
work is to bring to the knowledge of academicians, policy makers, students,
government and every concerned individual that in any venture where human
interests are involved, motivation is the only source through which aims and
objectives of an organization can be achieved.
This study, after completion is
expected to show to the generality of the people, the would be managers and
administrators as well as practicing managers that for their organizations to
be successful, they must try to maintain conducive organizational atmosphere
for their workers to perform from time to time.
For these and other reasons, I intend
to look into the following:
have been the contributions of motivation in task and job mobility in an organization
and do workers perceive them?
(ii) What have been the responsible factors to the
failure of most management despite all other managerial functions employed to
the effective running of the organization?
(iii) The need for
all managers at all levels of management in organizations to motivate their
(iv) The
cause of low productivity in most organizations.
(v) How can organization reduce the
ever-increasing rate of strike actions, which have become the order of the day.
It is imperative that solution to the
above problems must be found at the end of this work.
Given the broad perspective of the
subject and the need to reduce it to a manageable and meaningful proportion,
the study is based on LAGOS STATE UNIVERSITY, as an institution were workers
need motivation to work effectively and efficiently.
The following statements are to be
tested as hypotheses in this work:
(i) Employee's need satisfaction leads to high
(ii) A low job turnover and high absenteeism is
an indication of low moral.
(iii) Workers achieve their set goals by being
This study is lined to Lagos State University
and the Lagos State Public Service represents the wider framework of the
thematic study.
To ensure the attainment of more
realistic results, emphasis is directed on the administrative staff executive
cadre and the junior staff.
The envisaged and real limitation of
the study is the collection of relevant data and facts for proper analytical
discussion and in depth study of the topic. It is a common characteristic of
Nigerian organizations to always hold back, in the provision of information,
even for research purposes of this nature. An attitude borne out of the fear
that such information or data might be released to the public.
Another constraint is that of time
required for the study, when of course is compounded by lean resources for a
compute and prompt report.
Motivation: This is the effort of an employer to
make its employees concept real so as to increase his/her production. That is
to say, motivation reinforces behaviour.
Workforce: This is the human resources in an
organization. Its effectiveness and efficiency increases organizations
Organization: This is a total unit of deliberately
constructed and reconstructed to seek specific goals.
Labour Turnover: This is a total number of persons that
leaves an organization compared to the average number of employed during the year.
Incentives: This is defined as those services
provided to the employee in organization that ignite their ability to do more.
Employee: This means a worker who does work for
a wage salary. It is also referred to as a servant.
Employer: This is a person or parasternal who
offers job to employee. It is also referred to as a master.
Fringe Benefit: This is defined as labour cost added
to the regular wages/salary paid for time work.
Expectancy: This means a person's perception of the
possibility that a specific act will result in a specific outcome.
Valance: This is the degree or strength of
individual's desire for specific outcome.
Productivity: This is the measure of how well
resources are utilized to produce output (goods & services). It relates input to output and also integrates
performance aspect to quality, efficiency and effectiveness.
Role: This is a behavioural pattern and an assumed character or
Motive: This is a drive, urge, feeling force,
instinct, need, want, desire, emotion, impulse and tendency in a man that
pushes him to act in a certain manner.
Norms: This is defined as a standard or rule
of behaviour that are established by group members in order to carry out-group
Job Design: This is defined as work frame or work
requirement in any set-up.
Management by Objective: This is the involvement of all
concerned workers in an organization as to how best to achieve productivity.
Need Satisfaction: This is the same as attaining those
things one desires to have.
Self-Fulfillment: This is the same as self-actualization
or self-accomplishment.
Job Enrichment: This is defined an increase in the job
knowledge which is acquired as one gets involved in the job.
Let me summarize this chapter by
restating few principles concerning motivation of employees to work.
(i) People work best when they consider that
their work is important. It is necessary to make an employee feel that no
matter how little / his job is in the organization, it is a part of the total
process without which the process is incomplete.
(ii) People get most satisfaction from the job
itself; therefore, efforts should be made to enrich the job if satisfaction is
to be achieved. This satisfaction is not likely to be achieved unless the basic
needs are satisfied and this varies from one individual to the other.
(iii) Self-Direction and Self-Development are
essential for personal commitment which leads to effective result. The
erroneous belief that unless people are coerced, they cannot produce results
must be disregarded.
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