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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007379

No of Pages: 187

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The deposition of undoped and Y-doped CuSe, CdSe and CoSe with different dopant concentration (0.01 – 0.04mol%) and varying substrate temperature (140oC – 200oC) have been successfully carried out using spray pyrolysis technique. The effect of the yttrium doping and substrate temperature variation on the optical, electrical and structural properties of all the deposited samples were reported in this research work. For the undoped and Y-doped CuSe, the optical studies revealed an energy bandgap ranging from 3.0eV to 2.5eV and introduction of Y dopant was observed to narrow the energy bandgap of pure CuSe. The electrical studies result supported the fact that the thin films are semiconductors. The XRD pattern reveals that the deposited films exhibited a polycrystalline cubic structure with preferred orientation along (200) and improved crystallinity with yttrium doping. For variation in substrate temperature, the optical analysis showed that the samples have energy band gap value ranging from 1.44 eV to 1.8 eV. Increase in substrate temperature was found to decrease the conductivity thereby increasing the resistivity and thickness. The XRD pattern revealed a polycrystalline cubic structure with most preferred orientation along (111) plane for all the films irrespective of the substrate temperature. YCuSe deposited at 140oC was seen to exhibit the best crystallinity. In summary, we conclude that substrate temperature of 140oC is the optimum substrate temperature to grow YCuSe. For the undoped and Y-doped CdSe, the influence of Y-incorporation and variation (0.01, 0.02, 0.03 and 0.04mol%) were clearly seen. The energy bandgap was observed to decrease from 1.71eV for undoped CdSe to 1.41eV for Y-doped. Increase in Y-concentration from 0 to 0.04m0l%, led to a decrease in the resistivity of CuSe with decreasing film thickness and increasing conductivity value. The XRD patterns reveal that all the deposited films are polycrystalline in nature having hexagonal structure with the preferred orientation and highest intensity along the (100) plane. Introduction of yttrium dopant was observed to improve the crystallinity of CdSe. The general result shows that YCdSe films are good materials for the production of photovoltaic cells.  For variation in substrate temperature, YCdSe deposited at 180oC exhibited better optical property when compared to other films with an energy band gap value of 1.50eV. The electrical studies, shows that increase in substrate temperature of the thin material decreases the resistivity with increasing thickness and increasing conductivity which reveals that the films are semiconducting. The XRD analysis revealed a polycrystalline hexagonal structure with most preferred orientation along (100) plane for all the films irrespective of the substrate temperature.Y/CdSe deposited at 160oC gave the best crystallinity. For the undoped and Y-doped CoSe, the optical analysis gave moderate (> 50%) transmittance with energy bandgaps ranging from 1.25eV to 1.81eV. Incorporation of yttrium dopant to the CoSe films was observed to enhance the optical features and the electrical studies reveals that the films are semiconducting materials. The XRD result revealed a polycrystalline cubic structure and introduction of higher concentration of yttrium dopant on the films enhanced the crystallinity. For variation in substrate temperature, the optical properties were found to vary with substrate temperature despite the fact that the variation was not totally linear as the film deposited at substrate temperature of 160oC deviated from the linearity in all the optical properties. The energy band gap of the deposited samples ranges from 1.25 eV – 1.75eV. The electrical analysis revealed that the substrate temperature and the film thickness varies directly with conductivity and inversely with resistivity which is one of the features of a typical semiconductor. The XRD result shows that the films are cubic polycrystalline in nature andY/CoSe grown at substrate temperature of 180oC gave the most excellent crystalline quality and a preferential orientation along (111) direction. From our findings we observe that these new materials can be used for photovoltaic purposes. 


Title Page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                  ii

Certification                                                                                                                iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgement                                                                                                      v

Table of Contents                                                                                                       vi

List of Tables                                                                                                              xi

List of Figures                                                                                                             xii

Abstract                                                                                                                      xviii



1.1       Background of Study                                                                                     1

1.2       Aims                                                                                                                7

1.3       Objectives                                                                                                       7

1.4       Scope of the Study                                                                                         8

1.5       The Significance of the Study                                                                                    8


CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW                                                                         

2.1       Solar Energy                                                                                                   10

2.2       Semiconductors (SCs)                                                                                    11

2.3       Types Of Semiconductors (SCs)                                                                    11

2.3.1    Intrinsic semiconductor                                                                                  12

2.3.2    Extrinsic semiconductor                                                                                 13 n-type                                                                                                              13 p-type                                                                                                              14

2.4       Types of Solar Energy Conversion Technologies                                           16

2.5       Thin Film Technology                                                                          17

2.6       Copper Selenide (CuSe) - Properties and Applications                                  18

2.6.1    Review of related works on undoped and doped CuSe Thin Film                20

2.7       Cadmium Selenide (CdSe) – Properties and Applications                             22

2.7.1    Review of related works on undoped and doped CdSe Thin Film                      23

2.8       Cobalt Selenide (CoSe) - Properties and Applications                                   26

2.8.1    Review of related works on undoped and doped CoSe thin film                         27

2.9       Thin Film Deposition Techniques                                                                   29

2.9.1    Chemical deposition techniques                                                                     30 Chemical vapor deposition (CVD)                                                                 31 Sol-Gel                                                                                                            32 Spray pyrolysis                                                                                                32 Chemical bath deposition (CBD)                                                                    34 Successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) method                   36 Electrodeposition                                                                                            36

2.9.2    Physical Deposition                                                                                        38 Sputtering                                                                                                       38 Pulsed laser deposition                                                                                   39 Thermal evaporation                                                                                       40 Electron beam evaporation                                                                             41

2.10     Description of Material Characterization Techniques                         41

2.10.1  Ultra violet visible infra-red spectroscopy (UV-VIS)                        41

2.10.2  Scanning electron microscopy                                                            43

2.10.3  Energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS or EDX)                           44

2.10.4  X-ray diffraction (XRD)                                                                                   45

2.10.5  Four point probe                                                                                             46

2.11     Literature Gap                                                                                                 48


CHAPTER 3: MATERIALS AND METHODS                                       

3.1       Method                                                                                                           49

3.2       Essential Components of Spray Pyrolysis Technique                         50

3.3       Substrate Cleaning Procedure                                                                         50

3.4       Preparation of Solutions                                                                                 50

3.5       Experimental Procedure                                                                                  51

3.6       Spray Process/Procedure                                                                                 52

3.7       Characterization of Fabricated Films                                                              55

3.7.1    Optical and solid state characterization of fabricated films                           55 Absorbance (A)                                                                                               55 Transmittance (T) and reflectance (R)                                                            56 Optical absorption coefficient (α)                                                                   56 Energy band gap (Eg)                                                                                     57 Extinction coefficient (k) and Refractive index (n)                                       57 Dielectric constant (ε)                                                                                     58 Optical conductivity (σ0)                                                                               58

3.7.2    Electrical properties of the fabricated films                                                    59

3.7.3    X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis                                                                   59

3.7.4    Surface morphological and compositional analysis of the fabricated films    60


CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                                               

4.1       Optical and Solid State Analysis of CuSe and Copper Selenide/Yttrium at Different Dopant Concentrations            61

4.1.1    Absorbance                                                                                                     61

4.1.2    Transmittance                                                                                                  62

4.1.3    Reflectance                                                                                                     62

4.1.4    Absorption coefficient (α)                                                                              63

4.1.5    Energy band gap (Eg)                                                                                      63

4.1.6    Extinction coefficient (k)                                                                                64

4.1.7    Refractive index (n)                                                                                        64

4.1.8    Dielectric constant (real and imaginary)                                                         65

4.1.9    Optical conductivity (σ)                                                                                 65

4.2       Optical and Solid State Analysis of Yttrium Doped Copper Selenide

            (Y/CuSe) Thin Films Grown at Different Substrate Temperatures.               72

4.2.1    Absorbance                                                                                                     72

4.2.2    Transmittance                                                                                                  72

4.2.3    Reflectance                                                                                                     73

4.2.4    Absorption coefficient (α)                                                                              73

4.2.5    Energy band gap (Eg)                                                                                      74

4.2.6    Extinction coefficient (k)                                                                                74

4.2.7    Refractive index (n)                                                                                        74

4.2.8    Dielectric constant (Real and imaginary)                                                        75

4.2.9    Optical conductivity (σ)                                                                                 75

4.3       Optical and Solid State Analysis of CdSe and Cadmium Selenide/Yttrium

at Different Dopant Concentrations                                                               81

4.3.1    Absorbance                                                                                                     81

4.3.2    Transmittance                                                                                                  81

4.3.3    Reflectance                                                                                                     82

4.3.4    Absorption coefficient (α)                                                                              82

4.3.5    Energy band gap (Eg)                                                                                      82

4.3.6    Extinction coefficient (k)                                                                                83

4.3.7    Refractive index (n)                                                                                        83

4.3.8    Dielectric constant (Real and imaginary)                                                        84

4.3.9    Optical conductivity (σ)                                                                                 84

4.4       Optical and Solid State Analysis of Yttrium Doped Cadmium Selenide

            (Y/CdSe) Thin Films Grown At Different Substrate Temperatures               90

4.4.1    Absorbance                                                                                                     90

4.4.2    Transmittance                                                                                                  90

4.4.3    Reflectance                                                                                                     91       

4.4.4    Absorption coefficient (α)                                                                              91

4.4.5    Energy band gap (Eg)                                                                                      92

4.4.6    Extinction coefficient (k)                                                                                92

4.4.7    Refractive index (n)                                                                                        92

4.4.8    Dielectric constant (real and imaginary)                                                         93

4.4.9    Optical conductivity (σ)                                                                                 93

4.5       Optical and Solid State Analysis of CoSe and Cobalt Selenide/Yttrium at

Different Dopant Concentrations                                                                   99

4.5.1    Absorbance                                                                                                     99

4.5.2    Transmittance                                                                                                  99

4.5.3    Reflectance                                                                                                     100

4.5.4    Absorption coefficient (α)                                                                              100

4.5.5    Energy band gap (Eg)                                                                                      100

4.5.6    Extinction coefficient (k)                                                                                101

4.5.7    Refractive index (n)                                                                                        101

4.5.8    Dielectric constant (Real and imaginary)                                                        102

4.5.9    Optical conductivity (σ)                                                                                 102

4.6       Optical and Solid State Analysis of Yttrium Doped Cobalt Selenide

            (Y/CoSe) Thin Films Grown At Different Substrate Temperatures               108

4.6.1    Absorbance                                                                                                     108

4.6.2    Transmittance                                                                                                  109

4.6.3    Reflectance                                                                                                     109

4.6.4    Absorption coefficient (α)                                                                              109

4.6.5    Energy band gap (Eg)                                                                                      110

4.6.6    Extinction coefficient (k)                                                                                110

4.6.7    Refractive index (n)                                                                                        110

4.6.8    Dielectric constant (real and imaginary)                                                         111

4.6.9    Optical conductivity (σ)                                                                                 112

4.7       Electrical Characterization Results                                                                 118

4.7.1    Electrical properties of CuSe and CuSe/Y (with different dopant

concentrations)                                                                                                118

4.7.2    Electrical properties of CuSe and CuSe/Y (at different substrate

temperatures)                                                                                                  118

4.7.3    Electrical properties of CdSe and CdSe/Y (with different dopant

concentrations)                                                                                                120     

4.7.4    Electrical properties of CdSe and CdSe/Y (at different substrate

temperatures)                                                                                                  120

4.7.5    Electrical properties of CoSe and CoSe/Y (with different dopant

concentrations)                                                                                                122

4.7.6    Electrical properties of CoSe and CoSe/Y (at different substrate

temperatures)                                                                                                  122

4.8       X-Ray Diffraction (Xrd) Results                                                                    127

4.8.1    X-ray diffraction (XRD) result of CuSe and yttrium-doped CuSe at

            different molar percentage dopant concentrations                                         127

4.8.2    X-ray diffraction (XRD) result of CuSe and yttrium-doped CuSe at

            different substrate temperatures                                                                     127

4.8.3    X-ray diffraction (XRD) result of CdSe and yttrium-doped CdSe at

            different molar percentage dopant concentrations                                         130

4.8.4    X-ray diffraction (XRD) result of CdSe and yttrium-doped CdSe at

            different substrate temperatures                                                                     130

4.8.5    X-ray diffraction (XRD) result of CoSe and yttrium-doped CoSe at

different molar percentage dopant concentrations                                         133

4.8.6    X-ray diffraction (XRD) result of CoSe and yttrium-doped CoSe at

            different substrate temperatures                                                                     135

4.9       Surface Morphological (SEM) and Compositional Analysis (EDX)

            Result                                                                                                             140

4.9.1    SEM and EDX result CuSe and Y doped CuSe at different molar

            percentage dopant concentrations                                                                  140

4.9.2    SEM and EDX result CuSe and Y doped CuSe at different substrate

            temperatures                                                                                                    143

4.9.3    SEM and EDX result CdSe and Y doped CdSe at different molar

            percentage dopant concentrations                                                                  145

4.9.4    SEM and EDX result CdSe and Y doped CdSe at different substrate

            Temperatures                                                                                                   148

4.9.5    SEM and EDX result CoSe and Y doped CoSe at different molar

            percentage dopant concentrations                                                                  150

4.9.6    SEM and EDX result CoSe and Y doped CoSe at different substrate

            temperatures                                                                                                    153


5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                      155

5.2       Recommendations                                                                                          158

5.3       Contribution to knowledge                                                                             158








2.1:      Some basic properties of Copper Selenide (CuSe)                                         20

2.2:      Some Basic Properties of Cadmium Selenide (CdSe)                                    23

2.3:      Some Basic Properties of Cobalt Selenide (CoSe)                                         27

3.1a:    Deposition parameters of CuSe and YCuSe at varied dopant

            concentrations                                                                                                 53

3.1b:    Deposition parameters of CdSe and YCdSe at varied dopant

            concentrations                                                                                                 53

3.1c:    Deposition parameters of CoSe and YCoSe at varied dopant

            concentrations                                                                                                 53

3.2a:    Deposition parameters of CuSe and YCuSe at varied substrate

            temperatures                                                                                                   54

3.2b:    Deposition parameters of CdSe and YCdSe at varied substrate

            temperatures                                                                                                    54

3.2c:    Deposition parameters of CuSe and YCuSe at varied substrate

            temperatures                                                                                                   54

4.1:      Electrical properties of CuSe and CuSe/Y (at different dopant

            concentrations)                                                                                                119

4.2:      Electrical properties of CuSe and CuSe/Y (at different substrate

            temperatures)                                                                                                  119

4.3:      Electrical properties of CdSe and CdSe/Y (at different dopant

            concentrations)                                                                                                121

4.4:      Electrical properties of CdSe and CdSe/Y (at different substrate

            temperatures)                                                                                                  121

4.5:      Electrical properties of CoSe and CoSe/Y (at different dopant

            concentrations)                                                                                                123

4.6:      Electrical properties of CoSe and CoSe/Y (at different substrate

            temperatures)                                                                                                  123

4.7:      Structural values for the CuSe and Yttrium-doped CuSe at different

            molar percent dopant concentrations                                                              129

4.8:      Structural values for the CuSe and Yttrium-doped CuSe at different

substrate temperatures                                                                                    129

4.9:      Structural values for the CdSe and Yttrium-doped CdSe at different

            molar percent dopant  concentrations                                                             132

4.10:    Structural values for the CdSe and Yttrium-doped CdSe at different

            substrate temperatures                                                                                    132

4.11:    Structural values for the CoSe and Yttrium-doped CoSe at different

            molar percent dopant  concentrations                                                             134

4.12:    Structural values for the CoSe and Yttrium-doped CoSe at different

substrate temperatures                                                                                    136



2.1:                  Schematic energy bands of (a) a conductor, (b) an insulator, and

(c) a semiconductor                                                                             12

2.2:                  Dopant energy levels in N-type and p-type semiconductors              14

2.3(a):            Schematic Diagram of a p-n junction.                                                15

2.3(b):              Energy band diagram of a p-n junction                                              15

2.4:                  Schematic representation of photovoltaic effect                                17

2.5:                  Layered structure of hexagonal CuSe                                                19

2.6:                  The structures of CdSe Nanocrystals                                                 23

2.7:                  The structure of CoSe Nanocrystals                                                   27

2.8:                  Classification and types of thin film deposition method                    30

2.9:                  Schematic diagram of CVD technique                                               31

2.10:                Schematic diagram of spray pyrolysis                                                33

2.11:                Schematic diagram of chemical bath deposition (CBD)                    35

2.12:                Schematic of SILAR method                                                                36

2.13:                Typical set-up of three electrode system of electrodeposited

                        technique                                                                                             37

2.14.                Typical RF sputtering system                                                             39

2.15:                Thermal evaporation technique set-up                                                40

2.16:                Basic block diagram for construction a spectrophotometer             42

2.17:                Pictorial diagram of a Spectrophotometer                                        43

2.18:                Pictorial and Skeletal image of a scanning electron microscopy (SEM) Machine                     44

2.19:                XRD machine                                                                                      45

2.20:                X-ray diffraction beam through a parallel section of crystal lattice 46

2.21:                Schematic diagram of a four-point probe                                           47

3.1                   Schematic diagram of the spray pyrolysis machine                            50

4.1:                  Absorbance spectra of CuSe and Y-doped CuSe at different

                        dopant concentrations                                                                         67

4.2:                  %Transmittance spectra of CuSe and Y-doped CuSe at different

                        dopant concentrations                                                                         67       

4.3:                  %Reflectance spectra of CuSe and Y-doped CuSe at different

                        dopant concentrations                                                                         68

4.4:                  Absorption coefficient against Photon energy of CuSe and

                        Y-doped CuSe at different dopant concentrations                            68

4.5:                  Plot of (αhv)2 against hv for CuSe and yttrium doped CuSe thin

                        materials at different molar concentrations                                        69

4.6:                  Graph of Extinction coefficient against photon energy of CuSe

                        and Y-doped CuSe at different dopant concentrations                     69

4.7:                   Graph of refractive index against photon energy of CuSe and

                        Y-doped CuSe at different dopant concentrations                                        70

4.8:                  Plot of real dielectric constant verves photon energy of CuSe and

                        Y-doped CuSe at different dopant concentrations                            70

4.9:                   Plot of imaginary dielectric constant verves photon energy of

                        CuSe and Y-doped CuSe at different dopant concentrations                       71

4.10:                Plot of optical conductivity verves photon energy of CuSe and

                        Y-doped CuSe at different dopant concentrations                            71

4.11:               Absorbance spectral of Y/CuSe thin materials deposited at

                       different substrate temperatures                                                           76

4.12:               Transmittance spectral of Y/CuSe thin materials deposited at

                       different substrate temperatures                                                           76

4.13:               Reflectance spectral of Y/CuSe thin materials deposited at

                       different substrate temperatures                                                           77

4.14:               Plot of Absorption coefficient against photon energy of Y/CuSe

                       thin materials deposited at different substrate temperatures               77

4.15:               Plot of (αhv) 2 against hv of Y/CuSe thin materials deposited at

                       different substrate temperatures                                                           78

4.16:               Relationship between extinction coefficient and photon energy of

Y/CuSe thin materials deposited at different substrate temperatures  78

4.17:               Relationship between extinction coefficient and photon energy of

Y/CuSe thin materials deposited at different substrate temperatures  79

4.18:               Plot of real dielectric constant against hv for Y/CuSe thin materials

deposited at different substrate temperatures                                      79

4.19:               Plot of imaginary dielectric constant against hv for Y/CuSe thin

                       materials deposited at different substrate temperatures                       80

4.20:               Plot of optical conductivity against hv for Y/CuSe thin materials

deposited at different substrate temperatures                                      80

4.21:               Graph of absorbance vs wavelength for CdSe and Y-doped CdSe at

different concentrations                                                                       85

4.22:               Graph of transmittance vs wavelength for CdSe and Y-doped CdSe

                       at different dopant concentrations                                                       85       

4.23:               Graph of reflectance vs wavelength for CdSe and Y-doped CdSe

                       at different dopant concentrations                                                       86

4.24:               Graph of Absorption coefficient vs hv for CdSe and Y-doped

                       CdSe at different dopant concentrations                                             86

4.25:               Plots of (αhv)2 against hv for CdSe and Y-doped CdSe at different

dopant concentrations                                                                          87

4.26:               Graph of extinction coefficient against hv for CdSe and Y-doped

                       CdSe at different dopant concentrations                                             87

4.27:               graph of refractive index against hv for CdSe and Y-doped CdSe at

different dopant concentrations                                                           88

4.28:               Graph of real dielectric constant against hv for CdSe and Y-doped

                       CdSe at different dopant concentrations                                             88

4.29:               Graph of imaginargy dielectric constant against hv for CdSe and

                       Y-doped CdSe at different dopant concentrations                             89

4.30:               Graph of optical conductivity against hv for CdSe and Y-doped

                       CdSe at different dopant concentrations                                             89

4.31:               Absorbance spectral of Y/CdSe thin materials deposited at

                       different substrate temperatures                                                           94

4.32:               Transmittance spectral of Y/CdSe thin materials deposited at

                       different substrate temperatures                                                           94

4.33:               Reflectance spectral of Y/CdSe thin materials deposited at different

substrate temperatures                                                                          95

4.34:               Absorption coefficient of Y/CdSe thin materials deposited at

                       different substrate temperatures                                                           95       

4.35:               Plots of (αhv)2  against hv for Y-doped CdSe thin material at

                       different substrate temperatures                                                           96

4.36:               variation of extinction coefficient with photon energy for Y/CdSe

                       thin materials deposited at different substrate temperatures               96

4.37:               variation of refractive index with photon energy for Y/CdSe thin

                       materials deposited at different substrate temperatures                       97

4.38:               Plots of real dielectric constant against photon energy for Y-doped

                       CdSe grown at different substrate temperatures                                 97

4.39:               Plots of imaginary dielectric constant against photon energy for

Y-doped CdSe grown at different substrate temperatures                  98

4.40:               Plots of optical conductivity against photon energy for Y-doped

                       CdSe grown at different substrate temperatures                                 98

4.41:               Absorbance spectral of CoSe and Y-doped CoSe at different

dopant concentrations                                                                          103

4.42:               Transmittance spectral of CoSe and Y-doped CoSe at different

dopant concentrations                                                                          103

4.43:               Reflectance spectral of CoSe and Y-doped CoSe at different dopant

concentrations                                                                                      104

4.44:               Plot of Absorption coefficient against hv for CoSe and Y-doped

                       CoSe at different dopant concentrations                                             104

4.45:               Plot of (αhv)2 against hv for CoSe and Y-doped CoSe at different

                       dopant concentrations                                                                          105

4.46:               Plot of Extinction coefficient against hv for CoSe and Y-doped

                       CoSe at different dopant concentrations                                             105

4.47:               Plot of refractive index against hv for CoSe and Y-doped CoSe at

different dopant concentrations                                                           106

4.48:               Real dielectric constant against hv for CoSe and Y-doped CoSe at

                       different dopant concentrations                                                           106

4.49:               Imaginary dielectric constant against hv for CoSe and Y-doped

                       CoSe at different dopant concentrations                                             107

4.50:               Optical conductivity against hv for CoSe and Y-doped CoSe at

                       different dopant concentrations                                                           107

4.51:               Absorbance spectral of Y/CoSe thin materials deposited at

                       different substrate temperatures                                                           113

4.52:               Transmittance spectral of Y/CoSe thin materials deposited at

                       different substrate temperatures                                                           113

4.53:               Reflectance spectral of Y/CoSe thin materials deposited at different

substrate temperatures                                                                          114

4.54:               Absorption coefficient spectral of Y/CoSe thin materials deposited

                       at different substrate temperatures                                                       114

4.55:               Plot of (αhv)2 against photon energy for Y/CoSe thin materials

                       deposited at different substrate temperatures                                      115

4.56:               Plot of extinction coefficient against photon energy for Y/CoSe

                       thin materials deposited at different substrate temperatures               115

4.47:               Plot of refractive index against photon energy for Y/CoSe thin

                       materials deposited at different substrate temperatures                       116

4.58:               Plot of real dielectric constant against photon energy for Y/CoSe

                       thin materials deposited at different substrate temperatures               116

4.59:               Plot of imaginary dielectric constant against photon energy for

Y/CoSe thin materials deposited at different substrate

temperatures                                                                                         117

4.60:               Plot of optical conductivity against photon energy for Y/CoSe thin

materials deposited at different substrate temperatures                       117

4.61:               A bar chart comparison of resistivity and conductivity of CuSe

                       and CuSeY (for different dopant concentrations) with film thickness           124

4.62:               A bar chart comparison of resistivity and conductivity of CuSeY

(at different substrate temperatures) with film thickness.                    124

4.63:               A bar chart comparison of resistivity and conductivity of CdSe

and CdSeY (for different dopant concentrations) with film thickness           125

4.64:               A bar chart comparison of resistivity and conductivity of CdSeY

(at different substrate temperatures) with film thickness.                    125

4.65:               A bar chart comparison of resistivity and conductivity of CoSe and

CoSeY (for different dopant concentrations) with film thickness      126

4.66:               A bar chart comparison of resistivity and conductivity of CoSeY

(at different substrate temperatures) with film thickness                    126

4.67:               XRD pattern of CuSe and Yttrium-doped CuSe at different molar

percent dopant  concentrations                                                             137

4.68:               XRD pattern of CuSe and Yttrium-doped CuSe at different

                       substrate temperatures                                                                          137

4.69:               XRD pattern of CdSe and Yttrium-doped CdSe at different molar

percent dopant concentrations                                                             138

4.70:               XRD pattern of CdSe and Yttrium-doped CdSe at different

                       substrate temperatures                                                                          138

4.71:               XRD pattern of CoSe and Yttrium-doped CoSe at different molar

percent dopant  concentrations                                                             139

4.72:               XRD pattern of CoSe and Yttrium-doped CoSe at different

                       substrate temperatures                                                                          139

4.73:               SEM result of (a) undoped (b) 0.01mol% and(c) 0.04mol%

yttrium doped CuSe thin materials                                                      141

4.74:               EDX spectrum of (a) undoped and (b) Y doped CuSe thin materials 142

4.75:               SEM result of (a) CuSe and (b) Y:CuSe at substrate temperaturesof

                       140oC                                                                                                    144

4.76:               EDX spectrum of (a) CuSe and (b) Y:CuSe at substrate temperature

                       of 140oC                                                                                               144

4.77:               SEM microstructure of (a)undoped CdSe; Y-doped CdSe

                       (b) 0.01mol% and (c) 0.04mol%)                                                         146

4.78:               EDX spectrum of (a) undoped CdSe (b) 0.01mol%Y-doped

                       CdSe and (c) 0.04mol% Y-doped CdSe thin materials                       147

4.79:               SEM images of (a) pure and (b) Y doped CdSe at substrate

temperature of 140oC                                                                           149

4.80:               EDX spectrum of (a) pure and (b) Y doped CdSe at substrate

                       temperature of 140oC                                                                           149

4.81:               SEM microstructure of (a)undoped CoSe; Y-doped CoSe (b)

                       0.01mol% and (c) 0.04mol%)                                                               151

4.82:               EDX spectrum of (a) undoped CoSe (b) 0.01mol%Y-doped CoSe

                       and (c) 0.04mol% Y-doped CoSe thin materials                                 152

4.83:               Pictorial SEM images of (a) pure and (b) Y doped CoSe

                       at substrate temperature of 140oC                                                        154     

4.84:               EDX spectrum of (a) pure and (b) Y doped CoSe at substrate          

                       temperature of 140oC                                                                           154









The role of energy in our lives and the world at large can never be over emphasized due to the fact that energy designs the footing of human existence and there is barely any activity that is free of energy (Onwuemeka and Ekpunobi, 2018). We have basically two major types of energy; renewable and non-renewable energy. Non-renewable sources of energy are the major sources of energy globally and due to its negative effect on the world climate, research is ongoing to find alternative renewable energy resources that are environmentally friendly. Despite the fact that we have various energy sources within the dynamic forces of nature such as the sun, biomass, wind, tides and waves; the sun is the most important source of renewable energy available today. It is crucial in the whole procedure of growth, evolution, being of all living things and it also plays a rudimentary part in the human well-being and socio-economic development of a country. Due to rapid increase in world human population and industrial uprising, the overall energy requirements have tremendously increased within the years which has concocted troubles of demand and supply. If this mounting world energy request is to be achieved with fossil fuels, they will not be accessible for energy generation in few years. More so, the use of fossil fuels dispenses several toxins that deteriorate air quality and have a negative effect on human well-being (Khaled, 2014; Onwuemeka et al., 2017). Two of the foremost imperative of these toxins are nitrogen oxides (NOx) and sulphur dioxide (SO2); which comes primarily from flaming coal and also from diesel fuel, whereas NOx comes from flaming all sorts of fossil powers. They mainspring different environmental concerns, for instance, corrosive rain and ground-level ozone creations. Considering the various disadvantages attached to the use of fossil fuel, it is an important urgency of today’s world to focus on renewable energy sources, which solar energy has a special place in, because it can be utilized in terrestrial and even space application. It is regularly recharged and accordingly reasonable to fulfil the request and conserve our limited natural resources for upcoming generations (Sumathi et al., 2015).

The sun is a serious and vital source of energy and solar radiation is a type of one of the intense energy radiated by the sun, particularly electromagnetic (EM) energy (Sumathi et al., 2015). Approximately a large fraction of it is in the visible path of the EM spectrum, the other half is mostly in the close infrared section, with a few in the ultraviolet segment of the spectrum. The best technological approach for harvesting and converting solar radiation into electricity is solar photovoltaic system. The photovoltaic effect occurs when photons of light excite electrons into a higher state of energy, allowing them to act as carriers of charge for an electric current. If the incident photon’s energy is equal to or greater than the energy required to move an electron  from  the  valence  band  to  the  conduction  band,  then  the  incident photon contributes to the solar cell’s output (Khaled, 2014).

Semiconductor materials are normally small bandgap insulators. The interplay of semiconductors with photon is of conclusive significance for optoelectronic and photonic devices as well as for the characterization of semiconductor properties. When photon strikes a semiconductor, transmission, reflection and absorption are weighed (Dakin and Brown, 2006). The reaction of the semiconductor generally relies on the wavelength or photon energy of the light and various methods add to the dielectric function. For the photon energy to be absorbed efficiently it must exceed the energy band-gap of the semiconductor material in question (Calister, 1997). Two major variables have driven the expanding consideration gotten by semiconductor nanostructures within the last decade: to begin with, they are appealing from a scientific perspective, since they make available a medium to fabricate artificial potentials for carriers, holes and electron in semiconductors, at length scales equipotential to or lesser than the de Broglie wavelength. Hence, quantum confinement effects turn out to be not only essential, but also designable to a high extent. Numerous concepts that already existed only as simple theoretical models can presently be practically achieved in semiconductor nanostructures, so that their properties can be examined. The other important variable is that quantum mechanics gets to be pertinent not only in framework of academic enthusiasm, but moreover to framework of practical effect. Utilizing confinement effects, modern device concepts tend to be attainable which get extra degrees of flexibility in design (Ibach and Luth, 2009; Grundmann, 2016)

In recent times, transition-metal chalcogenide semiconductors have been assiduously used for advanced energy-related applications because of their high activity toward water electro-catalysis (Masud et al., 2016). They are widely-known for their appealing electronic and magnetic properties. More importantly, the metal-chalcogen ratio in these transition metal chalcogenides can be varied over a wide range which can lead to subtle variation of their electronic properties thereby offering opportunities to tune such properties. In addition, the ratio of metal chalcogen in these transition-metal chalcogenides can be varied over a wide range resulting in subtle variation in their electronic properties thereby offering opportunities to tune such properties. Added to that, the transition-metal selenides possess outstanding electro-chemical activity when compared to transition metal oxides reason being that the electro-negativity of oxygen is higher than that of selenium. Hence, replacing selenium for oxygen may result in a more pliable micro-structure. Furthermore, transition-metal selenides displays much improved electrical conductivity when compared with metal sulfides/oxides (Zhang et al., 2019). Thus, transition-metal selenides such as CuSe, MgSe, CdSe, MnSe and CoSe are expected to exhibit good optical and electro-chemical properties for use as an absorber layer in solar energy collection and electrode-active materials respectively.

Copper selenide (CuSe) is a semiconducting p-type material because of copper vacancies with an energy band gap value ranging from 2.3 to 2.1 eV (Ezenwa et al., 2013). It belongs to III-VI group which has been tremendously used in optical filters, super-ionic conductors, photo-electrochemical cells, thermo-electric converters etc (Li et al., 2010; Thanikaikarasan et al., 2020). More so, its commodious optical and electrical properties makes it a good material suitable for photovoltaic application and photo-detectors (Yadva, 2014). There are number of phases for Copper Selenide with stoichiometry and non-stoichiometry properties such as CuSe, Cu5Se4, Cu2Se, Cu7Se4, CuSe2, a-Cu2Se Cu3Se2 and Cu2-xSe (Lakshmi et al., 2001; Li et al., 2010; Yadav, 2014; Khusayfan and Khanfa, 2019). They are seen to be crystallized in various forms such as monoclinic, cubic, tetragonal, orthorhombic and hexagonal structure (Thanikaikarasan et al., 2020). Several physical and chemical techniques have been employed to grow these phases of stable CuSe through thermal evaporation (Liew et al., 2009), Sputtering (Li et al., 2010), Spray pyrolysis (Yadva, 2014), chemical bath deposition (Lakshmi et al., 2001), and modified CBD (Pathan et al., 2003) etc.

Cadmium-selenide (CdSe) is a II-VI group compound semiconductor material, crystallizing in either the zinc blende or wurtzite structure (Fujita et al., 2003; Deshpande et al., 2013). Its excellent performance and suitable properties such as band gap, high absorption coefficient and high photosensitivity make it useful in optoelectronic and electronic applications, such as nano-sensors, laser diodes, high-efficiency solar cells, γ-ray detectors and devices for biomedical imaging (Califano et al., 2004; Meulenberg et al., 2004; Sivasankar, 2017). CdSe has a direct band gap and high absorption coefficient close to the band edge, making it suitable for use in thin-film devices; it is mainly interesting for its applications in hybrid solar systems (Pathak et al., 2019). CdSe thin materials have been synthesized by various film deposition techniques, such as spray pyrolysis (Yadav et al., 2010), SILAR (Xiaolei, 2015), electro deposition (Choudhary and Chauchan, 2017), Electron beam evaporation (Rani et al., 2016), chemical bath deposition (CBD) (Zhao et al., 2013, Deshpande et al., 2013) etc. To increase the performance of CdSe nanocrystalline thin films, many researcher used the dopant impurities and made thin film of CdSe:Fe (Singh et al., 2009, Dangi  and Dhar , 2016), CdSe:Cr (Sivasankar , 2017) , CdSe:Zn (Aplop and Johan 2014), CdSe:Cu (Singh et al., 2008; Vidhya et al., 2013), CdSe:Ni  (Kumar et al., 2012) and CdSe:Mn (Kwak  and Sung 2007; Kwshwaha, 2017) etc.

Cobalt Selenide (CoSe) is amidst the II-VI semiconductors with direct band-gap (Chikwenze et al., 2017). It is also a significant P-type multifunctional semiconductor material and as a member of the transition metal selenides it shows promising properties such as high optical absorption coefficient of the order of 105 cm-1 band-gap of approximately 1.5 eV and a good electrical conductivity (Agbo et al., 2016). It has massive extensive and potential application possibilities in the area of photo-catalysis, super-capacitor and solar cells (Agbo and Nwofe, 2015; Zhang et al., 2019). They are also attractive because of the earth abundance of Co. Cobalt selenides comprises of two stable forms (CoSe2, CoSe) and two viable compounds (Co3Se4, Co2Se) at room temperature. Variety of methods such as CBD (Pramanik et al., 1987; Agbo et al., 2016; Govindasamya et al., 2016), Electrodeopistion (Zhang et al., 2019; Ikhioya et al., 2020), Spray pyrolysis (Kim et al., 2018) etc have been used to synthesized CoSe nano-materials.

More recently, several efforts have been made to enhance the efficiency of semiconductors via doping, supporting and coupling of these compounds. Concerning this, rare earth-doped nano-particles have received a lot of consideration given their massive photo-catalytic activity in the degradation of organic contaminants due to the suppression of electron–hole recombination, large content of oxygen vacancies, and strong absorption of hydroxide ions on the surface of the catalyst (Khataee et al., 2014). Because of their low diffusivity they are also known to perform useful functions such as lowering and stabilizing the dissipation factor in dielectric materials (Kim et al., 2011).

One of the promising dopants in the family of rare earth materials is Yttrium (Y3+). This is due to the fact that it improves remnant polarization, leakage current and fatigue endurance (Hatta et al., 2016). Yttrium can also act as a donor or acceptor ion. Another significant effect of yttrium doping is the change in the electrical conductivity of the doped material with respect to its doping site.

Numerous methods have been investigated for thin film production with attention on cost and reliability. These methods can be classified as chemical and physical methods. The physical methods include, reactive/non-reactive sputtering techniques, oxidation of an evaporated metal film, molecular beam epitaxy and laser ablation. The chemical methods are divided into solution techniques (e.g. spray pyrolysis) and gas phase deposition (e.g., chemical vapor deposition (CVD) according to Seyed, (2014). The chemical methods have been studied extensively for the growth of thin films. The present study uses a spray-pyrolysis technique (SPT) which has since been used in glass industry and in solar-cell fabrication to deposit electrically conducting electrodes. Through this technique, dense and porous oxide films, ceramic coatings and powders can be prepared. It is relatively a cost-effective and very simple method. Materials obtained by SPT find a wide range of applications in optoelectronic devices, anti-reflective coatings, sensors, etc (George, 1992; Dedova, 2007). The spray-pyrolysis technique has several notable advantages, including the ability to change the properties of the film by changing the composition of the starting material (addition of dopants and modification of the film microstructure) and lowering of production cost when large-scale production is required (Abhijit, 2014).

In this study, we look for novel semiconductor materials that have good promising potentials in converting solar radiation into a useful form of energy, and these semiconductors include; Yttrium Copper Selenide (YCuSe), Yttrium Cadmium Selenide (YCdSe) and Yttrium Cobalt Selenide (YCoSe,) semiconductor thin films

1.2       AIM

The aim of this research is grow and characterize Yttrium doped chalcoginide semiconductors for solar energy purposes using spray pyrolysis technique.


1.3       OBJECTIVES

The objectives of this study are as follows:

1.      To Grow and characterize ternary transition metal chalcogenides of Yttrium Copper Selenide (YCuSe), Yttrium Cadmium Selenide (YCdSe) and Yttrium Cobalt Selenide (YCoSe)  semiconductor thin films which have not been grown before using spray pyrolysis deposition technique.

2.      To determine and study the optical and solid state properties of these novel thin films

3.      To study the electrical properties of these novel thin films

4.      To Study the structural properties of these novel thin films

5.      To study the morphology and ascertain the elemental composition of these novel thin films

6.      To optimize these novel thin materials in order to identify which thin film is suitable for solar cells, anti-reflection coating and photovoltaic application.

      1.4       SCOPE OF THE STUDY

The scope is to deposit ternary transition metal chalcogenides of Yttrium Copper Selenide (YCuSe), Yttrium Cadmium Selenide (YCdSe) and Yttrium Cobalt Selenide (YCoSe) semiconductor films on a soda lime glass substrate using spray pyrolysis. Also to study the optical, electrical , structural, morphological and compositional analysis of these novel thin films using UV-visible Spectrophotometer, four point probe, X-ray diffractometer and scanning electron microscopy respectively and to find the possible applications of these novel thin materials.


Semiconductor materials are the most cost-effective and high-efficiency devices used in solar energy conversions. Hence, it is expected that doping Copper Selenide, Cadmium Selenide and Cobalt Selenide with Yttrium will produce optimum material with a good conversion efficiency of solar radiation into electricity. Doping Copper Selenide, Cadmium Selenide and Cobalt Selenide with Yttrium will also produce new set of semiconductor materials that will have capacity to improve on existing functions of semiconductor and photovoltaic devices. The results that will be obtained from this study will aid manufacturers on the various choice of materials to be considered for manufacturing semiconductor and photovoltaic devices. More so, for the academic world and the general public, this study will add to the existing literature on the growth and characterization of ternary transition-metal chalcogenide thin materials.


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