Fermented maize flour (“Ogi”) is a traditional porridge prepared from maize, sorghum or millet grains majorly used as important weaning food for infants in West Africa but poor in protein content. “Ugba” is a protein based fermented food condiment obtained from the seeds of the African oil bean (Pentaclethra macrophylla) and used to complement the nutritional content of soups and sauces.The quality of complementary food made from fermented maize flour supplemented with varying levels of ugba flour blends (0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 %) was investigated. The microbial, physicochemical, proximate and sensory parameters of the samples were analysed. The microbial analyses were done based on microbiological standards. The physicochemical and proximate parameters were performed according to chemically approved standards. Microorganisms isolated from fermented maize flour and ‘Ugba’ included Lactobacillus brevis, L. plantarum, Pediococcus acidilactici, Staphylococcus species, Escherichia coli, Bacillus species, Micrococus species, Pseudomonas species, Proteus species, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Aspergillus niger and Candida albicans. The total bacteria counts increased with increase level of Ugba flour addition from 1.1×106 ± 1.73e for 10% to 1.6×106 ± 4.23a Cfu/g for 50%. Total coliform counts increased with increase level of Ugba flour addition from 6.0×105± 3.46e for 10% to 2.9×106± 2.08a Cfu/g for 50% , total Staphylococcus count increased with increase level of ugba flour addition from 2.4×105± 2.55e for 10% to 8.6×105± 4.00a Cfu/g for 50% and total fungi count of the samples increased with increase level of Ugba flour addition from 2.5×104± 3.00e for 10% to 1.5 ×105± 5.00a Cfu/g for 50% while the total Lactic Acid Bacteria count decreased with increase level of Ugba flour addition from 8.0×105 ± 4.00b for 10% to 3.3×105± 2.65f for 50% Cfu/g. The pH decreased steadily from 3.9 ± 0.10d to 3.3 ± 0.10f for fermented maize flour and from 7.7 ± 0.10a to 5.8 ± 0.10c for Ugba flour blends, with a corresponding increase in titra acidity from 1.3 ± 0.14c to 2.5 ± 0.00a for fermented maize flour and from 0.6 ± 0.14ef to 1.2 ± 0.28c for Ugba flour blends. The nutritional values of the supplemented product were significantly higher (p˂0.05) compared to fermented maize flour and increased significantly (p<0.05) with increase level of ugba flour addition of 10% to 50%. Higher protein content (6.01% ± 0.10c for 10% to 8.75% ± 0.18a for 50%), fiber (0.36 ± 0.12b for 10% to 1.47% ± 0.12a for 50%), fat (1.20% ± 0.01c for 10% to 5.40% ±0.04a for 50%) and ash content (0.55% ± 0.11b for 10% to 1.77% ± 0.10a for 50%) of the supplemented product were observed compared to fermented maize flour alone. The organoleptic evaluation of the complemented food product showed that it was liked by the trained panelists. This study revealed that complementing fermented maize flour with Ugba flour could open an avenue for combating nutritional deficiencies such as protein malnutrition and at the same time improve the utility value of ‘Ugba’.
Title Page i
Declaration ii
Acknowledgements v
Table of Contents
List of Tables ix
List of Figures x
Abstract xi
1.1 Justification
1.2 General
Objective 3
1.3 Specific
Objectives 3
of Study 4
2.1 Malnutrition 5
2.1.1 Micronutrient
deficiencies 6
Specific issues related to food
fortification 7
2.1.3 Dietary diversification 9
2.2 Food Fortification 10
2.2.1 Advantages of food fortification 12
2.2.2 Limitations of food fortification 12
2.3 Nutritional
Profile and General Facts of Cereals. 13
Fermented maize flour 13
2.3.2 Nutritional and chemical analysis of fermented
foods 15
Fermented Legumes 17
Other fermented plant seed condiments 20
2.4.2 “Ugba” 21
Microbiology of Ugba fermentation 22
2.4.4 Health benefits of fermented foods 24
Sample Collection 25
3.1.1 Sample preparation and fermentation of maize seeds and Pentaclethra
macrophylla seeds 25
3.1.2 Supplementation
of fermented maize flour with Ugba
flour blends 26
3.2. Physico-chemical
Analysis (Changes in pH and Titratable Acidity
Fermentation) 26
3.2.1. pH
determination 26
3.2.2. Total
titratable acidity (T.T.A) 26
3.3. Proximate
Analysis 26
3.4. Microbiological
Analysis 29
3.4.1. Isolation
and characterization of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from fermented
maize flour. 29
Enumeration of bacteria in the
fermented samples. 30
Enumeration of fungi in the fermented
samples. 31
Characterization and identification of
bacteria 31
Characterization and identification of
fungi 32
3.5. Sensory
Analysis 32
3.6. Molecular
Analysis 33
3.6.1. DNA
extraction 33
3.6.2. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 35
3.6.3. DNA sequencing, analysis and species identification 35
3.6.4. Blasting 36
3.7. Statistical Analysis 36
4.1 Results 37
Characterization and identification of
bacteria from maize fermentation 37
Characterization and identification of bacteria
from ugba fermentation 40
Characterization and identification of fungi
from maize fermentation 43
4.1.4. Characterization and identification of fungi
from ugba fermentation 45
Microbial quality of fermented maize flour
supplemented with ugba
blends 47
Molecular analysis (16s rRNA
identification) 49
4.1.7 Physicochemical
analysis (pH of the samples during
fermentation) 53
4.1.8 Physicochemical
analysis (titratable acidity (TTA) analysis of the
during fermentation 56
4.1.9 Proximate
composition of fermented maize flour supplemented with
Ugba flour blends 59
4.1.10 Sensory
evaluation of ogi porridges blended with grinded
Pentaclethra macrophylla seeds at different ratios. 61
4.2 Discussion 63
Conclusion and Recommendation 70
4.1: Biochemical
characterization of bacteria from fermented maize flour 38
4.2: Biochemical
characterization of bacteria from Ugba 41
Characterization of fungi from
fermented maize flour 44
Characterization of fungi from Ugba 46
4.5: Microbial
quality of the fermented maize flour supplemented with Ugba 48
4.6: Molecular
identification and characterization of LAB 50
4.7: Proximate
analysis of fermented maize flour supplemented with
Ugba flour blends 60
4.8: Sensory
evaluation of Ogi porridges blended
with Ugba at different ratios 62
Flow chat for the production of Ogi 14
2.2: Flow
chart showing processes involved in Ugba
production 23
pH of fermented maize flour at 0 to
12 hours of fermentation period. 54
pH of Ugba flour blends at 0 to 24 hours of fermentation period. 55
Titratable acidity (TTA) of fermented
maize flour at 0 to 12 hours of
fermentation period. 57
Titratable acidity (TTA) of Ugba flour blends at 0 to 24 hours of
fermentation period. 58
Patterns of food consumption are recognizable ways
that is developed over time and can be controlled by factors such as physical
and social
factors (Ziegler et al., 2002). The
choices of the quality and quantity of food a person eat have effect on their
welfare and the society at large (Hawarlin, 2007). Balanced food intake or
proper eating habits is important for nutritional well being and plays a role
in maintaining healthy living preventing the incidence of diseases and the rate
of mortality (Allen, 2009). The importance of food in any country cannot be
overemphasized as good nutritional status contributes to the civil and
industrial development of the country.
In underdeveloped nations such as Nigeria, there are
three major nutritional (especially micronutrient) deficiencies: iodine
deficiency disorders, vitamin A deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia,
considered as health issues to the populace and the Nigerian government have
instituted programmes like food enrichment or fortification to manage these
deficiencies (Allen, 2009). Food fortification is the process of micronutrients
addition (important elements, minerals and vitamins) to food. It involves the
deliberate increase of the important micronutrient present in staple foods
regardless of whether they were originally present or absent in the food
leading to the enhancement of micronutrient
deficiencies and providing the populace with reduced health risks (FAO,
2010). Staple foods that are commonly fortified foods include cereals and
cereal based products, milk and milk products, fats and oils, infant formulas,
accessory food items, flours, bread, rice, milk, margarine, salt, sugar,
cookies, soy milk and orange juice (Allen, 2009).
Cereals like wheat, rice, maize and millets are staple
food grain for most people across the globe because they are rich in supplying
nutrients such as carbohydrates and calorie to them. Also, processing these
grains to traditional products leads to addition of value and to the
development of newer products that offer better, diversified products, cheaper
and improved nutritional qualities.
order to solve the problems of micronutrient deficiencies and stop their
reoccurrence, it is necessary to fortify these foods based on the nutritional
needs of the country’s population and their dietary practices. For example,
wheat flour fortification that helps in reducing nutritional deficiencies such
as anaemia is a globally accepted practice (Barkley et al., 2015).
Ugba is a protein based
fermented food condiment obtained from African oil bean (Pentaclethra
macrophylla) seeds and used to complement the nutritional content of some
foods. Ugba is obtained from
natural fermentation involving different groups of microorganisms such as Bacillus,
Micrococcus, and lactic acid bacteria (LAB) (Enujiugha 2009). It is
important in meals as it provide good sources of proteins micronutrients,
edible oils and fats, having high nutritive and calorific values in the foods
(Enujiugha and Akanbi, 2005).
Fortification of food is a public
health intervention programme that is efficient and economical to achieve as
the nutrients regularly used in fortification plays important roles in the host
such as disease prevention, improved productivity and increased immune systems
as well as psychological development (Ayelign et al., 2012). However, a distinct prerequisite is the need for the consumption of the fortified food(s) in
sufficient quantities by majority of the required population. Most times, food
vehicles that have the food industry’s support are preferable, and also
important to make use of forticants that are readily absorbed and do not have
effects on the sensory properties of the food (Ayelign et al., 2012).
The process of fortifying foods with
sources that are rich in micronutrients helps in reducing micronutrient
malnutrition when and where existing supplies and limited access to food are
unable to add the necessary levels of supplements in the food. In which cases,
it supports and reinforces programmes that improve nutrition and is therefore,
considered as part of a wider, integrated approach for preventing micronutrient
malnutrition (MNM), in combination with other strategies to enhance the
micronutrient status (Loffi et al.,
is a great increase in micronutrient malnutrition due to poor dietary
consumption in developing countries resulting from the consumption of foods
high in carbohydrates and deficient in protein, substantially contributing to
the burden of diseases worldwide. The need for supplementation with proteineous
sources will improve the nutritional qualities of carbohydrate rich foods and
also, help in combating protein malnutrition.
1. The
aim of the study is to determine the microbial and nutritive qualities of
fermented maize flour supplemented with fermented Ugba flour blends.
1. Determination
of the microbial, physicochemical and proximate evaluation of the fermented
maize flour and Ugba flour blends.
2. Determination
of the microbial quality, physicochemical parameters and proximate evaluation
of the fermented maize flour supplemented with Ugba flour blends.
3. Evaluation
of the sensory properties of fermented maize flour porridge blended with Ugba flour blends.
utilization of Ugba (fermented legume
crop) in the fortification of maize flour is an attempt to bring this protein
crop into an acceptable form of food. Foods made from such a mixture will
undoubtedly have a significant function in the nutrition of children,
vulnerable groups and at-risk populations, the poor local villagers, even the
urban dwellers as it may provide a cheaper, more nutritious and healthier
source of nutrition.
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