This study was to determining the microorganisms associated with refuse dump sites in Aba Metropolis, Abia State. A total of four (4) decomposing wastes and soil samples each were collected from various locations under study. Theses samples were cultured on Nutrient Agar Plate and Basic Czapek-dox Agar using spread plate technique. A total of six (6) bacterial and three (3) fungal species were obtained comprising of Rhizopus stolonifer, Aspergillus niger, Rhodotorula specie, Bacillus species, Micrococcus species, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella species, and Serratia species. From this study, the total viable microbial counts from the waste dumpsite ranged from 3.3 × 105 cfu/g to 9.9 × 105cfu/g. Total Heterotrophic Plate Count (THPC) ranged from 6.2 × 105 cfu/g to 8.4 × 105 cfu/g, Total Coliform Plate Count (TCPC) ranged from 3.3 × 105 cfu/g to 9.9 × 105cfu/g, Total Fungal Plate Count ranged from 3.9 × 105 cfu/g to 4.5 × 105 cfu/g, while the total viable microbial counts of the decomposing waste ranged from 3.5 × 105cfu/g to 7.5 × 105cfu/g. Total Heterotrophic Plate Counts (THPC) ranged from 5.0 × 105 cfu/g to 7.1 × 105 cfu/g. Total Coliform Plate Counts (TCPC) ranged from 3.5 × 105 cfu/g to 8.8 × 105cfu/g, Total Fungal Plate Counts (TFPC) ranged from 3.7 × 105 cfu/g to 4.6 × 105 cfu/g. Amongst the various decomposing wastes samples investigated, Dw4 had the highest microbial at 8.8 × 105, while the least was recorded for Dw3 at 3.1 × 106 . From the findings in this study, it was observed that Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus were the most frequently occurring isolates from the waste dumpsites with highest percentage occurrence of (25%) each. The degree of acidity (pH) recorded for all the dumpsites ranged from 0.5 to 7.8. Statistical analysis showed that there were significant differences in the meant counts from both the decomposing waste and waste from dumpsite at p < 0.05.
Page i
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgement v
of Contents vi
of Tables vii
Abstract ix
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Waste Dump Sites 1
1.3 What Is Refuse Dump? 3
1.4 Composition of Waste Dump Sites 6
1.5 Disadvantages of Waste Dump Sites 7
1.6 Benefit of Waste Dump Sites 8
1.7 Aim and Objectives 8
1.7.1 Objectives 9
2.1 What Are Waste? 10
2.2 Microorganisms Found in Waste Dump Sites 11
2.3 Waste Dump Sites as an Agent of Pollution 11
2.4 Activities carried out at Waste Dump
Sites 12
2.4.1 Composting 12
2.4.2 Incineration 13
2.4.3 Land filling 14
2.4.4 Sorting and Scavenging 15
2.5 Problems Associated With Waste Dump Sites 15
2.5.1 Poor Environmental
Education and Awareness 16
2.5.2. Lack of Suitable
Technologies 16
2.5.3. Lack of Incentives
to Recycling Initiatives 16
2.5.4. Poor Funding of
Environmental Agencies 17
2.6 Standard /Ways of Disposing Waste as Recommended by the
Government 17
2.6.1 Source Reduction 17
2.6.2 Recycling 17
2.6.3 Energy Recovery 18
2.6.4 Preventing
or reducing waste generation 18
2.7 Regulation on Environmental Dumping of
Waste 18
2.7.1 Adequate Environmental Education 18
2.7.2 Use of Suitable
Technologies 19
2.7.3 Provision of
Incentives to Recycling Initiatives 19
2.7.4 Proper Funding of
Environmental Agencies 19
2.8 Major Waste Dumpsites in Abia 19
3.1 Materials and Methods 20
3.2 Study Area 20
3.3 Sample Collection 20
3.4 Sterilization of Materials 21
3.5 Preparation of Media 21
3.6 Physico-Chemical Analyses 21
3.6.1 Determination of pH 21
3.6.2 Determination of Temperature 22
3.6.3 Determination of Carbon Content 22
3.6.4 Inoculation of Sample 22
3.6.5 Isolation of Pure Culture 22
3.7 Identification of Bacteria Isolates 23
3.7.1 Motility 23
3.7.2 Morphological
Identification 23
3.7.3 Gram
Staining Procedure 23
3.8 Biochemical
Tests 24
3.8.1 Catalase
Test 24
3.8.2 Lactose
and Mannitol Fermentation Test 24
3.8.3 Voges-proskauer
Test 24
3.8.4 Urease
Test 24
3.8.5 Indole
Test 24
3.8.6 Citrate
Utilization Test 25
3.9 Identification of Fungal Isolates 25
3.9.1 Wet Preparation 25
3.9.2 Colonial Morphology 25
4.1 Result 26
5.1 Discussion,
Conclusion and Recommendation 34
5.2 Discussion 34
5.3 Conclusion 35
5.4 Recommendation 36
Viable Counts (TVC) of Isolates from soil sample at the Waste Dumpsites
Viable Counts (TVC) Of Isolate from the decomposing waste at the waste dumpsite
identification of bacteria isolates biochemical sugar utilization
characteristics and gram reaction
and Characterization of Fungal Isolates
Occurrence of Isolates from Waste Dump Site Sample
Analysis of Waste Dump Site Samples | |
developing nations, a great proportion of solid waste generated are dumped
either in controlled landfills or open dumps which constitute sources of health
risks to surrounding residents. The use of sanitary landfills is not feasible
for many waste management authorities of most countries due to cost
constraints. In their study of health risks of urban solid waste landfill sites
in Sao Paulo (Govan and Prado, 2009) discovered that in Brazil; only 47% of all
the garbage collected were disposed of in sanitary landfills, 23% in controlled
landfills while the remaining 30% were in open dumps. For Manzini city in
Swaziland (Abul, 2010) confirmed that open dumpsites rather than secured
landfills are more in number for waste disposal and this constitutes great health
hazards to the residents. Such open dumps are found on the outskirts of urban
areas which form breeding sites for disease-carrying vectors in the
cost issue has prompted some municipal government authorities in some
developing nations to adopt cost-reduction program as well as conservation
tenets of "reduce, reuse, and recycle" to reduce the level of waste
generation and recycle others, whether biodegradable or non-biodegradable
items. This is being achieved through aggressive community education of
consumers and producers on waste reduction methods, while institutions and
businesses that could buy up discarded materials are facilitated to enhance
recycling and reuse. These activities not only have positive environmental
impact on the communities involved, but also have an important economic
dimension (Goldman and Ogishi, 2001). The preponderance of open dumps in many
developing nations has spurred the need to examine the health implications of
such dumps to the surrounding residents. For instance, (Yongsi et al., 2008) conducted a
cross-sectional epidemiological study to examine the health risks of different
waste disposal system in Cameroun. The study found a 14% diarrheic prevalence
among the respondents and a strong statistical association was found between
household refuse management methods and incidence of diarrhea among the
respondents. (Salam, 2010) examined the health impact of solid waste management
among residents around the Mangwaneni Dumpsite in Swaziland. The study is unique
in that the respondents were stratified by the distance of their homes to the
first group are those having their homes within 200 metres radius, while the
second group live from 200 metres and beyond from the Manzini Dumpsite in
Swaziland. The study, which was conducted among 78 households found a negative
relationship between the distance of residential apartments from dumpsite and
being affected by the dumpsite pollution. This study has adopted similar
approach towards the determination of health, economic and labour supply
implications of living around waste dump sites in Nigeria. Studies relating to
the health status and its labour market implications for residents around waste
dump sites in Nigeria are few. The studies by (Babatunde and Biala, 2010;
Yahaya et al., 2011) only examined
the externality arising from production and consumption of sachet water in
Kwara State while (Yahaya et al.,
2011) made an attempt to determine the contamination level and the distribution
of pathogenic substances in well water located near the municipal solid and
liquid wastes in Zaria, Northern Nigeria. Since there appears to be unanimity
in literature that improper waste management and indiscriminate littering of
the environment are linked to diseases arising from air, land, water and
environmental pollution, it is thus imperative to examine the magnitude of the
impact of such health effects on those living in close proximity with pollution
sources. This study is an attempt to fill this yawning gap.
dumpsite is an arena specifically used for the disposal of wastes. It is an old
traditional method of waste disposal similar to landfill method of waste
management (Adama, 2007). Wastes may be generated during the extraction of raw
materials, the processing of raw materials into intermediate and final
products, the consumption of final products, and other human activities.
Residuals recycled or reused at the place of generation are excluded
(Ogwueleka, 2009). With population increase, there is increase in solid waste
production making garbage pollution a serious problem (Ogbonna et al.,
2012). Waste management in developing countries is usually equated with land
disposal or discharge into water bodies (Awosusi, 2010). This method of waste
management is unscientific; a nuisance to the public, hence, the resultant
effect is pollution. When waste is dumped on land, microorganisms such as
bacteria and fungi proliferate using the components of the waste materials as
source of nutrient for growth as well as degrading the organic materials in the
waste (Zender, 2005).
dumps refer to areas or land sites where material wastes from several sources
and processes are deposited. Refuse dumps include both municipal solid wastes
and industrial wastes including liquid effluents containing heavy metals
(Olanrewaju, 2002). Refuse dumps provide a rich source of microorganisms most
of which are pathogenic (Odeyemi et al., 2011). Amassing waste and its
management process is still a life threatening situation. Proper waste disposal
methods and treatment is of great concern with respect to the quality of life
and the environment we live in (Fakere et al., 2012). Adedej (2005)
revealed that the overall quality of lives of human beings, to a great extent,
depends on the quality of our environment. Thus improving on environmental
sanitation improves on the living conditions and health status of the populace
(Fakere et al., 2012). Humans’ exposure to unhealthy disposal and
management of waste is responsible for a majority of health risks and disease
vectors (Ogbonna et al., 2012). Various disposal methods have been
investigated and reported in past literatures. Each method has its own
associated health effects and risks. Burning of waste for example either in
incinerators, burn pits or open air releases harmful substances like dioxins,
mercury, furan and polychlorinated biphenyls into the environment. These
pollutants linger for a long time and have the tendency to bio-accumulate and
is absorbed indirectly through food and water. When combustion of waste is
incomplete, carbon monoxide is released into the atmosphere and absorbed by the
blood and the lungs (Zender, 2005). In some studies on waste disposal, (Babatola,
2008; Awosusi, 2010; Ogbonna et al., 2012) classified hospital waste,
industrial waste and some household waste as hazardous and toxic to humans,
animals and even plants due to contaminated chemicals in them which could
result in their being flammable, corrosive and/or explosive (Lekwot et al., 2012)
also reports that hospital waste is a public health risk.
of knowledge on associated health hazards resulting from improper disposal of
wastes, inadequate disposal tools and methods, misuse of available waste
disposal facilities creates opportunity for spread of diseases and infections
of all kinds such as cholera, diarrhea and typhoid fever among others. It also
encourages the infestation of flies, cockroaches and rats, devaluation of
properties close to dumpsites and air pollution (Orajekwe, 2011). Burying of
waste especially the non-biodegradable such as plastics and waterproofs results
in leaching of harmful chemicals into the soil and eventually the groundwater.
Burying waste and landfills gradually results in both air and water pollution.
Separation of waste is not usually taken into consideration at all as research
shows that both biodegradable and non-biodegradable are disposed of together.
Any unhealthy waste disposal method encourages scavengers to collect used
materials and recycle locally without going through the approved recycling
techniques and procedures to reduce the wide spread of diseases and ailments
presently plaguing humanity. The waste dumps are indiscriminately placed at
common site in developing countries. Waste management has not been rigorously
assessed in terms of the potential danger to the immediate environment and
public health. Trends towards the use of waste dump as a preferred method of
waste management might be altered if risks were adequately addressed and analyzed.
Massive waste dump as an efficient, safe and economic method of solid waste is
based on the supposition that such wastes are removed regularly and that the
waste stream can be effectively managed by a sole technique as if it were a
homogenous material. Failure to remove wastes as and when due allows for the
wide spread of litters in the environment, as the wastes lie, decomposition
takes place and microbial pathogens of all kinds develop.
risks of adverse human health from the dump sites may increase the population
of microbial pathogens, which is potentially highly significant, especially,
relative to the risks from residual composite soil, and unregulated evacuation
of wastes in and around homes and common sites. Of particular concern, are the
heterotrophic pathogens that were once thought to be harmless but now are of serious
public concern (Bartram et al.,
2003). People are connected to the common site by displacing material wares
between large spaces that are available. Buying and selling places i.e. market
becomes a common site within heaps of trash in these areas. Even children come
to stay with their mothers after school hours, incidence of occurrence and
concentration of microbial pathogens may fluctuate from place of place but such
fluctuations could not present public health hazard. However, bioaccumulation
and direct toxicity cannot be ruled out. Therefore, the population of
microorganisms in the soil and waste surfaces contributes to the overall
exposures of children in particulars to pathogens that are of public concern.
While these pathogens are often not at the forefront of public concern today,
it might be realized that bacterial counts in waste sites is for the purpose of
hygienic assessment of the local environment from socio-demographic perspective
(Odeyemi et al., 2011). This concern is heightened by the fact that the
so called indicators of the ‘sanitary quality’ of the environment, the fecal
coliforms, are unreliable indicators of the presence e of a number of key pathogenic
agents including Gram-negative non fermenting rods. Therefore, the present
study was conducted to assess the occurrence of microbial pathogens of waste
dumpsite and discuss its impact on public health.
two main points of the Zero waste‟ strategy from the European Union waste
legislation are to:
Promote good behavior amongst producers and households on how solid wastes
should be handled.
Promote new technologies that can totally transform these solid wastes to other
useful products
generation and its control have taken an important role in our environment.
With the doubling of population and changing lifestyle pattern of the
inhabitants and the quantity of municipal waste generated is increasing in an
alarming rate (Orajekwe, 2011). Most of this waste is subjected to dumping in a
specified disposal yard. The greatest challenge to the environmentalists is the
eco-friendly management of this waste and application of microorganisms in this
context has got an age over other available technologies. Organic waste is
consumed by the bacteria, used as nutrients by the bacteria, and is no longer
present to produce odors, sludge, pollution or unsightly mess. When bacteria
consume waste, they convert the waste into safe by products and in due course
of this conversion they actually produce several metabolites to break down the
complex waste into simple compounds.
the practices at dumpsites are not effective. Dumping is unrestricted to
industrial, agricultural, domestic and medical wastes and up in one site.
Dumpers do not always have easy access to the site at any time of the day,
therefore reducing the dumping of restricted materials, such as car batteries
and metals scavengers have free access to the dump, and they mix up the waste
as they dig into it to salvage any valuable material. As a result of poor
control, medical and hazardous wastes end up at municipal dumpsites even though
they have their own special dumping areas.The composition of waste dump sites
include organic materials (food waste), car batteries, metals, plastics,
industrial wastes and used papers (Ukpong et al., 2015)
dumps provide a rich source of microorganisms most of which are pathogenic
(Odeyemi et al., 2011). This is usually as a result of the attraction of
rodents and vector insects for which the dump serves as shelter and food source
(Donderski et al., 2000). Although it is known that vector insects and
rodents can transmit various pathogenic agents of diseases such as amoebic and
bacillary dysentery, typhoid fever, salmonellosis, cholera, plague and so on. A
good percentage of these infections are caused by bacteria which are suspended
in air around these refuse dumps which may later settle and cause
contamination. Activities involving the disposal of solid wastes even if
properly controlled with proper precautionary measures adopted may have adverse
impact on the environment especially air since most of the dumps are open.
Microorganisms present in the refuse use the refuse as a food source. Under the
anaerobic conditions typical in most dumps, these microorganisms convert the
organic material in the refuse to methane and carbon dioxide.
the gas rises through the dump and escapes into the atmosphere, it some-times
picks up other compounds. The presence of large amounts of methane in this
uncontrolled environment may result in explosions and fires. Additionally, this
untreated gas may contain other compounds that pose a substantial health risk
to nearby communities (Kerry et al., 2011). Many microbes can remain
viable even after extended periods of time aloft despite the challenges associated
with surviving in the atmosphere, including extended Ultraviolet exposure, low
moisture levels and extremely oligotrophic conditions (Jones and Harrison,
2004). Atmospheric transport is a key mode of microbial dispersal (Stetzenbach et
al., 2004) and the transmission of airborne plant and animal pathogens can
have significant impacts on ecosystems, human health and agricultural
Nigeria as well as in most developing countries, the urban landscapes are
littered with garbage, plastics, bottles, disposable cups, discarded tires and
even human and live-stock faeces. These wastes are aesthetically unpleasant,
constitute eyesores, produce unpleasant odour especially when their organic
compositions are acted upon by putrefying bacteria. These refuse dumps thus
constitute a habitat for vector and other nuisance organisms capable of
transmitting or causing diseases such as typhoid, infantile diarrhea and cholera
in humans and animals (Siboe et al.,
2006). Refuse dumps refer to areas or land sites where material wastes from
several sources and processes are deposited. Refuse dumps include both
municipal solid wastes and industrial wastes including liquid effluents
containing heavy metals (Olanrewaju, 2002). This study aimed at isolating
bacteria present in air around a specific municipal dump in different refuse
dump sites in Aba metropolis, identifying the isolated organisms.
dump sites harbored many microorganisms such as, bacteria, actinomycetes,
fungi, algae and protozoa, and among these groups, bacteria are the most
abundant group (Alexander, 2001)
and the most important microbe for decomposing waste. Bacteria use wastes for
their own metabolism and finally they produce some simple and useful compounds
which are important for soil health, plant growing and over all to keep well
balance of natural ecosystem.
study is aimed at determining the microorganisms associated with refuse dump
sites in Aba Metropolis, Abia State. The specific objectives of this study are;
To know the best method
of waste disposal for a healthier environment and the people living in the
To isolate and characterize
the microorganisms found in waste dump sites.
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