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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009181

No of Pages: 102

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This study examined the market orientation and participation of smallholder cassava agripreneurs in Abia State, Nigeria. The specific objectives were to describe the socio-economic profile of the cassava agripreneurs’, examine cassava agripreneurs’ market orientation and participation, estimate the determinnants of cassava agripreneurs’ market orientation and participation, examine the performance of cassava agripreneurs’, and examine the challenges faced by the cassava agripreneurs’. The study made use of multi-stage sampling techniques in selecting 120 respondents for the study. Data were collected through a well-structured questionnaire and analyzed with descriptive statistics (mean, frequency and percentage), market orientation and participation index, multiple regression, and net return analysis. The result of the descriptive statistics showed that most (60%) of the cassava agripreneurs were males, agripreneurs within the age bracket of 41-50 years participated more (65%), while most (75%) of the agripreneurs were married. Also, most (55%) of the respondents’ household size was between 4-6, and 67.5% of the respondents belonged to a cooperative society, while most (67.5) of the agripreneurs has secondary as their level of education.  Moreso, most (45%) of the respondents had 11-15 years of experience in market participation. Most agripreneurs (60%) had farm size of 0.1-1hectare, while most (71.67%) had access to market information. The result of the market participation index showed that 97.78% of the cassava products were highly commercialized, while the market orientation index of 0.82 indicates that the agripreneurs had high level of market orientation. The regression result for market participation index showed that labor, education, technology, credit, and market information were all directly related to market participation and significant at 1%. Experience, selling price and capital were positively signed, and significant at 5%, while gender and income were negatively signed with 5% and 10% levels of significant respectively. The regression result for market orientation index showed income, experience, labor, technology, gender, and credit were all directly related to market orientation and significant at 1%, while education, and market information were positively signed and both significant at 5%. Distance to market, and age were negatively related to market orientation and significant at 10% and 1% respectively. The net-return analysis result showed that on the average, a cassava agripreneur makes ₦997,158.63 profit for a production season, while the mean rating from the four-point likert scale result indicated that lack of infrastructure (2.58), lack of suitable planting equipment (2.68), low capital base (2.65), lack of technical expertise (2.71), and lack of mechanization/power (2.63) were accepted as a major challenge faced by the cassava agripreneurs as the mean scores for these challenges were above 2.50. The study concluded that a market-oriented approach and active participation will empower smallholder cassava agripreneurs to unlock their full potential, contribute to local economic development, and play a vital role in driving the growth of the cassava industry on a broader scale. Therefore, the study  recommends that youths and households are encouraged to participate in the business. This is because; cassava is a high-yielding crop, which obviously generates profit for farmers.


Cover page                                                                                                                  i

Declaration                                                                                                                 ii

Certification                                                                                                               iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                    v

Table of Contents                                                                                                       vi

List of Tables                                                                                                              ix

Abstract                                                                                                                      x



1.1  Background to the Study                                                                                1

1.2  Problem Statement                                                                                         3

1.3  Research Questions                                                                                        5

1.4  Objective of the Study                                                                                    5

1.5  Research Hypotheses                                                                                     6

1.6  Justification of the Study                                                                                6


2.1 Conceptual Review                                                                                               8

2.1.1 Concept of market orientation                                                                           8

2.1.2 Concept of market participation                                                                                    9

2.1.3 Concept of small holder farmers                                                                       12

2.1.4 General information on cassava (Manihot Esculenta Crantz)                                    13

2.1.5 Economic importance and uses of cassava                                                       14

2.2 Theoretical Framework                                                                                        16

2.2.1 Market oriented theory                                                                                      16

2.2.2 Social change theory                                                                                         19

2.2.3 Location theory                                                                                                  20

2.2.4 Theory of reasoned action                                                                                 22

2.2.5 Engel, Kollat, Blackwell (EKB) model                                                             25

2.2.6 Consumer demand theory                                                                                  26

2.3 Empirical Framework                                                                                           28

2.4 Analytical Framework                                                                                          35

2.4.1 Descriptive statistics                                                                                          35

2.4.2 Market participation                                                                                          36 Market orientation                                                                                          38

2.4.3 Regression analysis                                                                                           39

2.4.4 Net return                                                                                                           42

2.4.5 Four-point rating scale                                                                                      44


3.1 Study Area                                                                                                            46

3.2 Sampling Technique                                                                                             47

3.3 Method of Data Collection                                                                                   48

3.4 Method of Data Analysis                                                                                      48

3.5 Model Specification                                                                                             48

3.5.1 Market participation                                                                                          48

3.5.2 Market orientation                                                                                             48

3.5.3 OLS multiple regression model                                                                         49

3.5.4 Net return analysis                                                                                             50

3.5.5 Four-point rating scale                                                                                      50


4.1 Socio-economic Characteristics of Respondents                                                 52

4.2 Level of Cassava Agripreneurs’ Market Orientation and Participation               56

4.2.1 Level of market participation                                                                            56

4.2.2 Level of market orientation                                                                               56

4.3 Determinants of Market Participation and Orientation                                        57

4.3.1 Determinants of market participation                                                               57

4.3.2 Determinants of market orientation                                                                  62

4.4 Performance of the Cassava Agripreneurs                                                           66

4.5 Challenges faced by the Cassava Agripreneurs                                                   67                               


5.1 Summary                                                                                                              69       

5.2 Conclusion                                                                                                            70       

5.3 Recommendations                                                                                                71










3.1 Distribution of Respondents by Proportionate Sampling                                     47

4.1 Distribution of Respondents by their Socio-economic Characteristics            52

4.2 Level of Market Participation                                                                              56

4.3 Determinants of Market Participation                                                                  58

4.4 Determinants of Market Orientation                                                                    63

4.5 Net Return Analysis of Cassava Agripreneurs                                                     66

4.6 Challenges faced by the Cassava Agripreneurs                                                   67








Market orientation is an agribusiness marketing strategy that focuses on recognizing consumer requirements and preferences with the view of meeting them (Cadogan et al., 2002; Shim et al., 2018). Market orientation is a business philosophy that emphasizes on identifying and meeting consumer needs and desires. It involves aligning product development, marketing, and other business activities with the demands of customers and the dynamics of the market. Recent research shows that agripreneurs should pursue market orientation to gain long-term competitive advantages through market participation (Saleh et al., 2021). An agripreneurs' capacity to participate in a market successfully and efficiently is referred to as "market participation." It is the active involvement of producers, suppliers, and other stakeholders in the market ecosystem. It encompasses various activities such as production, distribution, promotion, and sales aimed at effectively reaching and satisfying customers within the target market. In the context of cassava, market orientation involves understanding the preferences of consumers and adapting cassava products accordingly, while market participation involves ensuring that cassava producers, processors and traders have the necessary resources, information, and infrastructure to bring their products to market efficiently, thereby contributing to economic growth and improved livelihoods within the cassava value chain. By participating in the market, agripreneurs becomes an active actor in the value chain of any agricultural product (Kyaw et al., 2018; Adino et al., 2021). It has been estimated that about 90% of smallholder farmers in West Africa cultivate cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) as a staple crop, making it a critical product for agripreneurs (Sanni et al., 2009; Ojiakor et al., 2017; Ikuemonisan et al., 2020). There are numerous ways in which agripreneurs can utilize cassava as a source of food, feed, and raw material. Cassava is grown by 98% of smallholder crop farmers in Abia State, which means that most of the state's agripreneurs relies heavily on the crop (Apu and Oragwam, 2009; Onyebinama and Onyejelem, 2010; Udensi et al., 2011; Onya et al., 2016). The socio-economic conditions of the cassava agripreneurs are significantly dependent on their market orientation and ability to participate in the market actively (Onya et al., 2016).

Cassava agripreneurs in Abia State face conditions that limit their socio-economic well-being; for example, most cannot afford to hire professional labour, sufficient experience and lack the basic infrastructure that will improve their market orientation and participation for increased wealth creation (Nwakor et al., 2011; Ukeje et al., 2017; Osuji et al., 2019). In addition, most agripreneurs in the study area are resource-poor because of their limited access to technical education, income, land, equipment, which has disadvantaged them from going into commercial farming and industrial processing (Ikuemonisana and Adenegan, 2020; Agbeze et al., 2020; Obayelu et al., 2021). Critically, cassava agripreneurs face the challenge of credit access, utilization, and repayment (Onwusiribe et al., 2015; Abasilim et al., 2019). Therefore, the interest rate and credit worthiness of agripreneurs and other socio-economic concerns affect the ability of cassava agripreneurs to improve their market orientation and participate actively in the market (Achoja, 2020; Pang et al., 2020).

The majority of cassava agripreneurs are active participants in the cassava value chain and market (James et al., 2011; Madu et al., 2018). Agripreneurs are involved in cassava farming, seedling and stem production, root processing and value addition, distribution, and supply. Agripreneurs ensure that there is enough production to meet market demand. Some agripreneurs, particularly in developed economies, engage in contract cassava production. Cassava agripreneurs aggregate smallholder cassava farmers' output, thereby creating a market for them. Agripreneurs bridge the market gap between farmers, manufacturers, and end-users. Agripreneurs must have a fully developed market orientation to explore their potential in the cassava value chain. The development of market orientation and participation of cassava agripreneurs are critical for their sustainability and profitability (Avlonitis. and Gounaris, 1999).

The firm and market-specific conditions required for their performance determine cassava agripreneurs market orientation and participation (Avlonitis and Gounaris, 1999). The market-specific determinants consider customer need, demand and supply forces, price, market size, market information, decision-making, and competition (Na et al., 2019). In addition, product quality, management, marketing strategies, production risk, value chain, government regulations, labour size, and other firm-specific factors influence cassava agripreneurs market orientation and participation (Powpaka, 1998). With this background information, it is possible to examine the market orientation and participation of cassava agripreneurs in Abia State, Nigeria.


Market orientation involves understanding the preferences of consumers and adapting cassava products accordingly. Market participation on the other hand is ensuring that cassava producers, processors and traders have the necessary resources, information, and infrastructure to bring their products to market efficiently, thereby contributing to economic growth and improved livelihoods within the cassava value chain.

The issue of limited access to credit and production inputs is a significant challenge for cassava agripreneurs, as they struggle to find adequate capital to finance their investments and maintain healthy working capital to improve their market orientation (Christopher et al., 2019).

According to some researchers, lack of infrastructure, insufficient land preparation or land tenure system, lack of suitable planting materials and equipment, lack of mechanization and power, soil infertility, and land pressure are among the most commonly reported constraints to the production of cassava products for the market (Pingali and Rosegran, 1995; Sam and Dappah, 2009; Otsuka and Place, 2014).

The cassava agripreneurship landscape is marked by various dimensions encompassing socio-economic characteristics, factors influencing market engagement, the impact on an agripreneurs performance, and challenges faced by agripreneurs involved in cassava production. However, there exists a gap in comprehensive understanding and analysis of these factors, hindering the development of effective strategies and policies to promote sustainable cassava agribusiness. Therefore, there is a pressing need for an in-depth investigation to bridge this gap and provide actionable insights for policymakers, researchers, and practitioners in the agricultural sector.

 Based on the socio-economic and other constraints that limit market participation and orientation of cassava agripreneurs, it is critical to analyze the market orientation and participation of cassava agripreneurs in Abia State, Nigeria.



i.      What are the socio-economic characteristics of cassava agripresneurs?

ii.     What are the threshold of market participation and market orientation of cassava agripreneurs?

iii.   What are the determinants of cassava agripreneurs’ market participation and orientation?

iv.   How does agripreneurs involvement in the market affect the performance of cassava enterprises?

v.     What are the challenges that cassava agripreneurs face in market participation?



The broad objective of this study was to analyze the market orientation and participation of cassava agripreneurs in Abia State, Nigeria. The specific objectives are to:

i.      describe the socio-economic profile of the cassava agripreneurs;

ii.     examine cassava agripreneurs' market orientation and participation;

iii.   estimate the determinants of cassava agripreneurs market orientation and participation;

iv.   examine the performance of cassava agripreneurs;

v.     examine the challenges faced by the cassava agripreneurs.


Ho1: income, experience, labour, education of agripreneur, technology, gender of agripreneur, age of agripreneur, selling price, distance to market, access to credit, access to market information, and capital have no significant impact on market orientation of the cassava agripreneurs

Ho2: income, experience, labour, education of agripreneur, technology, gender of agripreneur, age of agripreneur, selling price, distance to market, access to credit, access to market information, and capital have no significant impact on market participation of the cassava agripreneurs

Ho3: lack of infrastructure, insufficient land preparation, lack of suitable planting materials and equipment, low capital base, lack of technical expertise, lack of mechanization and power, and soil infertility, are not significant constraints to the market orientation of the cassava agripreneurs

Ho4: lack of infrastructure, insufficient land preparation, lack of suitable planting materials and equipment, low capital base, lack of technical expertise, lack of mechanization and power, and soil infertility are not significant constraints to the market participation of the cassava agripreneurs


Many development economists and policymakers stress market-driven growth. Agricultural food marketing is a crucial factor in agricultural growth and development. In most developing countries, boosting agricultural output requires raising farmer productivity, which cannot be achieved without markets that successfully bind thousands of widely distributed producers into an integrated national economy. As a result, an effective agricultural marketing system is critical to development. Increased market engagement by smallholder producers can increase their income and level of living by stimulating surplus production.

Participation in the output market has also been linked to development. Open markets allow enterprises to sell surplus output, raise income, and purchase other goods and services. As a result, more affluent poor enterprises want more goods and services, stimulating growth. Increasing agricultural GDP and diversifying economic activity away from the oil industry are key objectives of many governments in Nigeria.

Adding value to raw materials is one strategy to support agricultural expansion. However, increasing cassava production area and yield without sufficient storage facilities and connecting businesses to the market may hinder cassava growth.

The findings of this study will help policymakers establish and implement strategies to promote young entrepreneurs marketing of cassava products, empower smallholder cassava agripreneurs to unlock their full potential, contribute to local economic development, and play a vital role in driving the growth of the cassava industry on a broader scale. It will also aid academics and researchers

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