This study investigated the differences in growth and susceptibility pattern of coliform bacteria isolated from fish pond, stream and borehole waters. This was done by determining the presence of coliform bacteria as Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp and Enterobacter spp, Citrobacter and their antibiotic susceptibility profile using commercially prepared antibiotic discs. Results showed that Escherichia coli 17% was more predominant borehole waters than the stream and fish pond waters. The growth of colifroms at different temperatures depict that E. coli and Citrobacter grew very well at temperature range between 30oC to 45oC whereas Enterobacter sp and Klebsiella sp grew fairly well at thermophilic temperature of 45oC. The susceptibility profile of the isolates to ten antimicrobial agents indicated that majority of the isolates showed little susceptibility and was highly resistant to the following antimicrobial agents (nitrofurantoin, amoxycillin, ampicillin, ciprofloxacin, tetracycline, norbactin/norfloxacin, ofloxacin, cefuroxime and gentamicin). This showed that they exhibit multi-drug resistance pattern which is a common feature of medically important coliform bacteria. None of the water sources met the WHO microbiological standards for drinking water and thus pose a serious health risk to its consumers and users if not properly treated. This study suggests that more check should be put in place in order to maintain the WHO standards for borehole water drilling which recommends that boreholes should be located at least 30m away from latrines and 17m from septic tanks as most of the faecal contamination of pipe waters is caused by the seepage of faecal materials into leaking pipes.
Title page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Table of contents v
List of tables vii
Abstract viii
1.2 Water quality changes 1
1.3 Water quality challenges 4
1.4 Biological
indicators of water quality 6
1.5 Aims
and objectives 7
2.1 Coliform
2.2 Coliform bacteria
2.3 Environmental
significance 16
3.1 Collection of water samples 19
3.2 Growth media used 19
3.3 Sterilization 19
3.4 Enumeration of bacteria 20
3.5 Identification
of bacterial isolates 20
3.6 Gram staining 20
3.7 Biochemical
cultural characteristics 21
3.7.0 Coagulase
test 21
3.7.1 Citrate
test 21
3.7.2 Motility,
indole, urease test (MIU) 20
3.7.3 Triple sugar iron test 22
3.7.4 Oxidase test 22
3.8 Antibiotic
susceptibility studies 22
5.1 Discussion 31
5.2 Conclusion 33
5.3 Recommendation 33
References 35
Table Title
1: Total viable count 25
2: Biochemical
and cultural and morphological characteristics of isolates 26
3: The
total coliform count of bacterial isolates 27
4: The
prevalence of coliform from bacterial isolates 28
5: Growth
of coliform bacteria at different temperatures 29
6: Percentage
resistance of coliform bacteria isolates from test samples to 30
quality is defined in terms of the chemical, physical, and biological
characteristics of water, usually in respect to its suitability for an intended
purpose (Meybeck et al., 1996). No single measure constitutes good water
quality; this is because the quality of water appropriate for recreational
purposes differs from that used for industrial processes. Also water suitable
for drinking can be used for irrigation, but water used for irrigation may not
meet drinking water guidelines (USDA-CSREES, 2001). Water quality is an
important determinant of availability because water which is not fit for use is
in effect unavailable. The quality and quantity
of available water have implication on the health status of a community.
Polluted water is the major reason for the spread of many endemic diseases like
skin and eye infections, cholera, tuberculosis, typhoid, diarrhea, viral
hepatitis A and even death (Harrison, 1958; Lenat and Crawford, 1994; Biggs,
1995; Gergel et al.,1999 et al., 2003; Donohue et
al., 2006, and Khan et al.,2012
50,000 people die daily due to water borne diseases (Herschy, 1999), also
mortality in children less than five years due to water related diseases
annually is estimated to be about 4 million in under developed countries. In
addition, the World Health Organization estimates that 3.4 million people,
mostly children, die every year from water-related disease (WHO, 2004). Ota is
the capital of Ado-Odoota Local Government Area in Ogun State, with an
estimated 163,783 residents living in or around there. The primary influence on
groundwater and surface water quality in Ota is the contamination brought about
by human activity. These contaminations include fertilizers and pesticides in
agricultural runoff, domestic waste water industrial wastewater, septic tank
leachate, and hydrologic modifications. In Nigeria, availability of quality
water has become a significant and imperative challenge posing a great concern
to families, communities and the Government (Okonko et al.,2008 Statistics
survey from Ota State Hospital from March, 2011 to February, 2012 revealed over
415 cases of water borne diseases and few death cases due to faecal
contamination of water. It is therefore important that the quality (physical,
chemical and water in Ota be monitored so as to prevent more health hazards in
the environment. The ensuring of good quality drinking water is a basic factor
in guaranteeing public health, the protection of the environment and
sustainable development (Ranjini et al.,
2010). Water of good drinking quality is of basic importance to human
physiology and man’s continued existence depends very much on its availability
(Lemikanra, 1999; FAO, 1997). The provision of portable water to rural and
urban population is necessary to prevent health hazards associated with poor
drinking water (Nikoladze and Akastal 1989; Lemo, 2002). A significant
proportion of the world’s population use potable water for drinking, cooking,
personal and home hygiene (WHO, 2004). Before water can be described as
potable, it has to comply with certain physical, chemical and microbiological
standards, which are designed to ensure that the water is potable and safe for
drinking (Tebutt, 1983). Potable water is defined as water that is free from
disease producing microorganisms and chemical substances deleterious to health
(Ihekoronye and Ngoddy, 1985).Water is the most common solvent for many
substances and it rarely occurs in its pure nature (Caccio, 1973). Water can be
obtained from a number of sources, among which are streams, lakes, rivers,
ponds, rain, springs andwells (Okonko et
al., 2008).Drinking water has always been a major issue in many countries,
especially in developing countries like Nigeria (Rajietal., 2010). In Nigeria,
majority of the rural populace do not have access to potable water and
therefore, depend on well, stream and river water for domestic use
(Shittuetal., 2008). Waterof good drinking quality is of basic importance to
human physiology and man’s continued existence depends very much on its
availability (Lamikanra, 1999; FAO, 1997). The provision of portable water to
the rural and urban population is necessary to prevent health hazards (Obi and
Okocha, 2007).The failure in government responsibility to provide potable water
has made the people of Eyaen community to source for water from other available
sources. Supplies are usually derived from springs, rivers, boreholes, streams,
and reservoirs. They depend solely on wells and boreholes as their sources, in
dry seasons when some of the wells would have dried, many people buy water from
water tankers who hawk with their vehicle or fetching from nearby rivers to
meet their daily needs. This situation may lead to water borne diseases even as
water hawking business is booming in the town. During passage through the
ground, water dissolves minerals in rocks, collect suspended particulate
matter, particularly those of organic sources as well as pathogenic
micro-organisms from faecal matters (Onuh and Isaac, 2009). In some areas,
water sources are shared with the animals making the water dirty and
contaminated. The quality and quantity of available water have implication on
the health status of a community. Over 50,000 people die daily due to water
borne diseases (Marque et al., 2003).
About 2.3 billion people Worldwide have mortality and morbidity associated with
water related ailment. Certain minerals are also toxic such as the heavy
metals. Although, some of the heavy metals such as Zinc, manganese, nickel, and
copper act as micro-nutrients at lower concentrations, but become toxic at
higher concentrations. Health risk due to heavy metal contamination of water
through soil has been reported (Eriyamremu et
al., 2005; Muchiweti et al.,
2006, Singh et al., 2010). Therefore,
auditing and monitoring of physic-chemical, minerals, and microbial quality of
drinking water as fast becoming an essential aspect of water quality studies.
Dirty and polluted water can contain many harmful organisms including pathogenic
bacteria, which cause diseases like cholera, bacillary dysentery, typhoid, and
diarrhea. Disinfection of water aims to kill these pathogens without leaving
any harmful chemical substances in the water. Coliform bacteria, thermotolerant
(faecal) coliforms and Escherichia coli have for almost a century been
used as indicators of the bacterial safety of drinking water (Leclerc et
al., 2001). Water quality guidelines state that drinking water must not
contain waterborne pathogens. More specifically, Escherichia coli or
thermotolerant coliforms should not be present in any 100 ml sample of drinking
water (WHO 2004). The guidelines further state that should this value be
exceeded, immediate investigative action must be taken, including repeated
testing, thorough inspection of the water source, and the general hygiene of
the water distribution system. Unlike other indicators, such as Escherichia
coli or total coliforms, low concentrations of heterotrophic plate count
(HPC) bacteria will still be present after treatment of drinking water. In
general, water purification can achieve heterotrophic bacteria concentrations
of 10 colony-forming units (CFU) per milliliter or less in finished water (Fox
and Reasoner, 1999).
Natural waters are subject to important changes in
their microbial quality. These changes have direct impacts on the decisions
made by water authorities striving to maintain safe conditions in catchments or
distribution systems. Correct decision making by water authorities relies
heavily on having access to rapid and accurate bacteriological data (Daniel et
al., 2003). This can be obtained by using
HPC, which is a suitable tool for monitoring changes in bacterial water
quality over time for a particular catchment or distribution system (Daniel et
al., 2003).Changes in the microbial quality of water may arise from
agricultural use, discharges of sewage, wastewater resulting from human
activity, and storm or surface water runoff. Previous studies have suggested
that sewage effluents contain a wide variety of pathogenic microorganisms whose
density and variety are related to the size of the human population, the
seasonal incidence of the illness, and dissemination of pathogens within the
community (Pipes, 1982). Discharge of domestic sewage into water bodies also
depletes dissolved oxygen leading to low dissolved oxygen concentrations and
high numbers of enteric bacteria. An improvement of water quality is associated
with an increase in the concentration of dissolved oxygen and a decrease in the
load of faecal coliforms. Changes in
water conductivity results from changes in the mineral composition of water,
which may be caused by seasonal variations in the chemical composition of the
various sources of water. It may also indicate sewage, industrial or
agricultural pollution or intrusion of saline waters. Determination of various
water quality properties on a regular basis may, therefore reveal a need to
adjust water treatment according to changes in raw water quality.
Livestock practices that can impact on water quality include both
intensive and non-intensive operations. Intensive agricultural livestock
operations (waste management and disposal) have been identified as point
sources of pollution to streams. In water scarce areas, livestock and wildlife
density tends to be high in water catchment areas and near water sources due to
the presence of pasture and water. These animals generate large quantities of
wastes. Water quality changes associated with livestock production include
changes in nutrients loads, (nitrogen and phosphorus), microorganisms (e.g.
bacteria, faecal coliforms, Cryptosporidium, Giardia) and organic
material such as livestock wastes. Localized concentration of animal waste is
considered a point source of pollution for surface or ground water. Lack of
manure management can adversely affect the water quality of receiving streams,
its aquatic life, and reuse of the water downstream for agricultural,
recreational and drinking water purposes. High animal densities within the
catchment area of a water source may lead to the loss of protective cover of
grasses, herbs, and shrubs due to trampling, grazing and browsing action. This
exposes the soil to agents of erosion. Increased erosion results in a loss of
organic matter, fine soil particles, nutrients, and microbes in the soil
(Harper and Marble 1988; Schimel et al., 1985; Belnap, 1995). They may
be transported by surface runoff to eventually contaminate drinking water.
The presence of faecal coliforms (over 99 % of which are Escherichia
coli) in a water body is an indication of possible human/animal waste
contamination and the possible presence of pathogenic bacteria. The detection
of Escherichia coli provides definite evidence of faecal contamination.
However, in practice, the detection of thermo tolerant (faecal) coliform
bacteria is an acceptable alternative. According to World Health Organisation
(WHO, 1997, 2004) standards, faecal coliforms should be absent (0 colony
forming units per 100 ml water) in portable water while total coliforms should
be less than 10 colony forming units in any 100 ml water sample. The
measurement of faecal coliforms can give an indication of the likely chlorine
demand and also indicates where more intensive treatment is needed.
The aim of this research work is to isolate coliforms
from different water sources and to study the differences amongst them.
To isolate coliforms and
determine the differences among coliform bacteria isolated
To determine the
antimicrobial sensitivity of the coliform bacteria isolated.
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