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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007012

No of Pages: 188

No of Chapters: 1-5

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The study examined how information and communication technology leadership skills relate to managerial effectiveness of heads of department in public universities in South South, Nigeria. To guide the study, seven objectives, seven research questions were raised and seven null hypotheses were formulated. The study adopted correlational research design. The population of the study comprised 14770 person consisting of 766 heads of department and 14004 lecturers. Multistage sampling procedure, involving proportionate stratified sampling and simple random sampling was used in selecting 373 heads of department and 727 lecturers as sample of the study. The study made use of questionnaire as research instrument. Information and Communication Technology Leadership Skills Questionnaire (ICTLSQ) and Managerial Effectiveness of Heads of Department Questionnaire (MEHODQ) were developed by the researcher and used to obtain data for the study. The instruments were subjected to face validity by the research validates in College of Education Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike and used to obtain data for the study. To determine the reliability of the instruments, the researcher selected 20 lecturers from Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike who were not part of the study population to respond to items on Information Communication Technology Leadership Skills Questionnaire (ICTLSQ) and Managerial Effectiveness of Heads of Department Questionnaire (MEHODQ). The data were analyzed using Cronbach Alpha Statistics and average reliability coefficient of 0.82 (ICTLSQ) and 0.94 (MEHODQ) were obtained. The instruments were administered and the data obtained were analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation for answering research questions and testing the hypotheses. The study revealed that digital communication, digital public relation, digital branding, digital computing, digital technology, multimedia and digital innovation skills significantly relate to managerial effectiveness of heads of department in public universities. It was concluded that Information and Communication Technology Leadership Skill relate positively with Managerial Effectiveness of Heads of Department in public universities, South South, Nigeria. Based on the findings of the study, it is recommended among others that the universities should provide a supportive and enabling environment that will help heads of department develop digital communication to enhance their managerial effectiveness.


Title Page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                  ii

Certification                                                                                                                iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgments                                                                                                      v

List of Figure                                                                                                              vi

List of Tables                                                                                                              vii

Abstract                                                                                                                     viii


CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION                                                                          1

1.1       Background to the Study                                                                               1

1.2       Statement of the Problem                                                                               11

1.3       Purpose of the Study                                                                                      12

1.4       Research Questions                                                                                         13

1.5       Hypotheses                                                                                                     14

1.6       Significance of the Study                                                                               15

1.7       Scope of the Study                                                                                         17


CHAPTER 2: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE                                              18

2.1       Conceptual Framework                                                                                   18

2.1.1    Leadership                                                                                                      18

2.1.2    Heads of Departments (HODs)                                                                      21

2.1.3    Managerial effectiveness                                                                                26

2.1.4    Information and communication technology leadership skills                       29

2.1.5    Digital communication skills                                                                           35

2.1.6    Digital public relation skills                                                                            41

2.1.7    Digital branding skills                                                                                     47

2.1.8    Digital computing skills                                                                                  50

2.1.9    Content (Multimedia) skills                                                                            54

2.1.10  Digital technology skills                                                                                 58

2.1.11  Digital innovation skills                                                                                  64

2.1.12  Universities education                                                                                    67

2.2       Theoretical Framework                                                                                   68

2.2.1    The Path-goal theory of leadership effectiveness by House (1971)               69

2.2.2    Diffusion of innovation theory (DIT) by Everret Rogers (2003)                   72

2.2.3    Conversation theory by Pask (1976)                                                               75

2.3       Empirical Studies                                                                                            76

2.4       Summary of Review Related Literature                                                         90


CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY                                                                          92

3.1       Design of the Study                                                                                        92

3.2       Area of the Study                                                                                           92

3.3       Population of the Study                                                                                  95

3.4       Sample and Sampling Techniques                                                                  96

3.5       Instrument for Data Collection                                                                       97

3.6       Validation of the Instrument                                                                          98

3.7       Reliability of the Instrument                                                                           98

3.8       Method of Data Collection                                                                             98

3.9       Method of Data Analysis                                                                              99


CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                                    101

4.1       Result Presentation                                                                                         101

4.2       Major Findings of the Study                                                                          115

4.3      Discussion of Findings of the Study                                                               117

4.3.1    Digital communication skills and managerial effectiveness of heads of

            department                                                                                                      117

4.3.2    Digital public relation skill and managerial effectiveness of heads of

department                                                                                                      120

4.3.3    Digital branding skills and managerial effectiveness of heads of

             department.                                                                                                    122


4.3.4    Digital computing skills and managerial effectiveness of heads of

department                                                                                                      124

4.3.5    Digital technology skills and managerial effectiveness of heads of

Department                                                                                                     126

4.3.6    Multimedia content skills and managerial effectiveness of heads of

            Department                                                                                                     129

4.3.7    Digital innovation skills and managerial effectiveness of heads of

department                                                                                                      131



5.1       Summary of the Study                                                                                                134

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                                      137

5.3       Recommendations                                                                                          137

5.4       Educational Implications of the Study                                                           138

5.5.      Limitation of the Study                                                                                  139

5.6       Suggestions for Further Study                                                                        140

References                                                                                                      141

Appendices                                                                                                     151 



2.1:                  The Relationship between Information and Communication

Technology Leadership Skills and Managerial Effectiveness 35       

2.2:                  Model of the Path-Goal Theory by House (1971) in

Peretomode (1995)                                                                             71                                                                                                                                                                               




4.1:                  Result of Pearson Product Moment Correlation for Relationship

Between Digital Communication Skills and Managerial

Effectiveness of Heads of Department.                                             101

4.2:                  Result for Analysis of Pearson Product Moment

Correlation for Relationship Between Digital Communication

Skills and Managerial Effectiveness of Department.                         102

4.3:                  Result of Pearson Product Moment Correlation for Relationship

Between Digital Public Relation Skills and Managerial

Effectiveness of Heads of Department.                                             103

4.4:                  Result for Analysis of Pearson Product Moment Correlation for

Relationship Between Digital Public Relation Skills and

                        Managerial Effectiveness.                                                                   104


4.5:                  Result of Pearson Product Moment Correlation for Relationship

Between Digital Branding Skill and Managerial

                        Effectiveness of Head of Department                                                105

4.6:                  Result for Analysis of Pearson Product Moment Correlation for

Relationship Between Digital Branding Skills and

                        Managerial Effectiveness                                                                    106

4.7:                  Result of Pearson Product Moment Correlation for Relationship

Between Digital Computing Skills and Managerial

             Effectiveness of Heads of Department.                                            107

4.8:                  Result for Analysis of Pearson Product Moment Correlation for

Relationship Between Digital Computing Skills and

                        Managerial Effectiveness of Heads of Department.                          108

4.9:                  Result of Pearson Product Moment Correlation for Relationship

Between Multimedia (Content) Skill and Managerial

              Effectiveness of Heads of Department                                            109

4.10:                Result for Analysis of Pearson Product Moment Correlation for

Relationship Between Multimedia Skills and Managerial

                         Effectiveness of Heads of Department.                                            110


4.11:                Result of Pearson Product Moment Correlation for Relationship

Between Digital Technology and Managerial                         Effectiveness of Heads of Department.                                        111

4.12:                Result for Analysis of Pearson Product Moment Correlation for

Relationship Between Digital Technology Skills and           

                         Managerial Effectiveness of Heads of Department.                         112

4.13:                Result of Pearson Product Moment Correlation for Relationship

Between Digital Innovation Skills and Managerial

                         Effectiveness of Heads of Department.                                            113

4.14:                Result for Analysis of Pearson Product Moment Correlation for

Relationship Between Digital Innovation Skills and Managerial

Effectiveness of Heads of Department.                                             114







The university is the zenith of an educational system where high level manpower is trained for socio-economic and political growth of the nation. The training of teachers, civil servants, engineers, entrepreneurs, scientists, and myriads of other personnel for every market economy is ensured by tertiary education (World Bank, 2012).


In Nigeria, the demand for education in recent years has been very high because the certificates gained at the expiration of school years give citizens access to the world of work. As a developing nation, Nigeria has taken cognizance of this as well as the importance of education as a whole by establishing and structuring schools for the achievement of stated educational goals and objectives. The Federal Republic of Nigeria (2013) which describes education as an instrument “per excellence” for effecting national development found   it desirable to spell out the philosophy and objectives upon which Nigeria education are built. Therefore, the national goals of Nigerian education are to:

a)               contribute to national development through high level relevant manpower    training;

b)                  develop, and inculcate proper values for the survival of individual and society;

c)                  develop intellectual capacity of individuals to understand and appreciate their local and external environments;

d)                 acquire both physical and intellectual skills that will enable individuals to be self-reliant and useful members of the society;

e)                  promote and encourage scholarship and community service;

f)                   forge and cement national unity; and

g)                  promote national and international understanding and interaction (p.50-


In order to achieve these laudable goals in tandem with universal best practices, effective leadership/management must be put in place especially at the departmental level since they are the unit base in determining the educational success of the university. The heads of departments have the responsibility of seeing to the smooth running of the department. The extent to which they succeed in carrying out their legitimate responsibility depends on several factors and one of them has to do with information and communication technology leadership skills. Information and communication technology (ICT) according to Adomi and Kpangban (2010) can be defined as a diverse set of electronic technologies and technological tools and resources used to communicate, create, disseminate, store and manage information. It is the handling and processing of information by devices such as computers, cameras, telephones and so on.


Information and communication technology is a critical tool in preparing educational managers with skills for the global workplace. Information and communication technology makes educational managers to access knowledge easily. It is seen as an engine for growth and tool for empowerment, with profound implication for education, change and socio-economic development. The impact of ICT on learning is the vision that it enables learning anywhere, anytime and anyhow. With ICT, knowledge is not constrained by geographical proximity. It offers more possibilities for sharing, archiving and retrieving knowledge. The widespread use of ICT generates a need for new digital skills and competence for employment, education and training, self-development and participation in society.


ICT has the potential to widen access to educational resources, improve the quality of learning and improve management efficiencies/effectiveness of the educational system. ICT use in the universities is not all about ICT literacy but it also involves the building of higher-order skills. It involves the understanding of how ICT applications and services function; how to search, process, and evaluate certain information and access the reliability and trustworthiness of multiple sources of information. ICT can lead to greater digital opportunities including economic and human development. ICT can, therefore, promote educational change, improve the skills of HODs and prepare them for global economy and information society.   


Leadership is a process of social influence in which one   person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task. Kruse (2013) sees it as a process of social influence which maximizes the effort of others towards the achievement of a goal. The implication of this definition is that the heads of departments can use social media as valuable tools to move department digitally. There is a paradigm shift in university management with the advent of information and communication technology some years ago in Nigeria. Universities are today making substantial investments in ICT to meet their goals with a view to increasing the effectiveness of their operations. They are striving if not to meet up with their peers in other parts of the world, but at least, to stay not too far away from them. The emphasis on change in the global environment puts information and communication technology at the heart of what universities need to do to cope with today’s fast changing environment.


Considering the importance of information and communication technology leadership in higher institution, there has been increasing calls for leadership development in information and communication technology (Jameson, 2013). As these calls for leadership development in information and communication technology increase, various terms describing leadership in the field have also emerged. The terms range from electronic-leadership, educational technology leadership, technology leadership, Information and Communication Technology leadership, to online leadership (Jameson, 2013). Information and Communication Technology Leadership can then be defined as a social influence process mediated by Advanced Information Technology (AIT) to produce a change in attitude, feelings, thinking, behaviour and/or performances with individuals, groups and for organization.


Information and communication technology leadership establish direction, influences others, and initiates sustainable change through the access of information and establishing relationships in order to anticipate changes pivotal to school success in the future. It requires a dynamic combination of mindset, behaviours, and skills that are employed to change and/or enhance school culture through the assistance of technology. The rationales for Information and Communication Technology Leadership are: constructing knowledge and problems solving where internet, e-mail, CD-ROMS, database and video – conferencing are used; aiding explanation of concept; communicating ideas when power point and desktop publishing are used; and using process skill (Ibe-Bassey, 2014).


Considering the above importance of information and communication technology leadership, it is likely that it can enhance managerial effectiveness of heads of departments. The term managerial effectiveness could mean achievement of organizational goals, increase in productivity, profit, workers satisfaction, growth, diversification and so on. (Tanuja, 2019). Managerial effectiveness aims at optimum allocation and utilization of scarce organization resource in order to achieve the goals at minimum cost. It aims at deriving maximum input out of minimum input. There are numerous determinants of managerial effectiveness of the heads of departments such as marketing, visionary leadership,  staff motivation, disciplinary behaviour, control, decision making, collaboration, consultation, interpersonal relationship, conflict management and delegation of duties.


The structure of the university system sets the departments at the grassroots level of the organization (Edet & Ekpoh, 2017). Archibong and Edet (2009) described it better by asserting that it is at the departmental level that the real institutional business gets conducted. It is here that teachers and learners make contact, the researcher finds encouragement and direction and that many of the ways to contribute to the larger community are identified and expected.  The complexities of leading academic departments is particularly daunting because department are the most important structure in the university. They provide the basics for academic activities in the university system.


Academic heads of departments are the first line of academic leadership who have daily access and interactions with staff and students. They are also the link between the department and the university management (Moore & Rudd, 2014). The leadership of the head of department is the building block that determines university’s managerial success. Therefore departments require academic leaders who thrive on the challenge of change and who can foster innovations that encourage teaching and research which will lead the university successfully into the future. Heads of departments must understand the complexity of the job as well as possess the leadership skills required to perform to high standards that would develop the departments into strong entities (Daramola & Amos 2016). Moving the department forward is therefore a leadership skill that is imperative for the heads of departments to possess. There is therefore the need to develop the next generation of academic leaders who will coordinate and manage the academic enterprise of the nations by building their managerial/leadership capacities.


 At the center of the departments are the academic heads of department (HODs) whose positions carry with them multiplicity of responsibility. These responsibilities according to Oshiomu (2009) ranges from handling matters about college, students, the department, the faculty, visitors to management task. The post- independence era has seen major transformations in the Nigerian higher education arena requiring academic heads of departments to act as leaders of change and transformation. Emphasis therefore needs to be placed on the managerial roles an HODs need to fulfill and the competence necessary in order to function effectively within their managerial role. The head of department is therefore saddled with the responsibilities of directing, guiding, coordinating and evaluating lecturers and activities appropriately to endures good quality education and effective functioning of the department (Edet & Ekpoh, 2017). Managerial functions of the heads of departments also include: preparing teaching schedules, ensuring teaching effectiveness of staff, managing graduate assistant, and other department staff, performing personnel decision-making, revising the curriculum and managing the budget. The mandate of the university can only be achieved through the effective performance of the function of the heads of departments.


The Federal Republic of Nigeria (2013) unequivocally spelt out the goals of university education thus:

a)                  Intensifying and diversifying its programmes for the development of high level manpower within the context of all needs of the nation;

b)                  Making professional course contents to reflect national requirements;

c)                  Making all students, as part of a general programme of all-round improvement in university education to offer general study course such as history of ideas, philosophy of knowledge and nationalism.


The implication of these stated goals, among others, is to ensure the execution of university’s basic primary assignment, which include teaching, research and community service. However, the current global trend politically and economically and the national call on university autonomy has further expanded the role of university to enable them to be fully involved in the general transformation of the nation from developing stage to the stage of industrialization. Therefore a university could no longer be a center for research and teaching alone but also a center for public service in order to play a dynamic and vital role in national growth and development (AbduIkareem, 2015). These organizational goals of the university seem no longer realized due to obstacles that include poor performance of some heads of departments. Some seems no longer performing their functions effectively, which is reflected in ineffective communication, lack of  motivation of academic staff, conflicts, resistance to change, crises within the university, unnecessary delays/procedures in acquisition of required equipment and service, inability to negotiate, coordinate, decide and integrate as well as allocating resources and management of them.


Others types of managerial problems associated with the heads of departments are reflected in situations such as role ambiguity, lack of training, insufficient resources, facilities, lapses in managerial procedures, poor remuneration, lack of understanding of their roles and responsibilities as well as of roles conflict and stress. It has also been observed with dismay that most HODs are ignorant of their roles in resumption of duty and due to their ignorance some costly managerial decisions are made which sometimes may affect the smooth running of the department.


In a bid to solving the problems associated with managerial effectiveness of heads of departments, Archibong and Edet (2009) did a work on quality education and academic department management. It was revealed that quality education predicts academic department management. Akuegwu and Nwiue (2013) worked on application of knowledge management skills of head of department in university administration in Nigeria. It was revealed that the heads of departments apply knowledge sharing skills most and knowledge mapping skills least in university administration. Edet and Ekpoh (2017) studied on administrative challenges of heads of departments in tertiary institution in Cross River State. The findings revealed that the major challenges faced by HODs by ranking were funding, meeting of deadlines, delayed examination result and excess workload. Ogbogu and Ademola (2018) work on leadership styles of Heads of Departments in Nigeria Federal University. The results revealed that leadership styles were prominently utilizes by the heads of departments. Within the context of this work, leadership styles such as information and communication technology leadership will be used to study managerial effectiveness of heads of departments. Information and Communication Technology Leadership skills are digital communication, digital public relation, digital branding, digital technology, digital computing, content (multimedia) and digital innovation.


Digital communication plays vital roles in managerial effectiveness of heads of departments in public universities. Communication is the dispatching or disseminating of information from one place to the other. Heads of departments can now provide stakeholder with relevant information in real time through a variety of devices. No longer do static, one way methods such as newsletter and websites suffice. Important information can be communicated through various free social media tools and simple implementation strategies in order to meet stakeholders in the digital age (Sheninger, 2014). Head of department can provide stakeholders with relevant information at real time through a variety of digital channels such as email, Skype, whatsapp and jettison static one-way method such as newsletter.


Digital public relations in this context are the strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between department and the public. Head of department needs to inform the public about what is happening in the department. The foundation of a positive public relation   platform using free social media tools must be maintained. By doing so we create the means by which we share the entire positives association with our schools and create a much needed level of transparency in an age of negative rhetoric toward education.


From a communication perspective, digital branding is an organization attempt to tell their story. A brand message is important because it suggests a promise to meet customers’ expectations. Branding here refers to the process which involves creating a specific name, image of the department in order to attract and retain the public through advertising with a consistent name. Leaders can leverage social media tools to create a positive brand presence that emphasizes the positive aspects of school culture, increase community pride and help to attract/retain families when looking for a place to send their children to school (Sheninger, 2014). With digital branding skill heads of department can use social media and digital platforms like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and podcasts to market their programmes, while websites design and interface is proving a crucial component in how colleges and universities present themselves to prospective students. 


Digital computing skill can enhance managerial effectiveness of heads of departments. Digital computing is the process of using computer technology to complete a task. It could involve computer hardware and/or software but must, involve some form of a computer system. Heads of departments can now use media tools viz; Microsoft Excel, Spread sheet to process data such as students’ results, perform tasks that all others in the workplace are not enable to, navigate computers and use common or specialized computer programmes.


Content (multimedia) is a general term used to describe the intermixing of different media types to create a presentation. Multimedia content is the bond of abundance of online content. It bonds writing with image, video, audio and slideshow in a useful and engaging way. Multimedia is define as the combination of various digital media types such as text, image, sound and video, into an interpreted multi-sensory interactive application as presentation to convey a message or information to an audience. With the use of content (multimedia) skills, head of department can deliver interesting papers during workshop and seminars, update information from internet, design and print data represent departmental task and their relationship.


Digital technology skill to a large extent could enhance managerial effectiveness of heads of departments. Technology involves the application of knowledge, resource, materials, tools and skills in education in designing, producing and using products to extend human capacity to control and modify natural and human made environment (Raizon, & Hailder, 2015). Digital leaders need to understand that we must put real world tools in the hand of student and allow them to create artifacts of learning that demonstrate conceptual mastery (Philips, 2015). This is an important pedagogical shift as it focuses on enhancing essential skill sets communication, collaboration, creativity, media literacy, global connectedness, critical thinking and problem solving that society demands. Heads of departments need to understand that schools should reflect real life and allows student to apply what they have learned through the use of the tools they are using outside of the school.


Digital innovation skill can enhance managerial effectiveness of heads of departments. Digital innovation involves continuous learning whereby new digital technology are expected in order to create an understanding of their unique properties. This can involve establishing condition for retaining and incentives for existing staff to acquire digital skills. Leaders must establish a vision and strategic plan to create an entire school building dedicated to learning in a more digital world (Sheninger, 2014). In order to do so, leaders must be knowledgeable of the characteristic and dynamics that embody innovative learning spaces and environment such as Bring Your Own Device (BAYOD), blended learning, the flipped classroom, gamification, mega spaces and virtual learning.


The problems of managerial ineffectiveness of some heads of departments has attracted the concern of researchers in recent times. Therefore, this study seeks to investigate the relationship between information and communication technology leadership skills and managerial effectiveness of heads of departments in public universities in South South, Nigeria.



The organizational goals of the university as stipulated by the Nigerian National Policy of Education is to teach, conduct research, and provide community service. Nigeria, like other nations, needs her universities to train the management workforce that would drive the nation’s development engine towards achieving these goals. These university institutions in Nigeria are complex and multidimensional which require tremendous inputs in terms of human and materials resources. The university academic heads of department are the chief implementer in the management of these inputs which is geared towards the achievement of university aims and objectives. It is expected that for head of departments to create significant impact they must possess managerial skills for their effectiveness. These skills could be leadership oriented, communication skills, decision making skills, motivational skills etc.


It has been observed that some heads of departments seem to lack these skills for their managerial functions. The attainment of the expected outcome of turning out well-educated work force is highly demanding and full of challenges which may overwhelm or swallow the abilities of the head of department if they are not well equipped with the needed managerial functions through orientation and on the job training, seminar, workshop, conference or retreat etc.


Interaction and observation with lecturers seem to show obstacles that include alleged poor performance of some heads of department who are no longer performing their duties effectively. There is the problem of poor performance ranging from lack of proper leadership, lack of commitment, lack of staff motivation, role ambiguity, lapses in management procedure, lack of effective communication to inadequate supervision. Besides, there are poor/lack of orientation, workshops, conferences, seminar; indiscipline, resistance to change, conflict; inability to negotiate, decide, coordinate and integrate as well as allocating resources and their management.


It has also been observed with dismay that  some heads of department in public universities, South South, Nigeria seem to be ignorant of their roles on resumption of duties and due to this ignorance, some costly managerial decisions are made which sometimes may affect the smooth running of the department. In order to solve these problems several attempts by researchers have been made. However, the problem persists. It is against this back drop that the study is conducted to find out if information and communication technology leadership skills could relate to managerial effectiveness of heads of department in public universities in South South, Nigeria.

However, the fundamental issues of this study is to determine whether information and communication technology leadership skill relate to managerial effectiveness of heads of department in public universities in South South, Nigeria. In other words; what is the relationship between information and communication technology leadership skills and managerial effectiveness of heads of departments in public universities, South South, Nigeria.



The purpose of the study was to ascertain if information and communication technology leadership skills relate to managerial effectiveness of HODs in public universities in South South, Nigeria. Specifically, the objectives of the study are to:

1.                  examine the relationship between digital communication skills and managerial effectiveness of heads of departments in public universities in South South, Nigeria.

2.                  examine the relationship between digital public relation skills and managerial effectiveness of HOD in public universities in South South, Nigeria.

3.                  ascertain the relationship between digital branding skills and managerial effectiveness of HOD in public universities in South South, Nigeria.

4.                  ascertain the relationship between digital computing skills and managerial effectiveness of HOD in public universities in South South, Nigeria.

5.                  determine the relationship between content (multimedia) skills and managerial effectiveness of HOD in public universities in South South, Nigeria.

6.                  ascertain the relationship between digital technology skills and managerial effectiveness of heads of departments in public universities in South South, Nigeria..

7.                  Examine the relationship between digital innovation skills and managerial effectiveness of heads of departments in public universities in South South, Nigeria.



The following research questions guided the study;

1.                  What is the relationship between digital communication skills and managerial

effectiveness of heads of departments in public universities in South South, Nigeria?

2.            What is the relationship between digital public relation skills and managerial effectiveness of heads of department in public universities in South South, Nigeria?

3.            What is the relationship between digital branding skills and managerial effectiveness of heads of departments in public universities in South South, Nigeria?

4.            What is the relationship between digital computing skill and managerial effectiveness of heads of departments in public universities in South South, Nigeria?

5.            What is the relationship between content (multimedia) skills and managerial effectiveness of heads of departments in public universities in South South, Nigeria?

6.            What is the relationship between digital technology skills and managerial effectiveness of heads of departments in public universities in South South, Nigeria?

7.            What is the relationship between digital innovation skills and managerial effectiveness of heads of departments in public universities in South South, Nigeria?



The following null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study and were tested at .05 level of significance:

HO1: There is no significant relationship between digital communication skills and managerial effectiveness of heads of departments in public universities in South South, Nigeria.

HO2: There is no significant relationship between digital public relation skills and managerial effectiveness of heads of departments in public universities in South South, Nigeria.

HO3: There is no significant relationship between digital branding skills and managerial effectiveness of heads of departments in public universities in South South, Nigeria.

HO4: There is no significant relationship between digital computing skills and managerial effectiveness of heads of departments in public universities in South South, Nigeria.

HO5: There is no significant relationship between content (multimedia) skills and managerial effectiveness of heads of departments in public universities in South South, Nigeria.

HO6: There is no significant relationship between digital technology skills and managerial effectiveness of heads of departments in public universities in South South, Nigeria.

HO7: There is no significant relationship between digital innovation skills and managerial effectiveness of heads of departments in public universities in South South, Nigeria.



It is expected that the findings of this study to a large extent would be of immense benefit to the governing council (board) of the universities, government, ministry of education, future heads of departments, telecommunication companies  (MTN, GLO, Visal-Phone Bordex, Starcom etc.), students and researchers and so on.


It is hope that the outcomes of this study would serve as guide to governing council (board) of the university to outline the training programmes for preparing their HODs for their managerial roles. If implemented correctly, effective training could reduce most of the problems experienced by head of departments. The outcome of the study will also have potential impact and provide suggestions for governing board, those appointing heads of departments to think through issue of accession to roles, consolidation of roles and preparation of future heads of departments.


The study shall be useful as its findings shall be of great benefit to the government by understanding the importance of information and communication technology education thus provides adequate funds for purchase and subsidization of information and communication technology for facilities for heads of department, lecturer for the teaching-learning process. The government shall also see the need for ensuring that professional development funds for heads of departments in using internet facilities and other technological gadgets for managerial purposes is made available.


The study will benefit the ministry of education through its participation in organizing regular training and workshop for academic staff and students on information and communication technology to enhance academic effectiveness.  They shall benefit also through formulation of policies and re-designing of education curriculum at all levels of education to accommodate the information and communication technology leadership in the education system as well as its implementation. The study will serve as a foundation for providing good channel for qualify partnership between the ministry of education and various higher education institutions in ensuring that adequate and appropriate internet facilities, network and other required resources (power supply etc) are provided for the heads of department managerial task.


The findings of the study would reveal to the future HODs, the kind of preparation that is require for the academic heads of departments, what they do and what they think they needed preparing for. Based on the findings of the study, workshops will be conducted for the academic heads of departments. Presentation in the findings at the workshop will also be used to make the academic heads of departments aware of their practices.


The telecommunication industries shall benefit from the findings of the study by understanding the need to ensure quality service provider and strong network operation for their clients for effective use base on their demand and needs. They shall understand the need to provide various educational institutions with cheap or free network devices for academic activities. It shall also help them see the need for partnering with different levels of education in providing unique network services that will help academic managerial task.


It will be of immense significant, as it would had to academic curricular decisions for students in educational institutions of higher learning. The study will also generate new information as regards the importance of information and communication technology leadership in universities and would present the opportunity to consider how the current head of department leadership style relate to his managerial effectiveness. The students shall also benefit from the study through prudential use of personal computer (PC) in gathering data for academic purposes as well as help in enhancing that competence in digital technologies for learning activities. It shall also help them in adapting to the world technological trend of living in the 21st century society. It shall also help them in making use of computer to be productive to themselves and the society at large. 


If the data collected while conducting this research shows a significant correlation between the leadership style exhibited and managerial effectiveness, further researches could be conducted to ascertain the true meaning of the relationship. Thus, the findings of this study will be a guide for further researches.



The study covered only heads of departments in public universities in South South, Nigeria. The specific state in South South, Nigeria covered by the study is Akwa Ibom, Bayelsa, Cross Rivers, Delta, Edo and Rivers. Specifically it covered information and communication technology leadership skills as independent variable with sub-variables of digital communication skills, digital public relation skills, digital computing skills, content (multimedia) skills, digital branding skills, digital technology skills, and digital innovation skills. It also covered managerial effectiveness as the dependent variable.


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Dispute can only be created when you receive a corrupt file, a wrong file or irregularities in the table of contents and content of the file you received. 

ProjectShelve.com shall either provide the appropriate file within 48hrs or send refund excluding your bank transaction charges. Term and Conditions are applied.

Buyers are expected to confirm that the material you are paying for is available on our website ProjectShelve.com and you have selected the right material, you have also gone through the preliminary pages and it interests you before payment. DO NOT MAKE BANK PAYMENT IF YOUR TOPIC IS NOT ON THE WEBSITE.

In case of payment for a material not available on ProjectShelve.com, the management of ProjectShelve.com has the right to keep your money until you send a topic that is available on our website within 48 hours.

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Reviews (20)

  • Anonymous

    1 day ago

    The material is very good and worth the price being sold I really liked it 👍

  • Anonymous

    4 days ago

    Wow response was fast .. 👍 Thankyou

  • Anonymous

    1 week ago

    Trusted, faster and easy research platform.

  • TJ

    1 week ago


  • Anonymous

    1 week ago

    My experience with projectselves. Com was a great one, i appreciate your prompt response and feedback. More grace

  • Anonymous

    1 week ago

    Sure plug ♥️♥️

  • Anonymous

    1 week ago

    Thanks I have received the documents Exactly what I ordered Fast and reliable

  • Anonymous

    1 week ago

    Wow this is amazing website with fast response and best projects topic I haven't seen before

  • Anonymous

    2 weeks ago

    Genuine site. I got all materials for my project swiftly immediately after my payment.

  • Anonymous

    2 weeks ago

    It agree, a useful piece

  • Anonymous

    3 weeks ago

    Good work and satisfactory

  • Anonymous

    3 weeks ago

    Good job

  • Anonymous

    3 weeks ago

    Fast response and reliable

  • Anonymous

    3 weeks ago

    Projects would've alot easier if everyone have an idea of excellence work going on here.

  • Anonymous

    3 weeks ago

    Very good 👍👍

  • Anonymous

    3 weeks ago

    Honestly, the material is top notch and precise. I love the work and I'll recommend project shelve anyday anytime

  • Anonymous

    3 weeks ago

    Well and quickly delivered

  • Anonymous

    1 month ago

    I am thoroughly impressed with Projectshelve.com! The project material was of outstanding quality, well-researched, and highly detailed. What amazed me most was their instant delivery to both my email and WhatsApp, ensuring I got what I needed immediately. Highly reliable and professional—I'll definitely recommend them to anyone seeking quality project materials!

  • Anonymous

    1 month ago

    Its amazing transacting with Projectshelve. They are sincere, got material delivered within few minutes in my email and whatsApp.

  • TJ

    3 months ago

    ProjectShelve is highly reliable. Got the project delivered instantly after payment. Quality of the work.also excellent. Thank you