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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00006975

No of Pages: 127

No of Chapters: 1-5

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The study investigated Information and Communication Technology Facilities for Teacher’s work performance in Public Secondary School  in Abia State. The study adopted Survey research design. Six research questions and six null hypotheses guided the study. The population of the study was 1,984 teachers from both urban and rural areas in Abia State .A sample size of 322 teachers were used for the study. A stratified simple random sampling technique was used to select 12 schools from both urban and rural. The instrument used for data collection was structured questionnaire titled “Information and Communication Technology for Teachers Work Performance” (ICTTWP). The reliability of the instrument was determined using Cronbach Alpha method with indices of 0.84, 0.81, 0.77, 0.87, 0.82 and .67 were obtained from cluster A, B, C, D, E, and  F respectively with overall index of 0.79. Data were analyzed using frequencies and percentages to answer research question one, while research question 2-6 were answered using mean and standard deviation. The t-test was used to test the null hypotheses formulated at 0.05 level of significance. The results indicated that out of the 20 items listed, 8 items were available, 12 items were utilized to a low extent for teachers' work performance respectively. Meanwhile, there is no significant difference between the mean ratings of urban and rural teachers’ work performance on the availability, utilization, maintenance of ICT facilities. It was concluded that Schools, Management and Government should ensure that ICT facilities are available, effectively utilized and maintained. Also, the provision of alternative power supply, putting up well furnished ICT centers, upgrading obsolete ICT facilities, installation of network cables at subsidized rate, sending teachers on regular workshops and seminars for capacity building and regular maintenance were recommended as ways of overcoming those challenges.


Title Page                                                                                                                                i

Declaration                                                                                                                              ii

Certification                                                                                                                            iii

Dedication                                                                                                                              iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                                v

Table of Contents                                                                                                                   vi

List of Tables                                                                                                                          vii

List of Figures                                                                                                                         viii

Abstract                                                                                                                                  ix




1.1              Background to the Study                                                                                           1

1.2              Statement of Problem                                                                                                 11

1.3              Purpose of  the Study                                                                                                 12

1.4              Research Questions                                                                                                     13

1.5              Hypotheses                                                                                                                 13

1.6              Significance of the Study                                                                                           14

1.7              Scope of the Study                                                                                                     15


2.1       Conceptual Framework                                                                                              16

2.1.1    Availability of ICT facilities on teachers’ work performance                         17

2.1.2    Utilization of available ICT facilities on lesson preparation                                       22

2.1.3    Utilization of available ICT facilities on students’ assessment                                  33

2.1.4    Utilization of available ICT facilities on record keeping                                            37

2.1.5    Utilization of available ICT facilities on classroom communication                          42

2.1.6    Maintenance of ICT facilities                                                                                     47

2.2       Theoretical Framework                                                                                               49

2.2.1    Technology adoption model                                                                                       49

2.2.2    Administrative management theory                                                                           52

2.3       Empirical Studies                                                                                                        53

2.4       Summary of Reviewed Literature                                                                              59


3.1       Design of the Study                                                                                                    61

3.2       Area of Study                                                                                                             61

3.3       Population of the Study                                                                                              63

3.4       Sample and Sampling Techniques                                                                              63

3.5       Instrument for Data Collection                                                                                   63

3.6       Validation of the Instrument                                                                                      64

3.7       Reliability of the Instrument                                                                                       65

3.8       Method of Data Collection                                                                                         65

3.9       Method of Data Analysis                                                                                           66

CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                                   

4.1 Results                                                                                                                             67

4.1.1 Research question 1                                                                                                      67

4.2 Test of Hypotheses                                                                                                         70

4.2.1 Hypothesis one                                                                                                            70

4.2.2 Hypothesis two                                                                                                            72

4.2.3 Hypothesis three                                                                                                                      74

4.2.4 Hypothesis four                                                                                                            76

4.3 Summary of the Findings                                                                                                80

4.4   Discussion of the Findings                                                                                            82


5.1       Summary                                                                                                                     87

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                                                  90

5.3       Recommendations                                                                                                      91

5.4       Educational Implication of the Study                                                                        92

4.5       Limitations of the Study                                                                                             93

5.5       Suggestions and Further Studies                                                                                93        

References                                                                                                                  94        Appendices                                                                                                                 102


4.1:      Frequency and Percentages of the responses on the available ICT facilities utilized for teachers’ work performance                                   68


4.2:      Chi Square analysis on the mean rating of urban and rural teachers on the available ICT facilities utilized for teachers’ work performance                    70


4.3:      Mean and standard deviation on the extent available ICT facilities

            isutilized for teachers’ lesson preparation in urban

            and rural pubic secondary schools              71


4.4:      t-test analysis on extent of the available ICT facilities utilized for teachers’ lesson preparation in urban and rural pubic secondary schools       72


4.5:      Mean and standard deviation on the extent available ICT facilities is

            utilized for teachers’ record keeping in urban and rural pubic secondary schools                                 73


4.6       t-test analysis on extent available ICT facilities are utilized for teachers’ record keeping in urban and rural pubic secondary schools                           74


4.7:      Mean and standard deviation on the extent available ICT

            facilities utilized for students’ assessment in urban and rural pubic secondary schools                        75


4.8:      t-test analysis on the extent available ICT facilities utilized for students’ assessment in urban and rural pubic secondary schools                76


4.9:      Mean and standard deviation on the extent available ICT facilities

            utilized for teachers’ classroom communication in urban and rural

            pubic secondary schools                                       77


4.10:    t-test analysis on the extent available ICT facilities utilized for

            teachers’ classroom communication in urban and rural pubic secondary schools                                        78


4.11:    Mean and standard deviation on the extent of maintenance of

            available ICT facilities influence teachers’ work performance in urban and rural pubic secondary schools                                                    79


4.12:    t-test analysis on the extent of maintenance of available

            ICT facilities influence teachers’ work performance in urban and rural pubic secondary schools                                         80



1: Conceptual framework                                               16

2.1: Adapted TAM framework source                                   51








Information and Communication Technology (ICT) are indispensible tools in transmission of knowledge and has been acceptable as viable means of communication in the temporary world. ICT facilities in this study are instructional equipment and services which make teaching and learning process to be done electronically and provide access to a wide range of innovative, informative and educational materials on the internet in order to bring the world into the classroom. ICT is used for gathering, processing, storing, sharing and distributing information, knowledge and ideas (ESCAP in Ugwoke, 2011). ICT is increasingly used in various fields including business, healthcare, tourism and education. ICT is now part and parcel of our daily life. In particular, education has been revolutionized due to the advent of this technology. With this, teaching, learning, assessment and even research are now done differently. ICT now plays a major role in Education with the introduction of hardware in most classrooms such as interactive white boards, wireless internet, and computers. Globally, the level of ICT available to education differs from country to country.  Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can compliment, enrich and transform education for the better. UNESCO shares knowledge about the many ways technology can facilitate universal access to education, bridge learning divides, support the development of teachers, enhance the quality and relevance of learning, strengthen inclusion, and improve education administration and governance (United Nation Education Scientific and Cultural organization, 2019). ICT has become an essential part of everyday life. Accordingly, its integration in education has become one of the most effective factors in school improvement and for administrative purpose (Tosun & Baris, 2011).

The Federal ministry of education (2011a) opines that quality learning outcome depends on the quality of teaching and learning inputs and the qualitative processing of the inputs, which among others include the use of ICT facilities for teaching and learning. ICT facilities are enablers (equipment or technology-based services) which are provided to ease the performance of certain tasks, operations, events or processes. The Federal Republic of Nigeria (2013) places emphasis on the provision and utilization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) when it states that because of the “prominent role of ICT in advancing knowledge and skills necessary for effective functioning in the modern world, there is urgent need to integrate Information and Communication Technology (ICT) into education in Nigeria”. The role of ICT in achieving quality education at all levels of the school system is very pertinent. This is because ICT is seen as a key tool in acquiring and disseminating information. It has positively influenced every aspect of human existence and caused a powerful change in how human beings conduct their affairs in society. ICT has the potential for introducing new teaching and learning practices, transform learning environments and improve quality of education. It can also empower teachers and learners and promote the growth of skills necessary for the 21st century.


Information and Communication Technology can simply be defined in its simplest form as an electronic medium for creating, storing, manipulating receiving and sending information from one place to another. It makes message delivery faster, more convenient, easy to access, understand and interpret. It uses gadgets such as cell phones, the internet, wireless network, computer, radio, television, satellite, base stations etc. These resources are used to create, store, communicate, transmit and manage information.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) refers to the art and applied sciences that deal with data and information. It encompasses all (equipment including computational machinery tools, methods, practices, processes, procedures, concepts, principles and the sciences) that comes into play in the conduct of information activities; acquisition, representation, processing, presentation, security, interchange, transfer, management, organization, storage and retrieval of data and information (Federal Republic of Nigeria 2019).

The Objectives of ICT in Education are:

                               I.            To facilitate the teaching and learning processes.

                            II.            To promote problem-solving, critical thinking and innovative skills.

                         III.            To promote life-long learning and advanced knowledge.

                         IV.            To enhance the various teaching/learning strategies required to meet the needs of the population.

                            V.            To foster research and development.

                         VI.            To support effective and efficient education administration.

                      VII.            To enhance universal access to information.

                   VIII.            To widen access to education and the range of instructional options and opportunities for any-where, any-time, any-pace and any-path learning.

                         IX.            To promote commercialization of ICT in Education.

                            X.            To develop and support technical infrastructure that maximizes digital creativity, sharing and innovation.

Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council- NERDC (2012) pointed out that the quality in ICT education can be achieved where there is a proper utilization of ICT resources available. The term availability refer to the degree to which resources are readily on hand for use on demand to perform a specified designated duty or required administrative function. At present, it will be difficult to say with certainty the extent of availability of ICT facilities in secondary schools in Abia State (Aba, Umuahia and Ohafia Education Zones). In this context, availability of ICT implies access to already existing ICT resources for use by intended users. The term extends to include quantity of the ICT resources obtainable and gotten for use. The ICT resources commonly in use include: computer, social media (platform), internet, E-book, Software packages, phones, E-mail, Printer, and school website. It is assumed that ICT facilities must be available before being utilized.


The term Utilization denotes the act of putting to use available resources, whether human or material with the intent of achieving profitable output. In relation to the present study, Utilization will imply putting to use the available ICT resources with the sole intent of enhancing effective teaching and Learning. Utilization of ICT involves the use and handling of ICT in teaching, learning and administrative purposes to bring out desired output. NERDC stated that before good qualities in education can be achieved; there should be effective use of ICTs.


More so, ICT Utilization in education can be considered as an effective enabler to create, access, store, transmit, and manipulate different information in audio and visual forms, due to the capability of ICT in providing proactive environment (Kawade and Kulkarni, 2012). ICT utilization in education can be used for effective teaching and learning processes to achieve quality education and overall development of students or for administrative purposes by teachers, staff and management team.


Utilization of school facilities entails making use of available facilities. It helps to enhance students for easy teachers’ work performance. School facility utilization also entails efficient engagement of the best and most economical facility for specific organizational process or purpose.

The use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a valuable tool to enhance the learning experience and accessing resources. ICT utilization in schools is an ideal commonly desired for effective teaching and learning in a “virtual classroom’ where students can have access to teaching instructions via electronically transmitted channels. ICT facilities should be seen as tools, teachers can use to help students to be more productive and successful in learning. Voogt (2013) in Modebelu, Eya, Obunadike described ICT as an assisting tool, for example while making assignment, collecting data and documentation, communicating, and conducting research.


It has become impressive in the latter half of the 20th century to talk about the “information society”, or the “information age” while referring to the impact of ICT on the technological, economy and social life of mankind. It is difficult and maybe even impossible to imagine future education environment that are not supported, in one way or another, by information and communication technologies (ICTs). ICT has become indispensible as a factor in the development of a modern society. This is why understanding the meaning of ICT and acquiring the requisite skill and ideas necessary for its effective use have become extremely vital to function effectively in the information age. In recognition of this fact, the Federal Republic of Nigeria has besides emphasizing that teaching shall be ICT supported, made policy provision for adequate infrastructure and development capacity for effective utilization of ICT to enhance curriculum delivery at all levels of education in the country Nigeria (FRN, 2013).


The Federal Government has also taken cognizance of the indispensability of ICT in education when it declared in the Federal Republic of Nigeria FRN (2013) that in recognition of the prominent role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in advancing knowledge and skills necessary for effective functioning in a knowledge-based world, government shall provide adequate infrastructure and develop capacity for effective utilization of information technology. The increasing globalization driven by ICT makes it imperative for Nigeria as an emerging market to irreversibly consider the application and promotion of ICT strategy to facilitate its rapid growth and development (National Policy on ICT 2012, P.9).


This gave policy impetus to integrating ICT in teaching and learning in Nigeria. It was reasoned that if teachers use ICT resources that appeal to the interest of the students, attract and keep their attention, the student will be able to assess relevant knowledge and skills that promote functional literacy and self reliance. Unfortunately, despite evidences of increased technology awareness, teacher education program of Polytechnics, Colleges of education and universities are not integrating ICT in the training of pre-service teachers to make them capable of using ICT effectively for teaching (Nwite, 2007).


The global interest for advancement of education in both advanced and developing countries of the world has been challenged by Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The unique nature of ICT has made it significant in the contribution to the development of students’ knowledge, acquisition of skills in science subjects and other related subjects. Thus, here is an urgent need for institutions of learning to embrace technology driven to avoid being eliminated from the global village of internet and intranet.


The development in the use of ICT is evolving with time, hence more ICT tools and applications are expected in the future. While many teachers use personal computers (PC) just to prepare or store lecture notes, these PCs are now multipurpose and could assist teachers, students and other educational partners in handling a good number of educational duties. While research is continuing on the most effective roles computer can play in education and the best ways for its introduction into school, ICT is being used presently for other educational applications other than direct instruction, such as teacher education, educational administration and evaluation, as well as research and development. Other usage include: keeping records on admission of students, staff, plant and instructional facilities, examinations, library service and communication.


Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have not only changed the learning process for the students but also the teaching theories, models and practices such as Technology acceptance model, e-teaching, e-evaluation (Allen et al, 2010). Stimulations, modeling, data logging, data process base and information resources can as well enhance students learning and understanding through ICT. The level of awareness and extent to which utilization of ICT can benefit the students and institutions is still low. There is still limited data on its use to teachers work performance. However, the slow access to and provision of basic ICT facilities include: low internet connectivity, epileptic power supply, lack of enough computers, some teachers phobia for computers and lack of ICT competencies, and absence of trained staff are barrier to effective teachers work performance. These constitute a setback to teaching and learning in secondary schools.


Olorundare in Edem and Uchendu (2014), confirmed that provision of ICT facilities provide versatile teaching and learning and which undoubtedly leads to improved and efficient teaching and learning. He further stated that proper utilization of ICT facilities enables teachers, students and school administrators to derive maximum benefits such as enrichment of course content, effective and efficient delivery of knowledge and skills, faster evaluation of  learning outcome, preparation of lesson plans and worksheet, writing student’s report, collating and analyzing students achievement so as to set appropriate target. He added that for classroom management, the attendance and disciplinary peculiarities of students could be easily monitored through proper recording and analysis. Though Nigeria has produced a good number of teachers at various levels of education, they still need to be given adequate training and retraining for the utilization and application of ICT materials.


Furthermore, Advanced and developing countries have also attested to the fact that ICT is a central focus for the educational policies, for use and integration in school curriculum yet the Nigerian Educational system has not adequately exposed students, teachers and institutions of learning to the realities of ICT facilities and skills that would prepare them to face the challenges of the global world of internet and knowledge sharing within the shortest possible time. Due to the relevance of ICT to teachers in the implementation of school curriculum, it is argued that teachers be adequately prepared, trained and equipped with relevant ICT facilities/skills such as computer –mediated communication, internet, electronic publishing, video conferencing, multimedia (Joassen and Reeves 1996; Cornu, 2002).


Work performance is a work related activities expected of an employee to carryout and how well those activities are executed. Teachers work performance is the overall performance of a teacher in a school. That is, his capability, competence, comportment as he discharges (teaches) his duties in the classroom. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has several roles to play in teachers work performance.  Work performance of teachers such as lesson preparation, record keeping, communication, classroom management, student’s evaluation and assessment and many others can be performed through the use of ICT facilities.


The effectiveness of any school system is tied to the level at which teachers are effective in carrying out their assigned tasks or roles in the school. The success of any school is tied to the performance of teachers in their assigned task and roles. Teachers must be able to carry out their work performance effectively, assess and evaluate students effectively and display high effectiveness in keeping accurate records of student’s progress in schools in order to boost effective teaching and learning for the actualization of set goals and objectives of the school. Teaching and learning can be effective if teachers in the school are able to apply ICT facilities in the classroom for effective and efficient instructional processes in schools.


The adoption of ICT facilities by teachers in instructional delivery will enhance work performance. It should be stressed here that the effective use of the various ICT facilities in teaching and learning depends on the availability of these facilities and teachers competencies in using them. School facilities need to be procured or made available before utilization and maintenance are carried out. When school facilities are provided or made available, there is need to find out if the facilities are adequately provided to ensure optimal performance of teachers.


Offiong (2014) stated that those Technologies save administrators a lot of energy and help teachers keep abreast with current developments in their area of specializations as well as happenings in the school. Educational institutions in Nigeria still remain ill-equipped with modern ICT facilities (Aluko, 2012). Effective or Proper utilization of ICT facilities by teachers cannot be limited to availability. This is because location of schools could be a contributing factor to teachers work performance. Location is the particular area where teaching and learning take place and this could either be urban or rural areas. The location of the schools certainly influences the level of utilization of ICT facilities by the teacher, the reason being that urban setting is characterized by modern facilities like electricity, internet access, which in turn facilitates the use of ICT facilities. While the rural setting is associated with poor standard of living, like lack of electricity and internet connections which in turn will adversely influence the use of ICT facilities (Garuba, 2003). Adequate provision or lack of these facilities may improve or hinder learning.  Onuma in Udom (2019), conducted a study on the utilization of information Technology in schools, problems and suggestions, the researcher lamented that although the Nigerian Government made some effort towards provision of basic tools for teaching and learning and application of ICT to schools this effect was limited only to few institutions.


Okoli and Ezenduka (2012) noted that learners of contemporary age acquire effective knowledge faster with the use of electronic information resources such as e-library. This means that teachers work performance cannot be effectuated in Public Secondary Schools without recourse to proper utilization of ICT facilities by teachers.

The public secondary school teachers are doing a great job but they are not doing the job satisfactorily, if they employ ICT facilities like computers, projectors, internet, E-mail, mobile phones, CD/DVD in lesson preparation, record keeping, communication, students’ evaluation and assessment the school will improve and the teachers work performance will increase greatly.


These facilities in our schools should be adequately maintained to enhance durability. Maintenance of school facilities entails repair and services of components in order to restore the physical condition and sustain their work capacity. Maintenance of school facilities ensures that school facilities are kept in good state.

 Usui (2014) in a study found out that all of the public secondary schools in Aba south Local Government Area of Abia state only three schools are provided with few sets of computers.

Though Abia State government has made some efforts towards the provision of basic tools for teaching/learning and application of ICT to schools, the effort is limited only to very few institutions. 

However, it is in the light of this background that the researcher seeks to find out the extent to which ICT facilities relates to teachers’ work performance in Public Secondary Schools both in the rural and urban in Abia State.


Secondary education occupies a strategic position in Nigeria because of the important role it plays in preparing the students for useful living in the society and for higher education. Many Nigerian Secondary schools are yet to embrace the knowledge of ICT for Nigerians to compete favorably with other countries of the world, ICT facilities must be available and should be applied by the teachers and students in all the secondary schools in Nigeria. Over the years Information and Communication Technology has been overlooked as a means of improving Teachers work performance in Schools and colleges in Nigeria and it has been observed that Abia State is grossly affected, this has given impetus to this study.


Problems relating to effective teaching processes in Public Secondary School in Abia State have raised everybody’s concern. The State Government has provided Public Secondary schools with at least one desk-top computer and computer accessories backed up with regular supervision, yet teachers’ work performance is not improved. Information and Communication Technology facilities on teachers’ work performance could be judged based on its functionality and productivity. The functionality and productivity of the nation is secondary school. Education system could be achieved through adequate ICT facilities on teachers’ work performance. The school ICT facilities when managed effectively, through provision, utilization and maintenance may enhance teachers work performance. Secondary school graduates are not performing well in ICT, thus making them to lose their relevance. Teachers work performance which is not enhanced adequately depends on the ICT facilities that are available, utilized and maintained. If the teachers employ the use of ICT facilities like computers, projectors, internet, Email, phones, CD/DVD in lesson preparation, record keeping, communication, student assessment the school will improve and the teachers work performance will increase greatly.

            Therefore the problem of this study put in question form is: what is the extent of utilization of available ICT facilities for Teacher’s work performance in public Secondary schools (rural and urban) in Abia State, Nigeria.



The purpose of this study is to investigate Information and Communication Technology Facilities for Teachers’ work performance in public secondary schools in Abia State.  Specifically, the study seeks to:

1.      find out the available ICT facilities which are utilized for teachers’ work performance in  public secondary schools

2.      determine the extent to which available ICT facilities are utilized for teachers’ lesson preparation in  public secondary schools

3.      ascertain the extent to which available ICT facilities are utilized for teachers’ record keeping in  public secondary schools

4.      find out the extent to which available  ICT facilities are utilized for students’ assessment in  secondary schools

5.      examine the extent available ICT facilities are utilized for teacher’s classroom communication in public secondary schools.

6.      ascertain the extent to which maintenance of available ICT facilities influence teacher’s work performance in  public secondary schools.




1.      What are the available ICT facilities which are utilized for teachers’ work performance in public secondary schools?

2.      To what extent are the available ICT facilities utilized for teachers’ lesson preparation in public secondary schools?

3.      To what extent are the available ICT facilities utilized for teachers’ record keeping in public secondary schools?

4.      To what extent are the available ICT facilities utilized for student’s assessment in public secondary schools?

5.      To what extent are the available ICT facilities utilized for teachers’ classroom communication in public secondary schools?

6.      How does the maintenance of available ICT facilities influence teachers’ work performance in public secondary schools?

1.5          HYPOTHESES

The following hypotheses were formulated to guide and direct the study:

1.      there is no significant difference in the mean ratings of urban and rural teachers on the available ICT facilities which are utilized for teacher’s work performance

2.      there is no significant difference between the mean ratings of teachers in urban and rural areas on  the  extent available ICT facilities which are utilized for teachers’  lesson preparation

3.      there is no significant difference between the mean ratings of teachers in urban and rural on the extent available ICT facilities which are utilized for teacher’s record keeping

4.      there is no significant difference between the mean ratings of teachers’ in urban and rural on the extent available  ICT facilities which are utilized for students’ assessment

5.      there is no significant difference between the mean ratings of teachers’ in urban and rural on the extent available ICT facilities are utilized for teacher’s classroom communication.

6.      there is no significant difference between the mean ratings of teachers’ in urban and rural on how the maintenance of available ICT facilities influence teachers’ work performance in public secondary schools in Abia State.


The finding of this study is beneficial to the following: educational administrators and planners, teachers, governments, ministry of education parents and guidance.

The result of this study is of immense benefits to the Educational Administrators and Planners: it may furnish them with current information on utilization of ICT facilities in secondary schools; it may enable them to adequately plan proper equipping of school with ICT facilities. It may also help ease day-to-day running of the school.

Teachers: in view of the uniqueness of ICT, the findings may challenge teachers in secondary schools to measure up to the demands of new Technology for work effectiveness. It may also help them to develop tangible ability to utilize devices and software package that will enhance more effective teaching-learning delivery.

Government: It may encourage government in fast-tracking the building and equipping the school with modern computer systems and other ICT facilities.

More so, the result of the study will further benefit the Ministry of education: Abia state Ministry of Education will benefit from the result of the study in the sense that it will perform oversight functions on the school system and most of the difficulties encountered in the administration of secondary schools are usually reported for solutions.

On the other hand Parents/guardians will benefit from the findings of this study because it may enable them to access their wards performance and any other issues relating to their ward in school through E-mail from the school authority.

1.6          SCOPE OF THE STUDY

The study were strictly delimited to Information and Communication Technology facilities for teachers’ work performance in rural and urban public senior secondary schools in Abia State, Nigeria. The study will be delimited to the following variables: Independent (ICT facilities) Dependent (Teachers work Performance). The study will be delimited to Availability of ICT facilities, utilization of available ICT facilities on teacher’s lesson preparation, utilization of available ICT facilities on teacher’s record keeping, utilization of available ICT facilities on student’s assessment, utilization of available ICT facilities on teachers’ classroom communication and maintenance of ICT facilities.


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