The main purpose of this work is
improving the dietary intake of diabetic patients in Ikwo local government area
of Ebonyi State. To achieve this purpose, five
specific objectives were posed which includes: examine the causes of diabetes,
determine the health implication of diabetes patients in Ikwo Local Government
Area, assess the dietary intake of diabetic patients in Ikwo Local Government
Area, ascertain the problems encountered by diabetic patients in the area of
the study in the provision of their foods, examine the ways of enhancing and
balancing dietary intake of foods by diabetic patients. Research questions were
formulated. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. A population of two
hundred and fifty (250) diabetic patients, nurses and medical doctors were
used, Data were collected through the use of questionnaire. The instrument was
validated by three experts in Home Economics department. The data collected
were analyzed using mean and frequencies. The result of the study revealed the
following: Frequent smoking can lead to joint immobility, thereby causing
diabetes, diabetes if not properly treated can lead to death, consumption of
carbohydrate and starchy foods leads to diabetes and when the hormone insulin
does not work properly in the body, diabetic patients encounter problem of lack
of finance required in providing their foods stuff and establishment of diabetic
centre for proper management can help in improving and balancing the dietary
intake of diabetic patients. Based on this findings, the following
recommendations were made; sensitization and advocacy campaign need to be
carried for the purpose of feed adequately on the right foods stuff,
consumption of fresh fruit diet, wheat and “moi-moi” diet should be encouraged,
doctors, nurses and dietitians should also play the directive role guiding both
the affected and non-affected ways of preventing such disease for the healthy
growth of the nation.
Background of the Study
Purpose of the Study
Significance of the Study
Scope of the Study
Research Question
The conceptual
frame work of diabetes
The causes of
The health
implication of diabetes
An Assessment
of Dietary intake of diabetics
encountered by the diabetic patients in providing their food.
Ways of
enhancing and dietary intake of foods in diabetic patients
Review of
related empirical studies
Summary of
reviewed of related literature
Research Design
Area of the Study
Population of the Study
Sample and Sampling Techniques
Instrument for Data Collection
Validation of the Instrument
Method of Data Collection
Method of Data Analysis
Discussion of the Findings
Limitations of the Study
Suggestions for Further Studies
of the Study
to world health organization (WHO, 2003), Diet is the sum of food consumed by a
person or an organism. Diet may also be modified and used for persons who are
ill as part of their therapy (Therapetical diet). Diet is the usual food or
drink consumed by an organism (person or animal) (Njoku, 2012). Dietary intakes
are the habitual decision an individual makes when choosing what food to eat.
Dietary intake also implies the use of specific intake of nutrition for health
or weight management. Individual’s dietary choice may be more or less healthy,
proper nutrition requires the proper ingestion and absorption of food nutrients
such as vitamins, minerals and food energy in the form of carbohydrates,
proteins and fats (Alderman and Garcia, 2000).
comes from Greek word “siphon” Aretus the cappadocian, a Greek physician during
the second century A.D named the condition diabainein (Bakhru, 2012). He
described patients who were passing too much water (polyuria), as a siphon. The
word became “diabetes” from the English word adoption or the Medieval Latin
diabetes. Diabetic patients have no or little ability to produce the hormone
insulin and are entirely dependent on insulin injection for survival.
Management should consider nutrition, physical activity and pharmacologic
therapies, i.e. the study of the use of drugs (Anderson and Prior, 2008).
and shubanginia (1992) stated that diabetes mellitus, commonly known as
diabetes is one of the most serious diseases affecting humanity. Its incidence
has increased alarmingly and has affected 18 million Indians (Garrow, James and
Ralph, 1999).
to Sumati and Mudambi, (2000), Diabetes mellitus is a genetic disease of
metabolism in which there is a partial or total inability of the body to
synthesize insulin which is characterized by partial loss of ability or
complete inability of the tissue to use carbohydrates, hyperglycemia (an excess
of glucose in the blood stream), glycosuria (the presence of glucose in the
urine in abnormally large amounts) and excess urination occur. It is a chronic
degenerative disease in which the body lacks the normal ability to metabolize
(2002) sees diabetes as any disorder of metabolism causing excessive thirst and
the production of large volumes of urine. Diabetes is a disease characterized
by chronic high levels of glucose in the blood which promote excretion of
glucose in the urine due to either rise or fall in insulin blood concentration
above or below 0.1 percent resulting in the entering of glucose into the cells
rapidly or stowing (Phyllis, Sullivan and Hovel, 2000).
mellitus simply referred to as diabetics is a group of metabolic disease in
which a person has high blood sugar either because the blood does not produce
enough insulin or because cells do not respond to the insulin that is produced.
Classical symptoms are polyuria (frequent urination), polydipsia (increased
thirst) and polyphagia (increased hunger). (David, Gardener and Dolores, 2011).
Therefore, the diet should not be unusually high in fats and low in
carbohydrates as this could result in a disease called ketosis due to
accumulation of ketone bodies in the body tissues. (Fredrick and Margaret,
well planned diet together with proper attention ensure that diabetics enjoy a
high quality of life (www. Diabetics. Diet-net, 2008), therefore, diabetic
diets is more than just cutting down on starch or sugar and eating the same
food day after day. Although all diabetic patients are to avoid all food that
contains sugar such as pastry, candy and other simple carbohydrates such as
white flour. (American Diabetes Association,2001)
mellitus requires calorie restriction so as to reduce glucose uria or a low-
calories diet to prevent ketacidosis. Studies indicate that there may be just
as many undiscovered diabetes and twice as many as may be on the verge of
getting it. Undiscovered hence untreated diabetes is one of the main causes of
further complications such as loss of limbs due to impairment of nerves and
loss of vision due to retinal detachment. Diabetes is not a disease, which can
be cured. It can only be kept under control by the patient with the help of the
nutritionist assisted by the physician. The problems of diabetic patient occur
when there is energy imbalance in food intake. When people eat more than they
need it will result to overweight and obesity, which is 10-20 % overweight,
then obese is 20 % above the average. As a result, diabetic patients do
encounter such health complications such as heart disease, nerve damage, kidney
problems, blindness or vision problems etc.
of the Problem
mellitus commonly known as diabetes is one of the prevailing diabetes affecting
humanity. One major problem of diabetic patients is their lack of proper food
knowledge. Inability to make proper food nutrients combination or proper food
choice and this has really led to the complications they encounter such as
stroke, heart diseases, kidney damage, over weight hypertension, eyes blindness
etc in the course of managing the disease. Also, most of them pay great
attention to the drugs they take not knowing that food choice and eating habit
is a necessity in the management of this diet related disease.
availability of resources is mostly scarce hindering them from getting the
right kind of diet and thus they often get frustrated and this has greatly
increased the high incidence of complication and mortality recorded with the
diseases. Thus the research is working on improving dietary intake of diabetic
patient in Ikwo Local Government
Area Ebonyi
Purpose of
the Study
main purpose of this study is to identify the various ways for improving
dietary intake of diabetes patients; specifically the study tends to:
- Examine the causes of diabetes.
- Determine the health implication
of diabetic patients in Ikwo Local Government Area.
- Assess the dietary intake of
diabetic patients in Ikwo Local Government Area.
- Ascertain the problems encountered
by diabetic patients in the area of study in the provision of their foods.
- Examine the ways of enhancing and
balancing dietary intake of foods by diabetic patients.
of the Study
research will be of great benefit to diabetic patients, the society, the
government, health care professionals and families.
study will be of great benefit to diabetic patients because they will be better
educated on the kind of diets they will have to consume, such as diets rich in
iron, protein etc., in order to live a healthy life. Diabetic patients will
also appreciate why they should avoid much intake of some food such as
carbohydrates and fats, because diets tend to raise their sugar level and
create complications to their health.
society will also benefit from this study because they will also be better
educated on the causes of diabetes (excess intake of sugar), the symptoms and
ways of avoiding such. Thereby eating appropriate foods nutrients.
government will also benefit from this study because it will enable them
educate more people on how to prevent and manage diabetes through its various
health agencies such as hospitals, clinics and teaching hospitals. The
government through this study will also be able to provide support services
such as blood screening for sugar level for diabetic and non-diabetic patients
in order to provide prevention services in its various health institutions.
professionals will benefit from this study because they will be better
positioned on issues regarding management of diabetic patients as health care
will benefit because they will be more aware of what causes diabetics and will
be better educated on how to manage cases of diabetes in their families, such
as providing the right kind of food for such persons in their home.
Scope of the
study is delimited on the improving dietary intake of diabetic patients in lkwo
local Government Area Ebonyl state. The study focuses on the causes of
diabetes, the health implication of diabetic patients, assessment of dietary
intake of diabetic patients, ascertain the problem encountered by diabetic
patient in the provision of their foods and ways of enhancing the dietary
intake of food in diabetic patients. The study will be carried out in general
hospital in lkwo local Government Area Ebonyi state, diabetic patients, medical
doctors and nurses will be the respondents.
The following
are the research questions used in the research work.
are the causes of diabetes?
are the health implications of diabetes?
are the dietary intake of diabetic patients in Ikwo Local Government Area?
are the problems encountered by diabetic patients in providing their food?
are the ways of enhancing and balancing dietary intake of food by diabetic
patients in Ikwo Local Government Area?
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