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Product Code: 00008295

No of Pages: 60

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 Relationship marketing was first desired in a form of relationship marketing development for direct response marketing campaigns which emphasis customer’s retention and satisfaction rather dominate focus on sales transactions. It is using in the banking industry her become imperative. Against this back drop that this research work aimed at assessing the impact with UBA and Zenith bank Plc as case study. A dummy regression technique was used to analyze the data of this research, the result showed that if the bank employ customer relationship marketing, there will be about 25% increase in sales volume, 7% increase in share growth and average increment of 22% in SV, SG and profitability (P<0.01) and (P<0.05). Customer Relationship Marketing to should be sustained and enhanced by the banks to ensure growth. 




Title page                                                                                      i

Declaration                                                                                    ii

Certification                                                                                iii 

Dedication                                                                                  iv                                                                                                         

Acknowledgement                                                                        v                                                                                          

Table of content                                                                            vii                    

List of tables                                                                                                      




1.1     Background To The Study                                                   1

1.2    Statement of Problem.                                                         2


1.3   Objectives of the Study                                                    3

1.4    Research Questions                                                         3

1.5    Research Hypotheses                                                       4

1.6    Significance of the Study                                                  4

 1.7   Scope of the Study                                                         5

1.8    Operational Definition of Terms                                          7


REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE                                      8

2.1            The Nature and Meaning of Marketing                            8

2.2            Theories and Models                                                    10

2.2.1        Customer Relationship Marketing  Theory                       10

2.2.2                Components of Customer Relationship Marketing.             13

2.3                  Quality and Service Delivery:-                             13

2.3.1                Moral dependency and interaction

2.3.2                Long Term Relationship Between the Bank and

     the Key Partners                                                15


2.3.3                Customer Retention                                             16

2.3.4         Customer Examined                                                 18   

2.4          Customer Relationship Marketing in the Banking Sector      

2.5           Conceptual Framework                                             20

2.5.1        Impact of Customer Relationship Marketing on the Banking

Sector                                                                 20





3.1    Research Design                                                            22

3.2    Area of the Study                                                           23

3.3    Population of the Study                                                    24

3.4    Sample Size and Sampling Techniques                                  25

3.5    Method of Data Collection                                                     26

3.6    Method of Data Analysis                                                       27

3.6.1 Regression Analysis                                                             27

3.7    T-test Distribution                                                               28



4.1    Socio Economic Characteristics                                              29

4.2    Impact of Customer Relationship Marketing on Bank Growth      34

4.3    Justification of Research Objectives and Research Questions   37




5.1    Summary                                                                           39

5.2    Conclusion                                                                         39

5.3   Recommendation                                                                   40

        Reference                                                                           41

Appendix I                                                                            47

Appendix II                                                                           48





Table 4.1   Response Rate Questionnaire                                        29

Table 4.2   Distribution of the Respondents According to Sex           30

Table 4.3   Distribution of Respondents According to their Age           30

Table 4.4   Distribution of Respondents Based on Qualification               31

Table 4.5   Distribution of Respondents According to their Year of Experience                                                                 32 

Table 4.6   Opinion of Staff and management on impact of

customer relationship marketing on bank growth              33


Table 4.7:  Regression Analysis of Impact on Customer Relationship Marketing on Sales Volumes                                         34

Table 4.8:  Regression Analysis of Impact on Customer Relationship Marketing on Share Growth                                          35

Table 49:   Regression Analysis of Impact on Customer Relationship Marketing on Profits                             36

Table 4.10a.  T – test for effect of Customer Relationship marketing and Customer loyalty             38 

Table 4.10b.  T – test for effect of Customer Relationship marketing and Customer loyalty                     38









1.1 Background TO The Study

Relationship marketing was first defined as a form of marketing development fit direct response marketing campaigns/ which emphasizes customers retention and satisfaction rather than a dominant focus on sales transitions (Kotler 2000). As a practice/ relationship marketing differs from other forms of marketing in that It recognizes the long-term value of customer relationships and retains communication beyond intrusive advertising arid sales promotional messages (Kotler & Armstrong, 2006).

With the growth of the internet and mobile platform, relationship marketing Has continued to evolve and move forwards as technology opens more collaborative and social communication channels. These include tools for managing relationships with customers that goes beyond simple demographic and customer service data. Relationship marketing extends to include in-bound marketing efforts, (a combination of search optimization and strategic content), the action, PR, social and application development Relationship marketing is a broadly recognized widely -strategy for managing and nurturing sales prospects (Anuforo & Boniface, 2014).

Relationship marketing is marketing activities that are aimed at developing and managing (long-term treatment relationship with large customers. In Relationship marketing, customer profile, buying patterns a history of contacts are maintained in a sales database, and an account to fulfill their needs and maintain the relationship.

In 2006 to 2008/ research priorities were given the title “'The Connected Customer" to reflect the increasing importance of understanding how customers and the firm interact before making key marketing decision.


1.2    Statement of Problem.

In recent years the concept of relationship marketing has developed well beyond it original function as merely using customer's database to manage business activities in making profits. It is transcended to a more integration of technologies and business processes used to satisfy needs of customer during any given interaction (Bose, 2002). A relationship market role in the marketing and overall strategy of an organizations strategic mix has become significant in the banking sector/ so research into this arena becomes increasingly important.

In the global literature sense/ a number of studies have been done in the more developed economics "on the various aspects of relationship marketing. However, Despite the adoption of relationship marketing in the banking sector, there is still a question on how this has contributed to customer retention. This therefore, gives the justification for this research to be conducted to help the literature gap existing and also to equip bankers on how to retain customers.


1.3   Objectives of the Study

The main objective was to determine the impact of customer relationship marketing on bank growth.

Other specific objectives include to:

i.                    examine the effect of relationship marketing on bank sales volume.

ii.                  analyze the effect of relationship marketing on market share growth in the banking sector.

iii.                analyze the effect of relationship marketing on the profitability of bank marketing in Abia State.

iv.                determine the relationship marketing between relationship marketing and customer loyalty in the banking sector.


1.4   Research Questions

1.   What is the effect of relationship marketing on the banks sales volume?.

2.   What is the effect of relationship marketing on market share growth of the selected banks?.


3.   What is the effect of relationship marketing to bank profitability in Abia State?.

4.   Does relationship marketing enhance customers loyalty in the banking sector.

1.5   Research Hypotheses

The hypotheses of the study are:

H01:  Relationship marketing is not significant in determining the sales volume in the banking sector.

H02:  Relationship marketing is not significant in determining market share growth.        

H03:  Relationship marketing is not significant in determining profitability in

the banking sector.

H04:  Relationship marketing is not significant in determining customers

loyalty in the bank sector.

1.6   Significance of the Study

Relationship marketing has become one of the diverse ways a bank can use to satisfy and retain customers. And this study, as a results will be of immense significance to some groups of people as highlighted below.


1.    The bank management will see the study as source of information input for making marketing decisions. This will be especially in the areas of how to identify, target, satisfy and retain customers over a period of time.


2.    Bank customers will also see the study as source of information during their service evaluation process. Thus, it choice from the numerous banks in the state.


3.    researchers will see the study as source of data for related study. Such will serve as literature in their research process.


4.    students, lecturers and other people in the academics will see the study as source of knowledge for the teaching and learning purposes. Such will help to add to their classroom knowledge of marketing.


1.7   Scope of the Study

        Geographical Scope

This work covers the use of two banks, which are UBA and ZENITH BANK. The banks to be used are located in Aba and Umuahia town all in Abia State. Abia State is one of the states in South-East geopolitical zone of Nigeria. It was created on August 27, 1991, with the capital in Umuahia. It comprises seventeen Local Government Area. The state shares common boundaries to the North with Ebonyi State, to the South and South-West with Rivers States and to be East and South-East with Cross Rivers and Akwa Ibom States respectively. To the West is Imo State and to the North-West is Anambra State.


According to NPC (2007), Abia State has a population of 2, 833, 999 of which 1,515,576 were men and 1,318,424 were women. The state covers an area of about 5,243.7sq which is approximately 5.8 percent of the total land area  of Nigeria; it lies within approximately latitudes 4040 and 60140 North, and longitudes 70100 and 80 East (Onuoha 2002). Abia State has two main urban centers, namely, Umuahia and Aba. Umuahia, the State Capital has become the administrative, educational and cultural center of the State. In addition the city is located at the center of an extensive agricultural region which covers most of the central part of the state. It is also strategically located along a well established North-South trading and transportation route William (2001).


According to Onuoha (2002), Umuahia is one of the consistently surplus producing including marketing of food grain. It is one of the pilot learning of improving productivity and market success (IPMS) of Nigerian farmers project which is currently working in improving the productivity and marketing success of Nigerian farmers through value chain development and knowledge management approaches. The diversified agro-ecology of the state creates an opportunity for the production and marketing of different crops such as cereals, pulses, oil crops, vegetables, species and perennial crops.


1.8   Operational Definition of Terms

·      Customer: This is the final user of the service of the bank.

·      Bank: This is the financial  institution that accepts deposits and pays money to the customers and other members of the public.

·      Relationship Marketing: This is the marketing strategy directed towards the identification, satisfaction and retention of the customer at profit.

·      Customer Patronage: This is the purchase and usage of bank services by the customer.

·      Customer Satisfaction: This is the psychological benefit derived from the patronage of bank services.    


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