Title Page
Certification /Approval
Table of
1.1 Statement of Problems
1.2 Objective of Study'
1.3 Justification of Study
1.4 Scope and Methodology
CHAPTHER TWO: Review of Literature
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Introduction to Modem Insurance Practices
2.3 Types of Fraud
2.4 Causes of Fraud
2.5 Control of Fraud
CHAPTER THREE: Research Methodology
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Restatement of the Research Questions
3.3 Sources of Information
3.4 Methodology for this Study
3.5 Limitation of Methodology
CHAPTER FOUR: Presentation and Analysis of Data
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Characteristics and Classification
4.3 Presentation and Analysis of Data
CHAPTER FIVE: Summary, Recommendation and
5.1 Summary of Major Findings
5.2 Recommendations
5.3 Conclusion
The problem of insurance
fraud is world-wide. The Insurance Industry may have lost several millions of
naira to fraudsters as a result of fraudulent Insurance claims and malpractices.
Fraud constitutes a serious threat to the solvency of the Insurance Industry in
as it has become clearly seen that fraud is now an organised business
perpetrated by some criminal elements in the society.
In addition, fraud is
constantly being practised on adhoc basis by many other parties because of the
adulation of wealth by the populace regardless of the source of wealth,
prompted by the perverted value system that is now permeating every aspect of
life in Nigeria.
According to L. H. Leigh:
The phenomenon of fraud
is timeless and universal . The forms which fraud takes are contingent upon the
economic system in which they are found. Fraud is not only widespread, it. is a
big time business too.
According to Funmi
A fraud is an act of
deceit to gain unfair advantage. It embraces any cunning deception or trick
employed to deceive or cheat another. Fraud signifies not only a criminal-
deception but encompasses concealment of facts, as well as international
perversion of truth in order to induce another person to part with something of
The actors of Insurance
fraud include untrustworthy investors, corrupt intermediaries, Insurance
consumers, Insurance employees -and the criminal elements in the society.
According to Owen C.
Fraud includes all means
which human ingenuity can devise that are employed to gain an advantage by
false suggestion or by suppression of the truth. It is a deliberate action with
the intent to altering the truth for personal gain. The personal gain is not
necessarily pecuniary, it may be done to please a member of a social group. It
is thus recognised that any form of falsehood is fraud. It may be social or
formal. There are about 160 registered Insurance Companies in Nigeria. As a
result of the various fraudulent acts permeating the Insurance Industry, some
members of the public now have negative impression about the Insurance
Companies, that they are dubious business concerns runned by men whose negative
attitude are ill-disposed to the correct interpretation of Insurance contracts.
According to Olabode
Ogunlana, Chartered Insurance Practitioner:
Insurance frauds are not
new in Nigeria
and abroad; but the tempo and magnitude of it in Nigeria in recent times have
assumed alarming proportions. Members of the public, Insurance officials and
others now indulge in frauds.
Insurers now have to deal
with a lot of false claims inflated values of cars, mostly second hand are now
common occurrences. Usually such claims are preceded by inflated value of
insured vehicles Sometimes, assessors acting on behalf of insurers assist in the
perpetration of these frauds.
Solution he noted, has
become elusive because of peoples perception of honesty and what is right is
now warped. People think that it is right and normal for Insurance Companies to
be defrauded. Car stealing syndicates grow by the day. Obtaining police reports
for motor or burglary claims is near impossible.
Net all forms of fraud
result in economic gains to the perpetrators. This study was concentrated
mainly on those frauds that lead to economic gains by the perpetrators in the
Insurance Industry (i.e. examining the various methods of perpetrating fraud,
types of fraud, causes and possible control of frauds in the Industry using
LASACO ASSURANCE PLC as a case study).
The objective of writing
on fraud in the Insurance Industry are:
- To identify the
various ways and methods through which frauds are perpetrated by or with
collusion of insurance employees, intermediaries, consumers and consultants.
- To investigate the
causes of fraud in the Insurance Industry.
- To examine ways of
safeguarding and or militating against Insurance frauds.
This project will be
found interesting, educative and information by several interest groups based
on the facts that, efforts are based on data collected to make this research
work a laudable one.
The effort of fraud on the Insurance Industry eroded the profit to
be shared by the shareholders, reserves meant for plough back and tax to
government account as revenue.
The profitability and stability of any financial institution plays
an active role to sustain the economy, because the economy of any nation are
principally handled and controlled by the financial sectors of which the
industry will adversely affect the nation’s wealth as a whole.
The importance of this project to the students and researchers,
would constitute a vital and literature for consultation towards enhancing
their knowledge in reducing the way of frauds or if possible total eradication.
It is believed that the information contained in this project will
create possible challenge and avenue for further research into the topic with
the desire aim of preventing frauds in the Insurance Industry.
a. Source of Data:
The sources of data will
comprise of the primary and the secondary data.
The primary data would be
made up of data collected from information retrieved from textbooks, journals,
newspapers and Insurance Decree of 1991.
The secondary data would
be made-up of data from personal interview through the use of questionnaire and
direct observations. The sampling design would comprise of: all categories of
staff working in both life and non life department of LASACO Assurance Plc as
one of the leading Insurance company in Nigeria. Random sampling method will
be used to select the sample size i.e. 30% of the entire population.
b. Methods of
The method of
presentation and analysis of data for this research work will be done in a form
based on the responses from the questions i.e. questionnaires. Also,
respondents characteristics will be identified and classified.
c. Scope and
Period of Coverage:
The research work would
cover LASACO Assurance Plc, Lagos
as one of the leading companies in the Insurance Industry. Also emphasis would
be on those frauds that leads to economic gains by the perpetrators in the
Insurance Industry. However, the limitation to LASACO Assurance Plc, and few
others among other Insurance. companies in the Lagos Metropolis and period of
coverage for this research work was strictly due to time constraint slated for
the completion of this research work and irregularities in academic calendar
partly caused by persistent strikes, and which as a result does not permit
enough time to go round other insurance companies in Lagos metropolis.
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