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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007242

No of Pages: 126

No of Chapters: 5

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This study was carried out to evaluate brands of flour, semolina andtable salts for their quality and micronutrient contents. Assuming a 30,000IU level of fortification for vitamin A in the flour and semolina samples, vitamin A losses of 16.11% for Golden Penny Semolina, 18.83% for Honeywell flour, 19.61% for Pure flour, 19.88% for Honeywell whole wheat meal, 20.06% for Golden Penny flour, 21.06% for Supreme semolina and 21.72% for Honeywell Semolina were recorded. Results obtained for iron content analyses of the flour and semolina samples showed very low levels of iron (8.31mg/kg – 10.94mg/kg) in all the samples analysed. This poses a huge challenge in the effort to fight iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) in Nigeria. For the salt sample analyses, the effects of the interactive relationships between storage time, brand, and packaging on iodine losses, moisture content and pH were also investigated. The results showed that all salt samples analysed had adequate amounts of added iodine (Mean values ≥ 30ppm) at the time of analyses but storage time and exposure of the salt samples had significant effects (p<0.05) on the rate of iodine losses, assuming a 50ppm level of iodisation at the time of production as stated on the labels thereby suggesting the need for improved consumer education and awareness, monitoring and evaluation by relevant agencies, and salt producers making necessary processing adjustmentsat the point of production to reduce the rate of iodine losses under different conditions of handling, storage and distribution.


Title page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                  ii

Certification                                                                                                                iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgement                                                                                                      v

Table of Contents                                                                                                       vi

List of Tables                                                                                                              vii

Abstract                                                                                                                      viii



1.1       Background of the Study                                                                               1

1.2       Statement of the Problem                                                                               5

1.3       Justification                                                                                                     5

1.4       Objectives                                                                                                       5



2.1       The Current Status of Fortification Programs in Africa                                 6

2.2       Harmonization of Food Fortification Standards in Africa                             7

2.3       Fortification Priorities for the African Region                                               8

2.4       Successes in Developing Countries                                                                9

2.5       Fortification of Staple Foods; A Successful History                                      14

2.6      Programmes and Problems                                                                               17

2.7       Monitoring and Evaluation as a Critical Factor in the Sustenability of

Fortification                                                                                                    22

2.8       Childhood Nutrition and Malnutrition in Nigeria                                          26

2.9      Micronutrient Malnutrition in Nigeria                                                             27

2.10     Current Global Status                                                                                     30

2.10.1  Iron deficiency and anaemia                                                                           30

2.10.2  Vitamin A                                                                                                       34

2.10.3  Iodine                                                                                                              37

2.10.4  Zinc                                                                                                                 40

2.10.5  Other B – vitamins (Thiamine, Riboflavin and Niacin)                                  45

2.10.6  Thiamine                                                                                                         46

2.10.7  Riboflavin                                                                                                       49

2.10.8  Niacin                                                                                                              50

2.10.9  Calcium                                                                                                           53

2.11     Fortification with Several Micronutrients                                                       55

2.12     Micronutrient Stability                                                                                    56

2.13    Bioavailability                                                                                                  59

2.14     Labelling                                                                                                         60

2.15     How effective is Mandatory Fortification in Nigeria?                                   61




3.1       Source of Materials                                                                                         63

3.2       Methods                                                                                                          63

3.3       Proximate Analysis                                                                                         64

3.3.1   Moisture content                                                                                             64

3.3.2   Fat content                                                                                                       64

3.3.3   Ash content                                                                                                      65

3.3.4   Crude fibre                                                                                                      66

3.3.5   Protein content                                                                                                66

3.3.6   Carbohydrate content                                                                                     67

3.3.7    Determination of thiamin                                                                                67

3.3.8   Determination of riboflavin                                                                            68

3.3.9    Determination of niacin                                                                                  69

3.3.10 Determination of vitamin A content                                                                70

3.3.11  Determination of iodine content                                                                     71

3.3.12 Determination of pH                                                                                       72

3.3.13  Determination of mineral contents                                                                 72

3.4       Statistical Analysis                                                                                          75



4.1       Results of the proximate analyses on the flour and semolina samples           76

4.2       Results of the vitamin content analyses of the flour and semolina

            samples.                                                                                                           82                                                                                           

4.3       Results of mineral content determination of the flour and semolina

samples.                                                                                                           85


4.4      Effect of storage time on the shelf stability of the different salt

samples analysed.                                                                                            90


4.5       Effect of salt source (producing firms) on the shelf stability of all the

salt samples analysed.                                                                                      93


4.6      Packaging material and exposure effects on iodine retention/stability

     depending on salt producer                                                                             96



5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                      99

5.2       Recommendations                                                                                          100


REFERENCES                                                                                                        101

APPENDIX                                                                                                               117








2.1       Standard fortification specifications for selected staple

foods in Nigeria                                                                                  62


4.1       Results of proximate analyses on the flour and semolina

samples                                                                                                81


4.2       Results of vitamin content determination for the different

flour and semolina samples.                                                                84                                                                                                                           

4.3       Results of mineral content determination for the flour and

semolina samples                                                                                 89                                                   

4.4       Results of the effects of production year on iodine   retention 

of the salt samples analysed.                                                               92


4.5       Result on the effect of salt source (producing firm) on the

                 shelf stability of the salt samples analysed                                         95                                           

4.6     Results on the effect of kind of packaging and exposure on

the iodine content, moisture content and pH of the salt

samples analysed with emphasis on producing firm (Brand)             98








Fortification is defined as the addition of one or more essential nutrients to a food whether or not it is originally contained in the food, for the purpose of preventing or correcting a demonstrated deficiency of one or more nutrients in the population or specific population groups (Allen et al., 2006). The fortification vehicle can either be a staple food or a processed commercially-available food, and a lot of food vehicles have been tried.



Micronutrients are chemical substances in foods that are essential for human health and well being needed in very small amounts. These micronutrients include essential trace minerals and all of the known vitamins. Micronutrient deficiency develops when consumption of bioavailable micronutrients in foods are just too low to meet standard requirements, and this affects about one third to half of the global population. The most common forms of micronutrient deficiencies are iodine, iron, and vitamin A deficiency (Allen et al., 2006).


Foods for human and animal consumption are obtained from agriculture, which means that agricultural products are the primary source of most essential nutrients needed for good health and development. If these agricultural products alone can not supply all the required essential nutrients in the amounts required for good health and sound productive lives, malnutrition develops. To date, the major focus of agricultural innovation and research has always been on improving yields with no emphasis on raising the nutrient output of farming systems.

Food security is very important but the nutritional quality of crops produced must be priority too if sustainable progress toward reducing or eliminating the prevalence of malnutrition is to be realized.


Several categories of commercial fortification programs are ongoing in countries globally. They include mass fortification, targeted fortification, voluntary fortification and mandatory fortification. In mass fortification, essential micronutrients are added to a food that is consumed evenly by a wide spectrum of the general population (Allen et al., 2006). This is the most preferred and effective type of fortification programme employed when there is evidence that a large proportion of the general population is at risk of a particular micronutrient deficiency. Targeted fortification is implemented when a particular group within a given population e.g. infants has a unique risk for a particular nutrient deficiency.


An example is the addition of micronutrients to infant formulas or infant cereals. Voluntary fortification is where a food company voluntarily adds nutrients to a food that is not mandated by the government legislaton to be fortified. Mandatory fortification is where the government issue laws or regulations that require the enrichment and fortification of certain foods to standard specifications. Where there is documented evidence of widespread nutrient deficiency diseases within a given population, mandatory fortification is usually legislated by government. For any fortification programme to be sustainable over the long term, there must to be an effective program in place for monitoring fortification compliance by the food processors.


To solve the problem of micronutrient malnutrition, fortification of selected staple foods has proven to be very efficient for certain micronutrients; the iodization of table salt, fortification of wheatflour with iron and vitamin A and fortification of vegetable oil with vitamin A (Poletti et al., 2004). The objective of the international community and relevant agencies has so far been on the three most prevalent deficiencies: vitamin A, iodine and iron (Johnson et al., 2004), although zinc and folic acid deficiencies are emerging as important public health problems.

The iodine deficiency resulting from geological rather than socio-economic conditions cannot be corrected by changing dietary habits or by eating specific kinds of foods but should be eliminated by supplying the needed iodine from other external sources. Therefore it has been common practice to use common salt as a vehicle for iodine fortification for the past 75 years.


Salt is consumed evenly at approximately the same level throughout the year by the entire population of a region hence iodization of salt has now been accepted universally as a strategy for combating iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) (W.H.O, 2007).


A number of strategies have been employed worldwide to tackle iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) among vulnerable groups. Iron supplementation, nutritional education, control of infectious and parasitic diseases and fortification of foods with iron are some of the acceptable strategies. When iron deficiency anaemia is population-wide and results from a combination of low iron intakes and low bioavailability, fortification of wheat flour with iron offers a number of added strategic advantages.


Therefore among all the strategies employed to deliver additional iron to humans, food fortification and enrichment has the highest potential to improve the iron status of a large proportion of the global population (Lynch, 2005; Anjum et al., 2006). Iron is being added to flour to replace what is possibly lost during milling or reach a level higher than what is possibly found naturally in whole wheat. The criteria for choosing the form of iron (fortificant) to be added to milled flour include its bioavailability, effect on the quality and colour of flour and flour products and cost (Nalubola and Nestel, 2000).


The World Health Organisation estimates that 5.2 million preschool children show signs of night blindness due to vitamin A deficiency and 190 million have low serum retinol concentrations, which indicates vitamin A deficiency (Sherwin et al., 2012). Xerophthalmia, a drying of the conjunctiva and cornea of the eye is the most well known visible consequence of vitamin A deficiency. It leads to night blindness, bitot’s spots, corneal ulceration and ultimately blindness. Vitamin A deficiency has also been associated with increased morbidity and mortality from measles, diarrhea, respiratory and other infections presumably due to impaired immune response caused by the deficiency (Mayo-Wilson et al., 2011). Varieties of food vehicles used for vitamin A fortification include margarine, vegetable oils, milk and complimentary foods.

However, the success of fortification programs largely depends on micronutrient stability and the foods to which they are added. If the fortificant is exposed to the physical and chemical factors such as air, heat, light, acid or alkaline environments and moisture during food processing, packaging, distribution and storage affects its stability (Huma, 2004). So far, results from studies on micronutrient stability in fortified foods in Nigeria is scarce hence this study could provide important information on stability of fortificants and rate of micronutrient losses due to handling, distribution and storage conditions. Food fortification legislation in Nigeria must be holistically monitored by relevant agencies to ensure compliance by food processors as this will help in the prevention and control of micronutrient malnutrition.


Despite the national and international recommendations that selected consumer goods be fortified to standard specifications, the re-emergence of micronutrient deficiency symptoms among vulnerable groups in the Nigerian population may suggest inadequate micronutrient fortification by manufacturers, or loss of fortificants due to storage conditions, handling and distribution processes.


1.3       OBJECTIVE

The main objective of study is aimed at a quality assessment and micronutrient content evaluation of selected food samples and comparing the results with standard specifications to ascertain conformity.

The specific objectives are

1.      To determine the quality status of wheat flour, semolina and table salt sold in the market.

2.      To determine the effect of storage on the quality indices of the wheat flour, semolina and the table salt samples.

3.      To evaluate the effect of storing the selected table salt samples in different kinds of packaging materials.



It is important to ascertain the levels of micronutrient fortification in selected food samples and to draw the necessary conclusions with special reference to micronutrient content/losses at the point of consumption, under different conditions of storage and distribution.




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