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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007732

No of Pages: 258

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This study was carried out in Imo State, Southeastern Nigerian to investigate the effect of clay minerals from selected parent materials (Coastal plain sand, Alluvium, Imo Clay Shale, False Bedded Sandstone and Upper Coal Measure) at different soil depths (0-20, 20 - 40 and 40 – 60cm) on soil potassium dynamics including forms, adsorption properties, and kinetics. Soil sampling was carried out with soil auger in three replicates from each parent material giving a total of forty-five composite samples. The experimental design was a 5 x 3 factorial in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). Statistical analysis revealed significant (P<0.05) variation in soil physical and chemical properties with parent material and soil depth except Magnesium, Available Phosphorus, Total Exchangeable Acidity and Effective Cation Exchange Capacity that were not significant. However, interactions between parent materials and soil depth were not significant in influencing all the physical and chemical properties of the soils studied. With the exception of available phosphorus, soil of Imo clay formation was most superior in soil fertility variables, while the least values of these properties were found in soil of coastal plain sand formation. With respect to depth, top layers had significant greater amount of these fertility indices. The mineralogy of the clay-sized fraction of the soils showed the dominance of kaolinite and quartz with some amounts of Smectites and Montmorillonite at lower soil horizons especially soils formed on Imo clay Shale and upper coal measure. Haematite and goethite were the predominant pedogenic iron oxides and gibbsite which is an aluminum oxide was also identified. While the concentrations of quartz and kaolinite decreased with depth, the occurrence of smectites, goethite and hematite in mostly soils of Imo clay Shale and upper coal measure formations increased with soil depth. The potassium forms varied significantly (P<0.05) with parent material, soil depth and their interactions. Irrespective of parent material and depth, solution potassium (mean of 0.067 cmol/kg) had the least values, while the highest amounts of K were observed in the structural K fraction (mean of 11.786 cmol/kg). Most of the minerals except quartz correlated negatively with solution K and positively with structural K. Freundlich and Langmuir models sufficiently described potassium adsorption properties of soils. Irrespective of the adsorption model used, the K adsorption capacity was in the increasing order of Coastal Plain Sand > alluvium > False Bedded Sandstone > upper coal measure > Imo clay shale. Apart from quartz, other minerals especially hematite, goethite, gibbsite, kaolinite and smectite related positively with K sorption capacity and energy coefficient. Both parent material and soil depth as lone factors significantly influenced the kinetic rate constant (Ki), but their interactive effects were not significant. The means Ki values occurred in the following order: Coastal Plain Sand (21 x 10-3 m-1) < alluvium (22 10-3 m-1) < False Bedded Sandstone (38 10-3 m-1) < upper coal measure (38 10-3 m-1) < and Imo clay shale (49 10-3 m-1). The rate constant (Ki) generally increased with soil depth. In the same vein, goethite, haematite, smectite and kaolinite correlated positively with Ki, while the correlation between Ki and quartz was negative. In view of the above, K nutrition  may be a constraint to crop productivity in these soils due to high K adsorption capacity and adsorption rate, unless there is high K fertilization and reduction of adsorption through liming and organic matter addition. Freundlich and Langmuir equations are recommended for description of sorption data, while First Order Reaction model is suitable for predicting the rate of soil K adsorption in soils of Imo State, Southeastern Nigeria.



Title Page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                  ii

Certification                                                                                                                iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                    v

Tables of Contents                                                                                                      vii

List of Tables                                                                                                              xii

List of Figures                                                                                                             xiii

Abstract                                                                                                                      xv


CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION                                                                          1

1.1       Background to the Study                                                                               1


CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW                                                              7

2.1       Clay Minerals Group                                                                                       10

2.1.1    2: 1 Clay Minerals Group                                                                                12

2.2       Physical Characteristics of Clay                                                                     15

2.2.1    Kaolinite Group                                                                                              19

2.2.2    Montmorillonite / Smectite Group                                                                  21

2.2.3    Illite (Clay – Mica) Group                                                                              24

2.2.4    Chlorite Group                                                                                                27

2.3       Isomorphous Substitution                                                                               27

2.3.1    Adsorption and Ion Exchange                                                                                    28

2.3.2    Surface Charge Properties                                                                              32

2.4       Clay Mineralogy of Selected Soil                                                                   32

2.4.1    Mineralogical Characterization of Clay Fraction                                            33

2.4.2    Mineralogical Composition of Clay Fraction                                                  34

2.4.3    Physical Properties of Clay Soil                                                                      35

2.4.4    Soil Moisture Retention                                                                                  37

2.5       Role of Clay Minerals in the Supply and Availability of Plant Nutrient        39

2.5.1    Role of Clay Mineral on Potassium Availability                                            40

2.5.2    Influence of Clay Mineral on Soil Physical Properties                                   41

2.5.3    Influence of Clay minerals on Soil Acidification                                           42

2.6       Potassium Fertility in Soils                                                                             43

2.6.1    Forms of Potassium as a Function of Clay Mineralogy                                  47

2.6.2    Clay Mineralogy and its relationship with Potassium Forms                          59

2.6.3    Potassium Forms and Physicochemical Properties                                         51

2.6.4    Soils of Imo State                                                                                           53

2.6.5    Characteristics of Soils of Imo State                                                              54

2.6.6    Land Use Changes as it Affects Soil Properties and Clay Mineralogy          54


CHAPTER 3: MATERIALS AND METHODS                                                   56

3.1       Study Area                                                                                                      56

3.1.1    Soil of the Area                                                                                               56

3.1.2    Site Characteristics                                                                                         57

3.1.3    Soil Sampling                                                                                                  59

3.1.4    Sample Preparation                                                                                         64

3.2       Determination of Physicochemical Characteristics of Soil                             64

3.2.1    Particles Size                                                                                                   64

3.2.2    pH                                                                                                                   64

3.2.3    Exchangeable Bases                                                                                        64

3.2.4    Cation Exchange Capacity                                                                             65

3.2.5    Organic Carbon                                                                                               65

3.2.6    Available Phosphorus                                                                                     65

3.2.7    Total Nitrogen                                                                                                 66

3.2.8    Exchangeable Acidity                                                                                     66

3.2.9    Exchangeable Basic Cation                                                                            66

3.2.10  Effective Cation Exchange Capacity (ECEC)                                               66

3.2.11  Base Saturation                                                                                               66

3.3       Forms of Potassium                                                                                        66

3.3.1    Total Potassium                                                                                               66

3.3.2    Water – Soluble K                                                                                          67

3.3.3    Exchangeable Potassium                                                                                 67

3.3.4    Non-Exchangeable of Fixed Potassium                                                          68

3.3.5    Available Potassium                                                                                        67

3.3.6    Mineral or structural Potassium                                                                      67

3.4       Potassium Adsorption Experiment                                                                 67

3.4.1    Langmuir Equation                                                                                         69

3.4.2    Freundlich Sorption Isotherm                                                                         69

3.5       Kinetics of Potassium Adsorption                                                                  70

3.5.1    Potassium Sorption Kinetic Modeling                                                            71

3.6       Mineralogical Analysis                                                                                    71

3.7       Statistical Analysis                                                                                          74

CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                                    75

4.1       Physical and Chemical Characteristics of the Soils Studied                          75

4.2       Mineralogical Composition of the Soils of Studied Area                               80

4.2.1    Mineralogical Composition of Soils Formed on Alluvium at

 Different Soil Depths                                                                                    100

4.2.2    Mineralogical Composition of Soils Formed on Coastal Plain

Sand at Different Soil Depths                                                                                    100

4.2.3    Mineralogical Composition of Soils Formed on False Bedded

Sandstone at Different Soil Depths                                                                101

4.2.4    Mineralogical Composition of Soils of Imo Clay Shale at

Different Soil Depths                                                                                     102

4.2.5    Mineralogical Composition of Soils Formed on Upper Coal

            Measure at Different Soil Depths                                                                   104

4.2.6    Correlation between Clay Minerals and Some Selected Soil Properties        104

4.3       Forms and Distribution of Potassium in the Soils                                          107

4.3.1    Water –Soluble K                                                                                           107

4.3.2    Exchangeable Potassium                                                                                 109

4.3.3    Non – Exchangeable Potassium                                                                      111

4.3.4    Available Potassium                                                                                        111

4.3.5    Structural / Mineral K                                                                                     112

4.3.6    Total Potassium                                                                                               113

4.4.1    Correlation Coefficient between the Potassium Forms and Some

Physical and Chemical Properties of the Soils                                                114

4.4.2    Relationship between Forms of Potassium and Clay Minerals                       117

4.5       Potassium Sorption Characteristics of the Soils                                             120

4.5.1    Potassium Sorption Characteristics of the Soils                                             120

4.5.2    Langmuir Adsorption Isotherm                                                                      126

4.5.3    Langmuir Bonding Energy Constant                                                              127

4.5.4    Langmuir Adsorption Maximum                                                                    130

4.5.5    Freundlich Adsorption Isotherm                                                                    136

4.5.6    Freundlich Adsorption Energy                                                                       136

4.5.7    Freundlich Adsorption Capacity                                                                    137

4.5.8    Comparism between Freundlich and Langmuir Adsorption Indices              144

4.5.9    Clay Minerals and K- adsorption Indices                                                       145

4.6       Potassium Sorption Kinetics of the Soils                                                        147

4.6.1    Relationship between Clay Minerals and Potassium Kinetics Indices           158


CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION                                       160

5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                      160

5.2       Recommendations                                                                                          162












2.1       Occurrence of Soil Clay Minerals in relation to weathering Process Principal Mechanism and Soil Types from Pedro, 1982                                9

2.2       Charge Characteristics and Cation Exchange Capacities of Clay

Minerals from Bohn et al.1985, McBride 1994                          18

3.1       Soil Parent Materials and Sample locations          60

3.2       Sample Locations, Sample Codes and Coordinates Points at in situ             61

4.1       Some Physical and Chemical Properties of the Soils used Study                  79

4.2       Mineralogical Properties of the Soil                        99

4.3       Correlation Coefficient between Clay Minerals and Some 

Selected Soil Properties                                 106

4.4       Form and Distribution of Potassium in the Soils                110

4.5       Correlation Coefficient between the Potassium Forms and Physical and Chemical Properties of the Soils                        115

4.6       Correlation Coefficient between Clay Minerals and the Different Forms of Potassium                                 119

4.7       Potassium Sorption Characteristics of the Soil Samples Using Langmuir and Freundlich Equations at Different Soil Depth and Parent Materials             128

4.8       Correlation Coefficient between Clay Mineral and K- Adsorption indices   147

4.9       Variables used in Modeling K sorption Kinetics with a Pseudo First-Order Model. Parameters include the Rate Constant and Sorption Capacity      157


4.10     Correlation Coefficient between Clay Mineral and K-adsorption Indices     159










LIST OF FIGURES                        

2.1       Structural arrangement of 1:1 Clays   minerals                                               11

2.2       1:1 Structure arrangement of 2:1 Clays minerals                                            13

2.3       2:1 Structure   arrangement of 1:1 and 2:1 Clays minerals                             17

2.4       Adsorption and Ion Exchange in 1:1 clay minerals                                        30

2.5       Adsorption and Ion Exchange in 2:1 clay minerals                                        30

3.1       Geologic Map of Studied Areas in Imo State                                                            63

4.1       X- Ray Diffractogram of Soil Minerals                                                          82

4.2:      Potassium Sorption Isotherm for Soils from Isieke                                        122

4.3:      Potassium Sorption Isotherm for Soils from Umuele                                     123

4.4:      Potassium Sorption Isotherm for Soils from Umuinem                                  124

4.5:      Potassium Sorption Isotherm for Soils from Ubana                                       125

4.6:      Potassium Sorption Isotherm for Soils from Umuopia                                   126

4.7:      Langmuir adsorption of k for soil of Akwu                                                   131

4.8:      Langmuir adsorption of k for soil of Umuachishi

            1/c (mg-1 L)                                                                                                    132

4.9:      Langmuir adsorption of k for soil of Ubahu                                                   133

4.10:    Langmuir adsorption of k for soil of Umuokwa                                             134

4.11:    Langmuir adsorption of k for soil of Amaikpa                                               135

4.12:    Freuendlich K adsorption for soil of Umuopia                                               140

4.13:    Freuendlich K adsorption isotherm for soil of Umuezukwe                          141

4.14:    Freuendlich K adsorption isotherm for soil of Okpala                                   142

4.15:    Freuendlich K adsorption isotherm for soil of Umuayata                              143

4.16:    Freuendlich K adsorption isotherm for soil of Umuopia                                144

 4.17.  K sorbed against Equilibrium Time at different Depths for Soil of Isieke     148

 4.18:  K sorbed against equilibrium time at different depths for soil of Umuokwa  148

 4.19:  K sorbed against Equilibrium Time at different Depths for Soil of Umuezukwe                                         149

 4.20:   K sorbed against Equilibrium Time at different Depths for Soil of Okpala   149

 4.21.  K sorbed against Equilibrium Time at different Depths for Soil of Umuele   150

 4.22:  K sorbed against Equilibrium Time at different Depths for Soil of Amaikpa 150

 4.23:  K sorbed against Equilibrium Time at different Depths for Soil of Umuopia151

 4.24:  K sorbed against Equilibrium Time at different Depths for Soil of Umuezeaga                                            151

 4.25:  K sorbed against Equilibrium Time at different Depths for Soil of Akwu     152

 4.26:  K sorbed against Equilibrium Time at different Depths for Soil of Ubana     152

 4.27. K sorbed against Equilibrium Time at different Depths for Soil of Umuachishi        153

 4.28: K sorbed against Equilibrium Time at different Depths for Soil of Umuayata153

 4.29:  K sorbed against Equilibrium Time at different Depths for Soil of Ubahu    154

 4.30:  K sorbed against Equilibrium Time at different Depths for Soil of Umuinem154

 4.31:  K sorbed against Equilibrium Time at different Depths for Soil of  Umuzegem                                                  155







Minerals are natural inorganic compounds with definite physical, chemical and crystalline properties. They can be classified into primary (chemically unaltered) or secondary (chemically altered) minerals, silicates and non- silicates, crystalline and non-crystalline minerals (Brady and Weil, 2008). Soil minerals play an important function in determining the soil's adaptability and behavior for different land uses (Hinsinger et al. 2009).  

The primary mineral part of the soil is inherited from the parent material, and are usually found in the sand and silt fraction of soils but may be modified under the influence of different factors and processes while secondary minerals are mainly found in the clay and silt fractions because the particle size of primary minerals usually decrease during weathering. The mineralogical constitution of soil is complex. The Earth's crust includes almost 100 elements, yet just eight of them (O2, Si, Al, Fe, Ca, Na, K, and Mg) make up 98.5 percent of the crust and constitute the soil body's foundation. The silicates and alumino-silicates are the most dominant minerals in most soil types, accounting for 60% of all extant minerals. They may be found in both main and secondary minerals. The primary minerals formed as a consequence of the weathering of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks, whereas the secondary minerals formed as a result of the primary minerals' chemical weathering (Brady and Weil, 2008).

As in other parts of the tropics, rain-fed agriculture featuring different types of crops mainly for subsistence has continued to be plagued with plethora of problems which result in soil fertility decline. Brown et al. (2004) identified geographical variables, particularly weather and human operations as major antecedents to soil nutrient loss in the tropics. In addition, the increasing populations of people on fragile landscapes coupled with intensive soil tillage during agricultural production are other factors leading to severe soil degradation in tropical environments (Fungo et al. 2011, Lufafa, et al. 2003).  

Clay minerals are natural, earthy, fine-grained material which develops plasticity when mixed with limited amount of water. Among these materials are hydrated aluminum silicates which are    very stable during catalytic treatment processes. They have surface endowed with weakly acidic and basic sites.    Clay mineral analysis has been widely used to characterize soil parent material and to relate it to the bedrock (Bronger et al. 1994) as well as to associated mineralogical transformations that occur with changes in climate and weathering intensity (Bini and Mondini, 1992). Phyllosilicates (clay minerals) dominate the portion (0.002mm or 2 microns) of many soils, according to Kostic (2000), which affects the soil's physico-chemical characteristics (especially in terms of its plasticity, stickiness, swelling, shrinkage, cohesion and the soil structure and moisture retention). The silicate structure is the most important in the study of clay mineralogy is the layer - minerals which have there structure referred to as phyllosilicates. Clay minerals are determined by their chemical composition, layered structure and size. Kaolinite, smectite (montmorillonite, saponite), mica (illite), and chlorite are the four divisions of clay minerals (Shichi and Takagi, 2000; Nayak and Singh, 2007; Burhan and Ciftci, 2010). The clay mineral characteristics of a given soil type influence largely the capacity of the soil to supply nutrient to plants and the kinetics of its ability to replenish the soil solution after the depletion of the rhizosphere (Hinsinger, 2009). Different types of clay mineral hold and retain differing kind and quantity of nutrients. Therefore, characterizing the clay minerals availability in a particular soil can be an important index in understanding and possibly predicting the degree to which the soil can retain and supply nutrients to plants, since mineral surfaces serve as potential sites for nutrient adsorption and storage. The chemistry of minerals of parent material has an impact on clay mineralogy of soil. As weathering proceeds, the clay content increases as a result of physical and chemical alteration of primary minerals (Mehdi et al. 2007). The amount of mineralogical constitution affects soil water holding based on the amount and percentage of clay minerals found in a soil type. One of the most vital variables influencing soil chemical and physical characteristics is the mineralogical composition of the clay component. Their types and amounts are influenced by several factors such as climate, topography, vegetation and bedrock type (Libo et al. 2015). Clay, minerals particularly certain common clay minerals like kaolinite, montmorillonite, and illite, are good tracers of bedrock weathering activities (Tang et al. 2002). Furthermore, the kinds and amounts of clay minerals are thought to be a significant restriction on soil's physical and chemical characteristics.

Potassium being an imperative plant nutrient plays several roles in plants such as enzyme activation, protein synthesis, ion absorption and transport, photosynthesis and respiration (Mengel, 2007). Among the major plant nutrients in soil, potassium is the most abundant. Its amount in the soils varies depending on parent material, degree of weathering, gains through fertilizers and losses through crop removal, erosion and leaching. Total K content in soils ranges between 0.5 – 2.5 % with lower values in coarse-textured soils formed from sand stones or quartzite and higher content in soils developed from parent material rich in K- bearing minerals (Havlin et al. 2005).    

Soil potassium is found in four diverse forms viz soil solution K, exchangeable, non-exchangeable and mineral potassium. Soil solution K form is most mobile and prone to leaching in soils. Exchangeable and solution K are frequently regarded as easily accessible forms to plant, while non-exchangeable and mineral K are slowly available forms. Potassium that is only accessible gradually, which is fixed and non-exchangeable, is the form trapped between the layers or sheets of certain clay minerals; plants can use only very little of it during a single growing season (Spark 1987). The major sources of non-exchangeable K in soils are K-rich 2:1 clay minerals such as micas (illite) clays which also fix K between their layers when they become dry, but do not release all of the fixed K when wet. However, the distributions of different forms of K in soil characteristics are linked to soils. such as soil minerals, particle size distribution, cation exchange capacity (CEC), and soil salinity. The relationship between K forms and soil properties can be used to predict K availability in soil, K cycling and K supplying power of soils (Sharpley, 1989; Najafi Ghiri et al. 2011).    

It has been revealed that under multiple cropping systems, the potassium status of soil is depleting rapidly and various potassium pools in soil is essential for sustainable crop production (Fareeha Habib et al. 2014). The potassium release rates from soil under long term cropping, fertilizer application and manuring helps to predict the fate of added K in soil as well as nature of K supply from soil to plant (Samra and Swarup, 2001). Potassium as a macronutrient is often taken up in large quantities by crops under intensive cropping and its uptake is in many crops almost equal to nitrogen (Marschner, 1995).

Based on the weathering phase of these minerals, potassium discharge from the interlayer is extremely slow (Rehm and Schmitt, 2002). Particle size and chemical content affect the discharge of K from clay minerals (Huang, 2005). K that is easily accessible is either dissolved (water soluble) or retained on the top of clay particles (exchangeable K). Fixed or non-exchangeable forms of potassium, according to Bhonsel et al. (1992), may be the primary source of potassium for plants. Clay content and clay mineralogy of soil, as well as the crops cultivated, control a dynamic equilibrium that occurs between various forms of potassium in soils and the destiny of applied K in soil. Vermiculite and beidellite have a greater K fixation capability than montmorillonite among expanding 2:1 layer silicates (Ross and Cline 1984). Depending on how much weathering has occurred and other variables, soil micas or illites have three capacities to fix or release K. (Tributh et al. 1987).  

In addition, minerals’ K release to soluble and exchangeable forms and its adsorption by exchange sites depends on the equilibrium between different phases of soils K (McLean and Watson 1985) which may be affected by such factors as root uptake, fertilizer K applied, soil moisture, soil pH and soil temperature (Sparks 1987). Several investigations have shown a link with clay mineralogy composition and potassium forms (Sharpley 1989; Bohnsle et al. 1992; Liu et al. 1997; Ghosh and Singh 2001; Surapaneni et al. 2002; Srinivasarao et al. 2006). Understanding the nutritional condition and nutrient-supplying capacity of soils requires a thorough understanding of clay mineralogy. The mineralogy of soils may have a significant impact on the dynamics of K. (Surapaneni et al. 2002). In most tropical and sub-tropical regions, information concerning K distribution in particle size fractions of soils was also very scanty. The connections among clay mineralogy and potassium forms, on the other hand, may be utilized to assess prospective soil K richness, forecast potassium cycles, and predict plant absorption (Sharpley, 1989). In Imo State, Southeastern Nigeria, there is little research / knowledge on the clay mineralogy and potassium condition of land utilized for various agricultural uses. This study was therefore designed to generate information relating to the mineralogical properties of soils of contrasting parent materials as they affect the potassium status, adsorption and kinetics in Imo State.    

The specific objectives are:

i.                    to identify and characterize the clay minerals of some soils formed from contrasting parent materials in Imo State.

ii.                  to determine the different forms of K and their relationships with the clay minerals in these soils.  

iii.                to determine the K fixation capacity and the kinetics of K adsorption in these soils.

iv.                to determine the relationship between the clay minerals and the K-sorption characteristics of these soils.

v.                  to determine the relationship between the clay minerals and K kinetics.

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