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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007262

No of Pages: 126

No of Chapters: 1-5

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Objective: the study was designed to determine the anti-plasmodial and toxicological effects of methanol extract of Chrysophyllum albidium bark using albino male mice as models. Method: the antiplasmodial effect and LD50 of methanol extract of Chrysophyllum albidium bark was determined in swiss albino mice using standard methods. Blood samples were collected for the analysis of selected biochemical parameters. Result: the LD50 of the methanolic bark extract was estimated to be 750mg/kg body weight C. albidum methanolic bark extract (125-375mg/kg/day) showed significantly (P<0.05) schizontocidal activities both in a 4day (early) infection and in an established (7days) infection comparable to that of chloriquine. The effect of oral administration of the bark extract of Chrysophyllum albidum did not show any significant effect (P > 0.05) on the plasma concentration of total bilurubin, albumin, total protein, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) as well as the haemoglobin (Hb), red blood cell (RBC), mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC), mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and packed cell volume (PCV). The concentration of the platelet and white blood cell (WBC) significantly decreased (P<0.05) at 125mg/kg body weight. The doses significantly reduced (P<0.05) plasma levels of AST, ALT and creatinine. Conclusion: C. albidum contains anti-plasmodial substances which help to reduce parasitaemia and the results of the biochemical and haematological parameters show that the extract is non-toxic, this also validates the use of this plant as an antimalarial agent. Recommendation: further studies needs to be done to identify and characterize the active principles/substances in the extract.



Title Page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                  ii

Certification                                                                                                                iii
Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                    v

Table of contents                                                                                                        vi

List of tables                                                                                                               vii

List of figures                                                                                                             viii

Abstract                                                                                                                      ix




1.1       Background of Study                                                                                     1

1.2       Aim and Objectives                                                                                        4

1.3       Justification of Study                                                                                     4




2.1       Chrysophyllum albidium (Africa star apple)                                                   6

2.2       History of Malaria                                                                                           10

2.2.1    Origin and prehistoric period                                                                          11

2.3       Pathophysiology of Malarial Infection                                                           13

2.3.1    Hemoglobin degradation and the food vacuole                                             14

2.3.2    Proteases and the food vacuole                                                                      15

2.4       Antioxidants                                                                                                   21

2.4.1    Metabolites                                                                                                     24

2.4.2    Relation to diet                                                                                               25

2.4.3    Pro-oxidant activities                                                                                      26

2.4.4    Enzyme systems                                                                                              26

2.4.5    Superoxide dismutases (sods), catalase and peroxiredoxins                          27

2.4.6    Thioredoxin and glutathione systems                                                             29

2.5       Phytochemicals Role in Good Health                                                             30

2.5.1    Role of phytochemicals in disease conditions                                                31

2.6       Ethno Medicinal Use of African Star Apple                                                  36

2.6.1    Prevents heart disease                                                                                     36

2.9       Mechanism of Action of Chloroquine                                                            37




3.1       Plant Collection, Identification and Extraction                                              38

3.2       Laboratory Animals                                                                                        39

3.3       Acute Toxicity Test and Determination of LD50                                                          39

3.4       Parasite and Infection                                                                                     39

3.5       Experimental Design                                                                                       39

3.6       Evaluation of Schizontocidal Activity in Early Infection (4-day test)           40

3.7       Blood Sample Collection and Preservation                                                    42

3.7.1    Hematological and biochemical assays                                                           42

3.8       Determination of Serum Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) Activity             45

3.8.1    Determination of serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST) activity               46

3.8.2    Determination of serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP)                                     47

3.8.3    Determination of serum total protein                                                              48

3.8.4    Determination of serum albumin                                                                    49

3.8.5    Determination of serum creatinine                                                                  49

3.9       Phytochemical Screening                                                                                50

3.9.1    Determination of saponins                                                                              50

3.10     Determination of Flavonoids                                                                          51

3.11     Determination of Tannins                                                                               51

3.12     Determination of Alkaloids                                                                            52

3.13     Determination of Antioxidant Parameters                                                      53

3.13.1  In-vitro determination of 1, I-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl                               53

(DPPH) radical scavenging activity of plant extract

3.13.2  Determination of nitric oxide (No) radical scavenging activity                     54

3.13.3  Determination of iron chelating activity                                                         54

3.13.4  Determination of anti-lipid inhibition assay                                                   55

3.14     Statistical Analysis                                                                                          55




4.1         Results                                                                                                          56

4.1.1      Parasitaemia results                                                                                       56   Evaluation of schizontocidial activity in early infection (4-day test)           56   Evaluation of schizontocidal activity in established infection                      56

(curative or rane test)




5.1       Discussion                                                                                                       66

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                                      69       

5.3       Recommendation                                                                                            70

References                                                                                                      71





Table              Title                                                                                                    Page

4.1:                  Results of hematological parameters                                                  59

4.2:                  Results of biochemical parameters                                                      60

4.3:                  Results of in-vitro determination of DPPH radical                            61

scavenging activity of Chrosophyllum albidium


4.4:                  Results of in-vitro determination of anti-lipid                                    62

4.5:                  Results of in-vitro determination of nitric oxide                                63

4.6:                  Results of in-vitro determination of Iron chelating activity               64

4.7:                  Results of phytochemical screening of Chrysophyllum albidium       65

stem bark








Figure                                     Title                                                                Page

2.1:                  Stem bark of African star apple (udara)                                 6

2.2:                  Fruits of African star apple (udara)                                        6

2.3:                  Leaves of African star apple (udara)                                      7

2.4:                  Ingestion of host cytoplasm                                                    15

2.5:                  Facilysin                                                                                  17

2.6:                  Structure of heme                                                                   19

2.7:                  Activities and functions of the food vacuole                         21

4.1                   Results of schizonticidal activity at day 4                              57

4.4                   Results of schizonticidal activity at day 7                              58







Malaria remains one of the major killer diseases of the world. It causes illness by the ability of the causative parasite to invade the red blood cells (Beteck et al., 2014) and the liver where they multiply. In extreme infections, up to 80% of the red blood cells can be parasitized and destroyed (Katzung et al., 2012). This massive cell destruction is known to lead to severe anaemia and clogging of the blood circulation of vital organs particularly the brain and eventually death.

Antimalarias are agents used to inhibit the development of plasmodium (the causative parasite of malaria) and they are administered so they can completely destroy these parasites. There are quite a wide range of antimalarias available. They may be classified according to the different stages of the parasites they affect or according to their chemical nature and function (Tripathi, 2009). All efforts made so far to eradicate malaria using these agents and very highly effective residual insecticides against mosquito have failed (Rang et al., 2008). This is basically due to the increasing resistance of mosquito to insecticides and the parasites to the drugs. One of the major challenges of the medical world remains the eradication of malaria due to many reasons among which is resistance to antiplasmodial agents. The need to achieve a more radical cure of the malaria scourage remains with us considering the continuous development of resistance to known and existing antimalarias being reported in different parts of the world. Currently, the World Health Organization guidelines for the treatment of malaria include the combination of one antimalaria and one antibiotic provided that there is evidence of their efficacy and safety (WHO, 2010). Combined therapy which will help in tackling this challenge has therefore been recommended and efforts are one to find appropriate combinations to be used. Combination therapy with antimalaria drug is the simultaneous use of schizontocidal drugs with independent mode of action and different biochemical targets in the parasites. These can either be fixed where the drugs to be combined are co-formulated in the same tablet or capsule or non-fixed, where they are co-administered in separate tablets or capsules. Drug combinations are used to exploit the synergistic and additive potentials of each drug as well as helping to improve efficacy while retarding the development of resistance to individual components (Andrade et al., 2007). One optimistic source for new affordable treatment against malaria lies in the use of traditional herbal remedies. Despite the recent successes in rational drug design and synthetic chemistry techniques by pharmaceutical companies, natural products and particularly medicinal plants have remained an important source of new drugs (Kaushik et al., 2013, Lombardino and Lowe 2004). A definite virtue with medicinal plants is the rich ethnopharmacological history of traditional knowledge and usage associated with them. It is already providing a significant degree of protection to people at large against malaria. However, if the gist of traditional knowledge can be validated by scientific experiments, affordable and dependable cures can be found against the drug resistant dreaded forms of malaria further, such exploratory endeavours can pave the path for identifying novel pharmacophores against malaria, which can be chemically synthesized and fine tuned as drugs of the future.

As a result of limited availability or affordability of pharmaceutical medicines in many tropical African region has led majority remedies (WHO, 2002, Zirihi et al., 2005). Chrysophllum albidum (Linn), also known as African star apple belongs to the family sapotaceae. It is widely distributed in the low land rain forest zones and frequently found in villages (Madubuike and Ogbonnaya, 2003). Across Nigeria, it is known by several local names and is generally regarded as a plant with diverse ethno- medicinal uses (Amusa et al., 2003). In south- western Nigeria, the fruit is called "agbalumo" and popularly referred to as "Udara" in south-eastern Nigeria. It is a plant which has been used in traditional medicine in Nigeria to treat health problem, phytochemical profile shows it contains many biologically active substances that include alkaloids, tannin, saponin etc (Okoli and Okere, 2010). Its rich sources of natural antioxidants have been established to promote health by acting against oxidative stress related disease such as diabetics, cancer and coronary heart disease (Bunts and Bucar, 2002). The bark is used for the treatment of yellow fever and malaria while the leaf is used as an emollient and for the treatment of skin eruption, stomach ache and diarrhea (Adisa, 2000). Eleagnine, an alkaloid isolated from C. albidum seed. Cotyledon has been reported to have anti-nociceptive, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant activities (Idowu et al., 2006). This research therefore is aimed at providing information on the possible anti-malaria and toxic effects of the methanolic bark extract of C. albidum against plasmodium berghei berghei infection of swiss abino mice.


The aim of this study is to evaluate the anti-plasmodial and toxicological effects of methanolic bark extract of chrysophyllum albidum in albino mice.


1.                  Evaluation phytochemical parameters

2.                  Determination of lethal dose of the extract (LD50)

3.                  To determine the effect of the extract on antioxidant parameters (in-vitro)

4.                  Evaluation of schizontocidal activity in early infection

5.                  Evaluation of schizontocidal activity in established infection

6.                  Evaluation of the effect of the extract on haematological parameters

7.                  Evaluation of the effect of the extract on serum parameters such as creatinine, AST, ALT, ALP, Bilirubin, Total protein and Albumin.


In the absence of a credible vaccine and with emergence of resistance to almost all anti-malaria drugs, the dream of eradication of malaria appears to be a huge challenge, caused by a protozoan parasite, malaria remains one of the dreaded diseases of the developing world and Nigeria in particular, killing 367,000-755,000 people and causing disease in 124-283 million people annually (WHO, 2014). The most severe manifestations of malaria are caused by plasmodium falciparum. Even as malaria has been affecting both the economic and Emotional aspects of mankind for a long time, the relief against malaria has been coming in the form of herbal treatments, such as cinchona bark and Quinghaosu plant (leaves) which gave quinine and artemisnin respectively. The quinoline-based quinine first and chloroquine later proved to be effective therapies against malaria till resistance against quinolines began to surface and spread to large parts of the world (CDC, 2012).

Against this scenario, artemisinin proved to be smart, fast acting, potent drug against chloroquine-resistant malaria. However, artemisinin resistance in the form of delayed clearance of the parasite is now on the horizon (White, 2012). Conjuring images of a world where mankind may be left with no effective drug against malaria. This calls for a rigorous search for novel antimalarias and with this perspective in mind led to this research work anti-plasmodial and toxicological effects of methanolic bark extract of Chrysophylium albidum using albino mice. 


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