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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00003791

No of Pages: 74

No of Chapters: 5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The study aims at evaluating performance appraisal methods and use of results at both public (TANESCO) and private (Symbion) organizations. The objectives of the study is to compare performance appraisal methods in both public and private organizations, to determine suitability and performance of various types of performance appraisal methods, to determine employers and employees' level of satisfaction regarding the said appraisal methods, and to explore ways to harmonize the use of various types of performance appraisal methods. The study used interview and survey to collect data from a sample of 50 respondents from TANESCO and 50 respondents from Symbion Power.

The study revealed that the performance appraisal results have benefits in a number of ways including informing the employees' development plans, for instance, through identification of necessary training requirements, giving enough opportunities to employees by recognizing their talent and giving them more responsibilities, and identifying poor performing employees and put them under a performance improvement plan so that they can be effectively guided and groomed to become good performers. It is also instrumental in identifying any other reasons for nonperformance of an employee, like non-availability of tools to perform their job or other external factors and remove those obstacles so that employees are in a position to perform their job well. The absence of performance management has contributed to the high rate of business failures in the public and private sector.

The study recommends that the public and private organizations should make sure that performance elements and standards should be measurable, understandable, verifiable, equitable, and achievable. Effective performance management system requires time and resources and management is supposed to act upon the outcomes of the performance management process.






DECLARATION AND COPYRIGHT......................................................................ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS......................................................................................iii DEDICATION...........................................................................................................iv

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................v


TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................vii

LIST OF TABLES .....................................................................................................x

LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................xi

CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................1


     1.1   Background ...............................................................................................1

     1.2   Statement of the Problem..........................................................................2

     1.3   Objectives of the Study.............................................................................3

     1.3.1        Main Objective..........................................................................................3

     1.3.2        Specific Objectives....................................................................................3

     1.4   Research Questions ...................................................................................4

     1.5   Scope of the Study.....................................................................................4

     1.6   Significance of the Study ..........................................................................4

     1.7   Structure of the Dissertation......................................................................5

CHAPTER TWO .......................................................................................................7

LITERATURE REVIEW..........................................................................................7

2.1       Introduction...............................................................................................7

2.2       Definition of Key Terms ...........................................................................7

2.2.1    Performance Appraisal..............................................................................7

2.2.2    Performance Management.........................................................................7

2.2.3    Performance Appraisal Log ......................................................................8

2.3       Performance Appraisal in Tanzania..........................................................9

2.4       Components of the Performance Appraisal System................................11

2.5        Approaches of Performance Management..............................................13

2.5.1    Traditional Approach ..............................................................................13

2.5.2    Modern Approach ...................................................................................15

2.6       The Role of the Feedback on Performance Appraisal.............................16

2.7       Review of Relevant Theories..................................................................17

2.7.1    Equity Theory..........................................................................................17

2.7.2    Goal-setting Theory.................................................................................18

2.7.3    Expectancy Theory..................................................................................18

2.7.4    Motivational Theory................................................................................18

2.8       Performance Appraisal............................................................................19

2.9       Conceptual Framework ...........................................................................21

CHAPTER THREE...........................................................................................23

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ....................................................................23

3.1        The Study Area........................................................................................23

3.2        Study Design ...........................................................................................23

3.3        Study Population .....................................................................................24

3.4        Sample and Sampling Techniques ..........................................................24

3.4.1    The Sample Size......................................................................................24

3.4.2    Sampling Techniques..............................................................................25

3.5       Data Collection Methods.........................................................................25

3.6       Data Analysis Methods ...........................................................................27

3.7        Limitations of the Study..........................................................................27

CHAPTER FOUR....................................................................................................29


4.1        Introduction.............................................................................................29

4.2        Demographic Characteristics of Respondents.........................................29

4.2.1    Age of Respondents ................................................................................29

4.2.2    Time Worked with the Organization.......................................................30

4.2.3    Highest Education Level.........................................................................30

4.3        Reasons for Conducting Performance Appraisal ....................................31

4.4        Comparison of Performance Appraisal Systems in Public and Private Organization............................................................................................34

4.4.1    Types of Performance Appraisal.............................................................35

4.4.2    Performance Appraisal Criteria...............................................................36

4.4.3    Performance Appraisal Criteria Officers Often Use ...............................39

4.4.4    The Use of Participatory Approaches .....................................................39

4.4.5    Perceptions on the Officers who Conduct Performance Appraisal.........40

4.4.6    Setting the Targets...................................................................................40

4.4.7    Notice of Performance Appraisal System...............................................41

4.4.8    What Happens after the Appraisal Exercise is completed ......................42

4.5        The Relationship between Performance Appraisal and Employees' Performance ............................................................................................42

4.5.1    Level of Objectivity of the Performance Appraisal Process...................43

4.5.2    Fairness of Performance Appraisal Report and Methods .......................44

4.6       General Uses of Performance Appraisal Results ....................................44

4.7       Challenges of Undertaking Performance Appraisal................................48

4.8       Factors for Improving Performance Appraisal Systems .........................51

     4.9   Perceptions on Harmonization of Performance Appraisal Systems........52

     4.10 Suitability and Performance Appraisal Methods ....................................53

CHAPTER FIVE......................................................................................................55


5.1       Summary of the Findings........................................................................55

5.3       Conclusions.............................................................................................56

5.4       Recommendations...................................................................................58



Appendix1:            Questionnaire................................................................................66              

Appendix 2:           Focus-group Discussion/Interview Questions Checklist..............72



Table 3.1:

Sample Size Distribution......................................................................25

Table 4.1:

Age of Respondents..............................................................................30

Table 4.2:

Time Worked with the Organization ....................................................30

Table 4.3:

Highest Education Level.......................................................................31

Table 4.4:

Performance Appraisal Criteria Officers Often Use.............................39

Table 4.5:

Perceptions on the Officers who Conduct Performance Appraisal ......40

Table 4.6:

What Happens after the Appraisal Exercise is completed....................42

Table 4.7:

Level of Objectivity of the Performance Appraisal Process.................44

Table 4.8:

Fairness of Performance Appraisal Report and Methods.....................44

Table 4.9:

Usefulness of the Performance Appraisal Records to the Organization48




Figure 2.1:     Components of Performance Appraisal Stepwise ................................13

Figure 2.2:     Conceptual Framework on Effect of Performance Appraisal to the

Performance of an Organization...........................................................22



1.1       Background

It is a practiced norm for firms, both public and private to appraise their employees' job performance and the resultant progressive potential for both personal and organization’s development. Through performance appraisal, managers are able to analyse work performance of employees in relation to their job descriptions and organization's set goals and objectives. As Faizal (2005:119) quoted in Hezekiah (2011) states, this process benefits both the employees and organization:

The employees get recognition, career guidance and feedback for their performance and the organizations get qualified, committed and disciplined employee".

According to Frank and Lewis (2004) and Lewis and Frank (2002), private sector gives out more incentive than public sectors when utilizing performance appraisal results on comparable jobs. Burgess and Ratto (2003) argue that money is not the only motivating factor for performance of public servants. They argue that the public servants are motivated by other benefits and incentives such as high access to education and training and high stability and security of their employment than private sector workers. This is also confirmed in a study conducted on public sector workers of Italy (Borzaga and Tortia, 2006). The study found out those monetary rewards, pay-for performance, or bonuses are less influential on motivating public sector workers than private sector employees.

It has been a custom of all organizations in Tanzania to perform employees’ performance evaluation. In the past, managers and higher echelon of the organization were the sole owners of the process. This process was called closed annual confidential report system which aimed at just evaluating the employees’ performance without their participation in the process. This process was

characterized by poor feedback and inferior identification of training needs making it impossible to promote performance and accountability of workers (Nigera, 2004)According to Gupta (2006) and Nigera (2004), it is important that the employees know what is expected of them in terms of goals and objectives and how to evaluate themselves in order to increase both ownership of responsibilities, milestones reached and, problems and challenges they encounter in the course of executing their duties.

The public sector in Tanzania adopted the open system and coined it Open Performance Review and Appraisal System (OPRAS) (Masawe, 2009). This system aims at increasing open evaluation hence reduce conflicts at work place while at the same time increase productivity. Most of the private organizations in Tanzania have not adopted it.

1.2        Statement of the Problem

At the moment, in Tanzania, various organizations apply different methods of performance appraisal. Due to use of different standards, methods perform differently and due to that the whole exercise lacks conformity across sectors. This complicates comparing past performance of individuals when they are recruited by new employers. It becomes hard to predict future performance measurement while traditional performance measurement perceived to be inappropriate (Radnor and Gure, 2004).

Notwithstanding the habitual practice of annual appraising employees’ performance, in most cases, results are not systematically utilized to address both employees’ career development and organization growth. This frustrates employees by limiting their professional growth and increase in their income (growth in one’s career normally translates in increase in one’s income). Frustrating workforce always results into stunted productivity which consequently curbs organization’s growth. In a country as poor as Tanzania, sectors performance and growth are of paramount economic importance. For employees to potentially contribute to the growth of the sectors and themselves, they must be objectively monitored and evaluated.Do they think their top-down performance evaluation method works better than the public sector’s open system? What does the public sector think? Objectively, which system is better? Which sector utilizes better the performance evaluation results?

Is there any way to improve on the current practices to bring about a more effective and efficient performance evaluation method that may be streamlined across sectors to reduce the cost of reference and monitoring performance of workers, especially when they change employers? Moreover, both sectors public and private should use different methods of performance appraisal which are suitable to the organizations management and the use of results which they get from the appraisal. This study is aiming at evaluating existing practices of performance appraisal in both public and private organizations and informing both the employers and employees of the ways to best reap from the performance appraisal exercises.

1.3        Objectives of the Study

1.3.1     Main Objective

The main objective of this study is to evaluate employees’ performance appraisal method and use of the appraisal results in both public and private organizations.

1.3.2     Specific Objectives

In order to address the main objective, this study will strive to achieve the following specific objectives:


To compare performance appraisal methods in both public and private organizations.


To determine suitability and performance of various types of performance appraisal methods.


To determine employers and employees' level of satisfaction regarding the said appraisal methods.


To explore ways to harmonize the use of various types of performance

appraisal methods

1.4        Research Questions

The following questions will direct this research in addressing the set objectives:


What are significant features in performance appraisal methods applied by public and private organizations?


How are the appraisal methods relate to job descriptions of the employees and organizations’ policies and goals?


How are appraisal methods executed? Are they participatory or top-down?


How are the results of appraisals used? Is there any feedback to employees after the appraisal exercise? Do current appraisals make reference to preceding year appraisal results?


How do appraisals’ results used to gauge and improve employees’ satisfaction and performance?


What are challenges and lessons of operating the public and private sectors’ performance appraisal systems?


Are there any ways to improve both systems? Any possibility of merging the systems? What should be done to merge the systems and provide a more effective and robust performance appraisal system


Scope of the Study

The area of study is focused on TANESCO (public organization) and Symbion Power (private organization) located in Dar es Salaam. The study aims on evaluating employee’s performance appraisal methods and the use of results on both sectors. TANESCO and Symbion Power are dealing with supplying of electricity’s operating more than ten years in Tanzania now is covered all over the Tanzania.

1.6        Significance of the Study

Performance appraisal is important for gauging the progress of both employees and employers.

(i.)        Milestones reached are examined

(ii.)       Challenges encountered are evaluated

(iii.)      Problems faced are analysed

(iv.)      High performances are rewarded

(v.)       To indentify training and development needs that should be implemented, and (vi.)            Opportunities for improvements are recognized and acknowledged.

Future plans of the organization are then revisited to take into account the performance evaluation results and plan accordingly for the future. Each component of organization’s goals and objectives is supposed to be addressed in the performance appraisal in order to achieve an objective examination of the position of the firm (Chen et al., 2009).

Furthermore, improvement of tangible employees’ and employers’ feedback and inclusion of the performance appraisal results to motivate employers and improve productivity is one of the main objectives of appraisal exercise (Halachmi, 2011).

This study will provide the current state of play regarding the appraisal exercise in both public and private sectors. It will provide an objective examination of the performance of both types of appraisal sectors while trying to gauge the cost borne by both employees and employers as a result of the appraisal exercises. It will unearth ways to design an appraisal exercise that can be streamlined in both sectors aiming at consistent examination of employees’ performance to improve productivity and employees satisfaction across both sectors.

1.7        Structure of the Dissertation

For ease understanding of the dissertation is organized in chapters, titles and sub titles. it has five chapters each focusing on a specific context. Chapter one comprises of overview research problems, objectives of the study, research question, significance of the study and scope of the study.

Chapter two is literature review which implies theoretical and empiric reviews of the subject matter while tapering off onto a conceptual framework that drives the study. The third chapter is research methodology which provides in depth info on how this study is organized and how was the data collected, analysed and reported.

The fourth chapter is the presentation and discussion of the finding; this reveals the study by discussion what was found in the field. The last chapter which is chapter five gives the summary of the finding, conclusion on relation with the conceptual framework and recommendation on the study.

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