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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007204

No of Pages: 168

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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In Nigeria and other developing countries, egg is produced all year round and it is a highly perishable product that if not given proper care between the time it is laid, time it is sold and the time it is consumed may deteriorate. The effects of pretreatment methods on some quality indices of stored shell-eggs was studied. Day old deep litter eggs were given the following treatments; hot oil (HOL), cold oil (COL), brine solution (BSN)), brine with antibiotics (BAS), pasteurization (PAU), while un(pre)treated shell-eggs (RTM) served as control. All eggs were stored at room temperature. The stored eggs were analyzed for their; physical, chemical, functional, amino acid, microbial and sensory properties. The results obtained indicated a significant decrease in egg weight among stored eggs (51.0-28.50g). Among the treated samples HOL recorded least decline in egg weight (51.0-50g), COL had highest haugh unit (78.03) at the end of storage. The yolk and albumen pH increased significantly (p < 0.05) from 6.04-7.43 and 8.51-9.21, respectivelyin RTM. COL and HOL retained AA grade all through storage period with RTM and PAU declined to B grade at the end of storage. RTM had lowest moisture content (56.84%), protein (10. 77%), while fat content increased in COL (11.26%) and HOL (11.17%) at end of storage. Result revealed there was a rapid decline in foaming capacity (100.15-50.73%), foaming stability (100.06-51.85%), emulsification capacity (42.20-28.51%), least gelation capacity (4-0) for the RTM at end of storage. COL recorded less decline in these functional properties. Coliform and fungi were not present in samples. The total bacteria count of the shell-eggs were <10cfu/ml while the RTM recorded moderate growth of total bacteria count 2.10 ×10at end storage.Cold oil treated eggs (COL) was the most accepted (5.50), followed by hot oil treated eggs (HOL) (4.75). However, the eggs stored under room temperature (control, 1.70) was the least preferred All essential amino acids were present in the shell eggs both at the beginning and at end of storage. PAU recorded highest decrease in total amino acid content (63.61-28.06%). Isoleucine was the most abundant amino acid in all samples while proline was the least. There was an increase in the total amino acid content of COL (19.49-43.98%). COL treatment offered best protective effect against decline of most of the studied quality indicators, next was HOL, and followed by BAS, the least was PAU. 



Title Page                                                                                                                          i                                                                                                                                      

Declaration                                                                                                                        ii

Certification                                                                                                                      iii

Dedication                                                                                                                        iv

Acknowledgment                                                                                                             v

Table of Contents                                                                                                             vi

List of Tables                                                                                                                    ix

List of Tables                                                                                                                    x

Abstract                                                                                                                            xi


1.1              Background to the Study                                                                                           1

1.2              Statement of the Problem                                                                                           3  

1.3              Justification                                                                                                                 4

1.4              Objectives of the Study                                                                                              5

1.4.1    Main objective                                                                                                5

1.4.2    Specific objectives                                                                                                      5   


2.1             Importance of Egg                                                                                                            6

2.2             Structure of Eggs and Composition                                                                     7

2.2.1          The shell                                                                                                               7

2.2.2          Albumen                                                                                                               8

2.2.3          Yolk                                                                                                                      9

2.3             Nutritive Value of Eggs                                                                                        10

2.3.1          Egg protein and energy                                                                                         12

2.3.2.         Vitamins and minerals                                                                                          12

2.4             Egg Quality                                                                                                           13

2.4.1          Indicators of egg quality                                                                                       13       Internal quality                                                                                                      13       External egg quality                                                                                              15    Soundness of the shell                                                                                          16

2.4.2          Factors that affect egg quality                                                                              16                     Yolk colour                                                                                                           16                                                                                       Yolk firmness                                                                                                        16       Yolk texture                                                                                                          17       Albumen consistency                                                                                            17

2.5             Egg Preservation Techniques                                                                                19

2.5.1          Lowering of temperature                                                                                      19

2.5.2    Shell coating                                                                                                               19

2.5.3    Pasteurization of eggs                                                                                                 21

2.5.4    Osmotic preservation                                                                                                  21

2.6       Grading of Eggs                                                                                                         22

2.7       Candling                                                                                                                     25

2.8       Factors that affect Egg Quality                                                                                  26

2.9       Changes in Eggs during Storage                                                                                 27

CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY                                                                                          

3.1               Materials                                                                                                                    28

3.1.1     Sources of raw materials                                                                                           28                                    

3.2               Sample Preparation and Treatments                                                                          28

3.2.1     Hot oil (pre) treatment                                                                                               28

3.2.2     Cold oil (pre) treatment                                                                                             29

3.2.3     Hot water (pre) treatment                                                                                          29

3.2.4     Brine solution (pre) treatment                                                                                    29

3.2.4     Brine with antibiotics (pre) treatment                                                                        29

3.3         Analysis                                                                                                                    31

3.3.1      Physical property analysis                                                                                         31   Egg weight loss                                                                                                         31   Albumen height                                                                                                        31   Haugh unit                                                                                                                31   Yolk index                                                                                                                32   pH of the egg albumen/egg yolk                                                                               32

3.3.2     Proximate composition analysis                                                                                 33

3..3.2.1 Determination of moisture content                                                                            33  Determination of crude protein                                                                                 33  Ash content determination                                                                                        34  Fat content determination                                                                                          35  Estimation of carbohydrate                                                                                       35

3.3.3     Functional properties analysis                                                                                    35

3 3.3.1  Foaming capacity and foaming stability                                                                    35  Emulsification capacity                                                                                              36  Gelation capacity                                                                                                       36

3.3.4     Microbial analysis                                                                                                      37   Total aerobic bacterial count                                                                                     37

3.3.5     Sensory analysis of boiled eggs                                                                                 37

3.3.6     Amino acid profile                                                                                                     38

3.3.7    Preparation of sample by hydrolysis                                                                           38

3.3.8    Determination                                                                                                             38

3.3.9    Experimental design                                                                                                   41

3.3.10  Statistical analysis                                                                                                       41



4.1    Egg Weights of Pretreated Stored Shell Eggs                                                               42

4.2    Yolk Index of Pretreated Stored Shell Eggs                                                                 44

4.3    Yolk Height of Pretreated Stored Shell Eggs                                                               47

4.4    Albumen Height of Pretreated Stored Shell Eggs                                                         49

4.5    Yolk Width of Pretreated Stored Shell Eggs                                                                51

4.6    Haugh Unit of Pretreated Stored Shell Eggs                                                                53

4.7    Yolk pH of Pretreated Stored Shell Eggs                                                                     56

4.8   Albumen pH of Pretreated Stored Shell Eggs                                                                58

4.9    Effect of Pretreatment Methods on Proximate Composition in Stored Shell Eggs      60

4.10   Functional Properties of Pretreated Stored Shell Eggs                                                67

4.11  Effect of Pretreatment Methods on Foam Stability (%) in Stored Shell Eggs              69

4.12  Effect of Pretreatment Methods on Emulsification Capacity in Stored Shell Eggs     72

4.13  Effect of Pretreatment Methods on Least Gelation Capacity in Stored Shell Eggs     74

4.14  Effect of Pretreatment Methods on Microbial Properties in Stored Shell Eggs            76

4.15  Effect of Pretreatment Methods on Amino Acid Profile in Stored Shell Eggs                        79

4.16  Effect of Pretreatment Methods on Sensory Properties in Stored Shell Eggs              84



5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                                  88

5.2       Recommendations                                                                                                      89

References                                                                                                                              90

Appendix                                                                                                                               107 









2.1       Nutritive value of chicken eggs per 100g                                                                   11

2.2       Grading of eggs                                                                                                          24

3.1       Experimental treatment/design                                                                                   30

3.2       Wavelength for amino acids                                                                                       40

4.1       Egg weight (g) loss of stored shell eggs                                                                     42

4.2       Effect of pretreatment methods on yolk index of stored shell eggs                          44

4.3       Effect of pretreatment methods on yolk height of stored shell eggs                         47

4.4       Effect of pretreatment methods on albumen height of stored shell eggs                   49

4.5       Effect of pretreatment methods on yolk width of stored shell eggs                          51

4.6       Effect of pretreatment methods on haugh unit of stored shell eggs                          53

4.7       Effect of pretreatment methods on yolk pH of stored shell eggs                              56

4.8       Effect of pretreatment methods on albumen pH of stored shell eggs                                    58

4.9       Effect of pretreatment methods on proximate composition of stored shell eggs       60

4.10     Effect of pretreatment methods on foaming capacity of stored shell eggs                67

4.11     Effect of pretreatment methods on foaming stability of stored shell eggs                69

4.12     Effect of pretreatment methods on emulsification capacity of stored shell eggs       72

4.13     Effect of pretreatment methods on least gelation capacity of stored shell eggs        74

4.14     Effect of pretreatment methods on microbial properties of stored shell eggs            76

4.15     Effect of pretreatment methods on amino acid profile of stored shell eggs              80

4.16     Effect of pretreatment methods on sensory properties of stored shell eggs               84












       2.1: Structures of egg                                             7

       2.2:Grading of eggs                            25









It has been reported by different authors that eggs are considered to be highly nutritious containing high levels of vitamins and minerals as well as protein. Protein from animal sources plays a significant role in providing sufficient and balanced nourishment to human health (Dudusola, 2009). Eggs as food, provides a means through which the animal protein needs of humans can be met; they have various applications and uses (Scott and Silversides, 2001).

Egg protein is said to be of high biological value. This is because it is rich in all the amino acids required by the human body. Moreover, egg protein can to a great extent complement other sources of food protein that are obviously lower in biological value. This it does by providing the amino acids that are lacking in such foods (Okiki and Ahmed, 2017). In addition to being nutritious, egg also offers a variety of functional properties like; whipping, foaming, gelling and emulsifying (Chang and Chen, 2000).

A whole egg has three main parts; the shell, egg white (albumen) and the yolk. The egg shell is separated from the egg white by the shell membrane, also the yolk is separated from the egg white by the vitelline membrane (Okiki and Ahmed, 2017). An intact vitelline membrane prevents the content of the egg white and yolk from mixing together thus preventing egg molting. Storing shell eggs at room temperature causes the vitelline membrane to weaken; this causes the yolk and egg white to become thinner and watery and this continues to occur as the egg ages (Jacob et al., 2000). When an egg is newly laid, the yolk is usually round and firm, but as the egg age increases, the yolk absorbs water from the albumen thus it increases in its size, stretches and then the vitelline membrane is weakened. This produces a flattened egg yolk (Gramenidis, 2006).

Egg quality can be said to comprise those characteristics of an egg which affects its acceptability and use to consumers (Dudosola, 2009). The quality characteristics that are important to acceptability of shell eggs by consumers includes; freshness, egg weight and sensory properties. The interior characteristics that include chemical composition, Haugh unit, yolk diameter and others are of importance in various foodindustry because the demand of good quality shell eggs and egg products like egg powder, frozen egg and yolk oil is on the increase (Scott and Silversides, 2001).

There is the decrease of egg quality due to high temperature conditions during storage and this adversely affects the food sector. Since egg provides means through which animal protein needs are met and also its various applications in the food industry (Scoot and Silversides, 2001). Spoilage that occurs during egg storage has been documented to be as a result of entrance of microorganisms through the semipermeable pores of egg shell, as well as escape of carbon dioxide and evaporation of moisture among others (Okiki and Ahmed, 2017).

To retard the deteriorative changes in the internal quality of eggs, various shell treatments like coating with vegetable oil and mineral oils, pasteurization, water glass and lime sealing has been suggested (Olamide et al., 2016; Ndife et al.,  2020). Edible films and coatings play an important role in the food industries because they have versatile properties. Surface coatings of eggs are likely to increase the egg shell strength and shelf life leading to reduction of egg spoilage (Biladeau and Keener, 2009).

Sodium chloride is the most important ingredient used to process eggs. With respect to preservation, sodium chloride plays a role in reducing the growth of pathogens and organisms that cause spoilage, thereby extending shelf life. Adding salt to foods causes microbial cells to undergo osmotic shock because of intracellular water loss; thus, their growth is retarded or microbial death ensues (Davidson, 2001). Sodium chloride is not only beneficial for egg preservation, but it also modifies egg characteristics. During the salting process, sodium chloride gradually diffuses into the egg white and yolk through the pores and membrane of the shell using either the brining or coating method (Chen et al., 1999).

Pasteurization which is a heat treatment, involves the immersion of eggs for a short time in boiling water to coagulate the thin albumen immediately beneath the shell membrane. The coagulation that occurs is known as cauterization and it helps extend the shelf life of shell-eggs by preventing the escape of carbon dioxide and evaporation of moisture and others (Owolabi et al., 2016).



Egg production is on the increase every day. As it stands, Nigeria is the largest producer of poultry eggs in Africa. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reported that Nigeria produces 784,000 metric tonnes of Africa’s total poultry egg of 951,000 metric tonnes (FAO, 2012).

In Nigeria and other developing countries, egg is produced all year round; both during hot and cold seasons. Egg is a highly perishable product and if not given proper care between the time it is laid, time it is sold and the time it is consumed may deteriorate. Because of the above reason, egg producers and processors are faced with the problems and challenges of egg preservation especially during the hot season when there is increase in temperature. This is the period when lots of spoilage is experienced that leads to the deterioration in the quality of eggs (Dauda et al., 2006).

According to experts, the use of refrigeration as preservative means is considered the best, but is expensive and thus not suitable in Nigeria and other developing countries because of erratic power supply. There is therefore, the need to explore alternative methods of shell-egg preservation that can result in preservation of the quality indices of the eggs, thereby making them available at reduced cost.



Pre-treatment has been identified to be a means of curbing shell egg spoilage and it is based on the following principle; reducing microbial growth, closing the shell pores of eggs to reduce the escape of gases and evaporation of moisture (Nongtaodum et al., 2013). To retard the deteriorative changes in the internal quality of eggs, various shell treatments like coating with vegetable oil and mineral oils, pasteurization, water glass and lime sealing has been suggested.

Hence this work will employ; edible oil coating, brining and pasteurization as pretreatment methods for shell-egg storage, with the view to selectthe most effective. This will profer solution to the challenges of shell egg storage especially with the prevailing unreliable power supply. All the pretreatment methods does not require electricity and are thus cost effective.

1.4      Objectives of the Study

1.4.1   Main objective

The current study was aimed at evaluating the effect of different pretreatment methods (Oil treatment (hot oil and cold oil) and pasteurization (hot water), brining and antibiotics) on some quality indices of stored shell-eggs.

1.4.2 Specific objectives

The specific objectives of this study were;

1.      Pretreat eggs using different pretreatment techniques.

2.      Store pretreated egg samples in ambient temperature.

3.      Evaluate the effect of pretreatment methods on the physical properties of stored shell-eggs.

4.      Evaluate the effect of pretreatment methods on the proximate composition and functional properties of stored shell-eggs.

5.      Determine the effect of pretreatment methods on the amino acid profile of stored shell-eggs.

6.      Evaluate the effect of pretreatment methods on the microbial load of stored shell-eggs.

7.      Evaluate the effect of different pretreatment methods on the sensory properties of stored shell-eggs.


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