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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007592

No of Pages: 123

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The study investigated the effects of employees’ engagement on organisational performance (A Study of International Glass Industry and Glassforce Plc in Abia State, Nigeria from 2015 to 2017). The study specifically was guided by the following objectives to; ascertain the effects of employee engagement on the performance of international Glass Industry and Glassforce Plc, ascertain the effect of  organizational structure of international Glass Industry and Glassforce Plc, establish the relationship between work condition and job security and organizational performance of International Glass Industry and Glassforce Plc and determine the relationship between employees development and organizational performance of International Glass Industry and Glassforce Plc. Survey research design was used for the study and data were gathered through primary and secondary sources. Data were obtained (214) staff from International Glass Industry and (237) staff from Glassforce Plc that gave a population of (451) staff. Taro Yamane formula was adopted to determine the sample size of (101) for International Glass Industry and (111) for Glassforce Plc respondents. Cronbach Apha reliability test was use to test the reliability of the questionnaire distributed to the selected glass manufacturing firms. The data collected were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics.  The hypotheses tested in the study were done at 5% significance level and the result showed that; employees’ engagement affects organisational performance; organisational structure affects employees’ engagement Opportunity for Personal Growth. Also Job Security and Employability are organisational commitment variables of International Glass Industry and Glass Force Plc that are positive and significantly related to engagement of the employees in the organisation. The researcher concluded that for organisations to remain productive and competitive among the industry, with sound financial projection, they must secure and sustain the engagement of their employees and this can be accomplish through appropriate recognition and reward, a supportive work community, fairness and justice in the organisation system. Thus, recommends that to ensure that International Glass Industry and Glass Force Plc, continue to maintain a good performance, there is need for the personnel department of the organisation to review the welfare packages of the employees, to ensure that the employees derives job and career satisfaction which will fuel loyalty, focused and keen to take up challenge, and foster productivity.


Title Page                                                                                                                                i

Declaration                                                                                                                             ii         

Certification                                                                                                                            iii

Dedication                                                                                                                              iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                                v

Table of Contents                                                                                                                   vi        

List of Tables                                                                                                                          ix

Abstract                                                                                                                                  x                                                               


1.1 Background to the Study                                                                                                  1         

1.2 Statement of the Problem                                                                                                                                                 4

1.3 Objectives of the Study                                                                                                               5

1.4 Research Questions                                                                                                             5

1.5 Research Hypotheses                                                                                                          6

1.6 Significance of the Study                                                                                                     6

1.7 Scope of the Study                                                                                                              7

1.8 Limitations of the Study                                                                                                   8

1.9 Operational Definition of Terms                                                                                            8



2.1 Conceptual Framework                                                                                                    9

2.1.1 The concept of employee engagement                                                                                    9              

2.1.2 Employee engagement and organizational performance                                              11

2.1.3 Employee engagement and performance management                                                 12                     

2.1.4 Drivers of employee engagement                                                                                  18                         

2.1.5 Factors predicting employee engagement                                                                     20   

2.1.6 Employee engagement strategies                                                                                  22

2.1.7 Engagement and competitive advantage                                                                       25             

2.1.8   Human resource management practices and employee engagement                                    27               

2.1.9   Organizational socialization and newcomer engagement                                           30           

2.1.10 Organizational support of employee engagement                                                       32            2.1.11 Human resource support of employee engagement                                                            39

2.2    Theoretical Framework                                                                                                 42       

2.2.1 Kahn’s need satisfying approach                                                                                   42

2.2.2  Maslach et al’ s burnout- antithesis approach                                                              44

2.2.3  Harter et al’s  satisfaction-engagement approach                                                               45          

2.2.4 Sak’s multidimensional approach                                                                               46

2.2.5 Job demand- resource model                                                                                            47        2.2.6 Management behaviours and leadership model                                                             48

2.2.7 Application of job demand-resource model to the study                                              52       

2.3 Empirical Review                                                                                                             53

2.4 Summary of Literature Review                                                                                        59                  

2.5 Gap in Literature                                                                                                              60                    


3.1 Research Design                                                                                                               62

3.2 Population of the study                                                                                                     62

3.3 Sources of Data                                                                                                                 62

3.4 Sample and Sampling procedure                                                                                      63          

3.4.1 Sample size determination                                                                                              63

3.5 Validity of the Instruments                                                                                               65

3.6 Reliability of the Instruments                                                                                      66       

3.7 Method of Data Analysis                                                                                              67                


4.1 Data Presentation                                                                                                              68

4.2 Data Analysis                                                                                                                    69

4.3 Testing of Hypotheses                                                                                                      80

4.7 Discussion of Findings                                                                                                     84


5.1 Summary of Findings                                                                                                       90

5.2 Conclusion                                                                                                                        91

5.3 Recommendations                                                                                                           92

      Reference                                                                                                                        94

      Appendices                                                             102









3.1:      Coefficient of Correlation of the Reliability of the Research Instruments                       66

4.1       Data Distribution of Questionnaire                                                                                  69

4.1.1    Data Distribution of the Gender Status of the Respondents                                             69

4.1.2    Data Distribution of Marital Status of the Respondents                                                  71

4.1.5    Effect of Employee Engagement on the Performance of international Glass Industry and Glass Force                                                        73

4.1.6   Effect of Organizational Structure of International Glass Industry and Glass Force Plc on the Engagement of Their Employees                                                                               74

4.1.7:  The Relationship between Organizational Organizational Commitment and Employee Engagement of International Glass Industry Industry and Glass Force Plc              76

 4.1.8   The Relationship Between Employees Selection Practices of International Glass Industry and Glass Force Plc and the Engagement of their                                                           77

4.1.9   The Relationship Between Employees Development Practices of International Glass

            Industry and Glass Force Plc and Organizational Performance                                         79












1.1               BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY

Employee engagement has attracted enormous interest over the past decade or two. Macey, Wit, Schnerder and Barbera, (2009) commented that “rarely has a term resonated as strongly with business executives as employee engagement has in recent years”. Indeed, the subject has grown to become almost omnipresent within the practitioner and consulting literatures. It is said that; a company that unlocks the secrets of employee engagement is promised profits beyond its wildest dreams. Employee engagement is listed as the number one measure of a company’s health (Vance, 2006).

Thus, in an increasingly competitive environment that continues to become more dynamic, corporations have almost universally come to the conclusion that their people hold great, if not the greatest, potential for generating and maintaining business success. This recognition has emerged among both practitioners and researchers in the field of strategic human resource management (SHRM) largely because of the ability of the workforce and human resource (HR) systems to produce firm-level competencies that create sustainable competitive advantage that is, those assets and capabilities that are valuable, rare, unique, and non-substitutable (Barney, 1991).

Therefore, in a turbulent economic environment characterized by high staff turnover and brain drain, human resources practitioners’ major challenge is to find ways of attracting and retaining creative and dedicated staff committed to the organization and to determine which working conditions stimulate employees to give their best, to be engaged, to go beyond what is expected and persist in the face of difficulties. In modern organizations employees are expected to be proactive and show initiative, collaborate smoothly with others and be committed to high quality performance standards and to be responsible for their own professional development, (Bakker and Schaufeli, 2008). Organizations need employees who feel energetic and dedicated, and who are absorbed by their work. In other words, organizations need engaged workers.

Hence, employee engagement is argued to be associated with; a sustainable workload, feelings of choice and control, appropriate recognition and reward, a supportive work community, fairness and justice, and meaningful and valued work (Saks, 2006). Similarly, the factors that most influence employee commitment are fairness, care and concern for employees, and trust. In order to meet these criteria, firms have followed a multitude of paths in a quest to connect human resource and management strategies with bottom-line financial success.

Consequently, engagement takes place when employees are committed to their job. They are interested and indeed excited about what they do. It involves loyalty, faith and pride in the organization, a willingness to advocate for his organization and a sense of personal responsibility. Global economy has experienced significant shifts in the recent past which have accelerated the need for organizations to find innovative ways to address new technological, demographic and marketplace realities. These shifts made the organizations to reevaluate costs associated with talent. High workforce performance and organizational success must be maintained along with changes in strategies.

Furthermore, managers agree that modern business demands higher productivity and more efficiency, than in previous times. Companies are trying to increase their performance in order to place their company ahead of the competitors. At some point, satisfied employees, content with their work experience, was a good formula for success, as a satisfied employee, who wanted to stay with a company, contributed to the workforce stability and productivity, (Sanchez and McCauley, 2006). But those times have changed. Nowadays, the business environment is global and competitive and simply satisfied and stable employees are not enough to bring necessary business results. Satisfied employees may just meet the work demands, but this will not lead to higher performance, (Abraham, 2012).

In order to compete effectively, employers need to go beyond satisfaction, employers must do their best to inspire their employees to apply their full potential and capabilities to their work, if they do not, part of the valuable employees’ resources remains unavailable for the company, (Bakker and Leiter, 2010). Therefore, modern organizations expect their employees to be full of enthusiasm and show initiative at work, they want them to take responsibility for their own development, strive for high quality and performance, be energetic and dedicated to what they do, in other words companies want their employees be engaged. Therefore, as earlier stated, the construct of employee engagement has been an area of interest among many researchers and consultancy firms, and received its recognition in the management literature and among practitioners.

Conversely, International Glass Industry and Glass Force seems not to have embarrassed the theory of employee engagement, as the organization regularly experience high employee turnover and find it difficult to breakeven, and this has led to stoppage of production on many occasion especially in International Glass Industry until the visit of Dr. Okezie Ikpeazu, the Governor of Abia State on March 25 2016, with the mandate to revitalize the organization and they once more commence production. More so, on the part of Glass Force, various forms of employees truancy has being exhibited by their employees on various occasions portraying lack of engagement and commitment on organisations’ goals and objectives. To that end, the need to consider the effect of employee engagement on organizational performance of International Glass Industry and Glass Force Plc., in Abia State, Nigeria cannot be succinctly stated, in order to adopt and implement the practical recommendation that will be espoused by the study to stimulate and maintain the engagement of the employees in these organizations and on this, the thrust of this research is anchored.

1.2               STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM

Managers unequivocally agree that this century demands more efficiency and productivity than any other times in history. Businesses are striving to increase their performance. Managers have been grappling with many challenges to succeed putting their company ahead of competitors. To help managers manage, different scholars, researchers and consultants have been contributing their part showing the best ways they think are useful to managers. Therefore, employee engagement has become a hot topic in recent years. Despite this, there remains a paucity of critical academic literature on the subject especially in developing countries like Nigeria, and relatively little is known about how employee engagement can be influenced by management. Although there is a great deal of interest in engagement, there is also a good deal of confusion. According to Ortiz, Carbajah, Serrano, Rodrigues-Oubina and Iglesia (2013) It is imperative to nurture the concept of employee engagement because labour turnover, or alienation, erodes enthusiasm and commitment of employees to the organization as often the case in International Glass Industry and Glass Force Plc.

International Glass Industry and Glass Force Plc., have shown signs of high labour turn over, low staff morale, social loafing, lack of innovation, initiatives and other forms of employees’ truancy in recent times, which have adversely impacted on the performance of the organization. How can employees’ engagement is sustained, what are the causation factors and how can its adverse effects on the organization is ameliorated? The quest to provide answer to these questions and proffer practical recommendations that will help the organizations to arrest and sustain their employees engagement necessitated the study: Effects of Employee Engagement on Organizational Performance: A Study International Glass Industry and Glass Force Plc Abia State, Nigeria.


The broad objective of this study is to ascertain the effect of employee engagement on organizational performance in International Glass Industry and Glass Force Plc. Abia State, Nigeria. While the specific objectives are to:

      i.         ascertain the effects of employee engagement (loyalty, focused/keen to challenges etc.) on the performance of International Glass Industry and Glass Force Plc.

     ii.         ascertain the effect organisational structure (centralisation, specialisation, etc.) of International Glass Industry and Glass Force Plc.

   iii.         find out the relationship between (work condition and job security, etc.) and organizational performance of International Glass Industry and Glass Force Plc.

   iv.         determine the  relationship between employees development and organizational performance of International Glass Industry and Glass Force Plc.


The following research questions were answered by this research:

      i.         What are the effects of employee engagement (loyalty, focused/keen to challenges etc.)  on performance of International Glass Industry and Glass Force Plc?

     ii.         What are the effects of organisational structure (centralisation, specialisation, etc.) of International Glass Industry and Glass Force Plc on the engagement of their employees?

   iii.         Is there any relationship between (work condition and job security) and organizational performance of International Glass Industry and Glass Force Plc?

   iv.         What is the relationship between employees’ development and organizational performance of International Glass Industry and Glass Force Plc?


The following hypotheses were tested in null form:

HO1: Employee engagement (loyalty, focused/keen to challenges etc.) does not have any significant effect on the performance of International Glass Industry and Glass Force Plc.

HO2: Organizational structure (centralization, specialization, etc.) of International Glass Industry and Glass Force Plc does not have any significance effect on the engagement of their employees.

HO3: There is no significant relationship between (work condition and job security,) and organizational performance of International Glass Industry and Glass Force Plc.

HO4: There is no significant relationship between employees’ development and organizational performance of International Glass Industry and Glass Force Plc.


This research will help the management of both organizations to revitalize the engagement of their employees which will encourage productivity in the organization. The research will also help the management to monitor the level of engagement of their employees and ensure their full devotion to duty, inspiring their employees to apply their full potential and capabilities to their work, and as such taped on the valuable resources endowed in their employees which will help to position the organizations ahead of their competitors admits the industry. The research will also help to reveal to the management of both organizations the cause of lack of engagement and motivation attitude display by their employees.

Furthermore, the research work will help the employees of the organizations to reconsider their input and how dutiful they are in discharging their assigned duty in the organization. The general public will also benefit greatly because when these organization became efficient and effective, it will encourage employment creation and utilization of available natural resource which will boost the economy of the state and the country in general and improve the standard of living among citizens.

Theoretically and empirically, the study will add to the existing literature on employee engagement in relation to organizational performance and related concepts. The study will provide an additional framework in the identification and solutions to the challenges glass industry faced in Nigeria with special reference to Abia State. However, the study will serve as a reference point for both present and future researchers who intend to carry on similar study.

1.7           SCOPE OF THE STUDY

This research work focused on the effect of employee engagement on organizational performance of International Glass Industry and Glass Force Plc in Aba, Abia State, Nigeria. Thus, the research was conducted in International Glass Industry and Glass Force Plc in Aba, the research involved all the employees in both organization with specific interest on how employee’ engagement affects the organizational performance.

Geographically, the Glass industries under study are in Abia State. Abia State is in the South-east geo-graphical zone of Nigeria. On 27th August, 1991, the Federal Military Government under General lbrahim Babangida carved out Abia State from Imo State, bringing to thirty the number of states in Nigeria.


Completing the study was not without notable challenges. The research encountered some difficulties and risk in traveling to and from International Glass Industry and Glass Force to sample and retrieve the questionnaires from the employees that form the respondents of the study. The reluctant attitude of the employees to complete the questionnaire on time was also worrisome, but the researcher was able to persuade to respond to the questionnaire. Owing to the present economic situation of the country, finance was also a major problem 


The following are the operational definition as coined by the researcher:

Employee engagement: Employee engagement is a positive, fulfilling, work-related state of mind characterized by vigor, dedication, and absorption to assigned duty by the employee.

Organizational performance: Organization performance is a process or means by which the organization management executes their functions and crucial element toward improving their organization prospect thus enhancing profitability

International glass industry and glass force: International Glass Industry and Glass Force are manufacturing organizations in the production of glass, bottles and other related products.

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