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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009411

No of Pages: 57

No of Chapters: 1-5

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Probiotics like S. cerevisiae and micronutrients are intestinal modulator immune booster and growth enhancer. Methionine is lacking in most plant ingredients and availability improves growth. Consequently, six experimental diets varying in inclusion of S. cerevisiae and methionine were produced using mixture methodology principle. F7 was the commercial diet. The inclusion ratio of S. cerevisiae: methionine were as follows Feed 1(F1) 25:0, Feed 2(F2), 5:25, Feed 3(F3), 10:15, Feed 4(F4), 15:10, Feed 5(5), 25:5, and Feed 6(6), 0:25. Diets were made to be corresponding in compositions as follows: F1 to F6, F2 to F5 and F3 to F4. The diets were fed to hybrid of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) (Female) Heterobranchus longifilis (Male). There are tanks of 20 liters capacities per treatment feed. The hybrids were stocked at 20 fish per aquaria of dimension length weight and height. The fish were feed for a period of 86 days. The best SGR was produced by hybrid fed with feed 5, 6.00±0.42% day-1. There was however no significant difference (P>0.05) between the specific growth rate (SGR) of F5 and F1 (P>0.05). Nevertheless the SGR of hybrid fed with F1 was significantly different (P<0.05) that of hybrid fed with corresponding diet F6 (P<0.05). The SGR of hybrid fed with F2 was 3.50±0.37% day-1 while the specific growth rate of the corresponding diet F5 was 6.00±0.42% day-1 the catfish fed with F3 had SGR of 5.44±0.33% day-1 while those fed with the corresponding diet feed 4 had SGR of 5.70±0.03% day-1. The food conversion ratio (FCR) of the catfish was best and similar for hybrid fed with feed F4 and F5 (P>0.05). There high weight gain for catfish fed with F5 followed by those fed with F1. Based on results substitution of S.cerevisiae with methionine was very beneficial in enhancing growth and survival of hybrid African catfish. Moreover, the substitution enhanced fast growth of fish at fishmeal inclusion as low as 20%.



Title Page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                 ii

Certification                                                                                                               ii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                    v

Table of Contents                                                                                                       vi

List of Tables                                                                                                              ix

Abstract                                                                                                                       x



1.1       Background to the Study                                                                                1

1.2       Statement of Problems                                                                                    7

1.3       Objective of the Study                                                                                    7

1.4       Justification                                                                                                    7

1.5       Significant of the Study                                                                                  8



2.1       Probiotics                                                                                                        9

2.1       Corn Meal                                                                                                       11

2.2       Soybeans                                                                                                         11

2.3       African Catfish                                                                                               12

2.4       Nutrient Requirement of Fish                                                                         13

2.5       Carbohydrates Requirement of Fish                                                               14

2.6       Lipid and Fatty Acids Requirement of Fish.                                                  14

2.7       Protein and Amino Acids Requirement of Fish                                             15

2.8       Vitamins Requirement of Fish                                                                        15

2.8.1    Mineral requirement of fish                                                                            16



3.1       Study Area                                                                                                      17

3.2       Experimental Fish and Source                                                                        17

3.3       Preparation of Container                                                                                17

3.4       Experimental Design                                                                                      17

3.5       Preparation of Experimental Diet/Experimental Feed                                   18

3.6       Statistical Analysis                                                                                         19

3.7       Data Collection                                                                                               19



4.1       Results                                                                                                            21

4.2       Discussion                                                                                                       24



5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                      32

5.2       Recommendations                                                                                          32


REFERENCES                                                                                                         33

APPENDICES                                                                                                           42



1.1:      Composition of Experimental Diet VARYING IN Composition of            

Saccharomyces cerevisiae and methione used in feeding fingerlings

African catfish C. gariepinus for 2 months                                                    19


2:         Physicochemical parameter of aquarium water used in rearing African

catfish C. gariepinus                                                                                       20


3          Growth and nutritional performances of African catfish fed with diets

varying in methionine and Saccharomyces cerevisae for 90 days                        23





1:         Effects of Feed 1 to Feed 6 on the specific growth rate of African Catfish feed

with diet varying in composition of methionine and Saccharomyces cerevisiae      28


2          Effects of Feed 1 to Feed 6 on the food conversion ratio of             African Catfish feed

with diet varying in composition of methionine and Saccharomyces cerevisiae      29


3          Effects of substitution levels of S. cerevisiae on the feed conversion

ratio of Hybrid African catfish (C.gariepinus female x Heterobranchus

longifilis) male Hetroclarias                                                                                      30


4          Effects of inclusions levels of methionine on the feed conversion ratio of hybrid

African Catfish C.gariepinus female x Heterobranchus longifilis Heteroclarias  31






Aquaculture is currently the fastest growing food production sector in the world, but diseases especially bacterial infections remains primary constraints to its continued expansion (Abd Elvhman, et al., 2009; El–Havoum, et al., 2006). Probiotic organisms are essential for beneficial effect on particular organism health and host nutrition’s for healthy gastroin3.03testinal function. Available study indicates that the action of intestinal flora most times results in vital benefits, including protection against pathogens and development of immune system Verschueve et al., (2002) opined that probiotics are defined as a live microbial adjunct which has a beneficial effect on the host by modifying the host associated or ambient microbial community, by improved use of the feed or enhancing the host response towards diseases or by improving the quality of its ambient environment. Hardy (1995) stated that aquaculture industry is faced with the challenges of insufficient supply and high cost of quality fish feeds usually containing fish meal as a major protein source, ranging from 30 – 50%. Beside the problem of high cost of fish fees and quality seed, disease outbreak is a major challenge in fish farming in Nigeria. Various studies showed that fared fish performance might be elevated by using feed additive such as aromatic plant extracts including spices, digestive enzymes and probiotic (El – Daker, et al., 2004). Functional additive, like probiotic is a new concept on aquaculture (Li and Gatlin, 2004), where the additions of microorganisms on diets indicated a positive effect on growth caused by the best use of carbohydrates, protein and energy (Li and Gatlin, 2004). Probiotics were originally incorporate into feed to reduce disease (Fuller, 1992). The uses of probiotic have been studied most extensively in pigs (Dener, 2008). Probiotics, which are micro – organisms or their product with health benefit to the host, are mostly used in aquaculture as dietary, supplement and as a mean of disease control. Studies have been focused on the promotion of fish by probiotic supplement as well as physiological and immune responses of fish by probiotic supplements (Maozonk, et al., 2008). The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) stated that there is potential for probiotic foods to provide health benefits and that specific strain is safe for human use (Reid, et al., 2003). Catfish are usually known by the ability to grow on a wide range of artificial and natural foods, attainment of a larger size within short time, high yield potential, hardness and tolerance to low dissolved oxygen and other aquatic conditions (Haylor, 1993). In Nigeria, catfish is widely cultivated because of high growth rate, ability to withstand stress, diseases and ability to spawn easily (Sogbesan, and Ugwumba, 2008). As the need to argument fish production from the wild heightens due to increasing demand for fish, there is increased attention on aquaculture (Owodeinde, et al., 2010). According to El – Saidy and Gaber (2003), Siddhuraju and Becker (2003) Wu, et al., (2004), over a decade now, aquaculture has become the fastest growing food production sector in which fish meal is a primary protein source in fish diets. In aquaculture, feeding of culture fish is one of the most important factors that must be considered. Fish like other animals have a requirement for essential nutrient in order to grow properly. Nutrient requirement for fish encompasses proteins, lipid, and carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals protein being a major constituents in fish diet, presumes that a knowledge of its requirement for fish species was essential for the formulation of a balanced diet Johnston (2004) reported that fish meal has always been the predominant and most popular source of protein for commercial fish feed production. However, the high cost incurred in the use of fish meal as raw material has necessitated researcher into the use of plants protein in feed formulation. Among the plant protein sources considered in aquaculture diets, soybean meal is the most widely use ingredient. It was used for the replacement of fish meal at various rations due to their high protein content and relatively well – balanced amino acid profile (Koumi, et al., 2009). Fish meal remains the ingredient of choice in fish feeds, because of its amino acid profile and acceptability by fish. According to Akintunde (1985), the nutritional value of a feed is determined by its digestibility and ease of assimilation while its quality depends on the growth of the animal as a result of consumption of the feed.

The aquaculture of cat fish is growing steadily but farmers need to cut cost incurred on fixed; hence the availability of cheap feed that meets the requirement of catfish would go a long way to increasing profitability. According to (Hishamundu and Subasingle, 2003; Coche, et al., 1994) the development and expansion of aquaculture depend on the extent of the availability of good quality and relative inexpensive feed ingredients the formulation of compounded feed.

Brewer’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) has been identified as an ingredient with several positive factors (Paryad and Mahmoudi, 2008) Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains about 45% protein, 1% lipid and 27% of crude fibre (Raven and Walk, 1980). It has an excellence amino acid profile but its shortcoming lies in the deficiency of sulphur containing amino acids such as methionine and cystine with a high content of lysine (Huige, 2006). Yeast has been used extensively in poultry and other animals as growth promotion and also additive to enhance fibre utilization. The fermentation of feed dough by yeast has been utilized alongside local binders to produce local field having located water stability (Solomon et al., 2011). Hybrid Clarias gariepinus have been reported to utilize diets with 2% levels of dried brewers yeast effectively with the determination of optimal levels beyond 2% inclusion being open for further investigation (Essa et al., 2011). However, substitution to soybean meal with bioactive yeast in the diet of the African catfish at 50% level has been reported without adverse effects (Ezenwaji et al., 2012). The current level of inclusion dried brewed yeast at 2% irrespective 4 soybean meal in the diet needs to be improved upon as suggested (Essa et al., 2011).

The use of probiotics in aquaculture has been in various forms like application in culture water. (Hagiwara et al. 1994; Olafsen, 2001; Vine et al., 2006) to inclusion in feeds. Suzer et al., (2008); Oliva – Teles and Goncalves, (2001); Li, (2005); Ringo et al., (2010) and therapeutic applications. Jorqensen et al., (1993); Irianto and Austin, 2002; Aly et al., 2008). Beneficial effects of probiotics have been attributed to numerous factors like modulation of the intestinal microbiota and immune system, enhanced growth survival and development, nutrition and disease resistance (Li, 2005). Saccharomyces cerevisiae are probiotic that modulate gastrointestinal tract, leading to improved nutritional performance and immunity in fishes. (Adolel – Tawwab et al., 2008). The incorporation of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae in the diet of Nile tilapia produced better growth (Li, and Gatlin, 2004). Similarly, improved growth performances have been noted when Saccharomyces cerevisiae was used in diets of sea bass (Oliven – Teles and Goncalves, 2001), hybrid striped (Li and Gatlin, 2004) and Japanese’s flounder Taoa et al. 2006). The beneficial effect of yeast could be associated with t’s B-glucans mannan oligosaccharides and protein (Li and Gatlin   2005; Li and Gatlin, 2004; Taoka et al., 2006; Li and Gatlin, 2003). Yeast naturally occurs in the gastrointestinal tract of healthy fish and constitutes an important part of the gut microbota (Gatesoupe 2007). Yeast is able to stand pelletizing and retains its quality after pelletizing. It has been observed that yeast supplemented diets had effects of stimulating growth, feed efficiency blood biochemistry, survival rate and non – specific immune responses in olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) challenged with Uronema maximum infection (Harikrishnan  et al., 2011).

The use of brewer’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) at probiotic level (up to 2%) has proven to have a positive effect on the performance and welfare in several fish species such as African catfish Clarias gariepinus (Essa, et al., 2011). And hybrid striped bass Morone chrysops x morone saxatilis (Li and Gatlin, 2003). However, in studies were brewer’s yeast were tested as protein source (i.e.) when high level are required, the results are not entirely clear. Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and tilapia (Oreochomis niloticus) fed with diets containing moderate to high yeast levels were reported to have reduced feed intake and growth, reduced liver glycogen and increased  total liver lipids (Dela, et al., 1985; Rumsey, et al., 1991; Rumsey, et al., 1992). Conversely, the inclusion of 30 – 50% brewer’s yeast in the diet improved feed efficiency of European Sea bass (Oliva and Goncalves, 2001).

Probiotics can be described as cultured products or liver microbial feed supplement, which affects its host positively by improving intestinal balance and health status of the host (Fooks, et al., 1999).  Probiotics can further be described as pure cultures of one or more microbes included in feed (Essa, et al., 2011).

Plants proteins are cheap and ready available but they have some limitations that make them unsuitable for direct incorporation into animal breeds (Aletor and Fetuga, 1984). Such factors include the presence of anti-nutritional factors that result in poor digestibility and low levels of Sulphur, amino acids, methionine and cystine. These limitations could be successfully addressed by different method such as heat treatment like toasting, autoclaving and cooking, which destroys the heat – labile auto – nutritional factor and improves digestibility or supplementing with methionine or cystine (Ologhobo, et al., 1992). Methionine is an indispensible amino acid required by terrestrial vertebrate, as well as several fish species for normal growth and metabolic functions (Murth and Varghese 1998). Plant proteins generally have unbalanced proportions of the essential amino acids.

Probiotics can control pathogens by variety of mechanisms and have, therefore become increasingly important as alternatives to antibiotic treatment (Verschuere et al., 2000). Fuller (1989) described probiotics as like microbial food supplements that can beneficially affect the host animal by improving intestinal microbial balance. Lactobacillus acidophilus, L. bulgaricus, L. plantaxium, Streptococcus Latis and Saccharomyces cerevisiae are some of the common probiotic strains used as in aquaculture (FAO, 2004). Probiotics are sometime expected to have direct growth promoting effects on fish either by directly involving nutrients uptake or by providing nutrients or vitamins (Ringo and Gatesoupe, 1999) using yeast as probiotic was studied by (Andlid, et al., 1995); Li and Gatlin (2005);  Czerucka, et al., (2007); Pooramini et al., (2009), reported positive effects of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) as a probiotic on growth parameters, survival careass quality in fry rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).


The use of antibiotics in aquaculture has been banned in some country due to rejection of export consignment of marine products. High cost of fishmeal, has necessitated alternative use of plant proteins. However, plant proteins lack essential amino acids eg methionine and contain anti-nutritional factors. The high cost of fishmeal and anti-nutritional factor of plant proteins possessed serious problem to the feed industry. Fish health and immunity to disease is compromised by non-utilization of nutrient. There is need to avoid the use of antibiotics and improved growth using micronutrients like probiotics and prebiotics. There is also need to remove anti-nutritional factors and increase usability of plant proteins by reducing fishmeal.


1.     To determine growth and nutritional effect of using low inclusion level of fishmeal 20% while substituting the micronutrients methionine and S. cerevisiae.

2.     To determine the inclusion and substitution level of S. cerevisiae and methionine that would give optimal growth.

3.     To determine effects of argumenting essential amino acid methionine on African catfish.


Since fishmeal is costly, it is reasonable to reduce the inclusion level to increase profitability. However, inclusion of plant proteins can reduce cost but portends the problems of anti-nutritional factor which can also compromise fish health. Therefore, it  is important to find a way of removing ANF, increasing plant proteins, improve growth, health and reducing the fish meal and yet not compromising fish health and welfare.  


This research would proffer new information on the potential benefits of probiotic and methionine in aqua-feed. This study would also provide a means of using low fishmeal content thereby saving cost. It also prefers solution to problem of anti-nutritional factor and manipulating the micronutrients. The research will beneficial in argumenting the deficiency of essential amino acid like methionine in plant protein ingredient.

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