Effective communication in any organisation,
regardless of its type and size remains critical, to the achievement of
organisational objectives.This is more so, when any break communication will
result in chase, misunderstanding and conflict. Bank PHB Plc lays great
emphasis on the oral and written communication for the successful
accomplishment of its goals and objectives. The objectives of this study
therefore are; to find out different methods and channels of communication and
how these can best be used in achieving organisational goals. It was to also
find out the barriers and problems of communication and hour they can be
solved. Consequent upon which, some recommendations were to be made on how
organisations can improve their system of communication for optimum performance
and higher productivity. The study adopted the descriptive method through
structured means. The sute collected for this study were qualitative therefore,
the research relied on descriptive analysis. A summary of the findings indicate
that effective communication, is an important factor for any organisation, that
wants to achieve its objectives. While it was also discovered that ineffective
communication could led to difficulties such a break down in communication low
moral, industrial conflict and low productivity.
Approval ii
Dedication iii
of contents vii
Abstract viii
Chapter one
1.1 Background of the study 10
1.2 Statement of the problem 11
1.3 Purpose of the study 12
1.4 Significance of the study 13
1.5 Research questions 14
1.6 Scope / Delimitation of the study 14
1.7 Definition of terms 17
Chapter two
review 20
- Conceptual framework 38
- Theoretical framework 39
- Empirical review 42
Chapter three
methodology 43
3.1 Design of the study 43
3.2 Area of the study 43
3.3 Population of the study 44
3.4 Sample of the study 45
3.5 Instrument for data collection 45
3.6 Validation of the instrument 46
3.7 Distribution and retrieval of the instrument 46
3.8 Method of data analysis 46
Chapter four
of data and analysis 47
questions 53
Chapter five
5.1 Summary of findings 54
5.2 Conclusion 58
5.3 Recommendations 59
5.4 Limitation of the study 60
5.5 Suggestions for further research 60
References 61
Appendix 64
Communication is the act of transferring
information from one person to another; it could also be means of transmitting and
conveying of ideas, attitudes, view and opinions from person to person,
generation to generation. Communication to avery large audience, and vice
Social organization cannot survive
without communication. You can imagine what the situation will be like if you
gather people together and cannot communicate to them; the situation will be
quite uncontrollable. Irrespective of how poor or rich and organization is,
there exist some spectrum of communication, in all without it no organisation.
It is so vital that without it, no organisation can succeed. Infact, communication
is indispensable to human existence because one must need to communicate with
people around him to share ideas, experience and feelings. An organization
where channels of communication, or where it is not working well should need it
or have the already existing ones
reinforced the employers would like the
feelings of the employee, customers and the general public communication to
help streamline action and activities in the organization. The employees, mere
especially would like to know the objectives of the organization in which they
are working for. They will affect them are about to be affective. They will also like to know what is expected of them in the
organization, to abide the rules and regulation sand to make know to the
organization their feeling, decisive, aspiration and efforts. The will also
like to be recognize by other members of the organization especially
management. An organization is deemed a goodone when its objectives are derived
from those of its members and this can only be achieved by establishing an effective, hence is well informed of the
organizational plans and given at same time the chance to make own
contributions to the advantage of the management and its entity.
Every organization has a definite
objective which is strives to achieve and live up to. For instance, legal
institutions at their various levels aim at turning out good, disciplined and
well behaved citizens for the country social, economic and political
development, police and other law enforcement agencies have the objective of
curbing and suspension of deviant behaviours and to bring order to sanity.
1. The society – business organizations are set
up for the provision of goods and service the people at the minimum cost and
minimum profit. Educational institution, at their various levels aim at turning
out literate citizens with high level manpower for the country social, economic
and political development, voluntary and religious organizations like the red –
cross boys – scouts, girls guides, boys brigade and girls brigades and various
churches areset up moral instrument, character moulding and offering humanitarian
services to the needy.
to Ukeku (1983: 20) human resources are the most important tools of every
organization, since without them, other resources cannot operate.
These personnel who are the vehicles through which
organizational objectives are attained have to be property managed for
effective performance, Aenyer (1970:20), it is concerned with the direction and
control of an organization it involves planning and direction of work of others.
These managerial
functions cannot be successfully executed in the absence of communication. It
is particularly, important in the function of directing and leading. It is only
when people can open up and burst each other with a share of their true self.
Hence, communication is the life wire of the organization.
Communication function - is the means by which organization, activity is
unified, social inputs are fed into organization, behaviour is modified changes
are effect information is made productive and goals are achieved. A personnel
officer or a superior officer engages in communication with an individual with
the purpose of changing his behaviour. Hemay have discipline or corrective
objective in counselling situation which has emotional content the superior
should listened empathically to the employees or subordinates, empathy means
putting oneself in somebody else shoes or place and emotions. Empathetic
listening is therefore a part of two way communication. The subordinate must
have the opportunity to express himself and it is only when he has made himself
know that the superior will know where to assist him.
Communication is essential for both
internal and external functioning of enterprises. Its needs internally,
includes integrating the management function to development plans for their achievement to organise human and material
resource for maximum productivity and above all to create the conductive
atmosphere for effective and efficient organizational performance. External
communication is also vital for every organization in order to achieve success. It is through information exchange
that manager do know the needs of their numerous customers both consumers and suppliers legal
and community requirement, condition s in the labour market, new product line
expectations, plans and strengthen plans for business trend innovations.
No organization be it military, business, religious
and even government can succeed
without external interaction and influence which is only possible through
Brow (1985:116) stressed that communication is
the process of transmitting ideas and thoughts from one person to another for
the purpose of creating ideas and thoughts from one person to another for the
purpose of creating understanding in the thinking of the person receiving the
This emphasis on understanding focuses
attention on the importance of communication for effective organizational performance.
Anker (1978:102) stated that information
is the manager’s main tool since; he does not “handle” people but motivate,
guide and directly them to perform in conformity with the desired goals. The manager’s
only tool to do this language charts gestures and other movements.
method that is applied, the important thing is understanding by the receiver
for the necessary action no matter the manager’s job, his effectiveness depends
on his ability to speak and to write clear enough to get his thinking across to
other people as well as understanding what other people are after. Managers should
aim at organizing and co-ordinating human and material resources of his
organization into an effective and efficient wording unit and to achieve this,
he must spend a good percentage of his time on communication. It is only when
human and material elements of an organization are harnessed into a united
whole that the organization objective can be achieved through effective
In spite of the importance of communication
for effective organizational performance, many business organizations in Nigeria
to day pay no attention to it.in the office, most of the
flies are labelled confidential with the result that those who are supposed to
u utilize the information for effective performance are denied access to the
When can an organisation member know when he
is contravening the rules and regulation if his organization when on-one
has cared to make such known to him/ how can such an organisation expects to
succeed or achieve its objective of those with whom and through whom it wished
to achieve its objectives are not aware of “while” indolence, stricks and sick
reports abound in public office,stricks and the likes occur more frequently as
a result of poor and ineffective communication between the management and
members of the organization. None of these in any way aids the organization in
its efforts to achieve its objectives.in view of this the research hopes that
this will help to direct the readers minds towards realising the importance of
effective communication in an organization it is various that effective
communication minimize misunderstanding and increase mutual understanding trust
and selfless services among organization
Of The Study
local government area is one of the created local governments in the year 1996
by the military administration. The local government, is not insulate from the
general leadership, and managerial problems facing the entire country as whole.
It must be remembered that our
leadership question has its basic reflection in a necessary, to explain the
problem from grass root hence the need to use a particular local example vice
versa, oyi: local government area.
Of Problem
As earlier stated in the introduction,
most of the conflicts and misunderstanding arises between individuals within an
organization are as a result of lack of
good and effective communication between the members and the management of the
organization. The people are not informed or under formed on most of the plans
of the organisation especially those that affect them and their work many
management decisions are their work out their consent. Consequently, most of
the policies passed down to them are regarded and supressed and aggrieved workers
and bared from gaining access to their right quarters to lodge their
complaints. The communication within which the organization is situated may be
lacking many things and may be looking forward to its fulfilment by the
organization so it is host communication in other to live up to the expectation
of the community therefore, every management should do every thing humanly
possible to maintain good communication is fundamental, to the existence of
every human organization.
Of The Study
In view of the problems
stated the purpose of this study are as follows.
1. To
determine the communication techniques used in Oyi local government.
2. To
ascertain the system of communication used by the secretariat especially the
language methods used.
3. To
identify the types of communication within and outside the secretariat
4. To
determine the most effective system secretariat communicates.
5. To
determine the role of communication in achieving organization goals.
Based on the researches findings, necessary
suggestions and recommendation will offered for general consideration and implementation
where humanly and financial will be
1.4 Significance Of The Study
significance of the study are:
Focusing the attention of managers to the importance of communication for
effective performance.
2. Revealing the role of communication to
achieve organizational set objectives. Many organization have not absorbed and
implemented an effective communication system. This reflects on the
organizational, operation result, where strained relationship affect smooth operations.
The research therefore, primary aims at focusing the attention of business
manager to the importance. the role of communication to achieve the
organizations set goals.
beneficiaries are:
1. The
schools, especially the higher institutions, e.g universities, polytechnics
2. The
society at large especially those engaged in one organisation or the other
3. The
people in the authority (people at the corridor of power)
1. How
effective is communication system in Oyi local government secretariat?
2. How high does the secretariat rate
What methods are used to transmit information in Oyi local government secretariat?
Which method is the most effective.
1.7 Scope/Delimitation Of The Study
This study was carried on in Oyi local
government Area of Anambra State the researcher emphasized on the effective
communication a tool for the achievement of a administrative goals in an
organization of Oyi environ.
1.8 Definition Of Terms
and operational definitions.
A process whereby ideas, information, facts, instructions, thought, opinions
are transmitted from one person to another. It can be verbal, non – verbal or
written message. The use of a common system of symbols sign, behaviour etc. for
the exchange of information.
idea, thought, plane, picture in the mind purpose or opinion.
transmitting, sending out of the message encode.
selecting the approximate media for easy
transmission and understanding such media include words or phrase, symbols,
charts facial expressions and gestures.
a social or a common purpose example of such includes churches, social clubs
and business organizations.
the execution of an action, the fulfilment, of a claim, promise etc. the ability
to work efficiently performance in this content means the ability of the
organization to accomplish its primary goals objectives.
Organ gram:
the organization structure which is a framework of the formal relationships
that have been established in an organization. It is diagrammatical
representation of the hierarchy of
authority and the formal relationships that exist among the members of
an organization.
the right to act and command others towards attainment of organizational goal
in the field of management, some authors define authority as the power to
command performance.
general statements that guide decision making in an organization. They are
classified according to managerial levels and affected.
the extent to which the result was achieved atteast cost and it is determined
by dividing out put by input.
this refers to signals sent from the ligtener to the speaker in order to tell
the speaker how far he is understood. It is a reaction that place.
this is another important factor in communication and ones own though. Decoding
is a clear proof of understanding a message.
the driving force that stimulates an individual to action at is one of the
directing functions of personnel management and its effectiveness dependency on
the style of management.
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