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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007274

No of Pages: 113

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The study focused on the effects of welfare packages on employees’ performance in First Bank and Union Bank Nigeria Plc, Abia State. The specific objectives of the study were to: ascertain the effect of intra-mural welfare services on employees’ efficiency, ascertain the effect of extra-mural welfare services on employees’ commitment, and find out the effect of salary and bonuses on employees’ job satisfaction in First Bank and Union Bank Nigeria Plc. The study adopted survey research design, primary and secondary data were used. The population of the study consists of all the staff of First Bank and Union Bank Nigeria Plc in Abia State. Descriptive statistics were used to analysed the objectives, and Multiple Regression analysis were used to test the hypotheses posited. Major findings revealed that: Convenience facilities, water/canteen facilities, banks kits, and health services are the intra-mural welfare services that are significant and positively related to employees’ efficiency. Maternity benefitseducation facilitiessocial insurance, and recreational facilities are the extra-mural welfare services that are significant and positively related to employees’ commitment. Basic pay, promotion allowance, thirteen months pay and contingency pay are salary and bonus packages that are significant and positively related to the employees’ job satisfaction in First Bank and Union Bank Nigeria Plc. The study concluded that welfare packages of First Bank and Union Bank Nigeria Plc have a positive effect on their employees’ performance within the periods covered by the study. The study recommended that: First Bank and Union Bank Nigeria Plc should maintain the intra-mural welfare services they are already using. However, they should always crave for opportunities to improve the efficiency of their intra-mural welfare services to be more acceptable to their employeesArrangements for prevention of fatigue should be incorporated in their intra-mural welfare services. The banks should ensure that salary and bonus are regularly evaluated and augmented to meet with national minimum wage, and are designed to build in inflation rate in the economy and to champion employees’ local needs.



Title Page                                                                                                                    i                                                                                  

Certification                                                                                                                ii                                                                                                                 

Declaration                                                                                                                  iii                                                                                                                    

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv                                                                                                                     Acknowledgements                                                                                                    v                                                                                       Table of Contents                                                                                                       vi                                                                                                   List of Tables                                                                                                              x

Abstract                                                                                                                      xi


1.1              Background of the Study                                                                               1

1.2              Statement of the Problem                                                                               3

1.3              Objectives of the Study                                                                                  4

1.4              Research Questions                                                                                         4

1.5              Research Hypotheses                                                                                      5

1.6              Significance of the Study                                                                               5

1.7              Scope and Limitations of the Study                                                               7

1.8       Definition of Terms                                                                                        9


2.1              Conceptual Review                                                                                         11

2.1.1        Employee welfare                                                                                           11

2.1.2        Employees performance                                                                                  15

2.1.3        Why employer provide welfare benefits                                                         19

2.1.4        Features of welfare measures                                                                          20

2.1.5        The relationship between employee welfare services and performance         21

2.1.6        Impact of employee welfare/wellbeing on workplace productivity               22

2.1.7        Employees’ welfare and job satisfaction                                                        25

2.1.8        How welfare benefits motivate employees                                                     27

2.1.9        Impact of welfare benefits on employee retention                                         29

2.1.10    Compensation and employee performance                                                     30

2.1.11    Role of employee welfare services                                                                 33

2.1.12    Types of welfare services                                                                                34

2.1.13    Statutory welfare facilities                                                                              35

2.1.14    Non-statutory welfare facilities                                                                      39

2.1.15    Principle types of benefits                                                                              44

2.1.16    Welfare services and benefits in other countries                                            50

2.1.17    Institutional capacity and protection of employee’s welfare                          51

2.1.18    Trade unions and protections of employee’s welfare                                     53

2.1.19    Leave policy                                                                                                    55

2.1.20    Health services                                                                                                57

2.1.21    Safety and health in the workplace and service delivery.                              58

2.1.22    Importance of labour welfare                                                                         59

2.2      Theoretical Review                                                                                          61

2.2.1        The police theory                                                                                            61

2.2.2        The religious theory                                                                                        62

2.2.3        The Philanthropic theory                                                                                 63

2.2.4        Trusteeship theory                                                                                           64

2.2.5        The placating theory                                                                                       65

2.2.6        Public relations theory                                                                                    65

2.2.7        Functional theory                                                                                             66  Application of functional theory to the study                                                66

2.3      Empirical Review                                                                                                67

2.4      Summary of Literature Reviewed                                                                      70

2.5      GAP in Literature                                                                                               71


3.1              Research Design                                                                                             73

3.2              Population of the Study                                                                                  73

3.3              Sources of Data Collection                                                                             73

3.3.1        Primary sources of data                                                                                  74

3.3.2        Secondary sources of data                                                                              74

3.4       Sample and Sampling Procedure                                                                     74

3.4.1        Sample size determination                                                                              75

3.5       Validity of the Instruments                                                                             76

3.6      Reliability of the Instruments                                                                           76

3.7      Method of Data Analysis                                                                                 77

3.8     Model Specification                                                                                           78


4.1              Data Presentation                                                                                            82

4.2              Effect of Intra-mural Welfare Services on Employees’ Efficiency in First

            Bank and Union Bank Nigeria plc                                                                  83

4.3       Effect of Extra-mural Welfare Services on Employees’ Commitment in First

            Bank and Union Bank Nigeria plc                                                                  84

4.4      Effect of Salary and Bonus  on Employees’ Job Satisfaction in First Bank and

Union Bank Nigeria plc                                                                                  86

4.5      Hypotheses Testing                                                                                          88

4.6       Discussion of findings                                                                                    94


5.1              Summary of Findings                                                                                     96

5.2              Conclusion                                                                                                      96

5.3              Recommendations                                                                                          97









3.1       Showing coefficient of correlation of the reliability of the research

            instrument.                                                                                                      77


4.1,      Showing the total number of questionnaires distributed at both banks

            and the number that were returned completed.                                                          82


4.2,      Showing employees’ responses on the effect of intra-mural welfare services

            on employees’ efficiency in First Bank and Union Bank Nigeria Plc.           83


4.3,      Showing employees’ responses on the effect of extra-mural welfare services

            on employees’ commitment in First Bank and Union Bank Nigeria Plc.       84


4.4,      Showing employees’ responses on effect of salary and bonus on employees’

            job satisfaction in First Bank and Union Bank Nigeria Plc.                           86


4.5.1, Showing Multiple Regression analysis result on the effects of intra-mural

            welfare services on employees’ efficiency in First Bank and Union Bank

            Nigeria Plc.                                                                                                     88


4.5.2, Showing Multiple Regression analysis result on the effects of extra-mural

            welfare services on employees’ commitment in First Bank and Union

            Bank Nigeria Plc.                                                                                            90


4.5.3, Showing Multiple Regression analysis result on the effects of salary and

            bonus on employees’ job satisfaction in First Bank and Union Bank

            Nigeria Plc.                                                                                                     92









1.1              BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY

Effective welfare packages are sine qua non to enhanced employees’ performance. The greatest and most valuable asset of every organisation is its human asset that make up the organisation’s work force, because other resources of the organisation are directed and controlled by these qualified and motivated workforces in order to create and deliver value out of the organisation’s scarce resources, (Aremu and Adeyemi, 2011). Thus, employees are essential to the means of production and as such they deserve to be treated with respect and given proper welfare packages and incentives that will improve their sense of worth, boost their self-esteem, financial status and act as a sort of motivation to drive them to have more passion for their jobs, which invariably will transform into enhance organisational productivity (Aremu and Adeyemi, 2011).

Hence, employees’ welfare is expected to be pursued by employers who look beyond instant profit making as opposed to enduring sustainable business earning of profits in perpetuity. Therefore, the human resource manager saddled with the responsibility of employees’ management should secure the cooperation of the employees in order to increase their production and to earn higher profits. The cooperation of employees is only possible when they are fully satisfied with their employer and the working conditions obtainable in the organisation. In the past, industrialists and employers believed that their only duty towards their employees was to pay them satisfactory wages and salaries. In the course of time, with the introduction of human resource management, psychological researchers convinced employers that employees required something more important. In addition to providing monetary benefits, human treatment given to the employees plays a very important role in seeking their cooperation which is essential to maintaining performance, as employees’ performance is the key determinant in archiving organisational goals. In view of this, organisations employ different measures such as remuneration, compensation, incentives and welfare packages made available to the employees in order to harness and utilise the best of their employees’ abilities, especially in the banking sector where welfare packages helps to sustain the enthusiasm of employees (Abu, 2000).

Be it as it may, First Bank Nigeria Plc and Union Bank Nigeria Plc which are among the leading premium banks in the Nigeria banking sector have consistently strive to implement best practices in employees’ welfare packages through their humane human resources policies and organisational culture which imbibe people integration, managing organisational change with people oriental policies, promoting diversity and inclusion, with a strategy aimed at supporting employees’ motivation, conducive working conditions, employees’ compensation, training, transfer, and promotions. Furthermore, their intra-mural welfare services (convenience facilities, banks kits, health services etc.), extra-mural welfare services (maternity benefits, education facilities, social insurance) are harmony with international best practices as obtainable in the banking sector. Thus, it cannot be succinctly stated that First Bank Nigeria Plc and Union Bank Nigeria Plc invest heavily on employees’ welfare packages in the quest to improve employees’ performance. Therefore, ascertaining the effects welfare packages are having on employees’ performance in these banks becomes essential. Against this backdrop, the study; “Effects of welfare packages on employees’ performance in First Bank and Union Bank Nigeria Plc in Abia State Nigeria were initiated.


Every business organisation wants to be successful and have the desire to progress on regular bases. But currently the business world is highly competitive especially in the service industry where organisations regardless of size, technology and market focus, are facing employees’ retention challenges due to high job insecurity inherent in the sector, also lack of inadequate welfare packages for the employees limits the social and organisational conditions of the workers which negatively impacts on their daily job performance. It also influence their team spirit and limits the firm's ability to provide normative or moral framework within which workplace changes might unfold, leaving team systems vulnerable to anomic tendencies, to status distinctions among employees, and to other sources of instability. Thus, the need to avert this obnoxious and unproductive circumstances in First Bank and Union Bank Nigerian Plc cannot be overemphasised as the situation can truncate the performance of these banks rendering them unprofitable.

Furthermore, welfare services provided by an orgnisation portrays the value they place on their employees, and it attracts and retain quality personnel required for the organisation to operate profitably and maintain competitive advantage within the industry. However, as noted in the introduction, First Bank and Union Bank Nigeria Plc invest heavily on both intra-mural welfare services (convenience facilities, banks kits, health services etc.) and extra-mural welfare services (maternity benefits, education facilities, social insurance etc.). Thus, ascertaining its effects on employees’ performance becomes essential, necessitating the need for First Bank and Union Bank Nigeria Plc to regularly evaluate their welfare services in order to affirm its desired effects on their employees’ efficiency, job satisfaction, and employees’ commitment and to ensure that employees’ performance is always outstanding and are measuring up to the organisational goals and objectives.  To this end, the study; “Effects of welfare packages on employees’ performance in First Bank and Union Bank Nigeria Plc in Abia State” were initiated.

1.3              OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY

The broad objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of welfare packages on employees’ performance in First Bank and Union Bank Nigeria Plc in Abia State. The specific objectives are to:

        i.            ascertain the effect of intra-mural welfare services (convenience facilities, banks kits, health services etc.) on employees’ efficiency in First Bank and Union Bank Nigeria Plc.

      ii.            ascertain the effect of extra-mural welfare services (maternity benefits, education facilities, social insurance) on employees’ commitment in First Bank and Union Bank Nigeria Plc.

    iii.            find out the effect of salary and bonus (basic pay, promotion allowance, thirteen months pay etc.) on employees’ job satisfaction in First Bank and Union Bank Nigeria Plc.

1.4              RESEARCH QUESTIONS

The following research questions were answered by this study:

        i.            What are the effect of intra-mural welfare services (convenience facilities, banks kits, health services etc.) on employees’ efficiency in First Bank and Union Bank Nigeria Plc?

      ii.            What are the effect of extra-mural welfare services (maternity benefits, education facilities, social insurance) on employees’ commitment in First Bank and Union Bank Nigeria Plc?

    iii.            What are the effect of salary and bonus (basic pay, promotion allowance, thirteen months pay etc.) on employees’ job satisfaction in First Bank and Union Bank Nigeria Plc?


The following hypotheses were tested in null form:

HO1: Intra-mural welfare services (convenience facilities, banks kits, health services etc.) have no significant effect on employees’ efficiency in First Bank and Union Bank Nigeria Plc.

HO2: Extra-mural welfare services (maternity benefits, education facilities, social insurance etc.) have no significant effect on employees’ commitment and in First Bank and Union Bank Nigeria Plc.

HO3: Salary and bonus (basic pay, promotion allowance, thirteen months pay etc.) of First Bank and Union Bank Nigeria Plc have no significant effect on employees’ job satisfaction.


The study findings will have dual significance (empirical and theoretical significance). Empirically, the research findings will be of great significance to the management of First Bank and Union Bank Nigeria Plc and the banking sector at large. The study findings will help First Bank and Union Bank Nigeria Plc to have a panoramic view of the effectiveness of their welfare packages in motivating employees and how it can be enhanced to meet employees’ needs and wants which is a prerequisite for outstanding performance. The study findings will also provide the banks understudy with feedback from their employees about their perception on the welfare packages available in the bank. The study findings will further help these banks to improve their employees’ performance and competence by ensuring that the welfare packages esteemed by their employees as required in the banking sector are made available and are in good condition. The study findings will also provide the banks understudy with information about the satisfaction level of their employees based on the welfare packages available at the banks. Areas that these banks need to work on to enhance the efficiency of their welfare packages will also be illuminated by the study.

Furthermore, employees of these banks under study will also benefit maximally from the study findings. When the recommendations emanating from the study are implemented, basic welfare services will be provided which will enhance the banks’ working condition and provide a conducive and refreshing atmosphere where employees will work un-exhaustively to their satisfaction. It will also enhance employees’ wellbeing. The study findings will enable other banks to evaluate the welfare packages available to their employees and ensure that the basic ones required in the banking sector are provided. The study findings will also be useful to other organiations in the manufacturing sector as it will illuminate on the effects of welfare packages on employees performance.

Theoretically, the study findings will bridge the perceived gap on the effects of welfare packages (intra-mural welfare services: convenience facilities, banks kits, health services etc., and extra-mural welfare services: maternity benefits, education facilities, social insurance etc.) on employees performance in the banking sector, especially in the Nigeria context. The study findings will add to available scholarly material on the subject matter that will vital source of information to academicians, potential researchers and students in their research endeavours.


This study focused on the effects of welfare packages on employees’ performance in First Bank and Union Bank Nigeria Plc in Abia State. The researcher encountered some limitations in the process of completing the study. Notable among the limitations encountered by the researcher is poor cooperation of the respondents.  Because of the busy schedule of the bankers, many of them felt reluctant to participate in the study, even when they accepted to participate, completing the questionnaire in due time was a challenge.  The researcher have to make repeated calls to the bankers before the questionnaire were completed. The risk and cost of transportation of visiting different branches of First Bank, and Union Bank Nigeria Plc in Abia State was also devastating in the face of current economic realities of Nigeria. Certifying the necessary corrections to ensure that the study merits the approval of my supervisor and other scholars in the Department of Industrial Relations and Personnel Management were also an arduous task. However, despite this challenges the researcher were very resilient to ensure that the study were completed in required time.

1.7.1         Unit scope

The study involved all the employees of First Bank, and Union Bank Nigeria Plc branches in Abia State, Nigeria.

1.7.2    Content scope

The focused its interest mainly on how welfare packages (intra-mural welfare services: convenience facilities, banks kits, health services etc., and extra-mural welfare services: maternity benefits, education facilities, social insurance etc.) administered by First Bank, and Union Bank Nigeria Plc., has affected the performance (efficiency, commitment, and job satisfaction) of their employees.

1.7.3    Geographical scope

The study were conducted in Abia State. Abia State is an abbreviation of four of the state’s densely populated regions Aba, Bende, Isuikwuato and Afikpo. It is one of the thirty-six (36) states that constitute the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Abia people are of the Igbo ethnic group who predominates much of the south-eastern part of Nigeria. Their traditional language is Igbo. English is widely spoken and serves as the official language in governance and business. Abia is 2.4mm people are mainly Christians. Abia state consists of seventeen (17) Local Government Areas. They are: Aba north, Aba south, Arochukwu, Bende, Ikwuano, IsialaNgwa North, IsialaNgwa South, Isuikwuato, Obingwa, Ohafia, OsisiomaNgwa, ugwunagbo, Ukwa, East, Ukwa West, Umuahia North, Umuahia South, Umunneochi.

Abia State, which occupies about 5,834 square kilometers. The southern part of the state lies within the riverine part of Nigeria. It is low-lying tropical rain forest with some oil-palm brush. The southern portion gets heavy rainfall of about 2,400 millimetres (941n) per year especially intense between the months of April through October. The rest of the state is moderately high plain and wooded savannah.

Crude oil and gas production is also a prominent activity, as it contributes to 39% of the GDP. The manufacturing sector only account for 2% of the GDP. Agriculture, which employs 70% of the second economic sector of Abia with its adequate seasonal rainfall, Abia has much arable land that produces yam, maize, potatoes, rice, cashews, plantains, karo and cassava. It is in this environment that First Bank, and Union Bank Nigeria Plc Branches in Abia State are operates.


The followings are the operational definition of terms in this study:

Employees’ Commitment: Employees commitment deals the extent to which employee’s identify with an organisation and is committed to its goals and objectives. It can also be referred as the degree to which the employee feels devoted to their organisation.

Employees’ Efficiency: Employees’ efficiency is a measurable parameter that define and output produced through the efforts or achievement of an employee. It can also be liken to time taken by an employee to complete a job compared with the standard of time allowed for carrying out the job. It explained the level of optimal standard employed by an employee in performing a required job. 

Employees’ Performance: Performance is defined as the record of outcomes produced on a specified job function or activity during a specified time period, and employee performance is the job related activities expected of a worker and how well those activities were executed.

Extra-Mural Welfare Services: Extra-mural welfare services are welfare services that are provided outside the organisation such as maternity benefits, social insurance measures like gratuity pension, provident fund and rehabilitation, physical fitness and efficiency, family planning and child welfare, education facilities, housing facilities, recreational facilities including sports, cultural activities, transport to and from the place of work among others.

First Bank Nigeria Plc and Union Bank Nigeria Plc: First Bank Nigeria Plc and Union Bank Nigeria Plc are one of the oldest commercial banks in Nigeria and they rank high among the Nigerian premium banks.

Intra-Mural Welfare Services: Intra-mural welfare services are welfare services that are provided within the organisation such as latrines and urinals, drinking water, washing and bathing facilities, creches, rest shelters and canteen, arrangements for prevention of fatigue, health services including occupational safety, uniform and protective clothing and shift allowances among others.

Job Satisfaction: Job satisfaction is the feeling of enjoyment and pleasure emanating from ones job. It is a measure of workers contentedness with their job, whether or not they like the job or the individual facets of the jobs, such as the nature of the job, the remuneration and compensation aspect of the job, and if they feel fulfilled and delighted doing the job and identifying with the organisation. 

Welfare Packages: Welfare packages covers all the efforts which employers make for the benefit or their employees over and above the minimum standard of working conditions fixed by Factories Act and over and above the provision of social legislation providing against accident, old age, unemployment and sickness. It can also be seen as services, facilities and amenities, which may be established in or in the vicinity of, undertakings to enable persons employed therein to perform their work in healthy, congenial surroundings and to provide them with amenities conducive to good health and good morale.


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