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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008208

No of Pages: 58

No of Chapters: 1-5

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This study examines the effect of test marketing on new product development (a study of 7up bottling company plc). The work further investigate the effect of test marketing on new product acceptance, performance and measurement. Date were collected from both primary sources and secondary sources using personal interview and questionnaire survey these date were analyzed using description statistics, simple regression and correlation analysis.  Base on the result of the analysis, regression result of the effect of test marketing on new product quality has the computed f – value as 16.101 while the table value on new product acceptance has computed is 228. Regression result of the effect of test marketing on new product acceptance has computed f – value as 68.762 while table value is 228. Regression result of the effect of test marketing on substitute has the computed f -    value as 54.262 while table value is 228. As a recommendation, companies should encourage test marketing acceptance and performance and lunching of new product and marketing campaign


Title Page                                                                                                                                i

Declaration                                                                                                                             ii

Certification                                                                                                                           iii

Acknowledgement                                                                                                                  iv

Table of Content                                                                                                                     v

List of table                                                                                                                             vi

Abstract                                                                                                                                   vii


1.0   Introduction                                                                                                                    1

1.1 Background of Study                                                                                                                                                        1

1.2 Statement of Problem                                                                                                       4

1.3 Objective of the Study                                                                                                      5

1.5 Research Questions                                                                                                          6

1.6 Research Hypotheses                                                                                                        6

1.7 Significance of the Study                                                                                                 6

1.8 Scope of the Study                                                                                                            7

1.9 Limitations of the Study                                                                                                   8


2.0       Literatures Review                                                                                                     9

2.1       Conceptual Framework                                                                                              9

2.2      Review of Related Literatures                                                     10

2.2 (1) Meaning of Test Marketing                                                                                        10

2.2 (2) Measuring of New Product Quality with Test Marketing                                          11

2.2 (3) Criteria for New Product Acceptance                                                                        12

2.2 (4) Performance Criteria for New Product                                                                       14

2.2 (5) Test Marketing as a Tool Measuring for New Product Performance                                    15

2.2(6)  Application of Test Marketing in 7up Bottling Company                                        16

2.2(7)  Different Types of Test Marketing in New Product Development                                    17

2.2(8)  Problems Associated with test Marketing                                                                 22

2.2(9)  History of 7up Bottling Company                                                                             22


3.0       Research Methodology                                                                                               24

3.1       Research Design                                                                                                         24

3.2       Area of the study                                                                                                        25

3.3       Sources of Data and method of data collection                                                          25

3.4       Population of the Study                                                                                             25

3.5       Sampling Technique and Sample Size                                                                       25

3.6             Validity of the study                                                                                                 27

3.7       Reliability of the study                                                                                              28

3.8       Method of Data Analysis                                                                                            28

3.9       Model specification                                                                                                    28


4.0       Data Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation                                                          30

4.1       Data Presentation and Analysis                                                                                  30

4.2       Hypotheses Testing                                                                                                    34

4.2.1 Research Hypothesis One                                                                                              34

4.2.2    Test of Hypothesis Two                                                                                              36

4.2.3    Test of Hypothesis Three                                                                                            38

4.4    Discussion of Findings                                                                                                  40


5.0       Summary of findings, conclusion and recommendations                                          41

5.1       Summary of Findings                                                                                                 41

5.2       Conclusions                                                                                                               41

5.3       Recommendations                                                                                                      42










Table 4.1:              Distribution of questionnaires                                             30

Table 4.2:              Distribution of respondents by sex                                      31

Table 4.3:              Distribution of respondents by status in the corporation  32

Table 4.4:              Distribution of respondents based on year in service     32

Table 4.5:              Distribution of respondents by educational level             33

  Table 4.6:             Regression results of the effect of Test marketing on new product quality                                                              35

Table 4.7:              Regression results of the effect of Test marketing on new           product acceptance                                                               37

   Table 4.8:             Regression results of the effect of Test marketing on new       product performance                                                               39









1.1 Background of Study

Test marketing is a tool used by companies when they are launching a new product or marketing campaign to provide the company insight into the probable market success of the new product or effectiveness of the marketing campaign. Test marketing can be used by a business to evaluate factors such as the performance of the product, customer satisfaction or acceptance of the product, the required level of material support for the full launch and distribution requirements for a full launch Shawn Grimsley, (2003). Test marketing is distinguished by the fact that the test cities represent the national market. The consumer must make the decision herself, must pay his or her own money, and the test product must compete with the existing products in the actual marketing environment. For these and other reasons, a market test is meant to serve as an accurate simulation of the national market and serves as a method for reducing risk. It should enhance the new product's probability of success and allow for final adjustment in the marketing mix before the product is introduced on a large scale. Boundless Marketing. Boundless, (2014).

Concept testing involves the process of using quantitative method, qualitative methods to evaluate consumer to product idea prior to the introduction of the new product to the market Moore, William L (1982). Once the product has been developed, it is put to test; test marketing is one of the important stages in product development process. It lets marketers know about the performance and the future of the product in the market under this; the product is actually introduced in the market, the 4ps – product, price, place and promotion of marketing are put to test the cost incurred in the test marketing which may vary with the type of the product is analyzed. Test marketing is like someone trying to test the water before jumping into the river Meeta Pradhan (2013). Test marketing is a technique used during product development to determine how people respond to a product Mary Mc Mahon (2003).

Today’s business environment is rapidly changing, therefore to survive and stay competitive; a company would definitely benefit by knowing that product innovation is one of the key concepts for surviving and staying competitive Gagne and Discenza (1995) Over the past two decades, several studies have shown that product development has become an increasingly important medium in developing and sustaining a strong position in an increasingly competitive business arena. Duysters,van Weele et al, (2008). Axarloglou (2004) added to this statement by saying in his research that product innovation and new products also intensify the market competition. Intense competition in many industries forces firms to develop more products in less time. Lin, Chai,et al  (2006) Cross and Sivaloganathan (2007) however posited that new product development is a very complex process that requires industry-specific knowledge to produce commercially feasible solutions. This specialist knowledge is what enables marketers to develop competitive advantage in their marketplace. Duysters, et al.(2008) continued by stating that because of the increased importance of specialist knowledge, the demands on product development performance, in terms of speed, accuracy, and cost have become higher. De Toni and Nassimbeni (2003) further suggested that effective new product development has become the central point of competitiveness in many industries, particularly those where product life has shortened, competition increased on a global basis, and customer demand for greater product variety has grown. Chen, et al. (2007) stated another important issue, the selection of the right set of new product development.

This is critical to a company’s long-term success, a company must respond quickly to dynamic customer needs, increased complexity of product design and rapidly changing technologies. According to Lin, et al. (2006) product development undergoes new trends such as scattered product development, cross functional team, and simultaneous product development because of fragmented and demanding markets, increasing technical intensity, and short product life cycles. These new trends have increased the complexity and uncertainty of product development Lin, et al., (2006). New product introductions are of course common in most markets Hitsch, (2006). However, because of the complex NPD process many of these new products fail, and the high failure rate of new product development projects suggested that NPD is a challenging pursuit Shahrul-Yazid and Nooh, (2007).  In business new product development is the complete process of bringing a new product to market. New product development is described in the literature as the transformation of a market opportunity into a product available for sale Krishnan.v.ulrich,et al  (2001) and it can be tangible (that is, something physical you can touch) or intangible (like a service, experience, or belief). A good understanding of customer needs and wants, the competitive environment and the nature of the market represent the top required factors for the success of a new product Kenneth B.kahn (2013).

1.2 Statement of Problem

According to Fader, Hardie,et al (2004) there has always been an interest shared by academicians and practitioners in the matter of forecasting new product sales. However estimations are not straightforward, according to Shahrul-Yazid and Nooh (2007) the common traits of business analysis issues (e.g. sales projections) are their high uncertainty, high ambiguity and their risky characteristics. As earlier stated, new product introductions are common and an essential part for many businesses. Many of these new products fail, and soon exit from the market after been launch. These product failures are costly, as the development costs and marketing costs during the launch period can no longer be recovered. (Hitsch, 2006) A possible explanation for these problem could be related to what has been stated earlier by Cross and Sivaloganathan (2007), De Toni and Nassimbeni (2003) and Lin, et al. (2006) who all argued that (NPD) is a very complex process and that firms are often uncertain about the demand and profitability of their new products, and therefore they launch products that could fail. Base on the above, the problem of this study is to ascertain how test marketing can be used to measure quality, acceptance and performance within a marketing environment.

1.3 Objective of the Study

The general objective of this study is to examine the effect of test marketing on new product performance.

The Specific Objectives are; to:

               i.         Examine how test marketing can be used to measure new product quality

             ii.         Examine how test marketing can be used to measure new product acceptance.

           iii.         Examine the effect of test marketing on new product substitute.

1.5 Research Questions.

            i.         How does test marketing help to measure new product quality?

          ii.         How does test marketing help to measure new product acceptance?

         iii.         How does test marketing help to measure new product substitute?

1.6 Research Hypotheses.

The following hypotheses are to be tested in the course of this work

Ho1:  Test marketing can not be significantly used to measure new product quality

Ho2:  Test marketing cannot be significantly use to measure new product acceptance

Ho3: There is no significant relationship between test marketing and new product substitute.

1.7 Significance of the Study

This study will be of great significance. To organization in order to minimize the opportunity cost involved in the failure of mass lunch of a new product. The result of test marketing exercise can provide information regarding “go or no-go”

Market decisions. Imagine when a no-go market product is lunched to the mass market without test and if it falls, its cost to business will be huge. It will provide marketers in 7up bottling company guide to make decision with regards to market demand, customer taste, and actual price for the new products. Some organizations disregard test marketing as an important exercise before lunching a new product, this study provides useful insight for such organization to consider test marketing as an effective way of gaining competitive advantage and increasing sales volume.

Some organizations operate without thinking of a way to advance their existing products or modify their offers; this study will help organization improve their innovative mind.

1.8 Scope of the Study

This study centre on the effect of test marketing on new product development which was carried out in Umuahia using 7up bottling company as a case study

1.9 Limitations of the Study

This study has some limitation identified in the research.  However, the researcher believes that there are other factors which could still serve as barriers in the study which were not included in this research. The following limitation pave ways for further studies;

i.               Time Constraint:  The researcher would have like to research more on this study but has faced the challenging drawback of time in the course of the study.

ii.             Material Constraint: The researcher willingness to make broader researcher on this study were limited has a result of material constraint.

iii.           Financial Constraint:   The researcher financial capability limited further research on this study.


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