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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007730

No of Pages: 154

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

Price :


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This study investigated the impact of team-based management on the organizational performance of selected deposit-money banks in South East Nigeria. Specific objectives included assessing the influence of cohesive leadership, role integration, mutual communication, collaboration, and identifying challenging factors affecting team-based management. Six hypotheses were formulated to explore the relationships between various aspects of team-based management and organizational performance indicators. These hypotheses tested the significance of cohesive leadership, role integration, mutual communication, collaboration, and challenging factors on market share, profitability, revenue growth, customer satisfaction, and effectiveness of selected deposit-money banks. A descriptive survey design was employed for this study to gather comprehensive insights into the impact of team-based management on organizational performance. Both primary and secondary data were utilized. Primary data were collected through surveys, including oral interviews and questionnaires, while secondary data were obtained from various sources such as journals, published works, and online materials. The population comprised staff from selected deposit-money banks in South East Nigeria. A sample size of 392 respondents was determined using the Taro Yamane formula, employing stratified random sampling techniques. The collected data underwent both descriptive and inferential statistical analyses. Descriptive statistics, including tables and percentages, were used, along with inferential methods such as Spearman correlation, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and linear regression to test the formulated hypotheses. The study revealed significant relationships between cohesive leadership and market share, role integration and profitability, mutual communication and revenue growth, team-based management and customer satisfaction, as well as collaboration and effectiveness of the selected deposit-money banks. Additionally, challenging factors like team size, leadership, trust, heterogeneity, and commitment were identified as significant in influencing team-based management. The findings underscored the importance of team-based management in enhancing organizational performance among deposit-money banks in South East Nigeria. Factors such as cohesive leadership, role integration, mutual communication, effective collaboration, and addressing challenging factors contribute to improved performance. Based on the findings, recommendations were made to encourage open communication, sustain team-based management practices, foster collaboration, integrate teamwork into organizational philosophy, promote participative leadership styles, and proactively manage teams to enhance organizational performance among deposit-money banks.









1.1       Background of the Study

1.2       Statement of the Problem

1.3       Objectives of the Study

1.4       Research Questions

1.5       Research Hypotheses

1.6       Significance of the Study

1.7       Scope of the Study

1.8       Limitations of the Study

1.9       Brief Profile of the Organizations under Study

1.10     Operational Definition of Terms




2.1       Conceptual Framework

2.1.1    Team-based management

2.1.2    Uses of teams/teamwork in organizations

2.1.3    Types of teams

2.1.4    Team development

2.1.5   Team cohesiveness Factors influencing team cohesiveness

2.1.6    Team effectiveness Components of team effectiveness Team effectiveness model

2.1.7    Team members’ commitment

2.1.8    Framework for understanding teams and team performance

2.1.9    Team-based management and organizational performance

2.1.10  Measuring market share as part of organizational performance

2.1.11  Measuring profitability as part organizational performance

2.1.12  Measuring effectiveness as part organizational performance

2.2       Theoretical Framework

2.2.1    Human relation theory

2.2.2    Goal setting theory

2.2.3    Human capital theory

2.2.4    System theory

2.3       Empirical Review

2.4       Summary of the Reviewed Related Literature

2.5       Gap in Literature




3.1       Research Design

3.2       Area of Study

3.3       Sources of Data

3.4       Population of the Study

3.5       Sample Size Determination

3.6       Sampling Technique and Procedure

3.7       Description of Research Instrument

3.8       Validity of the Instrument

3.9       Reliability of the Instrument

3.10     Method of Data Analysis




4.1       Presentation of Results

4.1.1    Return rate of questionnaire

4.1.2    Demographic characteristics of the respondents

4.1.3    Presentation of responses based on objectives

4.2       Test of Hypotheses

4.2.1    Test of hypothesis one

4.2.2    Test of hypothesis two

4.2.3    Test of hypothesis three

4.2.4    Test of hypothesis four

4.2.5    Test of hypothesis five

4.2.6    Test of hypothesis six

4.3       Discussion of Findings

4.3.1    To ascertain the extent cohesive leadership system affects market share of

selected deposit-money banks

4.3.2    To determine the degree role integration system affects profitability of selected

deposit-money banks

4.3.3    To evaluate the extent mutual communication affects revenue growth of selected

deposit-money banks

4.3.4    To establish the relationship between team-based management system and

customer satisfaction in the selected deposit-money banks

4.3.5    To examine the effect of collaboration on effectiveness of selected deposit-money


4.3.6    To ascertain the challenging factors affecting team-based management system of

selected deposit-money banks




5.1       Summary of Findings

5.2       Conclusion

5.3       Recommendations

5.4       Contribution to Knowledge

5.5       Suggestion for Further Studies


APPENDIX 1: Questionnaire

APPENDIX 2: Regression Results for Test of Hypothesis Three

APPENDIX 3: Regression Results for Test of Hypothesis Five

APPENDIX 4: ANOVA Descriptive Statistics Result for Hypothesis Five

APPENDIX 5: Deposit-Money Bank Branches Surveyed







Table 2.1: Inside the team factors and dimensions

Table 3.1: Population of Selected Deposit-Money Banks

Table 3.2: Sample Size Extracted From Each Selected Deposit-Money Banks

Table 3.3: Reliability Tests for Week 1

Table 3.4: Reliability Tests for Week 2

Table 4.1: Return rate of questionnaire

Table 4.2: Respondents’ distribution by department

Table 4.3: Distribution of respondents by job position

Table 4.4: Distribution of respondents by length of service

Table 4.5: Gender distribution of respondents

Table 4.6: Extent cohesive leadership affects market share (n = 354)

Table 4.7: Degree role integration system affects profitability (n = 354)

Table 4.8: Extent mutual communication affects revenue growth (n = 354)

Table 4.9: Relationship between team-based management system and customer satisfaction (n = 354)

Table 4.10: Effect of collaboration on effectiveness (n = 354)

Table To challenging factors affecting team-based management system   (n = 354)

Table 4.12: Correlation result for hypothesis one

Table 4.13: Correlation result for hypothesis two

Table 4.14: Regression result for hypothesis three

Table 4.15: Correlation result for hypothesis four

Table 4.16: Regression result for hypothesis five

Table 4.17: ANOVA results for test of hypothesis six






Figure 2.1: Four types of teams

Figure 2.2: Types of groups and teams in organizations

Figure 2.3: Stages of group/team development

Figure 2.4: Factors affecting team cohesiveness

Figure 2.5: Team effectiveness model

Figure 2.6: Key roles of teams

Figure 2.7: Effect of group processes

Figure 2.8: The GRPI model of team effectiveness–Rubin, Plovnick, and Fry model (1977)

Figure 2.9: Cohesiveness

Figure 2.10: Goal setting

Figure 4.1: Analysis of questionnaire distributed to banks selected for this study

Figure 4.2: Analysis of respondents’ distribution by department

Figure 4.3: Analysis of respondents’ distribution by job position

Figure 4.4: Analysis of distribution of respondents by length of service

Figure 4.5: Analysis of gender distribution of respondents











In recent times, many organizations have adopted teamwork as an essential factor in achieving its success and their mission statements are centered on words such as collaboration, cooperation, coordination, and communication. Designing employee’s responsibilities and function around teams has become increasingly popular among organizations (Morgeson, Derue and Karam, 2010). Hills (2007) asserted that most organizations use some forms of team-orientated work to accomplish its goals. Andrew (2016) defined team-based management as approaches were action plan and performances metric are structured around teams rather than individual. In other word, teams are held accountable for plans and results. The elements of team-based organisations include employee empowerment, mutual trust, goal setting, shared leadership and accountability.


Teamwork is regarded as an operational term that focuses on one of the several strategies of work organization. Anujah (2013) describes teamwork as a Human Resource Management exercise that increases an organization’s competitive advantage. Nevertheless, teamwork remains a term used to explain various part of working conditions, for instance job satisfaction, job autonomy, members commitment and work intensity. Team work involves the grouping of employees into cohesive group so as to achieve a clearly defined task. Hence, management emphasizes the importance of teamwork and sought after applicants that have the capacity to work with others during recruitment process. Delarue, Hootegem, Procter and Burridge (2008), claimed that teamwork has developed as one of the most effective ways of structuring work. In recent times, teamwork has gone beyond individual hiding in a group but rather as a means of dividing task and duties to members of a work group. The approval of the concept of teamwork is quite intriguing itself. This is due to the fact that the primary basis of Human Resource Management in connection with work organizations has been the pursuit for personal accomplishment (Dodge, Sherwood and Shomaker, 2012).

Nzewi, Chiekezie and Nnesochi (2015) posit that accomplishment of task either individually or in group has been seen as a method of enhancing organizational functioning at suitable levels of both operational costs and productivity. This practice has hardly changed in many organizations especially in the developing countries where individual competence is still preferable.  Despite the fact that in today’s business environment, individual-based task performance is regarded as essential, it has also been regarded as inadequate to provide high-quality delivery. This can be represented by maxims such as:

               i.         Keeping together is progress.

              ii.         Two heads are better than one.

            iii.         Working together is success.


Therefore, desire of every organization is to achieve its desired goals and objectives and to do so, the present pursuit of human resource management is to attain an interactive excellence through teamwork. As a result of this, the process through which teamwork is introduced into an organization’s plan, and the positive and negative impact of teamwork on organizational performance has generated a lot of research attention mostly in the training and manufacturing industries. Gradually, this research attention is being extended to the banking industry and it is beginning to gain momentum. This is due to the phenomenal growth in almost every part of the world of the banking industry. In Nigeria, the concept of teamwork has been of great benefit in most organizations. Its implementation however, has faced a number of limitations ranging from problem of Poor team building, team compositions, management of team and low morale which negatively affect employee performance and the organization at large (Boakye, 2015).  Mbinya (2013) affirms that most organizations have to embrace teamwork so as to achieve their organizational target. The principle of teamwork is that workload is minimised and splinted into pieces of work for everyone to participate. The retrogressive development in most organizations today can be attributed to lack of teamwork among workers which on the long run have negative effect on organisational performance. Gross amount of money is equally lost as a result of teamwork inadequacies which could have far-reaching effects on the advancement of the organization. Therefore, organisations are looking for positive synergy that will help increase its performance.


Bank performance is the ability of a bank to make profit from a specific source of income and create revenue from a stated amount of asset. The substantial use of teams creates the likelihood of an organization to make greater outputs with less or no rise in inputs (Robbins, Judge and Vohra, 2012).  Nevertheless, organizations have studied several performance indicators but for the purposes of this research work, the financial and operational outcomes would be investigated. The use of team-based management in deposit-money banks will significantly improve customer’s satisfaction, speed and efficiency in service delivery, service quality, employee job satisfaction and decision making. However, for the benefits of using teamwork in an organization to be guaranteed, it must be properly managed because teams and teamwork are also prone to some significant drawbacks such as social loafing, labour turnover, and problems associated with group decision making, if not properly managed.




The banking industry in Nigeria is a place where the use of team is an endearing operational approach. The industry sees itself as a big team often organized into four sub-teams (management, operation, marketing and customer service) to ensure effective performance. Operating in an environment with serious competitions and different challenges and still expect to perform well, the banking industry culturally educate their employees on the importance of team work and commitment to team tasks as this helps to ensure continuous patronage and increase profit. Despite the fact that Work groups in the banking industry appear to work collaboratively in order to be successful, the banking industry still experience rise and fall like other Nigerian Business Enterprises. This could be as a result of the fact that so much importance is still placed on individual performance or it could be as a result of lack of teamwork among employees and poor management of teams in organizations. These  problems range from lack of cohesive leadership ,low level of communication, self-dominance, separation or low integrations and collaboration thereby posing threats such as; social loafing and problem of group decision making, low return on investment as well as business failure. For such organizations to excel in their operations there is need for teamwork cohesiveness among employees within the organization. Their cooperation in this respect has to be aroused. This makes it imperative to determine the relationship between team-based management and performance of selected deposit-money banks in South East Nigeria.


The broad objective of this study was to examine the effect of team-based management on organizational performance. The specific objectives of this study are to:

               i.         Ascertain the extent to which cohesive leadership system affect the market share of the selected deposit-money  banks in South East, Nigeria.

              ii.         Determine the degree to which role integration system affect the profitability of the selected deposit-money banks in South East Nigeria.

            iii.         Evaluate the extent to which mutual communication affects the revenue growth of the selected deposit-money banks in South East, Nigeria.

            iv.         Establish the relationship between team-based management system and customer satisfaction of the selected deposit-money banks in South East, Nigeria.

              v.         Examine the effect of collaboration on the effectiveness of the selected deposit-money banks in South East, Nigeria.

            vi.         Ascertain the challenging factors affecting team-based management system of the selected deposit-money banks in South East, Nigeria.



As a follow-up to the objectives of this study, the following tentative questions were raised here under:

               i.         To what extent does cohesive leadership system relates to market share of the selected deposit-money banks in South East, Nigeria?

              ii.         Does role integration system relate to profitability in the selected deposit-money banks in South East, Nigeria?

            iii.         To what extent does mutual communication affect revenue growth of the selected deposit-money banks in South East, Nigeria?

            iv.         What is the relationship between team-based management system and customer satisfaction of the selected deposit-money banks in South East, Nigeria?

              v.         What is the effect of collaboration on the effectiveness of the selected deposit-money banks in South East Nigeria?

            vi.         What are the challenging factors affecting team-based management system of the selected deposit-money banks in South East Nigeria?



The following research hypotheses are formulated as a follow-up to the questions above:

Ho1: There is no significant relationship between cohesive leadership system and market share in the selected deposit-money banks in South East Nigeria. 

Ho2: There is no significant relationship between role integration system and profitability in the selected deposit-money banks in South East Nigeria.

Ho3: Mutual communication does not affect the revenue growth of the selected deposit-money banks in South East Nigeria.

Ho4: There is no significant relationship between team-based management system and customer satisfaction in the selected deposit-money banks in South East Nigeria.

Ho5: Collaboration has no significant effect on the effectiveness of the selected deposit-money banks in South East Nigeria.

Ho6: Team Size, team leadership, trust, team heterogeneity and commitment are not challenging factors affecting team-based management system in the selected deposit-money banks in South East Nigeria.



The outcomes of this research will be beneficial to the following:

Management: this study will enable management of the banks to understand the effect of using teams to enhance organisational effectiveness as well as performance and find solution to the problems surrounding teamwork.


Academic: related issues that were raised within this study shall contribute significantly to the volume of literature available and open up ground for further research. In academics, the unknown is never exhausted, as the list of what we do not know could go on forever.  Therefore, as a contribution to this area, it will help to push the frontiers of knowledge.


Organisation: this study will unarguably harmonize interpersonal relationship among employers, employees and team members in organizations as well as aid government in making policies.



The study critically analyzes the impact of team-based management system on organizational performance which involves unit, context and geographic scope. Under the unit scope, the study targeted the banking industry in Nigeria. Furthermore, for purposes of research convenience and generalization, the study used some selected deposit-money banks operating in South East of Nigeria. These banks include: Access Bank, Eco Bank, First Bank, Fidelity Bank, Diamond Bank, Guaranty Trust Bank, First City Monument Bank, Skye Bank, Zenith Bank and United Bank of Africa. These banks were selected because of their financial stability and market share. For the contextual scope, the study covered the impact of teamwork on organizational performance, profitability, market share, revenue growth, and effectiveness of deposit-money Banks in Nigeria. Finally, under the geographical scope, the study used some selected deposit-money banks operating in South Eastern Geo-Political Zone of Nigeria whose population is over 16 million (NPC, 2006). The zone comprises of five states namely; Abia, Ebonyi, Anambra, Imo and Enugu.


The researcher encountered a number of constraining factors in the process. Specifically, the key constraint was difficulties with gaining access to vital information about the organizations under study as the organizations were reluctant in releasing important financial documents such as annual reports. Also there was unwillingness on the part of some respondents to give the required information to the researcher for fear of being victimized. However, all these were mitigated by having constant follow up to ensure that annual reports were released as well as respondent responded to the questions accordingly.



(i)   Access Bank Plc

Access Bank was given a banking license in 1988 and began operation as a private commercial bank in 1989. In 1998, the Bank changed to a public Limited Liability company as well as it was quoted on the Nigeria stock Exchange. In 2001, Access Bank Secured a License from the Central Bank of Nigeria for Universal Banking. Access Bank has over 305 branches and service channels across Nigeria, seven subsidiaries within East Africa, United Kingdom and West Africa as well as offices in the Lebanon, Republic of China, India and United Arab Emirates which are served through four business units: Commercial, Personal, Corporate and Investment banking and Business. Access Bank has over 830,000 shareholders who are Nigerian and International Investors.  In the last ten years, the Bank has been ranked among Africa's top 20 banks. Today, the bank is among the five largest banks in Nigeria in terms of loan, assets, deposits and branch network. The bank’s 2017 financial statement revealed the following; gross earnings N459,075,779, profit before tax N80,072,480, profit after tax N61,990,852, customer’s deposits N2,244,879,075, let Loans and advances N2,064,101,703, shareholders’ funds N515,447,409, total assets N4,102,242,820. The Bank’s main focus is on mainstreaming sustainable business practices.

(ii)   Diamond Bank Nigeria Plc

Diamond Bank Plc was incorporated in 1990, started operation in 1991 as a private limited liability company in 1991 and became a universal bank in 2001. In 2005, the bank became a public limited company. The Bank provides services for more than 150,000 businesses of different size including micro small and medium-scale enterprises. Diamond Bank has over 271 branches across Nigeria, a subsidiary in the UK and the Bank is also listed on the Nigerian and London Stock Exchange. Diamond banks, gross earnings in 2017 was N184.06billion, growth in interest income was N145.32billion, net interest income rose to N98.28billion from N96.54billion in 2016.


(iii)   Eco Bank Nigeria Plc

Eco Bank Nigeria Plc began operations in 1986. The bank acquired 100% of the shareholding in Oceanic Banks during the fourth quarter of 2011 thereby creating the expanded Eco Bank Nigeria Plc. By December 2011, the banks’ total assets was about US$8.1 billion (NGN: 1.32 trillion) with over 1000 branches across Nigeria thereby making the bank one of the five top and biggest banks in Nigeria. Eco Bank Nigeria belongs to Eco bank international; the main independent Pan-African Bank with headquartered  in Lomé, Togo, with subsidiaries in Central, East and West Africa and a subdivision in Paris , Johannesburg, Dubai and London. In 2017 financial year, Eco Bank achieved profit after tax of N20.20 billion, representing a 249.5% growth over the profit of N5.7billion recorded in 2016.  Impairment charge for loans and other losses reduced to N59.9 billion from N82.8 billion recorded in 2016. Total assets improved marginally to close at N1.830 trillion against N1.809 trillion in 2016.


(iv)    First Bank Nigeria Plc

First Bank of Nigeria is a top-tier bank in Nigeria, established by Sir Alfred Jones in the year 1894, and started operation with the name Bank of British West Africa (BBWA) however in the year 1991 its name was changed to First Bank of Nigeria Plc. As way of reorganizing in 2012, the Banks’s name was changed to First Bank of Nigeria Limited and this resulted in FBN Holdings. First Bank has over 1.3 million shareholders and more than 950 branches in Nigeria. The bank also has branches in London and Paris with Representative Offices in Beijing. The Bank has subsidiaries, Banque International de Credit (BIC), Gambia, Sierra-Leone, Ghana, Guinea, and Senegal. These were significant milestone in its agenda for expanding its sub-Saharan African. As of December 2015, the Bank had total assets of NGN3.9 trillion, profit before tax for the twelve months ending 31 December 2015 was around NGN10.2 billion.

(v)  First City Monument Bank (FCMB)

FCMB Group Plc started operation in 1977 as a stock-broking firm named City Securities Ltd and got its commercial banking license in 1982 with the name called First City Merchant Bank. The bank got its universal banking license in 2001 after which, its name was changed from First City Merchant Bank to First City Monument Bank (FCMB). In 2004, the bank was changed into a public liability company as well as listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE). In 2005, FCMB got over N16bn from a public offer towards the then N25bn target set by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and became one of the 25 banks in Nigeria. That same year, FCMB took over Midas Bank, Co-operative Development Bank, and Nigerian American Bank. This increased it number of branches from 26 branches in 2005 to 150 by 2007. In 2012, FCMB merged with Fin Bank PLC and in June 2013, the bank established a non-operating financial holding company called FCMB Groups PLC and was regulated by the Central Bank of Nigeria with three subdivisions namely CSL Stockbrokers Ltd, First City Monument Bank Ltd and FCMB Capital Markets Ltd. The Banks reported modest pre-tax profits ofN11.5 billion in 2017– compared to N16.3 billion in 2016.

(vi)  Fidelity Bank Nigeria Plc

Fidelity bank was formed in 1987 and started operations in 1988 as a Merchant Bank. In the year 1999 it was changed to a commercial bank and a Public Limited Company.  Its licenses were secured as follows; universal banking license in 2006 and International Banking License in the year 2011.  As a result of the 2005 Banking Consolidation exercise conducted by CBN, fidelity bank purchased Manny Bank Plc and FSB International Bank and became one of the largest and strongest deposit-money banks in Nigeria. In 2011, the bank was ranked as follow; the 7th most financially stable bank in Nigeria, the 25th most financially stable bank on the African continent and the 567th most financially stable bank in the world. Currently, fidelity bank has branches in all states in Nigeria. In 2014, the Bank purchased Loans Company Limited (PCSL) and Pro Credit Savings. Fidelity Bank has two subdivisions namely Fidelity Securities Limited and  Fidelity Asia Bank Limited. In 2017 Fidelity bank made a profit after tax of N18, 857,000 compare to N9, 734,000 in 2016


(vii)   Guaranty Trust Bank Nigeria Plc

Guaranty Trust Bank Plc is the third biggest and most profitable bank in Nigeria. It was established in 1990, as a private limited liability company and a Commercial Bank.  Guaranty trust bank started operations in 1991, was  publicly quoted in 1996  got its Universal Banking License in 2002 and became a settlement bank in 2003.In 2007, the Bank became the  first corporation in Nigeria  as well as  sub-Saharan bank to be quoted on Deutsche Boeres and London Stock Exchange.  In 2008, Guaranty Trust Bank got its United Kingdom banking license and became Nigeria’s biggest bank by market capitalization in 2011. The bank has more than 731 branches, 10,000 employees, 18 e-branches, 17 Cash Centers, 41 GT Express locations and over 1165 ATMs in Nigeria. Guaranty Trust Bank has Subsidiaries in a Cote D'Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Liberia, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Sierra Leone, Tanzania and the United Kingdom. Currently, Guaranty trust bank’s asset base is well above N3.75trillion. The banks’ 2017 financial report reveals that the banks gross earnings- N419.23billion, profit before tax - N200.24billion and profit after tax N170.47billion.


(viii)  Skye Bank Nigeria Plc

Skye Bank was licensed as merchant bank in 1990 with its name later changed to Prudent Merchant Bank Limited. In 2006, the bank merged with Bond Bank Limited,  EIB International Bank Plc, Co-operative Bank Plc and Reliance Bank Limited  to form Skye Bank Plc. Skye Bank has its headquarters in Nigeria, the bank has subdivisions  in Sierra Leone,  GambiaRepublic of Guinea, Liberia, Angola and Equatorial Guinea. As of September 2010[update], the total assets of the bank was above US$3.9 billion (NGN611.5 billion) with shareholders' equity of about US$630 million (NGN98.4 billion).  


(ix)    United Bank of Africa (UBA)

Today’s UBA emerged from the merger of Standard Trust Bank and UBA. The merger took place in 2005 and that same year, UBA acquire Continental Trust Bank further expanding the UBA brand. UBA subsequently acquired City Express Bank, Metropolitan bank, Trade Bank, Gulf Bank, African Express Bank, and Liberty Bank. UBA expanded its African track with the opening of UBA Cote d Ivoire, UBA Cameroon, UBA Uganda, UBA Liberia, UBA Sierra Leone, and obtaining  of a 51% returns in Banque Internationale du Burkina Faso. Currently, UBA has 18 African subsidiaries. In 2012, the bank was reorganized into a Monoline Commercial Banking Model resulting in a three stand-alone entities held directly by the bank’s shareholders – UBA Capital PLC, Africa Prudential and Afriland Properties PLC. Despite the fact that UBA PLC is operating a Monoline structure, it  still remain the parent company for all of the Group’s commercial banking activities. The Group’s profit before tax in 2017 was N105 billion, an impressive 16% growth over our performance in 2016.

(x) Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc

Zenith Bank Plc. was established in 1990. It became a public limited company in July 2004, and had an initial public offering on the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) that same year.  In 2007, became the largest bank in the country and West Africa, with total assets of 2.1 billion dollars. In addition to it 377 branches in Nigeria, the bank has branches in the Gambia, Ghana, Sierra Leone, South Africa, China, United Arab Emirate and the United Kingdom. Officially, Zenith Bank Plc appears to be Nigeria’s largest bank by Customer Deposit. In its 2017 annual report, it reported that the banks Gross earnings  was N745,189,000, Profit before tax N203,461,000,  Profit after tax N177,933,000 and  total customer deposits are was N3.43 trillion. The banks first quarter of 2018 interim report released by the company shows that the bank made ₦3 Billion Profit with a total customer deposits of N3.396 trillion.



Organization: This is referred to as a group of people who pull their efforts together so as to accomplish lead down goals.

               i.         Team-based management: this is referred to as the capacity of an individual to manage and direct group of individuals in order to achieve a task.

              ii.         Team-based approach: this is referred to as a style of managing projects whereby everyone on the project team is held equally accountable for the success or failure of the project.

            iii.         Team-based leadership: this is the ability to guide or lead an organization in groups.

            iv.         Bank performance: this is the ability of a bank to make profit from a specific source of income and create revenue from a stated amount of asset.

              v.         Team: this is defined as a group who share mutual goals, and are jointly responsible.

            vi.         Productivity: this is referred to as increase in output over input. 

           vii.         Deposit-money bank: this is referred to as a financial institution that helps to save and lend money to investors.

         viii.         Cohesiveness: this is the extent to which members of a team or group are attached to one another and, tend to want to stay in the group.

            ix.         Organizational productivity: this has to do with assessing and improving the efficiency of a productive organization.

              x.         Teamwork: it is the work done collectively by members of a group for the good of the team.

            xi.         Collaboration: this is referred to as the process of working with someone in order to produce something.

           xii.         Effectiveness: this is the capacity to produce a desired result.

         xiii.         Integration: this is referred to as the process of achieving close relationship between several departments, groups, organization etc.


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