Employees are a company’s livelihood. How they feel
about the work they are doing and the results received from that work directly
impact on organisation’s performance and ultimately is stability. An unstable
organization ultimately underperforms. The study had the following objectives;
(to establish the relationship between motivation and higher productivity among
workers, to find out any relationship between motivational factors and work of
staff and to determine how incentives influence workers approach to work and
their performance). To achieve these goals, a questionnaire was designed based
on the objectives. The finding of this study revealed that alongside monetary
incentives, another key factor in motivating employees is to involve them in
the process aimed at attaining organizational effectiveness because without
their co-operation and support a great deal of managerial energy may be wasted.
The study concluded that efforts should be aimed at motivating staff of all
level in order to increase productivity for higher returns.
of the study
of problem
of the study
of the study
of the study
of the Study
of Terms and Concepts
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The
Human Resource Management Paradigm
2.3 Motivation
2.4 McGregor Theory X and Theory Y: Vroom and
Deci: 1970
2.5 Critics of McGregor Theory X and Theory Y
2.6 Abraham Harold Maslow’s Theory of Need:
Armstrong: 2001
2.7 Application of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need
to Management: Boeree: 2006
2.8 Critics of Maslow’s Hierarchy of need
2.9 Frederick Herzberg’s Hygiene and
Motivational Factors Theory: Vroom and Deci: 1970
2.10 Application of Herzberg’s Theory of Hygiene
and Motivational Factors
2.11 Critics of Herzberg’s Theory of Hygiene and
Motivational Factors
2.12 Case Studies on Motivation
2.13 Conceptual Framework
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Data
3.3 Questionnaire
3.4 Personal Interview
3.5 Population of Study
3.6 The Sample Size
3.7 Data Analysis Technique
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Data Analysis and
4.3 Response
of respondents to the problem areas
4.4 Analysis of the
Main Data Drawn From Research Questions
4.5 Discussion
of findings
5.1 Introduction
5.2 A
Summary of findings
5.3 Importance/
Implication of findings
5.4 Implication
5.5 Recommendations
1.1. Background
of the Study
It is widely recognized in the human resource literature that
promotion of the motivation of workers in both private and public organisations
leads to a higher quality of human resources and optimum performance. Consensus
is also growing among managers about the significance of combining good human
resource performance approaches on motivation incentives to encourage good
performance. Local Government Education Authority (Ajeromi-Ifelodun) a re-known
government organisation is not an exception and the notion of workers
motivation and good performance outcomes is not new. As the organisation seeks
to improve its workers performance severe challenges exist to achieve the
overall objective of the organisation to extend adequate motivational
incentives to its entire population.
Motivation theory can help us to consider the different
investments which can be made in people. Investment in workers through
motivational measures are made today with the hope of future benefits for an
organisation. “In a world characterised by competition, customer focus and the need
for speed and flexibility, in order to get the results you want, you still have
to depend on your people to carry the day” (Storey, 2001:9). This therefore
makes it a necessity to employ “talented individuals, who need to be developed,
motivated, rewarded and provided with the organisational cultures and work
processes that will make them to be successful” (Hay group, 2000 in Storey,
2001: 9).
The study makes a critical analysis of motivation and workers
performance in Local Government Education Authority and identifies several
motivation incentives that can help boost better performance. Its central
question is: Why are workers not performing as expected? Its assumption is that
qualified and skilled workers have assumed their rightful positions based on
the job description and specification but their performance is not
satisfactory. The research examines whether this is due to limited or
inadequate motivation measures to induce good performance.
In order to do this analysis, this research used
a conceptual framework that relates the key concepts of intrinsic, extrinsic
motivators and performance management approaches to work and organisational
performance. It also engaged the use of three motivation theories in its
theoretical framework.
Statement of the Study
This study had its focus on motivational measures and the
civil servants in Local Government Education Authority is located at Ajeromi
Ifelodun (Local Government), handling affairs of Primary and Junior Secondary
school Teaching and Non-teaching Staff in that locality.
Out of a total of approximately 72 members of staff 40 were
made to respond to the questionnaires. The success or failure of any
organisation depends greatly on the type of human resources it has (Mabonga:
2000). Human resources translate all other resources in an organisation into
visible products (Mabonga: 2000). Bearing that in mind it is important that
organisations pay extra attention to their workers in order to attain optimum
efficiency and effectiveness at the workplace.
With the current state of affairs in the nation in general as
relating to the workforce motivation makes it necessary to temper this optimism
with caution. “The workers are on strike again.” Over what? “They are asking
for another pay rise after the one granted just a few months ago.” What more do
they want? These statements and comments and many similar ones are reported
frequently in the news and are commented upon by watchers of development in
various industry and service organisations. The questions are often asked as to
what workers in general want from their employers. Can there be an end to
the clamour for increases in wages? Why do
workers work and what induces them to give of their best? Money only plays the
role of common denominator of all things. There is a general notion that if
only government can identify other things that can motivate the workforce apart
from money, perhaps there will be a dramatic reduction in the demand by workers for pay rises. Less time will be spent on
the annual ritual of management/workers
union negotiation meetings (Badu, 2010).
The general problem inherent in the organisational set up is
low salaries, irregular promotional structure, lack of infrastructures and lack
of recognition of workers achievements. All these tend to dampen
workers morale and consequently affect their performance. The aim of this
research therefore is to find out the type of incentive package that needs to
be given to Workers of and whether
workers, given the right incentives other than money can put in their best to
contribute to the productivity and growth of the organisations to achieve the
set objectives.
1.3 Objective of the Study
The main objective of this study is to identify obstacles
hindering workers performance, in Local Government Education Authority. The
specific objectives are:
To establish which motivational measures are currently in
place and how effective are these.
To establish whether a positive relationship exists between
motivational measures and improved performance.
To establish ways to improve the performance and motivation
of workers.
1.4 Research Questions
The researcher formulates the following questions to serve as
a guide to the study. They are as follows:
What are the reasons for either under or over performance in
Local Government Education Authority?
What motivation measures are currently in place and to what
extend do they motivate the staff?
What alternative motivational measures can be identified in
order to ensure improvement in workers performance in Local Government
Education Authority?
Statement of Hypotheses
The statistical influence will be tested on the following:
There is no significant difference between employee
motivation and their performance on the job.
There is no significant relationship between employees’
productivity and their levels of motivation.
Significance of the Study
The findings from this study will help to highlight those
areas where there are problems among staff and thus will be of great benefit to
the management of organizations and policy makers.
The results of this study would hopefully be significant in
the sense that it would enable both the management and the labour union to
better understand how the various incentive packages could be harnessed to
inspire staff to increase and sustain productivity.
The findings from this study would help to further highlight
the likely problems of frustrations and how motivation can be used to either
reduce or eliminate these problems amongst staff of the organisation.
Scope of the Study
The scope of this study will be limited to Local Government
Education Authority located along Apapa Oshodi express way Oto Whalf,
Ajeromi-Ifelodun, Lagos State. Local
Government Education Authority Ajeromi-Ifelodun is a district office under the
umbrella of Lagos State Universal Basic Education Board (LSUBEB). The district
is handling the affairs of Primary and Junior Secondary school of Teaching and Non-Teaching
Staff in Ajeromi-Ifelodun. It has a workforce of 72 made up of 1 education secretary,
15 senior staff and 56 junior staff.
The focus of this study is "Motivation' a tool for
employee performance and productivity" in the organization. Data for this
study are obtained from responses from the workers of the organisation through
questionnaire method.
1.8 Limitation of the Study
In studies of this nature, time and finance have often posed
much limitation especially in the production and distribution of
questionnaires. Lack of co-operation by the respondents resulted in low
response, wrong information and return of incomplete questionnaires.
1.9 Definition of Terms and Concepts
Motivation: This is
defined as an encouragement in the form of rewards expected or obtained that
influenced an employee or an individual to put more on the work activities
willingly and enthusiastically.
Motive: This is internal
state of disequilibrium, which cause individual to pursue certain course of
action in an effort to regain internal equilibrium.
Production: This is the rate
of output to input in other words, it is the degree to which an actual meets
with the expected standard performance.
Reward: These are gains
that come as a result of performing a duty. It can either be expected or
Incentives: These are
payments made to employees over and above their basic pay in order to encourage
them to increase output. The payment is paid or made on the result achieved.
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