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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009280

No of Pages: 104

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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Three field experiments were conducted between 2016 and 2018, in the rainforest belt of south eastern Nigeria at Umudike, to study the response of white yam (cultivar TDr 89/02475) to slip weight and NPK fertilizer,  determine the effect of sett size and time of sett immersion in water on white yam (cultivar yandu) and examine effect of stake height on four aerial yam cultivars. The three experiments were all laid out as factorial in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Results indicated that increasing white yam slip weight from 25-45g significantly increased vine length, leaf area index, shoot dry matter, number of tubers per plant and tuber yield. Application of  NPK fertilizer at the highest rate of 600kg/ha increased shoot dry matter but, the optimum tuber yield was obtained from application of the moderate fertilizer rate of 400kg/ha. The 70g whole tuber of white yam increased significantly crop establishment while 60g sett weight increased  shoot dry matter and tuber yield. The highest tuber yield was obtained from 60g sett, although the smaller 50g sett produced similar results. Increasing time of sett immersion in water reduced leaf area index but, increasing the time of immersion to 12 hours increased crop establishment and shoot dry matter. On the average, time of sett immersion in water did not significantly affect tuber yield. Increasing the height of stake to 1 or 2m increased significantly aerial yam vine length, number of bulbils per plant and bulbil yield in 2017 and leaf area index in 2018. The best stake height in 2017 was 2m, although, the 1m stake gave similar results. Irrespective of height of stakes, staking had no effect on yield in 2018. Cultivar Adu Ugo had significantly longer vines, greater shoot dry matter, bulbil dry matter and bulbil weight than others in 2017. Bulbil yield was significantly higher in Adu Ugo  and  Adu Okai than in Adu Egbe in 2017 while, no differences in yield occurred among the cultivars in 2018.



  Title                                                                             Page

Cover page                                                                                                                  i

Declaration.                                                                                                                ii

Certification                                                                                                               iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgement                                                                                                      v

Table of  contents                                                                                                       vi

List of  tables                                                                                                             viii

List of appendices                                                                                                       xi

Abstract                                                                                                                     xii

CHAPTER 1:  INTRODUCTION                                                                          

1.1   Introduction                                                                                                        1

1.2   Objectives                                                                                                           4


2.1   Effect of  NPK Fertilizer on Yam                                                                      5

2.2   Effect of Slip Weight on Yam                                                                            6

2.3   Effect of Dormancy                                                                                            8

2.4   Effect of Staking                                                                                                 10

2.5  Effect of Variety on Yam                                                                                    11

CHAPTER 3: MATERIALS AND METHODS.                                                           

3.1   Experimental Site                                                                                               13

3.2   Planting  Material                                                                                               13

3.3   Experiment 1. Effect of Slip Weight and NPK Fertilizer on Growth and                     

       Yield of White Yam Cultivar TDr 89/02475                                                      13                                                                                                          

3.3.1  Field preparation and soil sampling                                                                 13

3.3.2  Experimental design, treatments and treatments allocation                                    14

3.3.3 Planting and field maintenance                                                                         15

3.3.4  Records of agronomic measurement                                                                15

3.3.5  Statistical model and analysis                                                                          16

3.4 Experiment 2 Effect of  Sett Size and Time of Immersion in Water                  

   on Growth and Yield of Yandu White Yam Cultivar                                                     17                                                                                            

3.4.1 Field preparation and soil sampling                                                                  17

3.4.2 Experimental design, treatment and treatment allocation                                 18

3.4.3 Planting and field maintenance                                                                         18

3.4.4 Records of agronomic measurements                                                                19

3.4.5 Statistical model and analysis                                                                            19

3.5 Experiment 3. Effect of Stake Height on Growth and Yield of Four                 

 Aerial Yam Cultivars                                                                                                 20                                                                                                          

3.5.1 Field preparation and soil sampling                                                                   20

3.5.2 Experimental design,treatment and treatment allocation                                   20

3.5.3 Planting and field maintenance                                                                          21

3.5.4 Records of agronomic measurement                                                                  21

3.5.5 Statistical model and analysis                                                                             22


4.1 Soil and Meteorological Data                                                                                 23

4.1.1 Experiment 1. Effect of slip weight and NPK fertilizer on growth                    26

          and yield of  white yam cultivar TDR 89/02475                                 

4.1.2 Crop growth characteristics and photosynthetic efficiency                                       26

4.1.3  Yield and yield components                                                                                      33

4.1.4 Discussion                                                                                                                  37

4.2 Experiment 2 Effect of Sett Size and Time of Sett Immersion in Water                    

      on Growth and Yield of Yandu  White Yam Cultivar                                                   39                                              

4.2.1 Results                                                                                                                        39

4.2.2 Crop growth characteristics and photosynthetic efficiency                                       39

4.2.3 Yield and yield components                                                                                       49

4.2.4 Discussion                                                                                                                  55

4.3 Experiment 3 Effect of Stake Height on Growth and Yield                                       

     of  Four Aerial Yam Cultivars                                                                                        57          

4.3.1 Results                                                                                                                        57

4.3.2  Crop growth characteristics                                                                                      57

4.3.3 Bulbil yield and yield components                                                                            66

4.3.4  Discussion                                                                                                                 71

CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS                                   73

References                                                                                                                           75                                    

Appendices                                                                                                                          83






                                                       LIST OF TABLES


 4.1      Soil physical and chemical properties of the experimental      sites in

              2016/2017/2018 Cropping seasons before ploughing .                                   24


 4.2       Agrometeorological data of the experimental site for 2016, 2017 and

             2018-Source NRCRI, Umudike.                                                                     25


4.3       Effect of slip weight (g) and NPK fertilizer on vine length (cm)                                     

            of white yam cultivar TDr 89/02475 at 5MAP.                                              28                                          


4.4       Effect of slip weight (g) and NPK fertilizer on Leaf Area Index                   

            of white yam cultivar TDr 89/02475 at 5MAP.                                             29                                                       


4.5       Effect of slip weight (g) and NPK fertilizer on Shoot Dry matter                   

 (g/plant) of white yam cultivar TDr 89/02475 at 5MAP.                            30


 4.6      Effect of slip weight (g) and NPK fertilizer on Photosynthetic                           

      `     Efficiency (mj/m) of white yam cultivar TDr 89/02475 at 5MAP.            32


 4.7      Effect of slip weight (g) and NPK fertilizer on number of tubers/plant

            of white yam cultivar TDr 89/02475.                                                  34


4.8 `     Effect of slip weight (g) and NPK fertilizer on Tuber weight                    

             (kg/plant)  of white yam cultivar TDr 89/02475.                             35


 4.9      Effect of slip weight (g) and NPK fertilizer on Tuber yield                                 

             (t/ha) of white yam cultivar TDr 89/02475.                                      36


 4.10    Effect of sett size on percent establishment of Yandu                                        

            white yam cultivar at different sampling dates.                                  41


4.11     Effect of Time of  sett immersion in water on Percent establishment       

            of Yandu white yam cultivar at different sampling dates.                 42


4.12     Effect of sett size and Time of  sett immersion in water on                          

             Vine length of Yandu white yam cultivar at 5MAP.                           43


4.13     Effect of sett size and Time of  sett immersion in water on                          

              Leaf Area Index of Yandu white yam cultivar at 5MAP.                           44


4.14     Effect of sett size and Time of sett immersion in water on                          

             Shoot dry matter (g/plant) of Yandu white yam cultivar at 5MAP.                          46


4.15     Effect of sett size and Time of sett immersion in water on                                                                                                                                                                                   

            Tuber dry matter (g/plant) of Yandu white yam cultivar 5MAP.                         47

4.16     Effect of sett size and Time of sett immersion in water on                            

              Photosynthetic Efficiency (mj/m) of Yandu white yam    cultivar

             at 5MAP.


4.17     Effect of sett size and Time of sett immersion in water on                          

              Number of tubers/plant of Yandu white yam cultivar.                     51


4.18     Effect of sett size and Time of sett immersion in water on                          

             Tuber weight (kg/plant) of Yandu white yam cultivar                          52


4.19     Effect of sett size and Time of sett immersion in water on Tuber

             Yield (t/ha) of Yandu white yam cultivar.                                          53


4.20     Effect of stake height on percent establishment of  Four Aerial Yam

            Cultivars at different sampling dates.                                                   59


4.21     Effect of Cultivars  on percent establishment  on Four Aerial Yam

            Cultivars at different sampling dates.                                                  60


4.22     Effect of stake height on Vine Length(cm) on Four  Aerial Yam

            Cultivars at 5MAP.                                                                              61


4.23     Effect of stake height on Leaf Area Index on Four     Aerial Yam

            Cultivars at 5MAP.                                                                              62


4.24     Effect of stake height on Shoot dry matter (g/plant) on four aerial yam

            Cultivars at 5MAP.                                                                             64


4.25     Effect of stake height on Bulbil Dry matter (g/plant) on Four                      

             Aerial Yam Cultivars at 5MAP.                                                         65


4.26     Effect of stake height on number of bulbils/plant on Four                             

            Aerial Yam Cultivars.                                                                                     67


4.27     Effect of stake height on Bulbil Weight(kg/plant) on Four                            

           Aerial Yam Cultivars.                                                                                      68


4.28     Effect of stake height on Bulbil Yield (kg/ha) on Four                                 

             Aerial Yam Cultivars.                                                                                    70









1.     Analysis of variance table on effect of slip weight (g) and NPK fertilizer  on  tuber

yield (t/ha) of white yam cultivar TDR 89/02475 in 2016.                                              83


2.     Analysis of variance table on effect of slip weight (g)  and NPK fertilizer on  tuber 

yield (t/ha) of white yam cultivar TDr 89/02475 in 2017.                                              84


3.     Analysis of variance table on effect of sett size and time of sett immersion  in water

on tuber yield (t/ha) of  yandu white yam cultivar in 2016.                                                 85


4.     Analysis of variance table on effect of sett size and time of sett immersion in water on               tuber yield (t/ha) of  yandu white yam cultivar in 2017.                                                          86


5.      Analysis of variance table on effect of stake height on growth and yield Of  four aerial                    

    yam (Dioscorea bulbifera) cultivars on tuber yield (t/ha) in 2017.                              87


6.     Analysis of variance table on effect of stake height on growth and yield of  four aerial    yam (Dioscorea bulbifera) cultivars on tuber yield (t/ha) in 2018.                                   88










Yams (Dioscorea spp) are important food crops which originated in the tropical areas of Africa, South-east Asia, and South America (Burkill, 1960). The six most economically important species grown as staple foods in Africa are: D. rotundata (white yam), D. cayenensis (yellow yam), D.alata (water yam), D.esculenta (Chinese yam), D. dumentorum (three-leaved yam), and D. bulbifera (aerial yam)(Onwueme, 1978). The yam tuber is a good source of energy mainly from the carbohydrate content since, it is low in fat and protein. The tuber also contains pharmacologically active substances such as dioscorine, saponin, and sapogenin. Dioscorine, which is the major alkaloid in yam, is medicinally, a heart stimulant (Eka, 1985). Yam is a good source of industrial starch whose quality varies with species. Apart from being an important staple food, it is considered a man’s crop in Nigeria and has ritual and socio-cultural significance; yam is the food of choice at many ceremonies and festivals, and an indispensable part of bride price (Hahn et al., 1987). Yams are eaten in boiled or roasted forms. It can be processed into various food forms in Nigeria and the forms include- pounded yams, boiled yams, roasted or grilled, fried yam slices, and yam balls, marshed yam, yam chips and flakes. Fresh tubers are also peeled, chipped, dried and milled into flour. Decaying tubers also serve the same purpose in some parts of Nigeria especially in the Western  part where it is used in preparing a special delicacy called “amala”

Many technologies have been developed in yam aimed at increasing its production more especially, in generating planting materials, which is the major bane in yam production and which accounts for over 40% of total cost of its production (Ezeh, 1991). Some of these technologies include- the traditional method (Nweke et al., 1991; Aighewi, 1998) with multiplication ratio of 1:4-1:8., partial sectioning technique (Nwosu, 1975) with multiplication ratio of 1:10, minisett technique (Okoli et aI.1982) with multiplication ratio of 1:30,  micro sett technique (Ikeorgu and Nwokocha.,2001) with multiplication ratio of 1:90, tissue and organ culture (Tissue culture) technique (Yam and Arditt, 2009) with multiplication ratio of 1:1,800, vine cutting technique (Acha et al., 2004; Kikuno et al., 2007; Agele et al., 2010) with multiplication ratio of 1:900, use of aeroponics system (Maroya et al., 2014) with multiplication ratio of 1:540, temporary Immersion Bioreactor systems (Balogun et al., 2014) with multiplication ratio of 1:1,800, and use of botanical seeds (Alvarez and Hahn 1984).

While, the traditional method involves milking, (the Anambra system), and cut setts, tissue culture technique encourages exchange of disease free planting material. Aside from the above techniques, the yam slip method is another technique that could be used in yam propagation.

The slip is that portion of a sprouted yam tuber with a small flesh that is usually discarded when a tuber is peeled for cooking or cut into mini sett or micro setts for planting (IITA, 2009).

The slip method of yam propagation technique entails the use of the cormous structure at the head of the tuber and the associated shoot that arises from it after natural tuber dormancy release. The non green, achlorophyllised slips derived from tubers of white yam show high morphorgenetic ability which is attributed to probably phytochrome-mediated responses. The direct  field planting of freshly plucked non green slips is agronomically ideal. The use of yam slip in propagation guarantees a higher multiplication ratio that is about 20-50 times more than the conventional method used (Dalong et al., 1990). It also reduces production cost to about 50%, provides practicable, clean, and healthy planting materials as well as ensures the production of more planting materials at the shortest possible time and, at a cheaper cost (Dalong et al., 1990; IITA, 2009). Little attention has been given to yam propagation through the use of slip and as a consequence, information on the use of this technique is scanty.

Growth, development and final yield of a crop depend on nutrient availability in the growing environment of the crop aside from climatic and management  factors (Baiyeri et al., 2013). As a tuber crop producing a large amount of starch, yams require high amounts of nutrients especially nitrogen and potassium (Okpara  et al., 2014). There is however, limited research  information on the responses of the various techniques used in generating planting materials in yam production to agronomic management involving fertilizer needs. Continued land degradation, rapid population growth (FAO, 1981), continuous cropping and leaching have drastically reduced the fertility status of most farmlands in the humid tropics, thereby posing a problem to sustainable crop production especially for crops such as yams, which make high demands on nutrients. Although, fertilizer application for yam has mainly been based on the application of NPK fertilizer at 400kg/ha (Eke-Okoro, 2006), regardless of planting material (Ikeorgu, 2003; Ikeorgu and Igbokwe, 2002), a higher rate of 600kg/ha has been recommended by Okpara  et al (2014) for white yam micro sett especially at high population densities of 60,000 plants/ha and beyond. Fertilizer best management practices require the application of  the correct  fertilizer at an appropriate rate, time, and place to obtain best yields.

Staking and dormancy also pose a challenge to yam production. For climbing plants like yams, staking or provision of support is necessary to help the twining yam stems display their leaves to attract adequate solar energy for efficient photosynthesis (Aighewi et al., 2014). If yams are not staked, they will be devastated by such disease as anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides.Penz) (Chadha, 2002).

Priming prior to planting is a process of hydrating or dehydrating seeds or planting materials following various protocols which result in improvement in vigour, increased germination or sprouting rate and more uniformed emergence under a wide range of field environments (Modi, 2005). Hydro priming (hydration of seed with water only) is the simplest approach to increase the percent and rate of germination or sprouting and increase the uniformity of  stand establishment under stress conditions especially in dry areas (Clark et al., 2001; Mavi et al., 2006; Berchie et al., 2010). The water imbibed by the planting material activates enzymes and facilitates metabolism of stored starch and protein (Kikuchi et al., 2006) and thus, water absorption is the most important event for ensuring nutrient supply to the embryo and to generate energy for the  commencement of seedling growth (Abebe and Modi, 2009). However, the amount of water imbibed for active seedling growth and yield may depend on species or variety and on the duration of sett immersion in water.

1.2         Objectives.

The objectives of the present study were to :

i.              evaluate the effect of slip weight and NPK fertilizer on growth and yield of white yam (D. rotundata) cultivar TDr 89/02475.

ii.            determine effect of sett size and time of immersion in water on growth and yield of white yam cultivar, Yandu.

iii.           examine effect of stake height on growth and yield of  four aerial yam (D. bulbifera) cultivars.

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