The study investigated on the effect of sales promotional on organizational sales performance. The objective of the study are to ascertain the effect of customer sales promotion on organizational sales performance and to examine the effect of trade sales promotion on organizational sales performance. To achieve the objectives of the study, correlational research design was adopted. The researcher adopted primary data in getting the required information. In testing the hypothesis correlation coefficient was used. The findings revealed that there is significant relationship between customer sales promotion and organizational sales performance. The findings also revealed that that there is significant relationship between trade sales promotion and organizational sales performance. The researcher recommends that Companies should ensure the formulation of strategic promotional policies structured to increase and improve sales. It is recommends that while formulating strategic promotional policies, concern should be drawn from the promotional strategies of their competitors in the industry.
Title page i
Declaration ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgement v
Table of Contents vi
List of Tables x
Abstract xi
1.1 Background to
the Study 1
1.2 Statement of
the Problem 2
1.3 Objectives of
the Study 3
1.4 Research
Questions 4
1.5 Research
Hypothesis 4
1.6 Scope and
Limitations of the Study 5
1.7 Significance
of the Study 5
1.8 Limitation of
the Study 5
2.1 Conceptual Framework
2. 2 History of Modern Sales Promotion 9
2.3 The Role of Sales Promotion in an
Organisational 10
2.4 Objectives of Sales Promotion 11
2.5 Characteristics of Sales Promotion 13
2.6 Measuring the effectiveness of sales
promotion 15
2.7 Sales Promotion
2.7.1 Consumer Promotion 17
2.7.2 Trade Promotion 19
2.7.3 Sales Force Promotion 20
2.7.4. Advantages of Sales Promotion 21
Problems of Sales Promotion 22
2.9 Sales
Promotion Promotion Strategy and Management 26
3.1 Research
Design 27
3.2Area of the Study 27
3.3 Sources of data/method of collection 28
3.4Population of the Study 28
3.5Determination of sampling procedure and
sample size 28
3.6Validity of instrument
3.7Reliability of the
instrument 30
3.8Method of Data
Analysis 30
3.9 Model
4.1DataPresentation 44
4.2DataAnalysis 49
4.3TestofHypothesis 51
4.4DiscussionofFindings 54
5.1SummaryofFindings 57
5.2Conclusion 58
5.3Recommendations 59
5.4SuggestionsforFurtherStudies 60
Table4.1Distributionofquestionnairesandresponserate 44
Table4.2Distributionofrespondentaccordingtogender 45
Table4.3Distributionofrespondentaccordingtoage 45
Table4.4Distributionofrespondentaccordingtomaritalstatus 45
Table4.5Distributionofaccordingtoacademicqualification 46
Table4.6Extenttowhichfinancialliteracyisadoptedbysmallscaleenterprises 46
Profitability of
small scale enterprises 47
to the Study
Sales promotion is one of the elements of
the promotional mix which is a result of the element of marketing mix which
include: price, promotion, Product, Place. Promotion is defined as the function
of marketing which seek to achieve a given objectives by the adding of
instrinsic tangible value to a product or services. Some manufactures of goods
and services who do not promote their product face the problem of their product
and service not being known to the public as a result of this, consumers may
not be able or cannot easily choose any product or services in the market that
they are not familiar with. Marketing is defined by Jeromy E., (1996:36) as task of
creating, promoting, and delivering goods and services to consumers and
businesses. Marketers are involved in marketing many types of entities: goods,
service, experience, event, places, properties, information and ideas.
Marketing management is defined by Kotler P., (2000:50) as the process of
placing and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of
ideas, goods and service to create exchange that satisfy individual and
organizational goals. Sales promotion
stimulates consumer purchase and aim dealer effectiveness. It is believed that
the survival and growth of a business organization depend on the rate at which
their products are being demanded and purchased. Companies keep offering more
valuable prices in an effort to draw customers from the competitions. A
business organization should be to satisfy its customers if it must remain in
business in terms of protecting customers safety, producing quality and
attractive goods and services and making them available where they are needed
at the right place, time and price because customers are to patronize a product
or service only when they are aware of its existence, quality, price and
availability which can be achieved through element of promotional mix as stated
by Kotler (2004) which includes; Adverting, Sales promotion, Publicity, Public
relation, Personal selling. This study therefore will provide the basic of
sales promotion for manufactured product as it is planned and used by Paterson
Zochonis Cusson Nigeria Plc.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Pz cusson plc was founded
as a trading post, called West African Merchants, in Sierra Leone by two
partners, George Paterson, originally from England, and George Zochonis, from
Greece. Paterson and Zochonis started out by shipping palm oil and other produce,
such as promised kernels, cocoa, groundnuts, and seed cottons, as well as
animal hides and skins, to the United Kingdom, and bringing back goods from
England, such as cloth from Manchester. The business proved strong, and in 1884
Paterson and Zochonis incorporated the company as Paterson Zochonis (PZ). PZ
gradually expanded its range of goods, establishing a degree of expertise in
what was considered a did faculty trading market. This expertise enabled the
company to begin expanding into other African markets and, must important, into
Nigeria. PZ set up its Nigerian subsidiary in Lagos in 1899. Like its Sierra
Leone brand, the Nigerian subsidiary at first operated as a trading merchant.
PZ Cussons Nigeria is principally engaged in manufacture, distribution and sale
of a wide range of consumer products and
home appliances, which are leading brand name across the country in detergents,
soaps, Pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, confectioners, refrigerators, freezers and
air conditioners. Problem
associated with sales promotion of PZ Cussons Nigeria, is that it
lacks capacity
to deepening brand loyalty of customers, the impact of sales promotion, unlike other
integrated marketing communication tools, work often on a short-term basis for
trades. However, the strategies may have no lasting impact
on the sales force.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The general objective of
this study is to exermine the effect of sales promotion on the sale performance
of the Pz Cusson Nigeria. However, the specific objectives include:
(i) ascertain the effect
of customer sales promotion on organisational sales performance.
(ii) examine the effect
of trade sales promotion on organisational sales performance.
(iii) measure the
effect of sales force sales promotion on organisational sales performance.
1.4 Research
The research questions
for this study include:
(i) to what extent
does customer sales promotion affects organisational sales performance?
(ii) what are the effects
of trade sales promotion on organisational sales performance?
(iii) to measure the
extent to which sales force sales promotion affects organisational sales
1.5 Research Hypothesis
The following hypotheses
were tested in the cause of this study :
there is no significant relationship between customer sales promotion and
organisational sales performance.
there is no significant relationship between trade sales promotion and
organisational sales performance
Ho3: there is no significant relationship
between sales force promotion and organisational sales performance.
1.6 Significance of the Study
This study will be quite
Significant in terms of those it will benefit and how it will benefit them.
They include:
i. Consumers: They are
the general consuming public who will benefit
through knowing their rights and available sales promotion incentives
such as free samples, price off and special sales, premium, competitions.
ii. Trade: This refers to
intermediarers who will benefit from the study through buying allowance, free
goods, co-operative, and sales contents.
iii. Sales force: They
are the sales people of a company who will benefit from this study through
commission, increase in sales and allowance.
1.7 Scope of the Study
The study is carried out
on Pz Cusson Nigeia Plc for data generation to determine the effect of sale
promotion on her sales performance.
1.8 Limitation
of the Study
The following factors affect
the research:
i. FINANCE: the
cost of money needed is too much, most especially in the data collection
exercise and visiting respondents for interviews.
ii. TIME: the time
frame given for the completion of this project work is short and hard to be
combined with class work and examination.
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