This research focused on Effectiveness of Sales Promotion on Consumer Decision Making. The specific objectives of the study include determining the effect of sales promotion on customer patronage, examining the effect of sales promotion on increase in sales volume, to determine the effect of sales promotion on organizational profitability and to assess the effect of Sales Promotion on increase in Market Share. Primary data was collected from respondents in Abia state on their views about Sales Promotion and Consumer Decision making with the help of a well-structured questionnaire from 135 valid respondents. Results from the correlation analysis on the Effect of Sales Promotion on Customers’ Patronage showed a satisfactory positive relationship between Sales Promotion and Customer Patronage. The result of the analysis implies that the higher the Sales Promotion, the greater the Customers’ Patronage. The Effect of Sales Promotion on Sales Volume was tested using bivariate regression analysis the result shows that there is a strongly positive association between Sales Promotion and Sales Volume. The value of the correlation coefficient between Sales Promotion and Organizational Market showed that r = 0.667**, N = 135, Sig <0.05. This implies that a 1% increase in Sales Promotion will lead to 66.7% increase in Organizational Market Share. Therefore, Sales Promotion and Organizational Market Share are correlated positively. As a recommendation, Organizational firms should know that market Share, Sales Volume and Customer Patronage cannot be effectively achieved if there isn’t efficient Sales Promotion. Sales Promotion plays a vital role in Sales Volume and Customer Patronage. Thus, adequate Sales Promotion strategies need to be formulated and implemented to optimize profit. Marketing research that focuses on the Sales Promotion, Customer Patronage, and Sales Volume that can be desired by consumers should be conducted.
page i
Declaration ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgements v
of contents vi
of tables ix
Abstract x
1.1 Background Of The Study 1
1.2 Statement Of The Problem 3
1.3 Objectives
of the study 4
1.4 Research
Questions 4
1.5 Research
Hypotheses 5
1.6 Significance
of the Study 5
1.7 Scope of
the study 6
1.8 Limitations
of the study 6
2.1 Conceptual
Framework 7
2.1.1 Definitions
of Sales Promotion 8
2.1.2 Effect
of Sales Promotion on Organizational Performance 9
2.1.3 Major
Types of Sales Promotion techniques 10
2.1.4 Relationship between Sales Promotion and
Effectiveness 16
2.1.5 Consumer behavior 19
2.1.6 Sales
promotion and consumer behavior 19
2.2 Theoretical
Framework 20
2.2.1 The
Push Theory 20
2.2.2 The
Pull Theory 21
2.2.3 The
Combination Theory 21
2.3 Empirical
Review 22
3.1 Research
Design 25
3.2 Area of
the Study 25
3.3 Sources
of Data/Method of Collection 26
3.4 Population
of the study 26
3.5 Sampling
Procedure and Sample Size 26
3.6 Validity
of instrument 27
3.7 Reliability
of the instrument 27
3.8 Method of Data Analysis 27
4.1 Effect of Sales Promotion on Customers’
Patronage 28
Effect of Sales Promotion on Sales Volume 29
Effect of Sales Promotion on Organizational Profitability 31
5.1 Summary
of Findings 35
5.2 Conclusion 36
Recommendations 38
4.1 Distribution of questionnaire and
response rate
4.2 Distribution of respondents
according to age
4.3 Distribution of respondents according to educational qualification
4.4 Distribution of respondents
according to years of services
4.4 Distribution of respondents
according to years of services
Table 4.5:
Distribution according to Religion
1.1 Background of the study
Sales promotion is an initiative undertaken by
organizations to promote increase in sales, usage or trial of a product or
services (Adeleye, 2006) {i.e. initiations that are not covered by other
elements of the marketing communication/promotional mix}. Sales promotion is an important component of
an organizations overall marketing strategy along with advertising, public
relations, and personal selling. Sale promotion acts as a competitive weapon by
providing an extra incentive for the target audience to purchase or support one
brand over another. It is particularly
effective in spurring product trial and unplanned purchases (Aderemi,
Most marketers believe that a given product or service
has an established perceived price or value, and they use sales promotion to
change this price value relationship by increasing the value and/or lowering
the price compared with other components of the marketing mix (advertising,
publicity, personal selling). In determining the relative importance to place
sales promotion in the overall marketing mix, an organization should consider
its marketing budget, the stage of the product in the life cycle, the nature of
competition in the market, the target of the promotion, and the nature of the
product (Nwokoye, 2000). For example, sales promotion is particularly
attractive alternative when the budget is limited. In addition, sales promotion can be effective
tool in a highly competitive market, when the objective is to convince retailers
to carry a new product or influence consumers to select it over those of
competitors. More so, sales promotion
tends to work best when it is applied to impulse items whose features can be
judged at the point of purchase, rather than more complex, expensive items that
might require hands on demonstration. Sales promotion includes communication
activities that provide extra value or incentives to ultimate consumers,
wholesalers, retailers or other organizational customers thereby increasing
growth of the market. It also stimulate
sales, product trial (Kotler and Keller, 2006). According to Shimp (2003),
sales promotion refers to any incentive used by a manufacturer to induce the
trade (wholesalers, retailers, or other channel members) and/or consumers to
buy a brand and to encourage the sales force to aggressively sell it. kotler (2003) sees Sales Promotion a key ingredient in marketing campaigns and
consists of a diverse collection of incentive tools, mostly short term designed
to stimulate quicker or greater purchase particular products or services by
consumers. Sales promotions programmes are those activities other than
stimulate consumer purchase. Sales promotion is an important component of an
organizations overall marketing strategy along with advertising, public
relations, and personal selling. Sale promotion acts as a competitive weapon by
providing an extra incentive for the target audience to purchase or support one
brand over another (Odunlami and Ogunsiji, 2011).
1.2 Statement of the problem
Despite all the benefits derivable from sales
promotion and the need to keep up with stiff competition in the market place,
many organizations especially in developing countries still fail to accept
sales promotion tool to reckon with(Katz and Kahn, 2008). It is true that
consumers of both industrial and consumer goods exhibits various attitudes and
behaviour towards the products and services rendered and offered to them. This
is basically because presently consumers’ income is low due to economic
predicaments coupled with the other environmental factors that influence their
buying habit. Many consumers prefer to spend their hard earned resources on
essential goods like: food stuff, clothes and other immediate requirement
(Davies et al., 1992). Manufacturers are faced with the problem of product
substance and competition. For that reason, many manufacturers now attempt to
stimulate and get customer attention with customer loyalty, increase market
share by using sales promotion tools on goods and services. But these has not
been all that successful due to some problems such as lack of management know
how, not appointing the right and experienced marketers or sales promotion
expert (Alawiya, 2014). When sales
promotion is poorly carried out, it affects sales volume and profit. The
problems of low sales and demand have prompted producers to use sales promotion
to compliment the use of other promotional mix. Nevertheless, it has been
observed that most producers do not employ the appropriate use of sales
promotion tools and methods, to enhance the achievement of stated goals and
have neglected the important marketing concept which is people oriented
philosophy that regards the customers as kings and the sole aim of the business
existence (Idemobi, 2012).
1.3 Objectives of the study
The broad objective of the study is to determine the
effect of sales promotion on market growth. The specific objectives of the
study are, to;
determine the effect of sales promotion on customer
examine the effect of sales promotion on increase in sales
determine the effect of sales promotion on organizational
assess the effect of sales promotion on increase in market
1.4 Research Questions
What are the effects of sales promotion on customer patronage?
What are the effects of sales promotion on increase in sales
What are the effects of sales promotion on organizational
What are the effects of sales promotion on increase in market
1.5 Research
For the purpose of the study, the following
hypotheses will be tested in null form
H01:There is no significant relationship
between sales promotion and market growth.
H02:There is no significant relationship
between sales promotion and customer patronage.
H03:There is no significant relationship
between sales promotion and organizational profitability.
1.6 Significance of
the Study
The study will be quite
significant to marketers, this is because the study would enable them to know
the need to adopt sales promotion strategy in order to increase their market
growth. Sales promotion is one of the marketing strategies that helps in
customer patronage and increase in both sales volume and profit. Every
organization that wants excel in the market need to adopt sales promotion and a
clear knowledge of this work would guide organization in making such decision.
The study would also be significant to consumers because consumers need to be satisfied
in any product purchased and sales promotion guarantees customer satisfaction.
The study would also be significant to scholars and researchers because the
study would serve a reference material for future research.
1.7 Scope of the
The scope of the study is the effect of sales
promotion on market growth. The study will be carried out in Abia state using
Nigeria breweries plc Aba, Abia State for data generation. The study will be
focusing more on effects of sales promotion on customer patronage, effects of
sales promotion on increase in sales volume, effects of sales promotion on
organizational profitability and effects of sales promotion on increase in
market share.
1.8 Limitations of the study
Perceived limitations to this study
will include the following;
Financial Constraints: To
effectively complete a research work of this nature, good amount of money is
required. Although the researcher, as a student, is not financially dependent,
she is poised to making the best use of the available monetary resources to get
the job properly done.
Time Constraint: This the period of time
needed for the researcher to source for
information. The time given for this research work may not be enough for
the researcher to gather all the necessary information that is needed.
Unavailability of Record: Lack of record has been a major constraint to the researcher.
Most of the required data are either no where to be found or refused to be
disclosed by the holders.
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